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1/2/2007, 02:26 PM
Alright everyone, I figured it out.

Remember Gonzaga's first few tourney runs and how they kept getting to the Sweet 16 and everyone loved them? Then what happened next? Everyone around the country realized "Oh, we have to pay attention when we play Gonzaga" and they haven't done much in the tournament since then, even though they're good enough to keep going.

Boise State is now the Gonzaga of college football. Everyone loves them for knocking off big bad Oklahoma, and the BCS is now set up so that it'll be easier for them to keep going than it would've been before. But in future years, if Boise State gets to the BCS, I still believe that a sound effort by a BCS-conference team will ****stomp them into the ground. We simply didn't have that performance. Other teams now know about Boise, and its just gonna get harder for them, just like it has for Gonzaga.

I'm really ****ed off that we've now single-handedly legitimized all these mid-level conference teams, so that when they're lobbying for a BCS spot, they'll keep whining about Boise State beating Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl. But when we put it into perspective, Boise State had to play the game of their lives to get past our "C" game. I hope they keep letting these minor conference teams in the BCS, and I'm going to root for the favorites. Unless it's LSU. :)

Vic n Tulsa
1/2/2007, 02:55 PM
What a chicken **** analogy! Go ask Stoops, AD, PT and every other player on that team last night if they played their 'C' game. Both teams played there hearts out for 60+ mins. OU give it their best shot and so did BSU and BSU came out on top...period! They both gave up turnovers and points (that's football!)

Quit making excuses and give props to BSU! You wonder why the rest of the nation hates OU...nut up and take it like a man!

1/2/2007, 02:59 PM
I think by "A" game he meant playing up to full potential. Anyone who says OU played their best game possible for 4 quarters last night is just plain wrong.

Without looking at any stats, I would say the defense only played 1 1/2 good quarters, and the offense didn't get into a rhythm until the 4th quarter. Not to mention 4 turnovers.

I would have a hard time calling that our "A" game.

1/2/2007, 03:07 PM
What a chicken **** analogy! Go ask Stoops, AD, PT and every other player on that team last night if they played their 'C' game. Both teams played there hearts out for 60+ mins. OU give it their best shot and so did BSU and BSU came out on top...period! They both gave up turnovers and points (that's football!)

Quit making excuses and give props to BSU! You wonder why the rest of the nation hates OU...nut up and take it like a man!

If I went up to Stoops, AD, PT, etc and asked them if they played a good game in their minds, I'd bet you money they say no. Turnovers are not a necessary part of a football game if you're playing smart. Neither is falling for a string of trick plays that I'm pretty sure I saw during recess in 5th grade.

Desert Sapper
1/2/2007, 03:12 PM
What a chicken **** analogy! Go ask Stoops, AD, PT and every other player on that team last night if they played their 'C' game. Both teams played there hearts out for 60+ mins. OU give it their best shot and so did BSU and BSU came out on top...period! They both gave up turnovers and points (that's football!)

Quit making excuses and give props to BSU! You wonder why the rest of the nation hates OU...nut up and take it like a man!

I agree. OU came out flat, but did everything they could to win that game after that and came up short. PT's performance was disappointing, but he did everything he needed to do in the end to win it. The heroics by the whole team at the end of the game was the stuff of legend. Boise made some great plays, but so did OU. The Broncos nutted up and went for the win at the end and got it on a statue of liberty (something I haven't seen since HS) to win it.

I give those kids all the credit in the world. They woke the sleeping giant, and both teams could have won at the end. That was far from a 'C' performance by our Sooners in the end. Paul's four turnovers were disappointing, but his TD passes were brilliant. Don't **** on what these Boise kids did. They came to play and they won the Fiesta Bowl. OU didn't 'just lose' the Fiesta Bowl. Boise won it.

This was the most exciting game I've ever seen, and even though the result and that last play ripped my heart out, I've got to give the credit to Peterson and his Boise Broncos. They never gave up (neither did we), and they played to win. **** all this talk about 'Cinderella'. Boise was Rocky, only they were Rocky in Rocky II, not the first one. They went the full sixteen, and when both fell down, only Rocky made it up in time. One can only hope that Florida wins the 'BCS Championship', and the BCS can be called out for the mega-fraud that it is.

Good job, you crazy blue bastards.

Vic n Tulsa
1/2/2007, 03:41 PM
True. Rarely do teams play a perfect 'A' game performance, especially in a national spotlight game like last night. The game was set-up as a Cinderella story from the get-go. J.J. Braddock v Max Bear, so everyone was rooting for the underdog...

OU because of it's tradition and history was rightly so the Max Bear of this fight and it did go the distance and then sum. I think there was no lack of effort on OU's part and they played tough and overcame a very bad 1st half and was right there in the end to win the game, but sometimes the unexpected happens and the Cinderella story comes true. Congrats to BSU, play a hell of a game and they deserve the props. OU is still the blueblood of college football and showed alot of guts and determination.

Give props to the victor and maybe we'll see you for a rematch down the road.

1/2/2007, 05:31 PM
What a chicken **** analogy! Go ask Stoops, AD, PT and every other player on that team last night if they played their 'C' game. Both teams played there hearts out for 60+ mins. OU give it their best shot and so did BSU and BSU came out on top...period! They both gave up turnovers and points (that's football!)

Quit making excuses and give props to BSU! You wonder why the rest of the nation hates OU...nut up and take it like a man!
dude if you think OU gave BSU their best shot you need to have that annual body cavity search moved up a month.

1/2/2007, 05:33 PM
also Jack. the rest of the nation hates us no more than any other big named team.

keep working and maybe you'll understand.

1/2/2007, 05:53 PM
Guys forget this "Everyone hates us" BS, it doesn't look good on your part. IM an outsider and speaking for myself, I like OU program and I like Stoops. When I was a kid I couldn't say that cause of Barry Switzer. Since Coach Stoops has taken over in my opinion, yalls program has done a 180 turn around. I admire what Bob Stoops did pre-season with the QB issue. It was what was right for the team and that's all that mattered.

The Fiesta Bowl last night will go down as one of the more exciting games for football fans ever. It isn't about liking, or disliking one school or the other. It was about heart. Heart on both teams. Oklahoma could have folded, but they didn't. they made a outstanding final drive to score a touchdown, then with a heart of a champion with for two on three occasions cause of penaltys, and made it. That is what champions are made of.

Boise State on the other hand was carring the weight of the world on their shoulders just being there last night, As the coach said in a pre-game interview, "We're playing this game for all the some schools that never got the chance." Those kids were no different that any of the Sooner players there last night. They too had heart, and they play hard to the very end just like Oklahoma did.

IM just sorry it had to end, and there had to be a loser. Cause in a game such as that one last night, one day these kids will look back and know that they all gave 100% and all came out winners.

Thanks to Oklahoma, and Boise State for the best Fiesta Bowl of all time. Everything on each side was left out on the field.

Well done guys

1/2/2007, 06:12 PM
Wait, If you are saying our players didn't give their best shot, you're wrong. What happened is we just didn't play up to our potential, that is totally different from not trying. One less INT from Paul could have made us the winner, A converted 3rd down somewhere in the course of the game could have made s the winner. We lost, fair and square to some ****ed up plays. Congrats to Boise for playing a great game.

1/2/2007, 07:55 PM
Wait, If you are saying our players didn't give their best shot, you're wrong. What happened is we just didn't play up to our potential, that is totally different from not trying.

Yeah. And that's the definition of "not bringing your A game".

1/2/2007, 09:47 PM
If I went up to Stoops, AD, PT, etc and asked them if they played a good game in their minds, I'd bet you money they say no. Turnovers are not a necessary part of a football game if you're playing smart. Neither is falling for a string of trick plays that I'm pretty sure I saw during recess in 5th grade.

But when we fake a feild goal and score, or recover an on-sides kick, well that's just coaching brilliance on our part huh?

1/2/2007, 09:58 PM
I agree. OU came out flat, but did everything they could to win that game after that and came up short. PT's performance was disappointing, but he did everything he needed to do in the end to win it. The heroics by the whole team at the end of the game was the stuff of legend. Boise made some great plays, but so did OU. The Broncos nutted up and went for the win at the end and got it on a statue of liberty (something I haven't seen since HS) to win it.

I give those kids all the credit in the world. They woke the sleeping giant, and both teams could have won at the end. That was far from a 'C' performance by our Sooners in the end. Paul's four turnovers were disappointing, but his TD passes were brilliant. Don't **** on what these Boise kids did. They came to play and they won the Fiesta Bowl. OU didn't 'just lose' the Fiesta Bowl. Boise won it.

This was the most exciting game I've ever seen, and even though the result and that last play ripped my heart out, I've got to give the credit to Peterson and his Boise Broncos. They never gave up (neither did we), and they played to win. **** all this talk about 'Cinderella'. Boise was Rocky, only they were Rocky in Rocky II, not the first one. They went the full sixteen, and when both fell down, only Rocky made it up in time. One can only hope that Florida wins the 'BCS Championship', and the BCS can be called out for the mega-fraud that it is.

Good job, you crazy blue bastards.

Amen Brother! These little kids here who are whining and ready to throw in the towel after one of the greatest games in one of the most memorable seasons are funny as hell. Amazing how these knuckleheads give Paul Thompson all the discredit for the turnovers, as though none of the other 21 guys on the field were involved in any of those plays.

1/2/2007, 10:05 PM
I'm really ****ed off that we've now single-handedly legitimized all these mid-level conference teams, so that when they're lobbying for a BCS spot, they'll keep whining about Boise State beating Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl. But when we put it into perspective, Boise State had to play the game of their lives to get past our "C" game. I hope they keep letting these minor conference teams in the BCS, and I'm going to root for the favorites. Unless it's LSU. :)

That's pretty much how I feel about it.

1/2/2007, 10:06 PM
Yeah. And that's the definition of "not bringing your A game".

So every time you bring it, you win , and if you didn't win, you didn't bring it?

I have an idea. Let's just recruit and see who can assemble the best roster of talent, and declare the National Champion on that basis without bothering to play the games. That would be awsome - no injuries, no penalties, and no need to buy tickets. Just rely on the fact that the team with the greater talent wins because they are supposed to win every time, and avoid any possibility for arguement or disappointment.

1/2/2007, 10:37 PM
So every time you bring it, you win , and if you didn't win, you didn't bring it?

I have an idea. Let's just recruit and see who can assemble the best roster of talent, and declare the National Champion on that basis without bothering to play the games. That would be awsome - no injuries, no penalties, and no need to buy tickets. Just rely on the fact that the team with the greater talent wins because they are supposed to win every time, and avoid any possibility for arguement or disappointment.
Now I think you're overreacting a little.

Here's how I read Pride Trombone's comments, with my own spin:
We were not exactly gangbusters this year; most of our wins were hard fought gut-wrenchers where we hung on for dear life or had to come from behind. They were the product of guts and nerve more than precision or efficiency. Nothing wrong with that; I'm proud we had so much guts. But we won games without being as good as some recent OU teams.

PLUS, although maybe we didn't play our "C" game, we sure did not play our "A" game even by this season's standards; 4 turnovers is sufficient evidence of that.

HOWEVER, to listen to the BSu boosters, ESPN, and the rest of the prophets, parrots, and barking dogs.... by playing their best game (a superb effort with mojo on top) and beating this year's OU team which was not at its best, BSU has somehow beaten the best of Benny, Bud, Barry, and Bob all rolled together throughout the decades.
That bizarre postulating supposedly leads to the conclusion that this win has elevated the WAC and ALL of the new young turks to eternal equality with ALL the traditional powers. That's just silly. BSu earned ITSELF some respect for sure, but they did not exactly tear down the gates of Hell or rip open the veil between Heaven and Earth.

1/2/2007, 10:44 PM
This thread makes me glad there is a next year

1/3/2007, 12:51 AM
Guys forget this "Everyone hates us" BS, it doesn't look good on your part. ....

The national media does still hate us because of the dominance of the 1980s and the trouble that followed (that gave them a good reason to hate us). They loved us in 2000 because we were the unexpected Cinderella story, and they thought it might have just been a fluke.

Now, we've shown that Oklahoma is back to being a powerhouse year in and year out. We are always on the forefront nationally. Now they have to put up with us again. With the exception of 2000, Oklahoma has NEVER and will NEVER be a media darling. Do they respect us? Sure. But a lot of the national media folks still don't really care much for us.

What a chicken **** analogy! Go ask Stoops, AD, PT and every other player on that team last night if they played their 'C' game. Both teams played there hearts out for 60+ mins. OU give it their best shot and so did BSU and BSU came out on top...period! They both gave up turnovers and points (that's football!)

Quit making excuses and give props to BSU! You wonder why the rest of the nation hates OU...nut up and take it like a man!

You're new here, so I'll cut you some slack. You just don't understand the posting personalities around here. And BTW, welcome to the board, n00b.

1/3/2007, 12:58 AM
Now I think you're overreacting a little.

Here's how I read Pride Trombone's comments, with my own spin:
We were not exactly gangbusters this year; most of our wins were hard fought gut-wrenchers where we hung on for dear life or had to come from behind. They were the product of guts and nerve more than precision or efficiency. Nothing wrong with that; I'm proud we had so much guts. But we won games without being as good as some recent OU teams.

PLUS, although maybe we didn't play our "C" game, we sure did not play our "A" game even by this season's standards; 4 turnovers is sufficient evidence of that.

HOWEVER, to listen to the BSu boosters, ESPN, and the rest of the prophets, parrots, and barking dogs.... by playing their best game (a superb effort with mojo on top) and beating this year's OU team which was not at its best, BSU has somehow beaten the best of Benny, Bud, Barry, and Bob all rolled together throughout the decades.
That bizarre postulating supposedly leads to the conclusion that this win has elevated the WAC and ALL of the new young turks to eternal equality with ALL the traditional powers. That's just silly. BSu earned ITSELF some respect for sure, but they did not exactly tear down the gates of Hell or rip open the veil between Heaven and Earth.

Yup, that's more or less it. And I don't think anyone brought their "A" game on our side, coaches or players. Maybe Rufus, but that's about it. Do I think we need to clean house? Nah. It's just disappointing, even though it does happen at times.

Since 71, do you really think that the team and the coaches did their jobs to the best of their ability? I'm sure they tried as hard as they could, but no one is gonna convince me that they didn't have an off night.

1/3/2007, 02:48 AM
This is from Forde on ESPN.com

The Mountain West and Western Athletic Conference both went 3-1 in postseason play.

The MWC's slate was highlighted by league champion BYU bludgeoning Pacific-10 member Oregon 38-8. And the Western Athletic Conference got its signature win from Boise State Monday night, but also had Hawaii thump Pac-10 member Arizona State, San Jose State upset New Mexico in Albuquerque and saw Nevada lose by a single point to Miami.

Here is another example of the media making a mountain out of a mole hill. I'll give Boisie all the credit in the world, but you cannot argue for the parity of college football with conference bowl records. The top teams in the MWC and WAC play the 7-5 and 6-6 mediocrity of the BCS conferences in third tier bowls. Second-tier bowls don't want teams from the MWC or the WAC because most of them don't bring in much cash or garner much interest. BSU is a once in a decade type of team. Their best hope to sustain their success and their only hope of a national title is to move to the Pac-10 or another BCS conference. The BCS doesn't even want non-BCS schools. They added that joke of a fifth game so the BCS cartel wouldn't get sued.

1/3/2007, 03:18 AM
This is from Forde on ESPN.com

The Mountain West and Western Athletic Conference both went 3-1 in postseason play.

The MWC's slate was highlighted by league champion BYU bludgeoning Pacific-10 member Oregon 38-8. And the Western Athletic Conference got its signature win from Boise State Monday night, but also had Hawaii thump Pac-10 member Arizona State, San Jose State upset New Mexico in Albuquerque and saw Nevada lose by a single point to Miami.

Here is another example of the media making a mountain out of a mole hill. I'll give Boisie all the credit in the world, but you cannot argue for the parity of college football with conference bowl records. The top teams in the MWC and WAC play the 7-5 and 6-6 mediocrity of the BCS conferences in third tier bowls. Second-tier bowls don't want teams from the MWC or the WAC because most of them don't bring in much cash or garner much interest. BSU is a once in a decade type of team. Their best hope to sustain their success and their only hope of a national title is to move to the Pac-10 or another BCS conference. The BCS doesn't even want non-BCS schools. They added that joke of a fifth game so the BCS cartel wouldn't get sued.

I dont see this as making a mountain out of a mole hill, I see it as stating facts that the so-called mid major conferences can beat the bcs conf teams and they did. I DO see it as you being another OU fan that is being paranoid that every one hates us. Good Lord guys lighten up, that is their job to voice their opinion and drive ratings and there is no better way to do that than take on a big time team. You think we get it any worse than miami or florida state or michigan. The only teams in my opinion that get favorable attention all the time out of the big-time programs are usc and notre dame.

1/3/2007, 03:49 AM
I DO see it as you being another OU fan that is being paranoid that every one hates us.

I am not quite sure what you are reading here. There is nothing in my post about the media hating OU. Therefore, I AM confused by YOUR interpretation. The point is that the buzz word in sports journalism is parity. You hear it in the NFL, MLB, and college basketball and football. I just think the term is least applicable to college football. Scholarship limitations have allowed for smaller programs to compete, but there is still a HUGE gap between BCS and non-BCS conferences. Example: the WAC's best teams are Boisie and Hawaii and the Big XII's are Texas and OU. Hawaii and BSU could beat Texas and we already saw that BSU could beat OU.

However, let's look further at the WAC. Here are their bottom four teams:

Idaho 4-8
New Mexico State 4-8
Louisiana Tech 3-10
Utah State 1-11

These are some of the worst teams in college football. The Big XII's worst team (Baylor) is better than all of them.

Lastly, the top teams in the WAC and MWC (the teams that Forde mentions) were all matched up with mediocre BCS schools (with the exception of BSU). If these mid-majors want to ditch the label they need to either switch conferences or step up like Fresno and play elite schools in the regular season.

1/3/2007, 05:18 AM
Yup, that's more or less it. And I don't think anyone brought their "A" game on our side, coaches or players. Maybe Rufus, but that's about it. Do I think we need to clean house? Nah. It's just disappointing, even though it does happen at times.

Since 71, do you really think that the team and the coaches did their jobs to the best of their ability? I'm sure they tried as hard as they could, but no one is gonna convince me that they didn't have an off night.

Things obviously could have gone better, and it wasn't the team's best performance. Talent correlates to on field performance, but not 100% of the time or we'd never see upsets. Yes we have the better horses and would win 8 out of 10 games against that team. And we would see that outcome with the same coaches, the same preparation, the same Paul Thompson. All the ingredients of what would produce the 8 out of 10 were there on the field last night, but the execution fell short this time.

I saw an interception on what was a very poor choice by PT, and several misses with wide open receivers. But I also saw a rapidly collapsing pocket where a defender made a play to force a fumble, and a pass tipped by a lineman that got intercepted & returned for a TD. And yet so many young kids posting here cant look beyond the surface of the statistics and want to lynch this QB who in my book was the hero and face of the team this season.

1/3/2007, 07:28 AM
I'll give Boisie all the credit in the world, but you cannot argue for the parity of college football with conference bowl records. The top teams in the MWC and WAC play the 7-5 and 6-6 mediocrity of the BCS conferences in third tier bowls. Second-tier bowls don't want teams from the MWC or the WAC because most of them don't bring in much cash or garner much interest. BSU is a once in a decade type of team. Their best hope to sustain their success and their only hope of a national title is to move to the Pac-10 or another BCS conference. The BCS doesn't even want non-BCS schools. They added that joke of a fifth game so the BCS cartel wouldn't get sued.

Good points, though I'll wait a year or 2 to agree 100% that "BSU is a once in a decade type of team."

1/3/2007, 01:00 PM
And yet so many young kids posting here cant look beyond the surface of the statistics and want to lynch this QB who in my book was the hero and face of the team this season.

Hey, I never said anything negative about PT beyond the fairly evident opinion that he had an off night. I'm still proud of all he was able to accomplish for us, and without him, we're not in Phoenix at all. If anyone thinks our QB play next year will be markedly improved, they're in for a bit of a surprise, I'd say.

1/3/2007, 01:05 PM
Anybody else hate Gonzaga basketball?

Scott D
1/3/2007, 01:12 PM
Good points, though I'll wait a year or 2 to agree 100% that "BSU is a once in a decade type of team."

7 conference titles in 10 years of being a Division I program, including the last 5. And in some of those years, they beat up on Fresno State to do it.

1/3/2007, 02:40 PM
Good points, though I'll wait a year or 2 to agree 100% that "BSU is a once in a decade type of team."

Exactly, look at louisville and west virginia, even though they are in a bcs conf. many consider them in a mid-major conf and they have done just fine. Look at all the teams fresno state was beating a few years ago, it isnt as much parity as cbb but parity is alive and well

1/3/2007, 03:07 PM
Hey, I never said anything negative about PT beyond the fairly evident opinion that he had an off night. I'm still proud of all he was able to accomplish for us, and without him, we're not in Phoenix at all. If anyone thinks our QB play next year will be markedly improved, they're in for a bit of a surprise, I'd say.

Sorry, my frustration is showing .... didn't mean to imply that I was referring to your posts.

Following several years of Jason White, PT has often looked like an inacurate passer, but in fairness not many guys wouldn't. All factors considered (execution, leadership, decision making, etc) PT a real nice job for us in a season that many had written off from the word go. If we get comparable QB results next year with the overall more experienced team we'll have, it could be a lot of fun.

1/3/2007, 03:15 PM
all things considered(3 position changes in two years, losing your job to a arrogant freshman then asking to take it back cus the arrogant freshman did something stupid) paul did a GREAT job, above all expectations. IF you had told me before the season that PT would complete almost 61% of his passes and have a 2:1 td to int ratio, I would take it

1/3/2007, 03:46 PM
one thing about PT and I'm sure it comes from lack of playing time is his going through progressions and not always hitting the primary target. This probably hurt more than normal the other night minus Malcom.
He DID to his credit find another option on the 2 point conversion which could have been our play of the year had we won.

just my 2 cents, I taught QB 101 at BYU ya know.:) ;)

my hat is still off to the guy. he saved our season and played wayyyy better than I thought he would!!!