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View Full Version : Can you imagine?

1/2/2007, 02:19 PM
My goodness gracious! There sure were a bunch of bumps and bruises along the road this year for our kids to have to deal with. First there was the loss of our first string quarterback. When that happened, the whole country thought that would be our demise. The kids then went to Oregon and played their young hearts out in a very hostile environment. They play so hard and go on to win the game, only to have it shamefully taken away by some very incompetent and dishonest officials. Then to add injury to insult, there was the Red River Rivalry loss, and to top it all off, ADs injury.

After all that, those young boys had the remarkable ability to come away this season with a BCS bowl game invitation, a Big Twelve Conference Championship trophy and another year painted on the stadium wall. Wow, thats what I'd call one heck of a team! :eek:

After such achievement, and in spite of what all they had to overcome, can you possibly imagine how fantastic that team is going to be next year after they mature even more? Its going to be another really great year; maybe even better than this year. :D

1/2/2007, 02:22 PM
You go girl! Looking forward to a great year!

1/2/2007, 02:22 PM
You are right on Mom, I enjoyed every minute of this year. Good and bad. We couldn't ask for more character in a team and the future looks bright!