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View Full Version : Some of ou people make me ashamed to be associated with you!

sooner n houston
1/2/2007, 01:03 PM
As a sooner fan.

Our Sooners just played one hell of a great game against a very good team. As they have much of this season, they struggled and fought with all they had. This game is one that will be an instant classic.

While Our sooners came up short, it wasn't for lack of effort. How many of you work as hard at your jobs as our kids did last night?

To you whiners and complainers I say "**** off dip ****"!!!

1/2/2007, 01:08 PM
I agree, but chill out. We all are mad and we need a big group hug.

1/2/2007, 01:10 PM
I agree.

Remember, we are OKLAHOMA!

We will be back


1/2/2007, 01:12 PM
Hell guys 11-3. Thats one hell of a season. Especially considering the circumstances. Sooners had a great year... and next year is gonna be even greater.

1/2/2007, 01:13 PM
I think if Bob Stoops pooped on a plate and served it to some of you guys in Louie's you'd just smile and eat it.

Sometimes complaints are justified.

There isn't a person in this world who is a bigger Sooner or Stoops fan than me but there isn't anything about last nights debacle that's going to make me say boy we really did a good job.

1/2/2007, 01:14 PM
I'm here at work logged on to Soonerfans.com while I should be doing payroll, does that count? :texan:

1/2/2007, 01:16 PM
It does get old when fans take losses like whiney babies. It's like they think they have been personally wronged when the Sooner come up short. When OU wins they act pompous as if they did something special to contribute. Yes, you spend a lot of money to support the program, but that's it. Win with humility, and lose with dignity. I thank God we have such a competitive program that brings us so much entertainment every single year. Last nights loss hurts and gives me a sick feeling in my stomach, but you have to learn to take the bad with the good.

Nate Johnson
1/2/2007, 01:17 PM
Ditto, SoonerObsession.

1/2/2007, 01:19 PM
People vent...sometimes the need to grieve outweighs the logic or maturity. We must be patient and allow healing. I just know I used to get really upset and was hard to be around for a few days. One day, it was revealed to me that nobody died, the sun came up, I have my job, my family is fine, and I needed to adjust my priorities. Maybe this doesn't work for all, but it worked for me.

That being said....GO SOONERS IN 2007! Find a QB, and we're off to the races once again. And please, please...KILL MIAMI!

1/2/2007, 01:22 PM
There isn't a person in this world who is a bigger Sooner or Stoops fan than me but there isn't anything about last nights debacle that's going to make me say boy we really did a good job.

How do you figure that Stoops lost that game last night? You might complain that the defense shouldn't have dropped back into the prevent at the end of the game but even then, it took a forth and 18, trick play to tie the game up.

Stoops doesn't coach PT to thrown balls short and they just heave a couple of more up for grabs.

Stoops does't coach PT to drop the ball on the 10 yard line.

Give BSU a little credit and credit PT for having some jitters.

Stoops did an OK job. Petersen did a good job but their QB made some really clutch plays.

1/2/2007, 01:24 PM
As a sooner fan.

Our Sooners just played one hell of a great game against a very good team. As they have much of this season, they struggled and fought with all they had. This game is one that will be an instant classic.

While Our sooners came up short, it wasn't for lack of effort. How many of you work as hard at your jobs as our kids did last night?

To you whiners and complainers I say "**** off dip ****"!!!

I agree 100%. However, a good portion of the population of this board is going to complain and name-call no matter what the situation.

Puffed-out chest when we win and crybabies when we lose.

I hate losing too but for some reason I am not all busted up over last night.

Don't tell anyone but......I loved the intramural plays that Boise ran at the end......It reminded me of being an intramural supervisor when I was a student (what a great job) and watching what you guys could dream up every week. That was high entertainment and so was last night.

Bring on NEXT YEAR...........

1/2/2007, 01:29 PM
I thank God we have such a competitive program that brings us so much entertainment every single year.

Yep. Give me the 11-2, Big XII title, season-ending heartache over the 5-7 apathy anyday.

One of these years :eek: OU is going to go 6-6 :eek: . What's gonna happen then?

I can tell you there won't be 462 people on here talking about the last game of the season.

[Clarence the Angel]You've been given a great gift, Soonerfans. A chance to see what football would be like without Bob Stoops.[/Clarence the Angel]

1/2/2007, 01:29 PM
It does get old when fans take losses like whiney babies. It's like they think they have been personally wronged when the Sooner come up short. When OU wins they act pompous as if they did something special to contribute. Yes, you spend a lot of money to support the program, but that's it. Win with humility, and lose with dignity. I thank God we have such a competitive program that brings us so much entertainment every single year. Last nights loss hurts and gives me a sick feeling in my stomach, but you have to learn to take the bad with the good.

I will respectfully disagree with you. When I see people just giddy to be in a bowl game. I think are these people really Oklahoma football fans? I see OU as more than just a happy to get there type of team. Maybe I'm one of those fans they talk about when they say feeding the monster, but that's just how I am. Do I expect us to win every game? No Do I expect better than what we did against BSU? Yes. I expected better than what we did against KSU in 03, LSU in 03, USC in 04, now saying that I'm not saying I expected we should have automatically won all those, I just expected better. There are times I think we're going to get beat and I'm not really dissapointed when we lose, or really happy when we win. I for one didn't think we'd go though UT, KSU, and Neb in 2000 and I really didn't think we'd beat FSU. I'm far from jumping off the Schooner. I'll be there each and every year. But there are times when I know we could've done better.

Tear Down This Wall
1/2/2007, 01:29 PM
It would be different if we hadn't been to a BCS game before, or hadn't been to one on a long time. The problem is, that's not the case. We've been to three in the last four years and came out looking crappy in each one.

And, the problems appear to be the same every time - not ready at the beginning of the game, secondary breakdowns, no pass rush, inconsistent offensive line play, and questionable play calling near the goal line.

If it were happening for the first time - like in December 2003/January 2004 - I'd see your point. That was the first time we'd seen colossal breakdown in big games from teams led by this coaching staff. The problem is, we're still seing the same problems three years down the road.

Recognizing there are uncorrected problems or mindsets doesn't mean ungratefulness for a good regular season. It simply means that some of us recognize that there was a difference is Bob Stoops' first four years here than in his last four years. If that makes us less "fan" in your eyes, sorry.

Maybe you should realize that not all fans wear rose-colored glasses. We thought the 2003 Big 12 Championship Game was a fluke. Apparently, it wasn't. Something has happened to Stoops' big game preparation. We simply would like to see it back. The first quarter of last night was a deja vu to 2003 Big 12, 2004 Sugar, and 2005 Orange. Not good.

1/2/2007, 01:33 PM
Faex eventus

1/2/2007, 01:33 PM
How do you figure that Stoops lost that game last night? You might complain that the defense shouldn't have dropped back into the prevent at the end of the game but even then, it took a forth and 18, trick play to tie the game up.

Stoops doesn't coach PT to thrown balls short and they just heave a couple of more up for grabs.

Stoops does't coach PT to drop the ball on the 10 yard line.

Give BSU a little credit and credit PT for having some jitters.

Stoops did an OK job. Petersen did a good job but their QB made some really clutch plays.

I agree
I didn't say Stoops lost the game for them. I think he did get outcoached. I think BSU is a great team. I give them a lot of credit. I know PT had a bad game. I'm dissapointed in the performance of the coaches and players and that's all I'm saying

1/2/2007, 01:40 PM
Well then give the team some credit for coming through this year of bad calls, bad behaviors and injuries to a BIG IIV championship and an 11 win season! It takes teamwork to make anything work and work they did!
I will be looking forward to the recruiting and cheering them on in 2007.
Go Sooners!!

1/2/2007, 01:42 PM
It would be different if we hadn't been to a BCS game before, or hadn't been to one on a long time. The problem is, that's not the case. We've been to three in the last four years and came out looking crappy in each one.

And, the problems appear to be the same every time - not ready at the beginning of the game, secondary breakdowns, no pass rush, inconsistent offensive line play, and questionable play calling near the goal line.

If it were happening for the first time - like in December 2003/January 2004 - I'd see your point. That was the first time we'd seen colossal breakdown in big games from teams led by this coaching staff. The problem is, we're still seing the same problems three years down the road.

Recognizing there are uncorrected problems or mindsets doesn't mean ungratefulness for a good regular season. It simply means that some of us recognize that there was a difference is Bob Stoops' first four years here than in his last four years. If that makes us less "fan" in your eyes, sorry.

Maybe you should realize that not all fans wear rose-colored glasses. We thought the 2003 Big 12 Championship Game was a fluke. Apparently, it wasn't. Something has happened to Stoops' big game preparation. We simply would like to see it back. The first quarter of last night was a deja vu to 2003 Big 12, 2004 Sugar, and 2005 Orange. Not good.

I do not see the same caliber players out there right now...7 or 8 of these guys are not gonna play on Sundays, maybe 2....We are actually weak in some posititions and very young in others.....It is very obvious that we cannot put consistent pressure on a QB....we also are in no poistion to win in a shootout....yet somehow we win 11 games

1/2/2007, 01:44 PM
Well then give the team some credit for coming through this year of bad calls, bad behaviors and injuries to a BIG IIV championship and an 11 win season! It takes teamwork to make anything work and work they did!
I will be looking forward to the recruiting and cheering them on in 2007.
Go Sooners!!


I'm dissapointed in the way they played last night. I didn't say anything about the season or injuries.

This is what I'm talking about some of you guys would eat a plate of poop, and smile and say well I can't complain because the last 11 times I came here it was steak. It doesn't make sense to me.

1/2/2007, 01:51 PM
Wait, have to get my OU hat... went flying in the wind!! Well, ok then! It wasn't a blow-out! Whew!!

1/2/2007, 01:52 PM
Boise State did a great job in one game. The test of a team is how they do when they have one tough game follow another..i.e. actually playing a credible schedule. Good for you Boise for playing one good game, now go schedule some legitimate opponents in seasons to follow and consistently win 10+games per year...then you have something to brag about.

1/2/2007, 01:57 PM
Boise State did a great job in one game. The test of a team is how they do when they have one tough game follow another..i.e. actually playing a credible schedule. Good for you Boise for playing one good game, now go schedule some legitimate opponents in seasons to follow and consistently win 10+games per year...then you have something to brag about.

BSU has done this. They've done a hell of a job starting as a Junior College and making the jump to Div 1. They played some good teams this year and won including us.

Looking at the results of the B12 in their non conference games and Bowl games you could say the B12 was a weak conference.

1/2/2007, 02:03 PM
The issue is that the Sooners (lately) have done "Great" but then fold when it comes to the big games -- last three BCS bowls, Texas, etc. Whatever mojo we had has seem to fade and we need to get it back. I felt sick after the game last night, but I woke up this morning just as proud to be a Sooner as I was in Jan of 01, it's just a matter of getting us back to that point.... bitching between now and then doesn't really help.

1/2/2007, 02:29 PM
I agree
I didn't say Stoops lost the game for them. I think he did get outcoached. I think BSU is a great team. I give them a lot of credit. I know PT had a bad game. I'm dissapointed in the performance of the coaches and players and that's all I'm saying

I'll agree to that.

1/2/2007, 02:41 PM
Outcoached. The most asinine word in sports. Boise made plays when they had to and we didn't. Pure and simple.
Maybe other people around the country are right after all. We have the most spoiled, crybaby fanbase on the planet.

1/2/2007, 03:00 PM
Outcoached. The most asinine word in sports. Boise made plays when they had to and we didn't. Pure and simple.
Maybe other people around the country are right after all. We have the most spoiled, crybaby fanbase on the planet.

hell yeah, everyone knows coaching has nothing to do with anything, and they damn sure don't make mistakes. I think other people around the country are right, cause if you can't enjoy a loss like that you are a crybaby. I wish we could get Boo Blake back that way I could enjoy more losses, his players didn't make plays when they had to. I'm so happy I'm running down the road with no shirt and body paint on hollering Boomer Sooner baby, we lost woot, we lost woot. But that's because I'm a "good" fan, and not a crybaby.

1/2/2007, 03:05 PM
Outcoached. The most asinine word in sports. Boise made plays when they had to and we didn't. Pure and simple.

Did Boise State lose a timeout because the coach ran onto the field screaming at the refs? :)

Outcoaching does exist. In fact, the main thing I like about football is that it is the one sport where the game regularly hinges on decisions the coaches make, as opposed to the other major sports where it's all about the players on the field.

1/2/2007, 03:23 PM
It does get old when fans take losses like whiney babies. It's like they think they have been personally wronged when the Sooner come up short. When OU wins they act pompous as if they did something special to contribute. Yes, you spend a lot of money to support the program, but that's it. Win with humility, and lose with dignity. I thank God we have such a competitive program that brings us so much entertainment every single year. Last nights loss hurts and gives me a sick feeling in my stomach, but you have to learn to take the bad with the good.

A hearty AMEN!

1/2/2007, 03:30 PM
being happy about losing is not losing with dignity, it's just being a loser.

If you were in prison and getting man raped and just accepted it, you could call it losing with dignity but the reality is your just getting screwed. :D

1/2/2007, 03:32 PM
Good gosh people. I don't see anyone enjoying a loss or wishin' for the return of Blake. Give me a break.

It was a loss. Losing sucks. The sun came up, move on . . . sheesh.

CU Sooner
1/2/2007, 03:38 PM
I was proud of the way the team did not give up. We were down by 18 but came back when we could have easily laid down. Yeah, we lost, but i guarantee there is no one on this board more disappointed than those seniors that played their last game. Play the game 10 times and i think we win 9, BSU played almost perfectly and they deserved the win. Here in Denver we remember it is just a game when a bronco is shot and killed.

1/2/2007, 03:39 PM
Good gosh people. I don't see anyone enjoying a loss or wishin' for the return of Blake. Give me a break.

It was a loss. Losing sucks. The sun came up, move on . . . sheesh.

I'm afraid the sun will have to come up few more times for me to get over it.

Landthief 1972
1/2/2007, 03:40 PM
All I can say is that it's frustrating to have all these 5th-year seniors with all the hoopla about "finishing the BCS circuit" - and they've got 1 BCS win to show for it. (And nearly all, if not all, of them were either redshirting or benchwarming during that win.)

Paul Thompson picked a helluva night to have his worst game of the season. :(

I think what makes me the sickest is that we lost on the butt of football's joke - the Statue of Liberty play. How many times have you guys been in the huddle of a flag football/pickup game and some jokester makes the suggestion to run the Statue of Liberty? The hook and ladder? Sweet, 8 lb., 6 oz. Baby Jesus, the hook and friggin ladder?!? I'm surprised we didn't get taken for 50 yards and another TD with the fumblerooski play earlier in the game.

If it wasn't so tragic, it would be hilarious.

I miss the days of blowing out 6 or 7 of our opponents by 25+. My heart can't take many more seasons like this. :D

1/2/2007, 03:53 PM
I'm surprised we didn't get taken for 50 yards and another TD with the fumblerooski play earlier in the game.

I've never seen the fublerooksi NOT work.

1/2/2007, 03:58 PM
It does get old when fans take losses like whiney babies. It's like they think they have been personally wronged when the Sooner come up short. When OU wins they act pompous as if they did something special to contribute. Yes, you spend a lot of money to support the program, but that's it. Win with humility, and lose with dignity. I thank God we have such a competitive program that brings us so much entertainment every single year. Last nights loss hurts and gives me a sick feeling in my stomach, but you have to learn to take the bad with the good.

There isn't a person in this world who is a bigger Sooner or Stoops fan than me but there isn't anything about last nights debacle that's going to make me say boy we really did a good job.

I for one am not disgusted with the Sooners (nor is usmc, I'm absolutely sure); I have great admiration for the character of our players, which is attributable to the great character of Bob Stoops and OUr coaches. I just wish we had been smarter and sharper and hungrier.
I AM disusted with the result and the scenario. It's no fun being cast as Goliath or Cinderella's step-sister, and then playing the part so well.
And we "old fans" have learned to take the bad with the good, and we know damn well that the good is better. ;)

1/2/2007, 04:00 PM
As a sooner fan.

Our Sooners just played one hell of a great game against a very good team. As they have much of this season, they struggled and fought with all they had. This game is one that will be an instant classic.

While Our sooners came up short, it wasn't for lack of effort. How many of you work as hard at your jobs as our kids did last night?

To you whiners and complainers I say "**** off dip ****"!!!

What game were you watching? We played a good 4th quarter up until the last minute, but to say we played a great game is a HUGE overstatement. I don't call 4 turnovers by PT and 2 missed TD passes a great game by our players. :confused:

1/2/2007, 04:54 PM
Outcoached. The most asinine word in sports. Boise made plays when they had to and we didn't. Pure and simple.
Maybe other people around the country are right after all. We have the most spoiled, crybaby fanbase on the planet.

Remember, if Boise had decided to go for one instead of two, then we would have ended up tied at the same point in the game. I don't see how that means we didn't make plays while they did.

I think that we missed as many opportunities as they had all game but we made just as many. We just decided to go for one while they went for two.

1/2/2007, 04:55 PM
As a sooner fan.

Our Sooners just played one hell of a great game against a very good team. As they have much of this season, they struggled and fought with all they had. This game is one that will be an instant classic.

While Our sooners came up short, it wasn't for lack of effort. How many of you work as hard at your jobs as our kids did last night?

To you whiners and complainers I say "**** off dip ****"!!!

I agree with you that some fans are rediculous, but as a die-hard OU fan who has always been loyal to OU as many others have as well, we have a right to be ****ed. I dont think anyone is sitting here saying that Stoops is an idiot or PT is horrible(although I was watching the first half with this tool who started talking about how PT was a piece of sh*t and I wanted to hit him in his face) but if Stoops gets out-coached and we get dominated in the trenches against a team that shouldnt push us around(weight diff 40 lbs avg I think) criticism is warranted...

1/2/2007, 04:59 PM
Having said all that I may add which I have already done in other threads that I am extremely proud of the way we fought back and gutted out when we could have folded. PT played a great 4th qt and we made big plays, just couldnt finish. How about walker making such a big play after giving up one earlier, what resiliance. If we can get qb settled and D-line, we should make a run at the natl title next year. BOOMER SOONER

1/2/2007, 05:04 PM
[QUOTE=Vaevictis]Did Boise State lose a timeout because the coach ran onto the field screaming at the refs? :)

You mean our coach dared scream at the stupid ref when BSU had 12 men in the huddle and one ran off and the ref whose job it is to count players didn't see but OU was charged a timeout? How terrible of Bob Stoops to point out to the ref he was blind (my word)?

Stoops stood up for his team when the ref was wrong and you criticize him? I am proud of Coach Stoops and the way he stands up for our players against the blind officials.

Someone should be attacking officials in not paying attention in a game. It had to happen a second time in the A&M game before the ref noticed. What are they there for since they obviously cannot count as high as 12?

1/2/2007, 05:22 PM
We are so spoiled. But the truth is you win some, you lose some.

1/2/2007, 05:30 PM
Faex eventus

Speek Engrisch Prease!!! :D

1/2/2007, 06:18 PM
You mean our coach dared scream at the stupid ref when BSU had 12 men in the huddle and one ran off and the ref whose job it is to count players didn't see but OU was charged a timeout? How terrible of Bob Stoops to point out to the ref he was blind (my word)?

There's nothing wrong with yelling at the refs for them screwing up. The way I remember it -- and do correct me if I'm wrong -- is that Bob saw it, and ran 10 yards onto the field to yell at the ref. That just seems like a loss of control to me.

You know that Bob would be ripping a player's head off if the player did something like that. He can take a little mild criticism from me for the same.

Texas Golfer
1/2/2007, 06:20 PM
I think if Bob Stoops pooped on a plate and served it to some of you guys in Louie's you'd just smile and eat it.

Sometimes complaints are justified.

There isn't a person in this world who is a bigger Sooner or Stoops fan than me but there isn't anything about last nights debacle that's going to make me say boy we really did a good job.

I agree. I think that 4th and 18 conversion is going to haunt me for quite awhile.

1/2/2007, 07:22 PM
There's nothing wrong with yelling at the refs for them screwing up. The way I remember it -- and do correct me if I'm wrong -- is that Bob saw it, and ran 10 yards onto the field to yell at the ref. That just seems like a loss of control to me.

You know that Bob would be ripping a player's head off if the player did something like that. He can take a little mild criticism from me for the same.

Thats why its Stoops job to handle the refs and not the players. IF the refs didnt see it then he needed to get their attention.

1/2/2007, 07:55 PM
As a sooner fan.

Our Sooners just played one hell of a great game against a very good team. As they have much of this season, they struggled and fought with all they had. This game is one that will be an instant classic.

While Our sooners came up short, it wasn't for lack of effort. How many of you work as hard at your jobs as our kids did last night?

To you whiners and complainers I say "**** off dip ****"!!!
There is no way they played a great game last night; for 40 minutes they bumbled and stumbled around the field, before finally making a game of it in the final 20 minutes; if they played decent in the first half, then they win by 10 points or more. :twinkies: