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1/2/2007, 01:45 AM
Your team played one heck of a football game and hung in there even when it looked like we had turned the tables on you...

Great call by your Coach to go for 2 in OT and play for the win...

Gutzy call IMO....I'm not sure I could have put it all on the line on one play like that...


Good Luck next year...

Maybe you can try to beat us for the MNC. :D

1/2/2007, 01:49 AM
Amen. As much as I hate you guys for beating us. I respect BSU for showing up and playing a hell of a ballgame. Your team deserves respect.

1/2/2007, 01:49 AM
Well said.

Congrats, BSU...and thank you Sooners for never giving up and playing your hearts out.

1/2/2007, 01:49 AM
ditto. got a playcalling ? though? on that last 2-pt conv. after all the trick plays they had run, and when they are loading the right so heavily, why wouldn't you stick one person over on the left just in case they try something? i'm not second guessing stoops. just wondering as a fan of football. but above all, congrats boise. enjoy it while it lasts.

1/2/2007, 01:50 AM
Congrats Boise State, I hate that you beat my Sooners but your determination and the awesome plays called in the clutch by your staff have to be admirable to anyone who is a football fan. This game, although bad for me, was a great game and an instant classic....it also screams even louder that we need a playoff.

Our turnovers helped you stay in the game, but your containment of our running game and those neat plays won the game for you. I'm still hesitant to say Boise State should play for a NC, but I definently have more respect for the program and think that they could have very well blown out a majority of the teams playing in Bowls this season had they been in Glendale tonight.

1/2/2007, 01:52 AM
It's only natural to want to flow to the play, and overpursuit has ALWAYS been a weakness of our defense. BSU knew that, and they made an absolute brilliant call to win it. The pre-snap shifting helped create confusion in our defense and make the play that much easier.

1/2/2007, 02:02 AM
that was awesome....

Norm In Norman
1/2/2007, 02:03 AM
Yep, congrats Boise State. That was some awesome coaching. FWIW, I can take this loss more than I can take the one a couple of years ago.

1/2/2007, 02:06 AM
Yep, congrats Boise State. That was some awesome coaching. FWIW, I can take this loss more than I can take the one a couple of years ago.

I dunno, for me, this one is much worse than the shellacking in that other game. Maybe its because it raised our opponent so much at our expense.

1/2/2007, 02:08 AM
***This game, although bad for me, was a great game and an instant classic....

Yeah, that's what hurts - an Instant Classic dramatic OU loss. :(

1/2/2007, 02:09 AM
Congrats Boise State, great win for a great Program.

But I am VERY proud of our Sooners, the way they hung in and never gave up. That was a game I will never forget. And I am very proud to be a sooner fan. Thanks for a great season.

1/2/2007, 02:11 AM
I dunno, for me, this one is much worse than the shellacking in that other game. Maybe its because it raised our opponent so much at our expense.

No. We played much closer to our potential and expectations that the "game of which we do not speak".

1/2/2007, 02:17 AM
Yeah, I am disappointed in our loss as well guys. Not because of who we lost to but because of how we lost. When you have the momentum swing that we did late in the game and then to not step up when the 4th and 18 was on the line, well frankly, we did not deserve this to be a Sooner Victory. Bud sprinkled as much sooner magic as he could. It just ran out a little short this time. I think Bob did a hell of job coaching in the 2nd half.

That play for the 2pt convo in OT was SICK. I mean, wow. It stung to lose, but when we lost on that play I really could do nothing else but say, wow.....that was awesome. Congrats BSU. Maybe see you in the NC game next year!

Norm In Norman
1/2/2007, 02:24 AM
um, that 4th down play was pretty perfect too. I don't like that we gave it up, but how could we expect that perfect lateral. He had already looked at 2 or 3 receivers before he threw to the guy that lateraled it. How the hell could that work without some luck? How the hell was that even a play?

1/2/2007, 02:27 AM
um, that 4th down play was pretty perfect too. I don't like that we gave it up, but how could we expect that perfect lateral. He had already looked at 2 or 3 receivers before he threw to the guy that lateraled it. How the hell could that work without some luck? How the hell was that even a play?

Nobody expected it . . . at all.

1/2/2007, 02:28 AM
They can bite me. I don't want to make nice; I worked up some Boise hate during that game and I am not ready to get over it.

1/2/2007, 02:31 AM
Norm, you have point there. I think there must have just been a general instruction to the receivers to look tolateral if they looked like they would be tackled short. I think it was a designed play and if OU had rushed 4 or 5 the play wouldn't have had time to develop.

I fully expect all teams in the near future to run nothing but trick plays against us because I can't actually remember the last time OU stopped one.

1/2/2007, 02:32 AM
They can bite me. I don't want to make nice; I worked up some Boise hate during that game and I am not ready to get over it.

Yay for you. Take it to the smack board and keep it there.

1/2/2007, 02:34 AM
Norm, you have point there. I think there must have just been a general instruction to the receivers to look tolateral if they looked like they would be tackled short. I think it was a designed play and if OU had rushed 4 or 5 the play wouldn't have had time to develop.

I fully expect all teams in the near future to run nothing but trick plays against us because I can't actually remember the last time OU stopped one.

I remember when we actually used to run a few ourselves.

1/2/2007, 02:34 AM
Yay for you. Take it to the smack board and keep it there.

Looks like you are the one talking smack.:P

1/2/2007, 02:36 AM
Am I the only one that wishes Marcus Walker actually stepped out of bounds on the pick instead of running it in for the TD? Of course, my wish is hindsight, which is 20/20. But dang, if he steps out, Oklahoma runs out the clock and kicks a FG or scores a touchdown. Either way, Boise State doesn't come back.

Tonight was a rough night, especially when you're outnumbered 200 to one in a Boise sports bar.

1/2/2007, 02:37 AM
Guess he should have downed it on the one.

1/2/2007, 02:39 AM
Am I the only one that wishes Marcus Walker actually stepped out of bounds on the pick instead of running it in for the TD? Of course, my wish is hindsight, which is 20/20. But dang, if he steps out, Oklahoma runs out the clock and kicks a FG or scores a touchdown. Either way, Boise State doesn't come back.

Tonight was a rough night, especially when you're outnumbered 200 to one in a Boise sports bar.

I was actually hoping that the review showed that he did step out of bounds.

Oh, and we kind of stopped a trick play against Nebraska on that opening kickoff. Also, Boise State tried to run a throw-back pass on us that we busted up pretty good.

1/2/2007, 10:21 AM
That 4th and 18 play is one Boise State says they practice every single practice, but have only actually ran twice in a game. Apparently, thats why they did it to perfection.

1/2/2007, 10:39 AM
I'll throw my congrats in there too. Regardless of how we "could have" played they still had to come out and make plays and they did. They had three interceptions, we "should have" had three interceptions. They wouldn't have scored on the hook and ladder if we "would have" brought pressure.
Coulda shoulda woulda.
They won and we didn't so Congratulations Bosie State.

1/2/2007, 10:55 AM
Thanks to both teams for the best game of the bowl season. I hate that my team lost, but give BSU credit...they played to win. With guts, determination and class. You deserve what you came to AZ for...the win, respect and credibilty in the fickle world of the NCAA. CONGRATULATIONS!

1/2/2007, 11:10 AM
A damn good team won in game that will be hard to forget for all of the ups and downs, my hats off to Boise...they played great.
OUr guys never gave up, and i'm proud of them...a loss sucks but the team will come back in '07 better than ever.
Thanks to all the guys, for playing your hearts out!

Boomer Sooner!!

1/2/2007, 11:14 AM
I'll offer congrats to everyone but their chest thumping white trash qb that said they LET us back in it.

They played a good game and executed, we didn't do that for the most part.

1/2/2007, 11:21 AM
It was definitely an exciting game. Obviously, I wish it could have ended differently, but no one can say that game wasn't exciting, no matter what side of the field you're on. I know how the BSU fans are feeling today and I'm happy for them... I remember having that exact same feeling myself, it's awesome.

Good job guys, thanks for a thrilling game.

1/2/2007, 11:24 AM
Great game to watch for everyone, just didn't turn out as we would have hoped. Congrats BSU.

1/2/2007, 11:38 AM
Congratulations, Broncos. Sorry you don't get a shot at the BCS national championship. However, if Florida beats Ohio State, maybe the AP voters will give theirs to you.

1/2/2007, 11:39 AM
Great F'n call, and a great game to watch! Boise should get some love from the AP, they earned it!

1/2/2007, 11:43 AM
I agree with so much in this thread. Props to BSU for playing a great game. Boy did I get sick of Zabransky's chest thumping BS, however. What a tool!

1/2/2007, 11:44 AM
Great game Broncos-absolutely sick double fake on the 2-pt convo. Well done.

1/2/2007, 11:52 AM
Congrats Boise. My Crimson hat is off to you. As was so often said during the game by the announcers (becoming trite), you ran with the big dogs.

1/2/2007, 12:07 PM
Congrats Boise.

I dont care much for your chest thumper QB but the rest of the team and especially your coach seemed to a classy bunch. Hope we meet again sometime.

Duke o Brewery
1/2/2007, 01:35 PM
I applaud Boise State. It was their night and they deserve all the praise they get. For the most part they showed class and honor. They had to be perfect, and on that night they were. Boise... You did it. We'll be seeing you again on the big stage someday soon.

As for our boys, I am incredibly proud of them all. They played with heart and skill and never gave up. We'll be even better next season. I have a good feeling about it. Boomer Sooner.

"You lost today, kid. But you don't have to like it."

1/3/2007, 03:52 PM
Yay for you. Take it to the smack board and keep it there.

:confused: :rolleyes: :P

Don't take yourself too seriously !? :eek:

MyT Oklahoma
1/3/2007, 03:56 PM
Congratulations Boise State. Good game.

P.S. Also proud that other Sooner fans are good sports and I am glad to be a Sooner.
"This is the voice of the Sooner Football Network."

1/3/2007, 03:59 PM
I knew if they scored they were going for 2. hell they could have bought a lottery ticket that night and won 35 mill.

1/3/2007, 04:45 PM
:confused: :rolleyes: :P

Don't take yourself too seriously !? :eek:

Yeah, it's called "enforcing the board rules". It's what "moderators" do.

Sorry for disturbing your nap.

1/3/2007, 04:53 PM
As much as I am still distressed, saddened, disappointed, agitated, and sometimes nauseated by the result and most of OUr performance.
I can't take anything away from BSU or say anything bad about them. I probaby would have cheered for them against alsmot anybody else they might have played. They were almost perfect and very deserving winners.

But I'm not buying any of that Cinderalla and David vs Goliath crap! ;)

1/3/2007, 05:08 PM
Norm, you have point there. I think there must have just been a general instruction to the receivers to look tolateral if they looked like they would be tackled short.
I doubt it. He may have looked off receivers, but that had to have been a designed play, with the looks to keep us off the guy until the play had developed.

We were in our prevent defense, and they knew we'd be willing to give up 17-and-a-half yards on the play. It was a perfect call.

1/3/2007, 05:12 PM
I'm not having any trouble giving spek to the boys from Boise for that hard-fought, well-played game. What a perfect end to an almost-perfect season for them. I'm sure the only thing that keeps it from perfection is that the win wasn't over Ohio State for the National title.

I'm not thrilled that we didn't come with our A-game from the first minute...but that in no way diminishes the terrific slugfest from both sides at the end.

We had that kind of focus and drive in 2000. Texas did in 2005. Hopefully, BSU will be in the title race starting next year. Not that I'd root for them against OUR boys, but anyone else...they'd have me wearing Blue for them (S***w the orange...I'd NEVER wear that).

I'm not happy about this loss. But frankly, I can't force myself to get all upset beyond the ending on a sad note. I was just too thrilled to see my beloved Sooners fight tooth and nail the way they did, to beat them over the head for the beginning. It's moot at this point, except for the coaching staff to see what they feel needs to be adjusted for next time. We Sooner fans could waste time wondering "what if", but I'm not going to be one of those. It's pointless - and I'd rather honor what my Sooners did RIGHT at this point than pine for what "could have been". This is Oklahoma Football - we don't have to say "We'll be back". We aren't going anywhere but up - higher than before.

Dang, Bronco fans...be VERY proud for your boys. Y'all did wonderfully. I'd give you a standing ovation if I had the chance.

P.S. Your horsepig is cuter, too.

Next time we face off, we'll shake your hands and say "Ready for another GREAT game?"

Thumbs way up.

1/3/2007, 05:29 PM
Congrats to BSU from me as well. That game reminded me of the 1980 USA Hockey team against the Soviets. 9 out of 10 times the USA (BSU) would lose but for one night, one game, they were special.

washington's fave
1/3/2007, 05:34 PM
I give it up to the Boise State Bronchos, they were a team of destiny and when their balls were against the wall their players got the job done - even when the Sooner players recognized the plays - they got it done!! MY HAT'S OFF TO THEM!! They remind me of the SOONERS when they had to proove it to the world after all their undefeated seasons in the 30's, 40's & 50's. GO BRONCHO'S - they will always be my favorite team after the SOONERS!!!

1/3/2007, 06:10 PM
Yes, BSU was truly a team of destiny.

Good job and great win, Broncos.......

Jello Biafra
1/3/2007, 06:18 PM
Congrats Boise State, great win for a great Program.

pffftttt.......BSU will be a mere trivia question in 5 years.

1/3/2007, 06:26 PM
Whew....I am still emotionally exhausted. That was a helluva football game. Wish the D would have played better...but you have to give Boise St. credit. I thought we would overpower them in the trenches, and truth be told, they whipped us up front on both sides of the ball. Everything had to go perfect for them to win...and it did. Great win for them...we'll be back.

1/3/2007, 07:26 PM

Stitch Face
1/3/2007, 08:15 PM
Definitely the first time I've seen my alma mater get beaten and been a little excited for the other team considering the way they played. Also thrilled with the four-quarter determination of our guys despite the mistakes.

We, the "blue bloods of college football" :rolleyes: got schooled and I hope the players and coaches took a lot from this one. BSU gambled and executed to perfection when it mattered most. Wow.

And I'll just say it, regardless of how noobish it makes me look: if Stoops leaves anytime soon we should seriously look at Petersen. That guy may be tiny and soft-spoken but his sack is inversely proportional to the rest of his mass.

1/3/2007, 08:25 PM
Wow...my first bowl game ever and it was an emotional rollercoaster. I went from upset to happy to upset to happy. I have to say those were the nicest fans I have ever met. I guess one, they don't really have beef with us and two, they all just seemed happy to be there.

Congrats BSU

1/3/2007, 11:58 PM
Yeah, congrats for now. And now the pressure is on, if they have truly joined the big time. They may find they don't like being in the spotlight in a couple of years. Think of the programs that have been mostly one hit wonders: Clemson, Pittsburgh and the like. It's easier to build than to maintain...as we've all seen over the past forty years.

1/4/2007, 03:24 PM
Yeah, it's called "enforcing the board rules". It's what "moderators" do.

Sorry for disturbing your nap.

I guess I should apologize and line up to give BSU a big old kiss! :D

I'm with JD! I'm not ready to give them props and pronounce them ready for prime time. They pulled out all the stops, our quarterback played his worse game all year, and we got outcoached in the last minute of the game. I guess the old saying, "scoreboard" is what I say to BSU. You beat us, but OU had to help you over and over and over again to get it done. So, congrats to having all the stars and planets aligned and beating the Sooners. And congrats to you for having all the Sooners line up here to tell you how wonderful your team and hillbilly QB is; however, I'm not going to be one of them. I'll shake your hand and tell you good game, but I'm not quite ready to pronounce BSU ready from prime time yet !!! I say play a Big 12, or PAC 10, or BIG 10, or SEC conference schedule every year and go undefeated and then we will give you some props. In my opinion, BSU is still second tier. :eek:

Please explain to me the semantics of the enforcement of the rules and where they are posted and I will abide by them, but jumping on JD for just saying he wasn't ready to give BSU a big old kiss isn't exactly the type material I would say warrants a moderator jumping their rear end about, particulary after some of the "junk" I've witnessed allowed around SF's over the years. Of course, my life doesn't revolve around SF's so I guess you guys can go back to your love fest? :P No need to take it personal. Just my opinion. :)

1/10/2007, 05:19 PM
Please explain to me the semantics of the enforcement of the rules and where they are posted and I will abide by them

Try here...


Jello Biafra
1/10/2007, 05:44 PM

buncha dammed pecker sniffers....


1/11/2007, 12:29 PM
Try here...


Okay, read them. Don't see where someone needs to go to the smack board for complaining about not wanting to line-up and give smooches to BSU? :D

1/11/2007, 01:18 PM
Well done, you *#$&^(*&.

Very well coached game, well executed, and while I doubt I'll ever be able to watch it again -- it was really a struggle for the ages.

Zebras didn't manage to fudge it all up, either, which was cool.

Congratulations on a well-earned win.

Jason White's Third Knee
1/11/2007, 03:06 PM
Boise State brought it that day. Excellent execution. OU is young and has some serious fumblitos that needs to be cured. That was a great game. I am not ashamed that we lost given the fight that our guys showed. Boise State is my write-in national champion.

1/12/2007, 03:26 PM
I wanted to see how good Boise State is, so I plugged in NCAA and played quite possibly their most feared in-conference rival, none other than the most feared, intimidating 113-ranked Utah State.

I got in a nice rhythm and ended the game 126-17 - that includes putting in the secondary at halftime, when I lead 77-10, nine turnovers, fourteen sacks - and only having the ball for a total of 3 minutes and 41 seconds.

If Boise State could pick apart this Aggy defense so well, they clearly are able to destroy anyone in the nation. I'm now a believer.

No, but in all seriousness, BSU played an awesome game, and I am not upset in the least that they beat us. Props, Blue-turfers. Props.