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View Full Version : unoffical Cotton pickin' Bowl (Nebbish vs Allbarn)

1/1/2007, 11:37 AM
The look in Callahan's eyes says "we're about to get killed," but the crowd is mostly Husker fans... and a lot of blue and white seats (think 65-13 or 63-14 after halftime)
It's going to be an interesting game... for one quarter. :D

1/1/2007, 11:38 AM
they aren't mic-ing the crowd well (or the bands). I hope this isn't a sign of what the broadcast will be like tonight (but it probably is)

1/1/2007, 11:40 AM
wtf... this broadcast sucks already :mad:

1/1/2007, 11:43 AM
great interview with Callenberger. My lip reading really got a workout.

It looks really cold there. Glad Im inside

1/1/2007, 11:44 AM
i guess everybody's in arizona? nebbish bad start on offense, starting at own 20.

run for -1 on first down, gained about seven on second. 3rd and 4 coming up.

game's on fox.

1/1/2007, 11:44 AM
Yeah...nothing quite like long stretches of silence to make for riveting television. I was trying to psyche myself up to root for Nebbish and saw that smug look on Callahan's face walking out of the tunnel...ugh. Holding my nose and pulling for the big 12!

1/1/2007, 11:45 AM
"purifeee" wtf? Fox me no likey. 1st down nebbish.

good run on first for eight yards. 2nd and 2 coming up.

1/1/2007, 11:45 AM
Pat Sumerall sounds really really confused. He's missed 2 names already and proclaimed a first down pass as being short of the first down.

1/1/2007, 11:47 AM
nebraska is having a good first drive, and another first down. lucky picks up 18.

shoddy camerawork on replay. how long is fox broadcasting the bcs, again? :mad:

Newbomb Turk
1/1/2007, 11:48 AM
shoddy camerawork on replay. how long is fox broadcasting the bcs, again? :mad:

let's hope this isn't their "A-team".

1/1/2007, 11:49 AM
pass interference on the offense. whoops! guess that's not a first down after all.

I think I just heard callahan talk to one of his players! fox picked that coach mic up better than that pregame interview.

first down lucky shovel pass. pretty good for a quarterback "ou passed on" :D

1/1/2007, 11:50 AM
I didn't know Lucky broke his hand playing against OU in the championship game, did anyone else? They just said that on the broadcast.

1/1/2007, 11:52 AM
I just saw Boo Blake! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Blake!

3rd and 7 on about the 30. Timeout, Nebbish. It's time to re-heat some cold pizza here. This game might not be over in a quarter, after all.

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 11:54 AM
Maybe they shoulda practiced on a crappy bowl before covering a real one.......Oh, wait..:)

1/1/2007, 11:54 AM
Nebbish receivers are killing the CBs on that 10 yard comeback.

Newbomb Turk
1/1/2007, 11:55 AM
It's time to re-heat some cold pizza here.

I am having some Corn Flakes in honor of the huskers.

well...not really in honor of them, cause I don't like the huskers. I don't particularly care for Allbarn either.

1/1/2007, 11:56 AM
td nebbish!

1/1/2007, 11:57 AM
I wonder what rule Tuberville will want changed after this game?

King Crimson
1/1/2007, 11:57 AM
i'm not sure who to pull for. i still latently like NU....some. and would pull for the conference.....and really like my NHS homeboy Taylor......but Callahan and some of the weirdly "love me, give us respect or i'll cry and take my ball and go home, we are BACK!" bugeater fans of late can't make me hope for them to succeed.

1/1/2007, 12:00 PM
i kind of want nebbish, b/c without them being good, the traditional rivalry is gone :(

plus, the "people's championship" thing a few years back was pathetic. if we won the orange bowl, the ap would have sided with them. :mad:

so, regardless of the outcome, auburn will give them a parade and a trophy, so does it matter who wins or where they're ranked?

go big red.

1/1/2007, 12:03 PM
it looks like Nebbish has been possibly lifting weights

1/1/2007, 12:04 PM
does it seem like Summerall is kind of pulling for Auburn? I loved his call on the nebbish touchdown.


1/1/2007, 12:07 PM
mm, reheated pizza, fresh from the fridge to the oven...

good on nebraska for stopping auburn. how soon until the "only team to beat two bcs teams" shows up?

1/1/2007, 12:09 PM
Did I just read 1st & L0?

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 12:09 PM
That was an awful call - right into the defense.

1/1/2007, 12:09 PM
is it just me, or do you guys consider Auburn to be a second tier program?

Also, after watching that interception I guess Pat Summerall just has a deadpan delivery.

1/1/2007, 12:10 PM
does it seem like Summerall is kind of pulling for Auburn? I loved his call on the nebbish touchdown.

"touchdown." He was also less than excited about Auburn picking off that pass.

I think he's just slow and confused.

King Crimson
1/1/2007, 12:10 PM
this has got Auburn FG all over it. never mind.

1/1/2007, 12:11 PM
"this game is about to be tied. well done."

that's what he said after auburn scored.

ah well. nebraska will always have the 7-0 moment. :D

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 12:20 PM
I've got a feeling Auburn is about to start the butt-kicking

1/1/2007, 12:21 PM
oh ****, oh holy ****, oh holy mofo'ing S#IT.

I saw that call coming a mile away, but I didn't think he'd do it. Auburn 14-7 in T-minus 7 seconds :mad:

1/1/2007, 12:21 PM
Cally can stick that one straight up his azz! haha

1/1/2007, 12:21 PM
before that punt, I thought to myself, "this would be a good place for a fake punt but kind of obvious to do" I guess Callenberger didnt feel the same way

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 12:22 PM
that has collar bone break all over it

1/1/2007, 12:23 PM
callafag is stupid

1/1/2007, 12:24 PM
that has collar bone break all over it
so, did he catch it? the ball rolled out at the last second? with all due respect to the injured player, they should challenge that call.

1/1/2007, 12:24 PM
so, did he catch it? the ball rolled out at the last second? with all due respect to the injured player, they should challenge that call.
i agree looked like he dropped it to me

1/1/2007, 12:25 PM
so much for nebraska :D

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 12:26 PM
so, did he catch it? the ball rolled out at the last second? with all due respect to the injured player, they should challenge that call.

looked like a catch to me, but I was more focused on the way he landed - that had to hurt

Oh Yeah, TD Aubie. Callahans stupidity may have cost him this game already. AU's offense has scored twice by moving the ball about 30 yards.

King Crimson
1/1/2007, 12:27 PM
that has collar bone break all over it

that's what i was thinking....he landed on his shoulder below the pads because of the angle of the fall.

these NU turnovers are looking kind of familiar......

1/1/2007, 12:28 PM
And Callahan's response to this is...
"We gotta be the dumbest team in America, in terms of playing the game. I'm highly critical of the way we give games away. We give them away!"
video evidence:

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 12:29 PM
i agree looked like he dropped it to me

Went back on tivo - definately a catch. Ball came out after he bounced his shoulder on the turf. Ball was well secured before he hit the ground.

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 12:31 PM
that stupid slant pass is gonna kill this team.

1/1/2007, 12:31 PM
Callanburger = idiot

And Blake's not stinking up...errr...winning a Recruiting Natl Championship for UNC already?

1/1/2007, 12:34 PM
weeeeelll... SOME team is going to give this game away, it will either be smarty pants Cally or Auburn's penalty-stricken arses. Which one is it? Can we put vCash on that? :D

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 12:36 PM
the guy that got the face mask penalty was being held bigtime

1/1/2007, 12:37 PM
VOLS - 10
PSU - 10


Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 12:38 PM
Nebbish scores 4 tds. Only problem is 2 are for the other team. What a prolific offense

1/1/2007, 12:39 PM
VOLS - 10
PSU - 10

howdy, rogue. is joe pa roaming the sidelines, or is he pimping his wheelchair/go kart ride again?

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 12:39 PM
howdy, rogue. is joe pa roaming the sidelines, or is he pimping his wheelchair/go kart ride again?

last I saw him he was up in the booth

1/1/2007, 12:40 PM
wtf NEW SCOREBOARD at COTTON BOWL??? are they actually IMPROVING that stadium now?

woot woot woot

1/1/2007, 12:40 PM
that new cotton bowl scoreboard is kind of sad looking

1/1/2007, 12:42 PM
is it me or does Auburn's QB really suck? I dont think hes completed a pass yet

1/1/2007, 12:43 PM
is it me or does Auburn's QB really suck?
he sucks worse than rex grossman at chicago. the only way they score is if they start in the red zone. thus, florida, whose only loss is to these pathetic tigers, will get crushed repeatedly in the nat'l championship. I can't believe urban begged his way into that game.

1/1/2007, 12:47 PM
neb's first real, non-fake punt. still tied 14-14 with 5:38 left in 2nd.

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 12:49 PM
I do hope nebbish wins this but a really good Cally meltdown captured on camera would be cool too.

King Crimson
1/1/2007, 12:53 PM
do they even have the crowd or field mic-ed at all? you can barely hear anything... sounds like the game is being played in a vacuum.

1/1/2007, 12:59 PM
end of first half, 14 all. callahan has stupid look on his face, like he's had it up to "here"

NICE guys?! hehehehe

EDIT: okay, feeling a bit sick this weekend, so please wake me up when three's a few minutes left in the fourth. orange juice, out.

1/1/2007, 01:04 PM
AD on at halftime.

1/1/2007, 01:06 PM
AD on at halftime.
a very indepth interview. looked like they took 20 seconds of him talking at the press conference. They then proceded to compare him to Barbaro..I mean Secretariat, and Ian Johnson to SeaBiscuit..... real exciting

1/1/2007, 01:26 PM
This is the most boring coverage. Somerall took his Vallium today.

1/1/2007, 01:29 PM
Exactly. The crowd sure is quiet.

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 01:30 PM
Auburn should lose this challenge

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 01:32 PM
Allright nebbish, try not to callahan this drive.

1/1/2007, 01:39 PM
boy that was a BS pass interference call against Nebbish

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 01:43 PM
boy that was a BS pass interference call against Nebbish

true, but AU has figured out that Nebbish's corners suck

1/1/2007, 01:50 PM
17-14 Auburn

1/1/2007, 01:52 PM
Exactly. The crowd sure is quiet.
Well, it was a 10am start after New Years Eve.......

true, but AU has figured out that Nebbish's corners suckThey did finally figure out that tall receivers have an advatage over Grixby.

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 02:01 PM
Wow, one of the best quick kicks i've seen

1/1/2007, 02:02 PM
Man Nebraska can't catch all of the sudden. Nice punt though.

1/1/2007, 02:05 PM
Huskers don't let them out of this hole.....Good Morning From California Desert.... :) --- 11:05 PST ---- :)

1/1/2007, 02:08 PM
PSU - 17
Tennesse - 10

1/1/2007, 02:09 PM
IF Auburn goes down and Scores... ??? -- I think it's over for Neb..... :(

1/1/2007, 02:11 PM
99 yard drive? this could be a nail in the coffin if they can finish this off

Nebbish finally holds them on 3rd down.

King Crimson
1/1/2007, 02:23 PM
SUmmerall: "all he needs is one more block"

returner has backpedalled 15 yards and Huskers are closing from all angles....

1/1/2007, 02:29 PM
Because I know you are all hanging on the outcome of this game...
PSU - 20
Tennessee - 10

1/1/2007, 02:32 PM
Because I know you are all hanging on the outcome of this game...
PSU - 20
Tennessee - 10

Tennessee looked bad today!

1/1/2007, 02:33 PM
Just tried an experiment for the Fox Broadcast of this game...sound on or sound off...not much difference.

1/1/2007, 02:33 PM
Does Anybody want to Win this Game...???

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 02:37 PM
Does Anybody want to Win this Game...???

Apparently not AU.

Nebbish ball on fumble.

1/1/2007, 02:37 PM
Let's see if Nebbish can do anything with the turnover. It's game over if they don't get a score here.

1/1/2007, 02:39 PM
IF Neb gets a Field Goal This game may never End.... :)

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 02:41 PM
Even though Summerall has made some mistakes, I have enjoyed listening to him on this broadcast. Just one of the alltime great announcer voices from my youth. I used to think the same thing about KJ, but his recent west coast rumphumping has changed my opinion.

1/1/2007, 02:41 PM
okay, back from rest. still feel ehhhhh. what time does fiesta kick off? 8-ish?

anyways, looks like I missed a REAL excitin' game here. of course, this has been the big 12 this bowl season thus far... very exciting.....

1/1/2007, 02:43 PM
time for screen pass...

1/1/2007, 02:44 PM
Auburn had that read all the way.

1/1/2007, 02:44 PM
Fake injury....???

1/1/2007, 02:44 PM
bad bad sequence of plays

1/1/2007, 02:44 PM
how long would that field goal be? 50 yards?

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 02:44 PM
what a dumb call, NU's playcalling is poor overall.

1/1/2007, 02:45 PM
wtf????? oh dear. goodbye, huskers. way to make the north look like th north.

1/1/2007, 02:45 PM
what the hell kind of play was that?! Taylor threw the ball about 20 yards out of bounds!!!

1/1/2007, 02:45 PM
Well Big 12 taking a hit this Bowl Season.... :(

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 02:45 PM
why would you throw a 4th down pass OOB???

1/1/2007, 02:47 PM
that was ugly. way to throw away a good opportunity with shiatty calls

1/1/2007, 02:47 PM
Boring Game --- Callahan not a Bowl Coach....!

1/1/2007, 02:47 PM
If there is a bright side, Callahan is going to have to talk about what a disgraceful job he did again. :D

1/1/2007, 02:48 PM
Helluva block!

1/1/2007, 02:48 PM
If there is a bright side, Callahan is going to have to talk about what a disgraceful job he did again. :D

This time he needs to mean it....!!! -- :)

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 02:49 PM
If there is a bright side, Callahan is going to have to talk about what a disgraceful job he did again. :D

heh, maybe good for another meltdown rant, lester style.:les:

1/1/2007, 02:50 PM
way 2 go, blackshirts. guess there isn't some insane ending this year. ah well. Boomer Sooner!!! :D

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 02:51 PM
that was a poor spot - should be 4th and one

1/1/2007, 02:51 PM
Shoulda kept Frank..... :)

1/1/2007, 02:51 PM
Boring Game --- Callahan not a college football Coach....!
fixed it for ya there Bro :D

1/1/2007, 02:52 PM
whoops, auburn didn't make it after all... not that it will matter...or will it? No it won't. Or will it?


1/1/2007, 02:53 PM
fixed it for ya there Bro :D

Always counting on ya to cover my Back.... :)

1/1/2007, 02:53 PM
badger = our resident final decision maker

1/1/2007, 02:55 PM
badger = our resident final decision maker
I like that nickname.

1/1/2007, 02:56 PM
can we just get rid of everyone in the north divison?

1/1/2007, 02:56 PM
awful game. Nebraska gives up TD drives of 9 and 14 yards. Other than that, they hold Auburn to 3 points.

1/1/2007, 02:56 PM
A game Nebbish "shoulda" won but for their screw ups. Even the no-punt-return at the very end said. "Take the game, please." :rolleyes:
It's another win for the "greatest football conference in the history of evar" but Auburn did not impress me at all. Way to blow it, Nebs.

1/1/2007, 02:56 PM
BAck to the Big 7 --- Lets Do it...... :)

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 02:57 PM
what a craptastic game. gah

1/1/2007, 02:57 PM
They keep talking about all the Texas HS coaches that came to Nebraska recently. I wonder if they all came away with genius coaching nuances we have seen displayed by Callahan.

Maybe learned how to do the throat slash, how to decide 4th down calls, etc?

1/1/2007, 02:58 PM
They keep talking about all the Texas HS coaches that came to Nebraska recently. I wonder if they all came away with genius coaching nuances we have seen displayed by Callahan.

Maybe learned how to do the throat slash, how to decide 4th down calls, etc?
Callahan probably offered them jobs/stipends in exchange for convincing their stud players to journey that far north. as we learned during the alamo bowl game, "every texas high school player wants to be a longwhorn," so he has to recruit somehow. :rolleyes:

1/1/2007, 02:58 PM
At Least that Looks LIKE a Football Trophy...... :)

1/1/2007, 02:59 PM
Who was the bright light bulb doing color for Fox? He referred to OU-Texas as the "Red River Valley Shootout," and about five minutes after play was stopped to review the spot on the last Auburn possession and the play by play guy talked about it extensively, he says "They may be reviewing the spot."

1/1/2007, 02:59 PM
Why in the world does Nebbish not kick the field goal with under 2 minutes left in the game on the 30 yard line? It's just more crappy coaching by Callahan.

1/1/2007, 03:00 PM
have you seen our future trophy? it'll be fun to stare at when its in the switzer center:

1/1/2007, 03:03 PM
have you seen our future trophy? it'll be fun to stare at when its in the switzer center:

I understand there are 1000 M&M Peanuts inside that Gold Football -- :)

1/1/2007, 03:08 PM
Why in the world does Nebbish not kick the field goal with under 2 minutes left in the game on the 30 yard line? It's just more crappy coaching by Callahan.
There; you answered your own question. BUt then, Callie didn't give the ball away on the 9 and the 14, and THAT was the ball game.
Screw Allbarn (sorry, Homey!) and Tubby and the SEC, and screw Nebs for not screwing Allbarn and Tubby and the SEC.

1/1/2007, 03:08 PM
Why in the world does Nebbish not kick the field goal with under 2 minutes left in the game on the 30 yard line? It's just more crappy coaching by Callahan.

Their kicker had a season long fg of 40 yards, according to the graphic on the screen.

1/1/2007, 03:11 PM
Their kicker had a season long fg of 40 yards, according to the graphic on the screen.
I know that they said that, but it is only 7 more yards. Why risk it on 4th and 11?

1/1/2007, 03:14 PM
I know that they said that, but it is only 7 more yards. Why risk it on 4th and 11?

Maybe the 40 yarder the kicker hit this season barely trickled over the cross bar, and 40 is about his outside limit. I dunno. I'm not a Callahan fan by any means, but I have to assume he weighed the chances of either option and decided his kicker was so bad that his chances of making it on 4th and 11 were better.

1/1/2007, 03:15 PM
I know that they said that, but it is only 7 more yards. Why risk it on 4th and 11?
Cause callyslasher is STOOPID :D :D :D

Sooner Eclipse
1/1/2007, 03:15 PM
There; you answered your own question. BUt then, Callie didn't give the ball away on the 9 and the 14, and THAT was the ball game.
Screw Allbarn (sorry, Homey!) and Tubby and the SEC, and screw Nebs for not screwing Allbarn and Tubby and the SEC.

I would argue that Cally did cause those turnovers with the absolutely stupid playcalling on those 2 plays. First one was 3rd and 3. and he has Taylor throw a quick slant into an area with 4 defenders within 2 yards of the receiver. It was picked, doh. Second one was just stupid trying to run a fake punt/reverse on 4th down from your own 20 fairly early in the game when the score was tied. That tells me Cally really didn't believe he could win the game then. Had to pull that crap and it cost him points and the game.

1/1/2007, 03:19 PM
I would argue that Cally did cause those turnovers with the absolutely stupid playcalling on those 2 plays. First one was 3rd and 3. and he has Taylor throw a quick slant into an area with 4 defenders within 2 yards of the receiver. It was picked, doh. Second one was just stupid trying to run a fake punt/reverse on 4th down from your own 20 fairly early in the game when the score was tied. That tells me Cally really didn't believe he could win the game then. Had to pull that crap and it cost him points and the game.

Ooo. I missed the 2nd one: I thought it was just a bad play, not a stupid 4th down gamble. You may resume the Callenberger bashing without further interruption.

1/1/2007, 03:30 PM
They aren't going to be happy up in Lincoln. For as bad as we say the North is, Nebraska should have won against one of the cream of the crop SEC teams. SEC looks terrible today.

1/1/2007, 03:34 PM
What a ****ty performance. I am quickly losing patience here. The defense played great, but somehow we f'ed it up. Good lord. This will be tough watching the rest of bowl season. I am ****ed.

If Callahan loses more than 2 next year, he should be fired.

MyT Oklahoma
1/1/2007, 03:34 PM
They aren't going to be happy up in Lincoln. For as bad as we say the North is, Nebraska should have won against one of the cream of the crop SEC teams. SEC looks terrible today.

They'll be a lot happier than the 60,000+ who were at Arrowhead on December 2nd. <SMILES>
"This is the voice of the Sooner Football Network."

King Crimson
1/1/2007, 03:38 PM
that last series by NU was gawdawful. take yourself out of FG position and go for it on 4th and 11. Congdon is pretty accurate.....doesn't have a big leg but still.

jk the sooner fan
1/1/2007, 04:33 PM
just got home from the game....the fans around us were absolutely puzzled over the decision to not kick a field goal...

Husker In Oklahoma
1/1/2007, 06:13 PM
that last series by NU was gawdawful. take yourself out of FG position and go for it on 4th and 11. Congdon is pretty accurate.....doesn't have a big leg but still.
And you know what flores me the most is, this guy was Rivals top rated kicker. 3 star if I'm not mistaken, which is high for a kicker, the highest they give I believe. How can he be rated that high, yet fail to be able to get the ball near the endzone on kickoffs, and not even being capable of kicking a 47 or 48 yard field goal. He only had seven attempts all year. Flabbergasting I say.:mad:

1/1/2007, 06:37 PM
5 losses for the 'skers. Another mediocre season in Lincoln. Keep 'em coming Billy :)