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View Full Version : My wife insisted on strawberry daquris tonight............

1/1/2007, 12:35 AM
.....................and she never drinks!. She is now bowing to the porcelain god. I tried to tell her...........

1/1/2007, 05:05 AM
If you want to stay married, then I would suggest that you omit the last sentence from your vocab.

1/1/2007, 05:12 AM
If you want to stay married, then I would suggest that you omit the last sentence from your vocab.


and memorize the following:

honey, i realize that sometimes i expect more from you than i do from myself. i'm sorry for that. i will make an effort to consider your feelings in the future.

that one's got me out of a million jams.

1/1/2007, 07:20 AM
This thread is nothing without pic's!

1/1/2007, 12:21 PM
There were peach margaritas here in our new Kitchenaid blender.

The new wide slot toaster already took a dump though....

We had to breakout the old toaster oven.

Why do toaster ovens get so nasty so quick....we clean it like crazy and they still turn into a Brittney Spears Trailer Item.