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12/29/2006, 03:41 PM
32 bowls? Is that the right number? 64 teams?

So, out of 119 Division 1-A teams, 64 get "rewarded" with a post-season bowl.

So, if your team fondles monkey balls, you still get to follow them to Bugnutz, NJ to watch them take on East Popcorn State for the coveted Bugnutz Cup, presented by Southwest Oregon Paper and Pulp. Meanwhile, if your team rawks, they get to lift weights, eat pie, and get rusty and stale for a month or so until their Big Game.

Which may or may not be the Rose Bowl on ESPN!

College football is turning into a parody of sport, not unlike the NBA. Where over HALF THE TEAMS get a bowl, the bowls are meaningless. We can count victories over 1-AA schools? Cool! Now we don't have to just joke about playing St. Mary's School of the Weak Sisters, we can actually schedule them! Is there a reason that a team tied for last in our division played a game against another 6-loss team? Without a coach?

Rutgers v. K-State? Whose idea of a game was that? Cal v. aTm? Why is one league's co-champ doomed to play another league's also-ran-table-scrap?


You want to put 64 teams into postseason? Great. Let's put together the brackets and PLAY. 'cause what we've got now is impacted piles.

12/29/2006, 03:43 PM
Someone did not have a good Chanukah.

we did

12/29/2006, 03:47 PM
A bit crude, but you make a good point. The debate over so many bowls screams for a playoff, or at least some remedy. How about upping the minimum requirement to SEVEN wins at least, do some simple math, and eliminate the lower tiered bowl games? (This should be possible with the addition of the twelfth game) What makes it a tough point to sell, is that we comment on message boards, maybe even bet the line, and then ATTEND & WATCH this stinkers! If nobody shows but the diehards, the bowl dies-rught?

12/29/2006, 03:48 PM
I rather like those last sentences.

Unfortunately, I think it would take a nationwide fanbase boycott of bowl games to truly get the NCAA's notice. That won't happen because we as fans support our teams, and we wouldn't NOT be there for them. The bottom line is, the NCAA is a greedy, self-serving organization who profits off young players and school programs - and unless there is a solid, workable alternative with the financial and fanbase backing to make it succeed...

...we're stuck with what they forcefeed us.

Sucks like a Hoover, huh? *sigh*

12/29/2006, 03:49 PM
It's all about the $$$

12/29/2006, 03:55 PM
As always...with nothing to the athletes but goodie bags...although the OU players got some tasty tidbits for their reward.

12/29/2006, 04:17 PM
Screw you guys.

I like bowl games.

12/29/2006, 04:26 PM
Of course. Ticks would like the NCAA.

I'm joshin' ya. Never mind me...I'm on codeine. Things are colorful on my side of the screen.

12/29/2006, 04:28 PM
Of course. Ticks would like the NCAA.

I'm joshin' ya. Never mind me...I'm on codeine. Things are colorful on my side of the screen.

in some pain or just for sharts and giggles? :D

12/29/2006, 04:30 PM
Migraine. Sharts and giggles while on the codeine are just the benefits. :cool:

12/29/2006, 04:42 PM
A bit crude, but you make a good point.

fits in just about anywhere!

12/29/2006, 08:13 PM
32 bowls? Is that the right number? 64 teams?

So, out of 119 Division 1-A teams, 64 get "rewarded" with a post-season bowl.

So, if your team fondles monkey balls, you still get to follow them to Bugnutz, NJ to watch them take on East Popcorn State for the coveted Bugnutz Cup, presented by Southwest Oregon Paper and Pulp. Meanwhile, if your team rawks, they get to lift weights, eat pie, and get rusty and stale for a month or so until their Big Game.

Which may or may not be the Rose Bowl on ESPN!

College football is turning into a parody of sport, not unlike the NBA. Where over HALF THE TEAMS get a bowl, the bowls are meaningless. We can count victories over 1-AA schools? Cool! Now we don't have to just joke about playing St. Mary's School of the Weak Sisters, we can actually schedule them! Is there a reason that a team tied for last in our division played a game against another 6-loss team? Without a coach?

Rutgers v. K-State? Whose idea of a game was that? Cal v. aTm? Why is one league's co-champ doomed to play another league's also-ran-table-scrap?


You want to put 64 teams into postseason? Great. Let's put together the brackets and PLAY. 'cause what we've got now is impacted piles.

Duhhrrrr... quit crying about there not being a playoff system, durrr :stunned:

Quickly!!! RED SPEK HIM!!! :eek: :D

12/29/2006, 08:22 PM
It's all about the $$$

Bingo, thats also why there is no play-off system!

12/29/2006, 08:31 PM
well, there was that year I wish there hadn't been an Orange bowl.

12/29/2006, 08:34 PM
well, there was that year I wish there hadn't been an Orange bowl.
Did you really have to drudge up painful memories again??? :(

12/29/2006, 11:11 PM
I like bowl games, just not 32 of them. There should be about 20. I'd be happy with that.

12/29/2006, 11:43 PM
Going to a January bowl once meant something, now you have the craptastic bowl and the whatever bowl in January featuring the high-powered MAC and whoever else sprinkled in among the BCS.

12/30/2006, 12:01 AM
I liked it when the 4 big bowls were on New Year's Day.
I loved watching decent games all day long.

12/30/2006, 12:13 AM
I liked it when the 4 big bowls were on New Year's Day.
I loved watching decent games all day long.


12/30/2006, 12:32 AM
a team with a 6-6 record doesn't even deserve to be a bowl candidate. These extra bowl games are just complete ludicrous. With those and bowl controversies, a playoff is inevitable at this point

12/30/2006, 02:33 AM
a team with a 6-6 record doesn't even deserve to be a bowl candidate. These extra bowl games are just complete ludicrous. With those and bowl controversies, a playoff is inevitable at this point

The Truth!

12/30/2006, 03:11 AM
No lie guys!!! Who the he!! wants to watch a bunch of .500 candy a$$es duke it out in the Rid-X Toilet Bowl coming at ya live from Backwaterville, Mississippi on Dec. 10th at 9:00am on ESPN 5? It's gotten so stupid, the sheer number of bowls. I mean 6-6 Iowa...in a bowl that's on New Year's Day!!! (isn't that when the Alamo bowl is played?...like it damn well matters) C'MON!!!. And with 12 games in the regular season I say make it 8 wins minimum for a team to be bowl eligible. Think about it, a team would have to be at least .667 to go to post season play. I mean is .667 asking too much? I don't think so. That, in my mind, would eliminate all the Rid-X bowls and restore the prestige of making it to the post season. I say pare it down to about 15 bowls...that would be like the top 25% of D-1 schools playing. Quality matchups that would matter, folks, would be the name of the game here since we obviously will NEVER in our lifetimes see a playoff.

12/30/2006, 04:27 AM
Cal v. aTm? Why is one league's co-champ doomed to play another league's also-ran-table-scrap?

If I remember right this was us last year... granted Oregon wasnt the co-champ, but they were one loss away to their leagues champ SuC. We were the scrap and we won. Much like Texas Tech won against Cal. Just because A&M sucks donkey balls isnt the rest of the big XII's fault.

Personally I think that if a team sucks donkey balls they shouldnt be allowed to play in a bowl game no matter how many wins they have.

12/30/2006, 09:33 AM
I missed the part where someone is forcing you tards to watch games you don't want to watch.

If you don't like football, I'm sure the Lifetime network has something to suit you.

12/30/2006, 10:01 AM
I cant say anything bad about a post that mentions the fondling of monkey balls.

12/30/2006, 11:30 AM
I haven't looked at the TV schedule but are any of the BCS Bowls running into each others time slots?

12/30/2006, 06:12 PM
Bingo, thats also why there is no play-off system!

Wrongo! The estimates are that an 8 team playoff would double the revenue brought in by all of the current bowls....combined.

This is simply a power play by the Presidents of the D-1 Universities who want to maintain their control over their football programs. It's also a last ditch attempt by ABC-ESPN to maintain their stranglehold over the game.

It's a matter of time....just a matter of time.

SAS I suspect you also adore high school scrimmages and college spring games because that's all the bowl games are.....glorified scrimmages.

12/30/2006, 06:56 PM
SAS I suspect you also adore high school scrimmages and college spring games because that's all the bowl games are.....glorified scrimmages.

No if they involve teams that dont suck donkey balls they are bowl games. If they involve teams that suck donkey balls they are a mouthful.

12/30/2006, 09:46 PM
donkey balls are a mouthful.
A bit crude, but you make a good point.

12/30/2006, 11:15 PM
SAS I suspect you also adore high school scrimmages and college spring games because that's all the bowl games are.....glorified scrimmages.
and I suspect you huff paint.