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View Full Version : Stupid Integris Health

Norm In Norman
12/29/2006, 12:23 AM
You know, if they would have just sent me a bill I wouldn't have had to write a long assed letter reaming them out. Their billing department sucks. And no, I'm not going to share the whole gory here. It should be enough to know that they had me really ****ed off, and we'll leave it at that. I would imagine they junked my email, but it made me feel better at least.

btw, can your credit get messed up by not paying a medical bill? If I have to deal with them again, I may just tell them I'm not going to pay them. Bastards.

12/29/2006, 12:44 AM
Yeah, a collection is a collection. It'll hurt your credit.

Oddly enough, I opened my mailbox up today and had a $157 REFUND check in the mail from them. They discovered they overbilled me earlier this year or sometime last year (I've had quite a few medical procedures in the past two years, it seems), and sent me a refund. Of course, I should probably be ****ed that they overbilled me in the first place.

I won't be enjoying it long; I'll be depositing it to help cover the $400 I owe Mercy for OTHER medical procedures. I think I must be a hypochondriac. A very convincing hypochondriac who can make imagined kidney stones show up on CT scans, make hernias appear out of thin air, modulate my temperature to make it appear that I have a life-threatening staph infection, and cause my high blood pressure and cholesterol to fluctuate wildly when getting a physical. :mad:

Norm In Norman
12/29/2006, 12:46 AM
Damn. I'd like to stiff them some time.

12/29/2006, 12:50 AM
After re-reading my post, I'm reminded of the fact that I'm old.

12/29/2006, 12:50 AM
Medical bill blips on your credit rating are easy candidates for explanation and then basically ignored if you need to make a big purchase in the future...

12/29/2006, 12:54 AM
That is true. If you're applying for something like a mortgage or a car loan, you can probably explain away a medical collection to your lending officer, and it will often carry less weight than, say, a credit card chargeoff. That said, it will still drag down your FICO score, and if you are applying for something that is more of an instantaneous approval item like a credit card, you won't get an opportunity to explain and might be declined or get a higher rate because of it.

12/29/2006, 12:55 AM
That is true. If you're applying for something like a mortgage or a car loan, you can probably explain away a medical collection to your lending officer, and it will often carry less weight than, say, a credit card chargeoff. That said, it will still drag down your FICO score, and if you are applying for something that is more of an instantaneous approval item like a credit card, you won't get an opportunity to explain and might be declined or get a higher rate because of it.

I concur...

12/29/2006, 01:01 AM
Damn. I'd like to stiff them some time.
Yes it will affect your rating .
On the other hand ask to make a payment arraingement On the balance . set the balance,;) then pay the bastages 5 bucks a month

12/29/2006, 01:02 AM
You all thought I wore you out with the kidney stone thread, but it should be obvious after reading this thread that I could have regaled you with much, much more in the way of medical problems over the past couple of years, but chose not to. Thank your lucky stars.

proud gonzo
12/29/2006, 02:36 AM
a while back a doctor's office tried to charge me three times for the same visit, even though I'd already send them a check. They kept sending me more bills listing my balance. I just ignored them and figured they'd fix it eventually or send somebody after me.

12/29/2006, 06:15 AM
Those dang pediatricians!

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
12/29/2006, 07:48 AM
I went to one of the hospitals twice a few years ago, once for lab work and once because I was sick.

They gave me two account numbers, but I didn't realize it so I was doing an auto bill pay to just one of the accounts. Well, they turned it over to collections saying I hadn't paid in 6 months. So I called and they told me I was $300 overpaid on the one account, but the other one was in arrears.

I don't know if they ever planned on giving me that money back, but I made damn sure they applied it to the right account.

12/29/2006, 12:07 PM
My treating physician forgot to get insurance clearance for a CAT scan I had last year. I was overjoyed to get that bill. Anyway, the insurance company wouldn't pay it and the hospital had to eat it, after I jumped through about twenty hoops.

My daughter broke her arm about 7 years ago and our PCP referred us out of network for the casting. It took the insurance company two years to pay that one.

I have many, many more stories. Luckily, I have never been out of pocket much.

The biggest mistake I made was two years ago when I said out loud that I hated my insurance company and I hope they get stuck with lots of bills, I promptly broke my leg and had to have surgery. Never wish ill on an insurance company. ;)

12/29/2006, 02:32 PM
Just go to Deaconess.

They are a site visit for best practice for my company.

Your welcome in advance.