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View Full Version : My week before Christmas

12/23/2006, 10:40 AM
my night supervisor was on vacation, My boss was on vacation, So i got ot work from 0600 am to 19:00 pm all week plus this morning. So a very long week. We have been having problems with the heater for some time.

the wife was getting ready for work Friday morning and heard the heater kick in, but started smelling something burning. So she went over to the heater and opened the door and it was on FIRE.:mad: The wires work actaully had a flame. So she ran down to the thermastact and turn the heater off. The fire went out.

So here it is friday before Christmas and no heat. the heater guy is suppose to install new heat and air today. It damn cold in here right now.

its hard to keep the sprit right now after a few grand of unexpected expenses. But hopefully it will work out.

We have family and freinds coming over, we are alive and well and have plenty to thankful for.:D

12/23/2006, 12:58 PM
Dude! Glad you didn't die. At least you've got nowhere to go but uphill now. ;)

12/23/2006, 07:37 PM
heater in and working...:D :D Things are looking up

12/23/2006, 07:48 PM
God loves you. Your wife was home, she knew what to do, you found a guy available to do the installation, your home didn't catch fire.
God loves you.


Newbomb Turk
12/23/2006, 08:58 PM
God loves you. Your wife was home, she knew what to do, you found a guy available to do the installation, your home didn't catch fire.
God loves you.


no doubt. could have been a lot worse.
Merry Christmas.

12/23/2006, 09:33 PM
Dayum , Im glad everything worked out

12/24/2006, 08:36 AM
Oh wow, I'm glad to hear that everything worked out in the end. Have a great Christmas with your family and friends!

A house fire is one thing that scares the !@#$ out of me. I hope I don't have to experience it. One time I woke up in the middle of the night and got up to get a drink. I NEVER do that... but that night, I did. As I was going down the hall and the fireplace came into view, it looked like there were two of them. I rubbed my eyes, looked again, got closer, then realized, it was the wall next to the fireplace that was on fire! :eek:

I ran and got my dad out of bed and he put out the fire. Whew.

Apparently they used a piece of wood to stir the fire before going to bed, and then laid it down on the hearth.

12/24/2006, 09:38 AM
So she went over to the heater and opened the door and it was on FIRE.

So here it is friday before Christmas and no heat.

If you hadn't extinguished the fire, there would have had plenty of heat. ;)

Glad things worked out. Merry Christmas!

12/24/2006, 10:09 AM
Yes, all is good and the man was looking out for us.
A little back ground on this old house. It was built back in 1903 on the original land run site. Part of the house still has local sandstone as the foundation. It has been added on too at least 4 times that I can tell. The last guy who remodeled it before we got it took every short cut he could. I have been paying the price every since.

But damn I love where we live; I got 5 acres just south of Mustang. We are close to work and can be just bout any where in the city in 30 to 40 mins.

One of these days I am going to tear this house down and build another one. I don’t think I can get thru an inspection if I tried to sell it. If I did sell it, it would have to be AS IS WHERE IS type deal. Don’t know too many lenders who would pony up the money on a deal like that. But the land out here is hard to come by. Maybe a rich guy will come along and pay me some crazy price just for the land. Wheres T Boone Pickens, I know he likes to invest in the old down trotted structures :D

Any way all is good.

12/24/2006, 12:49 PM
Sparky heaters are very dangerous, but thank God you are all safe and sound. You have surely been blessed this week. :)