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View Full Version : Hey Mongo and 68

12/22/2006, 02:01 PM
Whats the longest your've been out on a site? We're going to be starting a well soon thats going to be a DEEP one.

12/22/2006, 02:04 PM
I have been on a well for about 45 days. But unlike a MWD or DD who have to stay out on location as long as there is a tool in the hole, I get to run home during bit trips, pipe swaps, and when we TD.

I get to run home for about 12-24 hours every 5-6 days.

12/22/2006, 02:37 PM
Greatly depends on where it located and the total depth. Some wells in west texas and southerm ok can be drilled to t.d. with pdc bits.