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12/21/2006, 11:29 PM
BYU 38
Zeros 8

12/21/2006, 11:42 PM
Has UO won a game this year w/o using Pac 10 refs?

12/21/2006, 11:49 PM
7-6 (6-7 to me) is a pretty solid year.

nice work, ducks, in seizing the momentum from the early christmas gift from the refs, jackholes.:rolleyes:

12/21/2006, 11:49 PM
They were 6-7 and should not have been bowling. But someone screwed up, and they had a record of 7-6.

12/22/2006, 12:12 AM
A tale of two teams. Regardless of who won and lost during OU/UO, its obvious who won and lost in the long run. :D

12/22/2006, 12:21 AM
Don't think we will be hearing a lot from Oregon fans in the near future,,,:)

12/22/2006, 07:36 AM
Don't think we will be hearing a lot from Oregon fans in the near future,,,:)

You're probably right. But I really wanted to be told at least once more how many yards they got.

How many tonight?

12/22/2006, 07:47 AM
And they couldn't even catch a break on their onside kick. :D

It was kinda nice to see Brent Musberger, Craig James, and Bob Davie FINALLY observe, on the air, that OU actually recovered the botched onside kick in the Whoregon game

12/22/2006, 09:13 AM

12/22/2006, 09:41 AM
yeah, but its our fault they have lost because of all the attention that game brought, they couldnt do anything without being asked about the Oklahoma game so how can they be expected to win, when thats all anybody cares about...

or something like that. Belotti = tool

12/22/2006, 09:43 AM
Shout out to Cowherd! Merry Christmas, Hope ya like $hit

12/22/2006, 10:34 AM
I can't believe you let those guys even stay close enough that the refs could make a difference. Oregon is pathetic.

12/22/2006, 10:55 AM
I can't believe you let those guys even stay close enough that the refs could make a difference. Oregon is pathetic.

Early season games between upper-conference (i.e. both Oregon and OU were expected to be in the top halves of their respective conferences) BCS opponents can always be a bit of a crap-shoot. They were playing better football at the beginning of the year than they are now. (Kinda like your squad there.) And we're playing better football now.

Take our game with Miami next year. On paper we should be loaded and confident. And they will have a loaded defense but should have a suspect offense, and should still be searching for confidence. But now with Shannon they've got a coach that actually played in our series in the mid-80's and I think will instantly be trying to instill instead of trying to get away from (something I think Coker was trying to do, but failed miserably) that gangsta coCaine swagger , and he'll have them jacked out of their minds.

So while on paper we should exact a measure of revenge, I won't be betting the farm on it. It could be a dicey game that early in the season.

12/22/2006, 10:58 AM
yeah, but its our fault they have lost because of all the attention that game brought, they couldnt do anything without being asked about the Oklahoma game so how can they be expected to win, when thats all anybody cares about...

or something like that. Belotti = tool

I think subconscious guilt and a realization of their true unworthiness caused them to self-destruct. (WTF do I know ?!)
To have beaten OU fair and square would have beeen a feather in their cap; but to them it became [insert metaphor here.] They couldn't even brag about it because the nation knows the result was a farce.

12/22/2006, 11:22 AM
Linky ;)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Bellotti

Mike Bellotti= CLassless Jerk

12/22/2006, 11:31 AM
I think you guys need to take a closer look at that Mike Bellotti Wiki.

Very interesting information in there. And I quote...

"Although he has only been the Head Coach for 10 years, he already holds the school record for most wins as a head coach and sucking."

12/22/2006, 11:34 AM
They dont look nearly as good without their own refs

12/22/2006, 11:43 AM
I think you guys need to take a closer look at that Mike Bellotti Wiki.

Very interesting information in there. And I quote...

"Although he has only been the Head Coach for 10 years, he already holds the school record for most wins as a head coach and sucking."
Dang Wiki Editors took the truth out of that article just now. Oh Well. I liked that part about Richard Simmons. :)

12/22/2006, 11:46 AM
I can't believe you let those guys even stay close enough that the refs could make a difference. Oregon is pathetic.No team should have to score extra points to offset any cheating that may occur on the part of game officials.

12/22/2006, 12:39 PM
The Wikipedia entry has been updated again.

12/22/2006, 01:15 PM

12/22/2006, 01:20 PM
...and he'll have them jacked out of their minds.

Well, there are plenty of meth labs around Norman. I'm pretty sure he will find their drug of choice to jack them up round here somewhere.

12/22/2006, 01:23 PM
His program has not only produced fine results in his ten years as head coach, but has also given the NFL outstanding players such as Joey Harrington, Kellen Clemens, and Haloti Ngata.

Gotta like this. I know Oregon has put some players in the NFL, but these guys are probably not their first choices as representatives for their program.

12/22/2006, 01:28 PM
could't have happened to a nicer group of people. Did any of you here Biloated's comments going into half down 17-0? Something about they were playing BYU tough and keeping the game close. Sense when is 17 points close? Last time I checked that is a minimum of three possesions.

12/22/2006, 01:38 PM
could't have happened to a nicer group of people.

Oregon is 0-4 in its last four bowl appearances. Not exactly a sterling program, hmmm?

12/22/2006, 01:43 PM
Kinda like losur, they are a program on the rise! Why they used to just miss out on going to bowls, now they just squeek into bowls...and get hammered by the other team.

12/22/2006, 02:03 PM
Nike University still sucks

12/22/2006, 02:09 PM
They were playing better football at the beginning of the year than they are now. (Kinda like your squad there.)

Heh. :texan:

12/22/2006, 02:14 PM
Referee Payola!

Sounds like a game show.

Now here's your host, Chuck Woolery!

12/22/2006, 03:03 PM
i wonder what the duck fans watching the game thought when they replayed the infamous onside kick and the announcers said that Oklahoma had the ball and whatnot. They have to relive that moment forever now. The football gods love us b/c we ended up right where we would have with or w/o the loss. Just sucks having a "loss" on our record.

12/22/2006, 03:16 PM
Let it be a lesson to every wanna be out there, Football tradition cannot be built with mortar and brick, nor can it be developed through large sums of cash changing hands. It can only by built by winning. Winning consistently year in and year out and by winning conference and national titles on a regular basis. Even if Phil Knight and Boone Pickens pooled their money, they still couldn't buy over 60 years of tradition for their schools. While they are waisting their money bribing officials and building monuments to themsleves we will be winning championships, and after their money has dried up and their building have crumbled to the ground, we will still be winning national championships. We're Oklahoma, it's what we do.

Rock Hard Corn Frog
12/22/2006, 03:21 PM
Shout out to Cowherd! Merry Christmas, Hope ya like $hit

Collin Cowherd? What did he say? (Other than he smokes pole with Nick Zepp)

12/22/2006, 03:36 PM
Referee Payola!

Sounds like a game show.

Now here's your host, Chuck Woolery!

Except instead of the contestants saying "No whammy's, no whammy's" they say "No Gordies, No Gordies."

12/22/2006, 03:44 PM
Gotta like this. I know Oregon has put some players in the NFL, but these guys are probably not their first choices as representatives for their program.

Wasn't the Wizzinator guy from the Minnesota Vikings a former Duck?

12/22/2006, 04:23 PM
Agree. Bet you wish you had some good calls this year. ;)

Actually, I wish our seniors hadn't crapped out against the somewhat less than spectacular Wildcats. 42 points SHOULD be enough to beat anybody regardless of TOs, tricky wind or frick'n global cataclism. Heck I wouldn't even care that aggy beat us. You can't beat the same team forever.

12/22/2006, 04:35 PM
Actually, I wish our seniors hadn't crapped out against the somewhat less than spectacular Wildcats. 42 points SHOULD be enough to beat anybody regardless of TOs, tricky wind or frick'n global cataclism. Heck I wouldn't even care that aggy beat us. You can't beat the same team forever.

Shhh, there may be osu trolls lurking about. That information cannot be made public

12/22/2006, 04:35 PM
I think subconscious guilt and a realization of their true unworthiness caused them to self-destruct. (WTF do I know ?!)
To have beaten OU fair and square would have beeen a feather in their cap; but to them it became a **** sandwich and a bag of chips to a starving man. They couldn't even brag about it because the nation knows the result was a farce.

Fixed :D

12/22/2006, 05:22 PM
There's no "Karma" going on here. They just flat out suck.

12/22/2006, 05:54 PM
How much time did they spend on the Okla/Ore game, was it just the clip and a couple words or something more?

12/22/2006, 06:43 PM
I can't believe you let those guys even stay close enough that the refs could make a difference. Oregon is pathetic.

Funny, I've heard a few people wondering the same thing after the 'horn loss to A&M. But hey, whatever works as a binky to make your consolation trip to the Alamo Bowl more palatable - I say go for it.

We'll never know how your team would have fared in the same situation; you didn't play that game. But enjoy the trips down Speculation Street & Moot Point Place just the same. We'll be too busy enjoying our Glendale trip to join you.

12/22/2006, 10:10 PM
How much time did they spend on the Okla/Ore game, was it just the clip and a couple words or something more?

They showed one clip of the onside kick against us after they attempted an onside kick on BYU that they were not given. One commentator said that AP should have gone to the ref with the ball instead of walking away with it.

12/22/2006, 10:42 PM
One commentator said that AP should have gone to the ref with the ball instead of walking away with it.

Right, THEIR screwups were OUR player's fault. Somebody tell that Junior Jimmy Olsen to put the crack pipe down and back slowly away. The only thing more ridiculous than that commentator getting paid to say stupid things, is that the Pac-10 refs got paid for not doing their jobs.