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View Full Version : Dear Santa, I want a RUFNEK Shotgun...

12/20/2006, 12:52 AM
And lotsalotsa shells.:cool:

Actually, I haven't been all that good this year and prolly shouldn't put all my hope in a jolly old elf.:O

And the legal fees and bribes necessitated by being a bit too naughty, precludes purchasing the real thing. :( (Besides, I don't want a REAL Ruf/Nek shotgun; I would have to hang it on the wall in a place of great reverence. I want one I can shoot off to annoy the helloutta the horn and aggie neighbors!)

So, how to I make, beg, borrow, or...well get somehow, a similar styled ceremonial shotgun that I can paint red and white and make a really loud boom in the yard?????:confused:

I'm not after home defense, or shooting birdies, or firing off projectiles of any kind.

So, other than reforming my behavior and hittin' Santa up next year,

what say y'all??????:pop: