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View Full Version : Professional Wrestling needs a BCS system

12/19/2006, 03:00 PM
Think about all the talk and angst that the BCS causes College Football. What would we be talking about now if the BCS wasn't flawed? Our matchup with Boise State? Pfft.

Just imagine it. Hillbillies of all shapes, colors, and sizes would be sweatin' gravy over whether or not Vito beats Mr No-name so that HBK has enough strength of competition points to make the Kansas City show. Then it would come out that Big Show's manager purposefully voted him last in the league to get him out of the whole thing, and what could have been if the ref had seen the illegal choke hold that won Triple H's match against Rey Mysterio?

Sure King Booker never lost, but all he did was beat up on the Divas. Does that mean he gets into the show? What about John Cena? He lost to Lashley and the Undertaker, but he also whupped up on everyone else. Plus, his competition was tougher. The possibilities are endless, and College Football has already written all the scripts for you. Need an upset? Look at USC/UCLA. Need a powerhouse to go down and still play for it all? OU/KSU. Media favorite gets in no matter what? Notre Dame.

You can tease playoffs. You can have fake belts made by independent "polls". You can have split belt titles. This needs to be done.

12/19/2006, 03:07 PM
I thought it already was that way.

12/19/2006, 03:20 PM
No, right now they just kind of throw things around willy-nilly. Matchups determined on a whim with no rhyme or reason other than to create drama. That can still happen, of course. Say Batista beats Jericho one on one and Jericho's a bitch about it. The powers-that-be could of course schedule another match at their whim. But the rules of the WWE BCS would only count it once. Or however many times they wanted. All this does is create MORE drama and chaos in the hillbilly mind. I love it.

12/19/2006, 04:04 PM
You forgot to throw K-Fed somewhere in there because from what I heard he's got a title shot coming up.

12/19/2006, 04:46 PM
Blame Vince McMahon.


12/19/2006, 04:50 PM
Is Chris Jericho back in the ring?

12/19/2006, 08:58 PM
[The venerable Danny Williams] No wagering, please! [/Danny Williams]