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12/18/2006, 06:07 PM
I envy you. The breathless anticipation they feel at this time of year is marvelous. They can't wait for Santa, and they just might never experience that intense child-like anticipation of an event ever again, once a few more years breaks the spell.

Enjoy the season and enjoy those kiddos.

Me? The father of a twenty-year old kid who has to be forcefully awakened with threats of physical violence on Christmas morning.

BTW, I really don't envy that business of having tiny fingers poked in my eyes at 4am on Christmas Eve wondering of it's "morning time" yet...but I'm glad I experienced it.;)

12/18/2006, 06:17 PM
So far my son Ryan doesn't grasp the concept of Christmas yet.He will be three in Febuary and he has a bay brother Jason Charles due on May 11.I look forward to the Christmas Fever age with nervousness as I recall what a pain I was at that stage.

12/18/2006, 06:21 PM
Me? The father of a twenty-year old kid who has to be forcefully awakened with threats of physical violence on Christmas morning.
Maybe if you gave decent gifts...:D

It is really cool to see the excitement build in these little ones. My oldest(soon to be seven) is cracking me up. every day the first thing he tells me when I walk in the door is, 12 days 'til Christmas, 11 days 'til Christmas, 10...and has since the first of December.:D

12/18/2006, 06:21 PM
I have kids from 9 to 25 it's exciting to see the 9 year old's excitement it's kinda funny to see the 25 yeard old's WTF look when he gets his $30 gift card to Barnes and Nobles!

Just Sayin.

12/18/2006, 06:22 PM
As the father of 4 kids 12 yo to 4 yo. This is a great time. But man I feel old. At least too old to have kids this young.

Like the man said "why do they have to waste youth on the young?" :D

12/18/2006, 06:27 PM
My three year old isn't too keen on Santa Claus. He doesn't care for the whole "home invasion" aspect of him. We tell him that Santa brings toys to all the good boys and girls, and he tells us that he has plenty of toys.

12/18/2006, 06:29 PM
my 2 month old just craps himself. We did a **** poor job of decorating because we have our hands full with him.

Anyone wanna baby sit?

12/18/2006, 06:29 PM
I went to a leadership camp where one of the lessons was about small children, and the magic of Christmas. The guy talked a lot about how after you realize Santa isn't real, the excitement of Christmas lessens. The moral of the lesson was to remember how excited you used to be, and keeping it alive for the younger ones. (which tied back in to leadership, marching band-wise, in keeping band, rehearsals, performances and competitions exciting and fun for freshman, etc)

I got to do that with my brother for a couple years, and now we both get to do that for our little cousin.

12/18/2006, 06:44 PM
after you realize Santa isn't real


12/18/2006, 07:04 PM
I have kids from 9 to 25 it's exciting to see the 9 year old's excitement it's kinda funny to see the 25 yeard old's WTF look when he gets his $30 gift card to Barnes and Nobles!

Just Sayin.

Spoken like a true hillbilly who shops at Walmarts, and buys books and sech at the Barnes and Nobles.:D

12/18/2006, 07:19 PM
http://ec2.images-amazon.com/images/P/B0002PUHSI.01._AA240_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg (http://www.amazon.com/Hung-Holidays-William/dp/B0002PUHSI/sr=8-1/qid=1166487480/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/002-5327610-9484826?ie=UTF8&s=music)

The perfect gift for that special someone, to show just how much you care. :D

12/18/2006, 08:39 PM
So far my son Ryan doesn't grasp the concept of Christmas yet.He will be three in Febuary and he has a bay brother Jason Charles due on May 11.I look forward to the Christmas Fever age with nervousness as I recall what a pain I was at that stage.
My daughter will be 12 on May 11.:) :)