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View Full Version : so, Sic em...you are up at 4 AM?

King Crimson
12/17/2006, 05:21 AM
i'm at 3, and listening to live Nick Cave bootlegs and wishing i ordered a bigass pizza....what are you doing?

i'd rather be asleep--but i'm not.

12/17/2006, 05:23 AM
Well, I was playing Falcon 4.0, but I got bored with that so now I'm reading articles on continental drift. I really hate geology, but for some reason continental drift fascinates me.

Also, I'm watching pr0n. ;)

King Crimson
12/17/2006, 05:32 AM
why do you really hate geology? is it because rocks and history don't have anything to do with making the world even more moronic?

edit: back to original post.

12/17/2006, 05:36 AM
why do you really hate geology? is it because rocks and history don't have anything to do with making the world even more moronic?

Well, I love history just not so much the geology. I just can't find rocks interesting. I have taken a geology class with a very nice but monotone professor; the last straw though was when in the lab we had to identify rocks using the grit test by tasting of the damned things. We only had one set of rocks for each table and unfortunately I wasn't the first to grab the set....I have a big of a germ phobia so that the last straw for me and geology.

yet!, at the same time provide the moral issue that we al need to kick *** in the middle east for moral reasons. but then, later, pull out.

I'd be much happier with the war if we really were bombing their *** and taking their gas. I'm as big a fan of democratic nation building as I am of geology and in that respect the two are similar. Although, knowing where to "get the gas" involves a bit of geology now doesn't it?

12/17/2006, 06:13 AM
serious conversations at 4am can never turn out well

12/17/2006, 07:08 AM
This needs to be a sticky.

Geeze... uh...

No. Never Mind.

12/17/2006, 02:27 PM
Though it's cold and lonely in the deep dark night, I can see paradise by the dashboard light.