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12/13/2006, 07:55 PM
Paul: Which Sooner defense was the best in yout tenure?

SportsNation Barry Switzer: That's a difficult question. The best of the 70s was the 74 team. It had four or five guys that started in the NFL. We led the nation in defense in scoring. At the same time, it was a great offensive team. We were an undefeated national champion. But my teams of the 80s, we had really good LBs and DLs. We led the nation in three consecutive years. That was a great, great group. I'm splitting hairs. '74 dominated the 70s.

tarek Fawaz Trinity,florida: Do you think the sooners will win another national championship before the end of this decade ? ofcourse football

SportsNation Barry Switzer: That's hard to pick anyone to win in the next three years. There are 5 or 6 schools that always have a chance. The problem I have with saying yes is that Oklahoma doesn't have a QB. Their recruitment this year will determine what they have at QB. That position is bare right now.

Burr (NJ): Hey Coach. If you were coaching the team that had the number 1 overall pick this year, who would you take?

SportsNation Barry Switzer: I would have taken Reggie Bush. I was watching the Saints-Cowboys game the other night. I'm watching the game and I can't hear the sound, but I watch them flip the ball to Bush and he takes it to the house. Who would I take this year? First, I haven't studied the draft. It's hard for me as a straight coach to give an answer if I haven't studied it. But first, you start with the QB. You have to have a good quarterback. I don't know how good the pro's think Quinn is. I can go with who the newspaper says is the best, but I don't have the evaluation done.

Scott (Greenville, SC): Hey Coach, we always hear about recruiting wars. Is there one war for a player that sticks out in your mind as being tougher than others?

SportsNation Barry Switzer: No. They're all tough. When you come down to the end, it's usually you and another school, especially for a blue chip player. Today, they're all recruiting the same players. Geographically, Texas is recruiting the same players that Oklahoma is recruiting. Today, kids committ early and most stay with their committments. So, the battle is early rather than late. The recruiting is still intense. If you have a 6-month waiting period is a long time. There was a guy that had committed with Michigan State, but then Smith left and the kid recommitted to Oklahoma. Earl Campbell was between me and Texas. We thought we were going to get him and he went to Texas.

Ben (TX): How does Adrian Peterson compare to some of the great running backs you had the opportunity to coach while at OU? (i.e. Owens, Pruitt, Washington, Simms, etc.)

SportsNation Barry Switzer: I think I've had better inate runners, better make you miss backs. But he's a big powerful back like Billy. I've always been partial to smaller backs. The Barry Sanders of the world. Emmitt Smith. Peterson's a tall back. He's big. He gets punished a lot in college. I've seen him take a lot of punishing hits. He's going to have to make them miss and not take as many hits. He'll be a high draft choice, because he has tremendous speed. I've seen him play a lot and the only knock I have is I don't know how good a blocker he is. That's the most important thing in the NFL, is to protect the QB on every down.

Mac (Virginia): Coach, Do you stay in touch with Brian Bosworth?

SportsNation Barry Switzer: Yes I do. In fact, I talked to Brian two or three days ago. He was in Oklahoma for a charity event. He's not the Boz anymore, he's bald. He's still acting. He's done some TV. My wife's talent agency represents him.

Adam (NYC): What team do you see to be the front runner for next season?

SportsNation Barry Switzer: The same teams. They'll all be in the hunt. You can name them. The top 5 to 10 teams that are there this year. It depends on the QB position. Having the type of talent at the skill positions helps. The Big 12 is down this year, I didn't it was very good this year. The SEC is going to be there with someone. USC is going to reload, you know that. They have too much talent base.

BJ Carmel, NY: Coach, Do you think we will ever see an option offense in the National Championship again?

SportsNation Barry Switzer: No one's running it. You could, you could take Tom Osborne's playbook from the 90's and dominant. If I were coaching again, that's what I would do. Tom's teams were lined up just like USC's. USC lines up with a QB under center with a fullback and tailback. But Osborne lined up the same and attacked the defense.

SportsNation Barry Switzer: There aren't many deciples of the option out there.

Gentry - Las Vegas: Coach - you've been in the biggest games in College and the NFL... if you could go back and coach in only one. with your knowledge today - what would you pick?

SportsNation Barry Switzer: I will give you two examples. I'd go back to two I lost. I go back to '78 against Nebraska. We fumbled 9 times and lost. I would go back to that and eliminate my mistakes. In the pro game, I would go back to '94 in San Francisco. We fumbled the ball 5 times. We only had 2 offensive snaps and were down 21-0. That was a disaster. We created that and no coach had a thing to do with that. We preached to them not to make mistakes. If we win that one, we win the Super Bowl.

Kevin Boston, MA: Would you ever consider coaching again?

SportsNation Barry Switzer: I would consider it. I would consider the pro game. College is so taxing. It's a different mission and goal in life. You're developing men for the rest of their lives. Pro football isn't like that. I want to deal with men. That's the difference in the games.

David Miami, Ok.: Would it be possible to have the bowl games and a playoff? Perhaps do a playoff between the National Championship game and Super Bowl Sunday? Thanks...

SportsNation Barry Switzer: I don't think it's a far-fecthed idea. I've seen several different systems. But it will never happen until you settle the issues. The money issue. How is the money distributed and how we handle the bowls. They don't want to disrupt the bowls system. The time issue during the month of December. The bowl structure could be set up such that you have your bowl system to arrive with a champion. It would bring in tremendous revenue.

Waylon( Virginia Beach, VA): Coach, What type of relationship to you have with coach stoops? Does he ever come to you for advise?

SportsNation Barry Switzer: Excellent. He embraced the tradition of Oklahoma. He reached out to us and made us feel comfortable in our own home. He's not concerned with the past. We present no threat to him. He's a very talented individual.

Luke (Nashville): Coach what did you think of all the hoopla espn made last year about USC being the greatest team of all time? I think the 95 Huskers would have dominated them and so would some of those great teams you had in the 70s and the 1985 team

SportsNation Barry Switzer: Well, I had some great Oklahoma teams but our best teams couldn't beat Miami. But I had a lot of consistently great football teams. '95 Nebraska, I think is truly one of the great football teams. USC '04, instead of last year, I think was better than '05. But that's just my opinion.

justin (the valley) : I know in your book you describe some pretty funny recruiting stories. what is your most memorable recruiting experience?

SportsNation Barry Switzer: I have a lot of them. You recruit for 30 years, you have many many pop in your mind. I called Billy Simms. He was the top running back in American when he came out of high school. He was working a service station in Texas. At halftime of a ball game, everyone does the same thing, but you have to have an edge to show him you care, I walked into the lockerroom in 1974. We're leading and there's not much to say to the team. I see a pay phone on the wall. I go over and borrow a nickel and put it in the phone. I dial up the station and I tell the boy on the phone that I need to talk to Billy. Billy's pumping gas and his friend runs out and says Coach Switzer is on the phone. He runs in and I talked to Billy for 20 minutes on the phone. He hears the official walk up to me and tell me that it's time to get back on the field. I hang up and we end up in a rout. I call him that night and we had a good laugh about it.

SportsNation Barry Switzer: It's a great game. We've got the greatest America's sport, college football.

12/13/2006, 08:05 PM
The King rocks...

12/13/2006, 08:07 PM
Still the man for sure.

12/13/2006, 08:14 PM
SportsNation Barry Switzer: I dial up the station and I tell the boy on the phone that I need to talk to Billy. Billy's pumping gas and his friend runs out and says Coach Switzer is on the phone. He runs in and I talked to Billy for 20 minutes on the phone. He hears the official walk up to me and tell me that it's time to get back on the field. I hang up and we end up in a rout. I call him that night and we had a good laugh about it.

Switzer actually said, "Billy, the refs are tellin' me it's time for the second half. I'm gonna go kick some *** and I'll call ya later on."

Sims says at that moment he knew he was going to Norman.

-from the Legends Reunion dvd

12/13/2006, 08:43 PM
He was on ESPN the tube just a little while ago and said AD shouldn't play in the bowl.

12/13/2006, 09:15 PM
The story about the call to Billy Sims is freakin awesome.

The Ensuing Kickoff
12/13/2006, 10:00 PM
Earl Campbell was between me and Texas. We thought we were going to get him and he went to Texas.

The word "me" is the loudest word in that whole article. Call it a Freudian slip, call it arrogance for taking the entire credit and not saying "us" - but recruiting at OU from about 1970 until 1989 was indeed all about a singel personality - Barry.

Churchill said after the battle of Britain, something like this about the debt owed to the British airmen who fought off the Germans - "Never before in the course of human history have so many owed so much to so few."

Entirely different, but the greatest two decades in OU's history we owe all to The King.

12/13/2006, 10:03 PM
The King...awesome...

12/13/2006, 10:21 PM
His story about recruiting Spencer Tillman was pretty good to.

Texas Golfer
12/13/2006, 11:35 PM
I like the one where Barry went to a recruits home but, before he rang the bell, he went around back and went through their garbage. He noticed a lot of Papst Blue Ribbon beer cans.

When he was offered a beer by the recruit's dad, Barry said, "Only if it's Papst Blue Ribbon." He said the dad was sold right then.

12/14/2006, 12:48 AM
I like the one where Barry went to a recruits home but, before he rang the bell, he went around back and went through their garbage. He noticed a lot of Papst Blue Ribbon beer cans.

When he was offered a beer by the recruit's dad, Barry said, "Only if it's Papst Blue Ribbon." He said the dad was sold right then. It was Pearl Beer. I remember listening to Barry tell the story on the Sportsanimal not long ago.

12/14/2006, 01:53 AM
My favorite Barry Switzer recruiting memory is that time a recruit was about to sign with Texas, and Coach Switzer flew (not by airplane) to Austin and used his heat vision to destroy a nearby gas tanker. The recruit, fearing his life, signed with OU the next day.

From the book Barry Switzer: The Justice League Years.

12/14/2006, 06:25 AM
I like the one where Barry went to a recruits home but, before he rang the bell, he went around back and went through their garbage. He noticed a lot of Papst Blue Ribbon beer cans.

When he was offered a beer by the recruit's dad, Barry said, "Only if it's Papst Blue Ribbon." He said the dad was sold right then.

Yep, that was Spencer Tillman's father..

Rock Hard Corn Frog
12/14/2006, 09:43 AM
My favorite Barry Switzer recruiting memory is that time a recruit was about to sign with Texas, and Coach Switzer flew (not by airplane) to Austin and used his heat vision to destroy a nearby gas tanker. The recruit, fearing his life, signed with OU the next day.

From the book Barry Switzer: The Justice League Years.

Given my 5 year old is on a hard core Justice League kick right now, that is greatness!

12/14/2006, 10:57 AM
"... but our best teams couldn't beat Miami."

Coulda been 3 straight national championships. Can't wait till OUr guys get some payback next fall.

12/14/2006, 12:37 PM
Long live the KING!!!!!!

12/14/2006, 01:20 PM
I hang up and we end up in a rout. I call him that night and we had a good laugh about it.
My favorite recruiting story of Coach Switzer's is the one when he and his entourage went to Brian's high school at lunch time. Switzer walked down the hall in his boots and mink coat yelling "Wheres Bosworth, Brian Bosworth?"

One of the students pointed to the cafeteria where Brian was there sitting with friends and teammates. Coach Switzer held his Championship ring out, looked Brian square in the eye and said, "I know you want one of these, don't-cha?" :D

12/14/2006, 03:22 PM
"... but our best teams couldn't beat Miami."

Coulda been 3 straight national championships. Can't wait till OUr guys get some payback next fall.

Didn't OU beat Miami some time in the 70s?

Landthief 1972
12/14/2006, 03:34 PM
I like the story of the time Switzer kicked Chuck Norriss' ***, using only one hand, barefoot.

12/14/2006, 05:15 PM
The word "me" is the loudest word in that whole article. Call it a Freudian slip, call it arrogance for taking the entire credit and not saying "us" - but recruiting at OU from about 1970 until 1989 was indeed all about a singel personality - Barry.

Churchill said after the battle of Britain, something like this about the debt owed to the British airmen who fought off the Germans - "Never before in the course of human history have so many owed so much to so few."

Entirely different, but the greatest two decades in OU's history we owe all to The King.

It's the difference between coaches who really understand the "game" of recruiting like they do the game on the field. Switzer is on a short list of past and a few present day coaches who I think really get it.

That's why it's a bit sad to see Bowden and JoPa stay so long that they can't physically keep up with the demands that come with recruiting wars.

12/15/2006, 12:43 PM
...the greatest two decades in OU's history we owe all to The King.

I don't remember Barry being at OU in the '50s.

The VIIIth
12/15/2006, 10:41 PM
Didn't OU beat Miami some time in the 70s?

1975 and it was close. Barry in his tv show said they had good athletes and was not going to be a cakewalk. We all thought it was coachspeak. I remember listening on the radio, it was a night game if I recall, kind of unusual back then, I kept waiting for us to bust it open like we always did. It never happened and we escaped a knife fight.

12/16/2006, 12:01 AM
1975 and it was close. Barry in his tv show said they had good athletes and was not going to be a cakewalk. We all thought it was coachspeak. I remember listening on the radio, it was a night game if I recall, kind of unusual back then, I kept waiting for us to bust it open like we always did. It never happened and we escaped a knife fight.
we thought we were going to roll 'em in '85. I'll never forget those punks waiting at midfield when our team hit the field.

12/16/2006, 11:13 AM
i think the "pearl beer" story was about some kid in a small town, probably
in tejas, & Tillman went to a big school in Tulsa. maybe Edison.

12/17/2006, 12:17 AM
Pearl Beer story was Jack Mildren.

12/17/2006, 04:52 AM
...& Tillman went to a big school in Tulsa. maybe Edison.


Crucifax Autumn
12/17/2006, 05:02 AM
No matter what the details, this interview ricks and Bootlegger's boy is the best sports book ever.

King Crimson
12/17/2006, 05:03 AM
we thought we were going to roll 'em in '85. I'll never forget those punks waiting at midfield when our team hit the field.

i was at that game, the only time i've sat on the east side of the stadium in maybe 100 games at Owen Filed. it seemed unfair how wide open Miami was down the middle on a 3rd and 13.....repeatedly. ****ing Testaverde. my pops used to talk and yell about how ****ty bobby proctor was as a DB caoch.....and it hit home that day with Bennie Blades running wide open in the deep zone.

Crucifax Autumn
12/17/2006, 05:07 AM

King Crimson
12/17/2006, 05:07 AM
Pearl Beer story was Jack Mildren.

that's BS. Switzer wasn't HC when Mildren was recruited, even as an assistant under McKenzie or Fairbanks......that's just not right. that "story" comes later.

12/17/2006, 05:14 AM
For as great as Vinny was in his clashes against OU (Switz said he was the best he ever coached against) he really bombed in his bowl games with national championship opportunities on the line against Tennessee and Penn St.

It's just too bad he wasn't ever Interceptaverde against us.

Crucifax Autumn
12/17/2006, 05:14 AM
But he's the king!

12/17/2006, 12:08 PM
seems to me that OU had played miami more than once, BEFORE 1985.

i do remember a game when Steve Davis was QB, he had a pitch-out
intercepted & run back, a long way for a TD.

12/17/2006, 05:29 PM
Barry tells the best stories.

12/17/2006, 06:37 PM
seems to me that OU had played miami more than once, BEFORE 1985.

i do remember a game when Steve Davis was QB, he had a pitch-out
intercepted & run back, a long way for a TD.

1973 24-20, 1975 20-17.

Or vice versa.

12/18/2006, 11:15 AM
Switzer wasn't HC, but he recruited Mildren.

12/18/2006, 11:32 AM
Switzer wasn't HC, but he recruited Mildren.
yep and he slugged it out with the aTm coaches. I recall he said they'd always talk on Friday nights after Jack's games.
and the one time the aTm coaches thought they had Mildren and family all to themselves and then finding the Switz in the kitchen doing dishes.:D

King Crimson
12/18/2006, 01:07 PM
Switzer wasn't HC, but he recruited Mildren.

my bad

The VIIIth
12/21/2006, 07:39 PM
1973 24-20, 1975 20-17.

Or vice versa.

No man, you nailed it.

12/21/2006, 08:17 PM
1975 and it was close. Barry in his tv show said they had good athletes and was not going to be a cakewalk. We all thought it was coachspeak. I remember listening on the radio, it was a night game if I recall, kind of unusual back then, I kept waiting for us to bust it open like we always did. It never happened and we escaped a knife fight.

That game was at the old Orange Bowl and yes, it was at night.
I lived in Ft Lauderdale at the time and drove down to see the game.

Seating was wide open, I doubt if there were 20K people in the stadium.

The game was certainly close. 10-7 I think. OU was struggling with very little time left in the game and Miami was playing great defense. OU had the ball 3rd and 10 at about their own 7 yd line and it looked like Miami was going to get great field position and probably score the winning td.

OU called a quick kick on 3rd down by the running back and Miami was caught with their pants down, the kick just rolled on forever deep into Miami territory. Miami didnt have enough time left to get the ball down field and score.

OU won.

edit: someone above said the game was 20-17, could have been, I remember it being 3 points.