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View Full Version : Would Stoops make the leap to the NFL?

12/13/2006, 07:15 PM
Now, before you start your neg-fest, it's just a hypothetical question with no factual (or any other) basis.

I got to thinking about this when I first heard of Cower possibly leaving the Steelers. Why the Steelers you ask? Well (as it relates to Stoops) , it's closer to his home than NFL jobs he's been targeted for in the past (other than the Cleveland job, which we all know would be coaching suicide).

Also, it's a winning organization with a proven track record for coaching loyalty. He could potentialy take the job without fear of "win in year one or lose your job!". That's not to say he wouldn't be held to a high, winning standard, but Pittsburgh would more than likely put him in a better position to win than say Cleveland.

I know Stoops makes a boat load of money, and seems happy, but like most of us, I'm sure there is a small (or not so small) part of him that thinks about the "next level".

Admit it, we all have that dark thought, in the back of our head that represents the dreaded press conference about Stoops' departure from OU. Like death and taxes, it's going to happen...it's just a matter of when and why.

I want to believe that Stoops will be another Joe Paterno or Bobby Bowden...a lifer, but that thinking goes so far against the odds.

I take some solice in knowing (or at least making myself believe) that the powers that be would never let another Sch**********r incident occur, and that someday, we may see a Josh Heupel coaching our beloved Sooners, I just wonder somtimes just how far away that may be.

12/13/2006, 07:19 PM
Can you just pull up the same thread from last year, or the year before?

12/13/2006, 07:20 PM
I know it's been hased and rehashed, but think about it....we're not talking about a crappy and/or expansion team.

12/13/2006, 08:00 PM
Bob is making 3.5 in Norman- compared to 4 or 5 in Pittsburg

I see 40 Million plus in Norman over the next 12 years - not too mention TV show and other indorsements from the Sooner nation.

Maybe 4 years in Pitt- just don't see anyone being that successful in the NFL - so he would stand too loose over 20 million just in salary not too mention cost of living etc- in my opinion and be looking for a new gig.

OU has to be the best football coaching job NFL or College in my opinion.

12/13/2006, 08:48 PM
Have you seen the "Super Bowl Champions" lately??? Nothing about the NFL seems like Stoops style, for now, that is...

12/13/2006, 09:37 PM
I think Stoops stays loyal to the program.

Besides, in regards to the Rooneys (Steelers owners), they are pretty old school, and I think they'd hire from within the league.

Now, the true test will come when Jerry Jones offers Stoops the goods after BP retires next off season. But I don't even think that would sway Stoops.

12/13/2006, 09:40 PM
Did I miss something? Why do I keep seeing that the Dallas job would be more appealing to Stoops than any other NFL job? I don't think he has ties to Dallas or anything.

12/13/2006, 09:43 PM
Did I miss something? Why do I keep seeing that the Dallas job would be more appealing to Stoops than any other NFL job? I don't think he has ties to Dallas or anything.

Because I'm an Oklahoma fan, and a Cowboy fan.

My natural bias and personal agenda tie the two together.

That, plus Roy Williams.


12/13/2006, 09:53 PM
college football is where you can win every year... the nfl is not. the nfl is where you win one year, and lose repeatedly until you get fired (jon gruden is not un-fireable).

even the best coaches can do awful in the nfl. that's just the nature of the nfl. even the best player can do terrible unless he's surrounded by great players... and you don't get great money if your teammates command it first.

college football>nfl

12/13/2006, 10:01 PM
I'm not so sure that Stoops would be so fond of working for Jerry and his meddling.

12/13/2006, 10:37 PM
college football is where you can win every year... the nfl is not. the nfl is where you win one year, and lose repeatedly until you get fired (jon gruden is not un-fireable).

even the best coaches can do awful in the nfl. that's just the nature of the nfl. even the best player can do terrible unless he's surrounded by great players... and you don't get great money if your teammates command it first.

college football>nfl

I wish someone would inform the Glazer family of this, but I cannot see anyone who could turn this mess of a team around.
It was Chucky who keeps proclaiming Chrissy as the future of the Bucs, ugh.

12/13/2006, 10:44 PM
The Steelers are about the only team in professional sports that believes in longevity and loyalty, they have had exactly 2 coaches since 1969, Chuck Noll was there until 1991 and Cowher has been there since. He has the longest tenure of any coach in professional US sports, and not all those seasons were winning ones. So I can see where the Steelers would have some appeal to him over most other teams.

I think he will want a new challenge someday, hopefully it will be awhile in spite of what the Bama fans think :rolleyes:

Texas Golfer
12/13/2006, 10:52 PM
I can't imagine any NFL job that could entice Bob to leave OU.

12/13/2006, 11:57 PM
Pre free-agency, Coach Stoops probably could have been enticed by the NFL...

Different animal altogether now.


OU James
12/14/2006, 11:00 AM
I say he will go, eventually....just the competitive aspect...also he knows if he fails in the NFL, he could always come back to the college game...who wouldn't hire him. (see: Steve Spurrier, Butch Davis, probably soon to be Nick Saban).

12/14/2006, 11:11 AM
Stoops home is in Florida. Next to Spurriers'.

Why would he go freeze his nads off in the 'Burgh?

If he leaves it'll be for someplace warm. Like Tampa.

12/14/2006, 01:45 PM
Isn't his home in Norman, ya know, where he lives with his wife and kids?

12/14/2006, 08:23 PM
First of all it will be a warm weather site and that narrows it down. Look for Dallas, Houston, Tampa. This will happen because of the money but not soon.

12/14/2006, 08:37 PM
Why do some of you think that weather is the great motivator? I'm sure there is something to be said for the weather as it may impact a decision, but it has to be waaaay toward the bottom.

The reason I mentioned the Steelers, is because it is a team of longevity and loyalty (as mentioned by BlueDog), and they are not afraid to spend money...not true for every NFL owner.

As for what's going on with the Steelers this year, I don't think that really represents the history of the club. And, dare I say...they aren't out of it yet.

Like I said, I hope Stoops stays forever. But, as I also said, he is a competitor, and I think I can safely assume he thrives on challenge. As for the OU job being the best job in college or pro....take off your Crimson glasses for a minute. I would say we are a top 10 college job, but the NFL is the "next level".

In regard to the money issue, if you honestly think a college coaching job pays more than a NFL head coaching job, then I'd say you're right in only a few cases. There is just as much if not more money in the NFL. Coaching shows, big salaries and endorsments don't peak at the college level...they begin there.

Again, the reasoning for Pittsburgh isn't based on any factual information, just my speculation...it's an historically good club, with loyal owners, and close to Stoops home (and by home, I mean his hometown...not the same as where he has a house).

12/14/2006, 08:44 PM
Isn't his home in Norman, ya know, where he lives with his wife and kids?

He maintains a vacation home in Florida

That better?

12/14/2006, 08:47 PM
Up rooting your Family for an unstable job in Pittsburgh?

Not likely.

Bob is a Family Guy. I bet he gets so tired of this kind of speculation.

If his Kids were older (like in College) and he wasn't happy with the program...I could see him thinking about a change.

12/14/2006, 08:47 PM
Why do some of you think that weather is the great motivator? I'm sure there is something to be said for the weather as it may impact a decision, but it has to be waaaay toward the bottom.

The fact that of where he maintains a summer home is a good sign of where he likes to be. That house isn't in Maine, it's in Florida.

Also, he knows he can be choosy. He's in the cat-birds seat in terms of positions. He has about the best thing going in College and knows he can be selective in terms of where he goes (climate, chance of success, ownership).

12/14/2006, 08:50 PM
Okay, I understand that given the choice, a nice, warm place is a great alternative....but would you rather coach the Bears or the Bucs. All I'm saying is that weather probably isn't at the top his list (not that he even has a list).

12/14/2006, 08:51 PM
Up rooting your Family for an unstable job in Pittsburgh?

Not likely.

I would say that a coaching job in Pittsburgh is as stable a head coaching job as there is in the NFL.

12/14/2006, 09:09 PM
Up rooting your Family for an unstable job in Pittsburgh?

Not likely.

Bob is a Family Guy. I bet he gets so tired of this kind of speculation.

If his Kids were older (like in College) and he wasn't happy with the program...I could see him thinking about a change.

I agree. Bob Stoops knows that if he takes an NFL position he will be basically kissing his family goodbye.

12/14/2006, 09:55 PM
Okay, I understand that given the choice, a nice, warm place is a great alternative....but would you rather coach the Bears or the Bucs. All I'm saying is that weather probably isn't at the top his list (not that he even has a list).

the posturing going on in this thread is crackin me up :)

12/14/2006, 10:19 PM
Until Stoops says he is unhappy or he says he is interested in the Nfl, why cant we just trust the fact that he says EVERY SINGLE TIME HE IS ASKED that he is HAPPY WHERE HE IS! My god, we have this talk once a month and it gets old. Quit being so paranoid!!!

12/14/2006, 10:20 PM
If Stoops ever wants to leave for the Nfl then that is his decision and I gaurantee you that half of you will automatically hate the guy and talk bad about him anyways

12/14/2006, 10:26 PM
If Stoops ever wants to leave for the Nfl then that is his decision and I gaurantee you that half of you will automatically hate the guy and talk bad about him anyways

Not me. I have zero problem with anyone who chooses a new career path or challenge and I have zero problem with someone leaving one job for another if the new one pays significantly more.

12/14/2006, 10:29 PM
Not me. I have zero problem with anyone who chooses a new career path or challenge and I have zero problem with someone leaving one job for another if the new one pays significantly more.

I hear ya JM, I just get sick of fans(ou included) that love this guy or that guy one minute, whether he be a coach or player, and then if he decides he wants to move on as a coach or as a player that person gets drilled for being an ***, a low-life, not good enough for us anyways, etc...

12/15/2006, 12:25 AM
Until Stoops says he is unhappy or he says he is interested in the Nfl, why cant we just trust the fact that he says EVERY SINGLE TIME HE IS ASKED that he is HAPPY WHERE HE IS! My god, we have this talk once a month and it gets old. Quit being so paranoid!!!

Relax, it was a hypothetical question. If you don't care for it, then don't post in it. This board is neat like that.

12/15/2006, 12:26 AM
Not me. I have zero problem with anyone who chooses a new career path or challenge and I have zero problem with someone leaving one job for another if the new one pays significantly more.

That's where I am too. If he ever leaves for an NFL team, I'd probably become an instant fan of said team.

12/15/2006, 12:27 AM
the posturing going on in this thread is crackin me up :)

At least someone is catching it.

12/15/2006, 01:52 AM
Relax, it was a hypothetical question. If you don't care for it, then don't post in it. This board is neat like that.

I never understand this response. This board is also neat because if you disagree you can post your opinion. If Collier was being a db about it, then yea, move along. But he's just voicing a common opinion around here.

Anywhoo, Stoops is also involved in many of his own business adventures here in Norman. His kids are still young and grown up here. I'd bet that he and his family love his current situation and no immediate plans to change. Further down the road, sure. But not right now.

And when he does he can always come back and move in next door to Switzer and they can chillax their days away together talking about all the *** they kicked.

12/15/2006, 02:01 AM
Relax, it was a hypothetical question. If you don't care for it, then don't post in it. This board is neat like that.

and just like that, if you dont like what i have to say then dont read it or respond to it, whatya say!!!

Texas Golfer
12/15/2006, 05:24 AM
First of all it will be a warm weather site and that narrows it down. Look for Dallas, Houston, Tampa. This will happen because of the money but not soon.

Already being the highest paid coach in the NCAA, I don't think money will be a factor. If he leaves, it'll be because he feels he needs a different challenge.

12/15/2006, 03:05 PM
[QUOTE=8timechamps]Now, before you start your neg-fest, it's just a hypothetical question with no factual (or any other) basis.

I got to thinking about this when I first heard of Cower possibly leaving the Steelers. Why the Steelers you ask? Well (as it relates to Stoops) , it's closer to his home than NFL jobs he's been targeted for in the past (other than the Cleveland job, which we all know would be coaching suicide)./QUOTE]

Hmmm...closer to his home. I thought the OU HC gig would be closer to his home...you know living in Norman and all. http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/2676/sarcasmoo9.gif

I know, I know. The Stoops family hail from Youngstown, OH, not exactly the Garden City jewel of America. Have any of you ever been to Youngstown or even Ohio? My sister and her family live in Ohio (bless them) not to far from Youngstown and are not real fond of the place (5 months of Winter every year). I don't know why some people assume that most people want to return to live at the place where they grew up.

I have lived in a lot of places growing up (CO, WY, GA, TX, CA & OK) but OK is where my formative years were spent (5th grade - college) and loved OU and Norman but I would not want to live in Oklahoma again. Home is where you make it...not necessarily where you grew up. A lot you can find a better place for you.

12/15/2006, 04:48 PM
Oh please. Bob Stoops isn't going to the pros. I wouldn't be surprised if he had a nice little chat with Steve Spurrier about his time with the Washington Redskins. Dan Snyder is quickly becoming the most hated man in DC (yes, even more than the President).

12/15/2006, 05:38 PM
and just like that, if you dont like what i have to say then dont read it or respond to it, whatya say!!!

You were the one pointing the "paranoid" finger. Of course it's been mentioned a hundred times, and guess what...it's going to be mentioned 100 more. It was a hypothetic question given the current situation in Pittsburg. Some of the folks here (and I not assuming you to be in this category, although you may be) are so frightened by the prospect that Stoops may leave for an NFL job someday, that the mere mention of it causes an instant defensive posture.