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12/12/2006, 11:00 AM
Link ...... :)


12/12/2006, 11:08 AM

12/12/2006, 11:13 AM
The Brown brothers are successful wherever they go. I give it up to Watson Brown and UAB for their efforts against Oklahoma. The game was a wake up call and from then on made the Sooners play a lot better despite the travesty in Oregon.

Watson Brown led the Blazers to a couple bowl berths I believe and made his presence known. IMO, I think he should be the Vanderbilt coach; he could do well there.

Mack Brown as well succeeds wherever he goes and his round as the Tar Heels coach sure was promising which included a school best 11-1 record in 1997- only loss to FSU.

FWIW, had Mack stayed 1 more year at Oklahoma, he would have had a ring on his other hand; took 21 years more to let Vince put one on him.

12/12/2006, 11:24 AM
IMHO -- Coaching at Tennesse Tech will mostl likely BE a Fun Job....
Not a lot of high Pressure - Decent weather - Tenn Folks love their Football -
Installed those opitions -- run - run - run - Maybe Brown knew everything in Alabama is about to explode ...... :)

Keep R'

12/12/2006, 12:24 PM
The Brown brothers are successful wherever they go. I give it up to Watson Brown and UAB for their efforts against Oklahoma. The game was a wake up call and from then on made the Sooners play a lot better despite the travesty in Oregon.

Watson Brown led the Blazers to a couple bowl berths I believe and made his presence known. IMO, I think he should be the Vanderbilt coach; he could do well there.

Mack Brown as well succeeds wherever he goes and his round as the Tar Heels coach sure was promising which included a school best 11-1 record in 1997- only loss to FSU.

FWIW, had Mack stayed 1 more year at Oklahoma, he would have had a ring on his other hand; took 21 years more to let Vince put one on him.

Brown's record at UAB was 62-74, and he has a career record of 94-151 that includes stops at Cincinnati, Rice and Vanderbilt. He was offensive coordinator at Mississippi State and Oklahoma before going to UAB in 1995.

Been there, done that...

12/12/2006, 12:44 PM
IMO, I think he should be the Vanderbilt coach; he could do well there.

As sward said, "been there, done that"...

And lucky me, I was there for all four years of his DISASTROUS tenure. Let me recount for you:

4-7 (the high water mark)

And the majority of the time in our losses we were not even marginally competitive.

Every hire at Vandy since Watson's departure has been, as I've watched them, a tremendous upgrade over Watson....Yes, even DiNardo...

So he's had a few winners in the Constantly-Shifting-Mix-of-Teams Conference. And he's thrown together some of those wacky gameplans he's "renown" for to scare the pants off of some of the big boys.

And he's been essentially run from UAB. Think about that for a minute...

12/12/2006, 12:54 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

The best part of that article, in case you missed it, is a guest appearance by that absolute TOOL of a coach from Hoover High from the MTV series....

Good God Almighty what is this world coming to, that a piece of scum like that could even be referenced as a serious candidate for anything? In fact, I don't know how he's not been set on fire by an angry mob now that his treatment of his players has been exposed.

12/12/2006, 12:59 PM
So what happened to the out going TTech coach? Sounds weird to resign, renounce that and then take a leave of absense?

12/12/2006, 02:47 PM

12/12/2006, 03:03 PM
whats the matter with the Hoover coach. ya, based on the show he was a bit of an ***, but the guy can flat out coach. Look at Hoovers success before he got there and how good they have been since he got there.

12/12/2006, 03:50 PM
It's my opinion he's winning because of his players, not the other way around. Look at the talent pool he has to work with. It would be hard to screw that up if you're even marginally competent. And he is a de-humanizing SOB. If my high school coach had treated me like that I would have beaten the ever living crap out of him. And as soon as I was done with him my parents (who went to high school with him) would have done the same.

And don't think for a minute he wasn't hard on us or that he didn't make us work. He was when called for and did. And we were 35-5 my 3 years of ball. And never once did he run any of us down like that scum from Hoover does routinely.

12/12/2006, 03:57 PM
It's my opinion he's winning because of his players, not the other way around. Look at the talent pool he has to work with. It would be hard to screw that up
Ya, look at John Blake, he did alot with the talent that he had. Come to think of it, so did John Mackovick, umm...John Robinson at Usc, and so on. :rolleyes:

12/12/2006, 03:58 PM
Hoover was founded STRICTLY for football. No other reason than to play good football and that's a fact. Anyone who coaches there is going to win.

12/12/2006, 03:58 PM
Heaven forbid your coach demand greatness out of you, ya he is an *** but he is also giving alot of kids an oppurtunity to be better young men and go on and get a college education when they wouldnt have been able to before.

The Maestro
12/12/2006, 04:03 PM
But he mentioned making a run at the national championship...at Tennessee Tech? Um...okay! Are they D-1? If not, disregard my confusion.

12/26/2006, 12:01 PM
Ya, look at John Blake, he did alot with the talent that he had. Come to think of it, so did John Mackovick, umm...John Robinson at Usc, and so on. :rolleyes:

You can't even remotely compare a high school recruiting factory to the college game. Not even a little bit.

And you must have missed the "marginally competent" part of my post. The only name you even mention up there that could be called marginally competent is John Robinson. And the fact is that the game (including his relationships with players) had passed him by on his second tour. You will note, of course, he did just fine on his first tour.

12/26/2006, 10:45 PM
I can't believe no one called the race card on this thread yet!!! :D Brown Brothers, sheesh. HATERS!!!

12/27/2006, 12:07 AM
You can't even remotely compare a high school recruiting factory to the college game. Not even a little bit.

And you must have missed the "marginally competent" part of my post. The only name you even mention up there that could be called marginally competent is John Robinson. And the fact is that the game (including his relationships with players) had passed him by on his second tour. You will note, of course, he did just fine on his first tour.

All im saying is you have to be able to coach to win, no matter how much talent you have. He may be an ***, and he may be coaching great talent, but the fact of the matter is he is winning championships and sending kids to college that may have never made it had they not been pushed to the limit.