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View Full Version : Houston residents: The Great Caruso burned down this weekend

12/11/2006, 05:41 PM
Houston's only dinner theater restaurant burned down to the ground Sunday morning. It happened around 6 am.

I work across the street from the restaurant. I was working a midnight shift and I got off work at 5:45.

As I was going home, a black sedan blasted past me. The stupid idiot even lost control, spun out on Richmond, turned around and kept going.

Officials said that they suspect arson. It kills me that I didn't get the license plate or a better description of the car. I'm convinced that it was probably the arsonist. Who else goes 90 mph on Richmond at 6 in the morning?

I am seriously bummed. I should really keep a pen and pad of paper nearby when I'm driving.

12/12/2006, 05:03 PM
Oh, that's OK, Penguin. Nobody blames you for not writing down his license plate number. You're being too hard on yourself.

Besides, who has a pencil and paper next to them when driving?

12/12/2006, 06:35 PM
I got your back on this one Penguin. I worked there for a few months in HS. I was shocked to hear this myself, particularly the arson part. Must be an insurance thing I guess.

(BTW - I take Richmond to the Beltway most days and I can attest that there are people that drive 90 at 6 at night, let alone 6 in the morning on Richmond. This is Houston afterall.)

12/13/2006, 04:52 PM
Actually, I heard that the fire was quite a show. My co-workers had a great view of the fire and it was spectacular.

12/13/2006, 04:55 PM
Who else goes 90 mph on Richmond at 6 in the morning?

Me, after getting shot down repeatedly at Cooter's!:texan: