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View Full Version : Pondering young football player's options?

12/7/2006, 06:11 PM
So, the incident that happened with the Lakeland HS player this week,
reported in this thread (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=85107) got me wondering about a few thoughts.

First off, the kid is an very skilled athlete. He ran for 326 yds in the State semi last weekend and has had huge numbers all season.

Now, Im kinda feeling like he is a few toys short of a full cracker jack box after listening to his interview. And, Im not sure he is going to make it academically in a University situation, especially Florida where he is commited. Florida has a pretty high standard for their athletes.

As of tonight, they are going to let him play in the State championship game this weekend. The school officials say they have found no evidence of him doing anything other than "joking" with the press. Lakeland HS must feel confident that he is not guilty of what he was bragging about, because, if they let him play tomorrow and it is later proven he is guilty, they would have to forfeit the State Championship should they win it.

So, here is the thought I am wondering about. A potential superstar football player, who accepts gifts in High School disqualifies himself from playing in college.

Could he still go to the NFL after the three year wait past his HS class graduation? Has anyone ever done that? I know it happens in the NBA, but I think it is a rare case. But as some have proved, they do have the natural talent to play in the NBA without being "developed" by a college program.

So, what do you guys think of a boys chances to play pro level football without the benefit of being involved with a college team for 3 years?

12/7/2006, 06:19 PM
Could he still go to the NFL after the three year wait past his HS class graduation? Has anyone ever done that? I know it happens in the NBA, but I think it is a rare case. But as some have proved, they do have the natural talent to play in the NBA without being "developed" by a college program.

So, what do you guys think of a boys chances to play pro level football without the benefit of being involved with a college team for 3 years?

He could go to the NFL & play.

The chances of that happening - slim & none.

It is VERY difficult to get INVITED to a mini camp to try out - you pretty much gotta know a trainer or something in order for them to take a spot away from a *college kid that has PLAYED 3 years or more of organized football*

Please do not recommend this to any young men out there.:D

12/7/2006, 06:25 PM
Are there any NFLers who didn't go to college? I'm sure there is, but I have no idea who they are or how they got there.

12/7/2006, 06:31 PM
Is this the typical JuCo scenario?

12/7/2006, 06:40 PM
Could he go to the CFL?

12/7/2006, 06:48 PM
Arena ball for a few years, maybe?

12/7/2006, 06:48 PM
Kurt Warner?

12/7/2006, 06:58 PM
Kurt Warner?

Northern Iowa

12/7/2006, 07:27 PM
The Arizona Cardinals had a guy that played D-line that was discovered playing semi-pro football with out playing college ball. Eric Swan I think was his name. The Pats have a guard that only wrestled in college.

stoops the eternal pimp
12/7/2006, 07:31 PM
Are there any NFLers who didn't go to college? I'm sure there is, but I have no idea who they are or how they got there.

Chad Johnson was enrolled in college but I dont think he ever went to class

12/7/2006, 07:34 PM
The Arizona Cardinals had a guy that played D-line that was discovered playing semi-pro football with out playing college ball. Eric Swan I think was his name. The Pats have a guard that only wrestled in college.

Again, these are the exceptions rather than the rule - you HAVE to have some sort of IN to even get invited to a mini camp if you didn't play organized college ball (juco, Div.I, I-A, etc)

They don't just let wrasslers try out for Cowboys. Could you imagine if they opened up the Cowboys' mini camp to anyone who "wanted to play professional football"?

"Come on down, and get you one of them NFL paychecks."

12/7/2006, 07:39 PM
Chad Johnson was enrolled in college but I dont think he ever went to class

Remember when ol C.J. and T.J. Houshmenzadah ran rough shod all over N.D. in the Fiesta Bowl that year that Oregon State whipped em?!? Damn, that was an *** whippin' I will never forget. I think that one Houshmenzadah was so freakin' fast that he dropped the ball in "celebration" BEFORE he crossed the goal line, and there was no ref w/ in 20 yards, so they couldn't make the call. He dropped it on like the 3 yard line . . . Erickson & his clan of gangstas!:D

12/7/2006, 09:35 PM
Lakeland HS must feel confident that he is not guilty of what he was bragging about, because, if they let him play tomorrow and it is later proven he is guilty, they would have to forfeit the State Championship should they win it.
I don't really think they are going out on a limb here. If he did accept gifts they're probably going to have to forfeit all their other games anyway. Their best bet is to deny that he accepted anything because if they don't let him play it would basically be an admission that he did accept gifts. Below is the quote from the article in the tread you referenced.

If the investigations conclude he did, the team could be forced to forfeit all the games he played in this season.

12/7/2006, 09:48 PM

If he was given stuf....they ought to hang the folks who did IMO.

I know your counseled when you get you get to the NCAA....

Now that the State Championships have gotten to be such a huge event...I guess they have to start in Jr. High now....
