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View Full Version : russian spy poison case

jk the sooner fan
12/5/2006, 12:21 PM
anybody else following this in the news? this has to be one of the most interesting news stories i've followed in years......and by interesting, i mean bizarre

12/5/2006, 12:23 PM
I have. And you're right, very strange.

12/5/2006, 12:32 PM
Almost like a "Get Smart" episode, huh?

12/5/2006, 12:36 PM
if anyone has a particularly good link/cutandpaste summary that would be great.

I haven't followed it closely. Only enough to know that Russia claims to be innocent, and nobody believes them.

12/5/2006, 12:40 PM
Russia's going back to her old ways.

This is the 3rd critic of Putin to be murdered in the last few months.

What's scary is the stuff they used to kill this guy in the U.K. It's the ultimate murder weapon: spray it on their food, and in a week or two they're dead.

12/5/2006, 01:00 PM
I've been following it a bit. not as closely as I'd like to, but close enough that I know most of the pertininet facts that have come out...

I find it rather telling that the ruskies continue to deny every single thing the Brits have to say on this, and of course that they flatly refuse to extradite anyone whom the Brits may finger as a suspect. They are saying this before the Brits even have a suspect.

12/5/2006, 02:12 PM
I haven't and have been wondering why it is even news.

12/5/2006, 02:52 PM
I smell a made for TV movie . . .

Poli Sci
12/5/2006, 03:03 PM
Here is a good link with lots of info...


12/5/2006, 03:05 PM
I saw a quote in USA Today last week saying "people who flew on the British Airways don't have a chance of being infected with radiation.....unless they were licking the seats or something." Let me say this: if you lick airplane seats, you're gonna die of some **** anyhow, so may as well make it quick.

12/5/2006, 04:03 PM
I was a bit curious about the fact that the sushi I ordered my last trip to London had this strange greenish/red glow to it. The fish seemed strangely alive, as if it was still trying to evolve or mutate or something. Anyway it tasted fine, so I think this guy just must have had a simple allergic reaction to polonium 210. You can't really blame the Russians for that.

12/5/2006, 05:05 PM
just read an article that claims russia hasn't produced polonium-210 in a couple of years.