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12/5/2006, 01:00 AM
He's apparently in NYC right now interviewing with their AD about the position.
It looks like this deal has a good chance of happening.

Sorry if this has already been posted.


Frozen Sooner
12/5/2006, 01:02 AM
Stoops is in NYC right now as well. Maybe HE's interviewing for the position. :D

A lot of coaches and ADs are up there right now for the national football foundation dinner. I have heard a couple of noises about Leach heading to CG though.

12/5/2006, 01:03 AM
Stoops is in NYC right now as well. Maybe HE's interviewing for the position. :D

A lot of coaches and ADs are up there right now for the national football foundation dinner. I have heard a couple of noises about Leach heading to CG though.

They're all up there but supposedly Leach is having an actual meeting. I can see Leach at Miami better than any other position save for Tech.

12/5/2006, 01:04 AM
i guess he wasn't kidding about wanting a team of pirates......

12/5/2006, 01:04 AM
don't do it, Mike!

Aw, who am I kidding. He's in, are U?

12/5/2006, 01:06 AM
**** U.

please dear baby jesus, don't let this happen...

12/5/2006, 01:08 AM
Could you imagine Leach bringing the coCanes into Norman next season....weird.

12/5/2006, 01:09 AM
Well, that's one non-conference win next season.

12/5/2006, 01:12 AM
A Tech guy over on their boards told a Cane that he'd either be great or be a bust, and I think that abouts sums it up.

12/5/2006, 01:50 AM
If he can put together a team like he has in freaking Lubbock, I think he could be scary good recruiting out of a place like Miami.

12/5/2006, 01:54 AM
Dude loves pirates. Where better than Miami for a dude who loves pirates?

12/5/2006, 01:59 AM
Um, Tortuga?

I keed.

12/5/2006, 02:08 AM
I couldn't see Leach keeping those convicts in line. I bet his offense would work fine, but getting those players Miami gets to do anything but smoke the herb and carry uzis is pretty tough to do

12/5/2006, 02:13 AM
The plus side is that he's a lawyer. Most of those guys will probably need one at some point in their college careers.

12/5/2006, 02:15 AM
Could he defend them without violating NCAA rules I wonder? If so, then this could be the best move for Miami :D

12/5/2006, 02:20 AM
The plus side is that he's a lawyer. Most of those guys will probably need one at some point in their college careers.

Holy hell, can you see Leach arguing a trial?
****, they'd have to sell tickets to the thing and I'd buy one.

Better entertainment than Boston Legal!

12/5/2006, 02:26 AM
Does the Pirate defense work in a drug court?

Edit: Hey, finally hit 500, hooray!

12/5/2006, 07:14 AM
I sure wish Alabama was after him instead. I've always liked Leach, but not in Miami. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12/5/2006, 08:13 AM
Leach will do great in Miami.
The question is can Miami get it's athletes to dicipline their personal lives.
Miami has always been able to recruit the "speed" type players and Leach thrives on that type of offense.
If he chooses wisely for a DC, they could rapidly move upwards with the program.
If not, then you would probably see a better version of "score more points than the opponent" at Miami than you see at Tech.

Good Luck Mike, You're a fun coach to watch.

Jason White's Third Knee
12/5/2006, 08:17 AM
PLEASE MIKE!!! STAY IN LUBBOCK!!! Eeewww. Tough sell, I guess.

Now I can start hating you.

12/5/2006, 08:25 AM
He would be great in Miami, and it would be a loss for the Big 12.

Texas Tech would go into the cellar.

12/5/2006, 08:26 AM
The plus side is that he's a lawyer. Most of those guys will probably need one at some point in their college careers.

Now that is funny. Major spek

12/5/2006, 08:27 AM
If he can put together a team like he has in freaking Lubbock, I think he could be scary good recruiting out of a place like Miami.Exactly.What top QBs and WRs in the country wouldn't wanna play in Miami in Leachs pass happy attack.Well I guess only the ones who don't mind getting shot at.:D

12/5/2006, 08:36 AM
I wonder how he'll explain to the U's AD why their defense always sucks. I guess he can always play the "can't recruit to Tech" card.

Sooner in Tampa
12/5/2006, 08:54 AM
Leach threads are all over the Thug U boards...as well as a bunch of Wed Waider fans.

They can be funny as ****e

I've always compared Tech to Miami :eek: ... somewhat. Under Leach the team has developed a confidence that borders on cocky BUT he doesn't take crap off his players. No matter how talented a player is or how badly he is needed if a player acts like a prima donna then his @ss will be on the bench.

Robert Johnson was a 5* recruit at QB but after didn't win the starting job Johnson behaved very childish and so Leach told him if he wanted to stay on the team he would need to reform and switch to WR. He did and for the most part things went smoothly.

Link (http://mb28.scout.com/fmiami20779frm1)

12/5/2006, 09:19 AM
If he keeps Mike Shannon he will be fine. And why would Tech go to the cellar if he left? They were not in the cellar before he came. They have consistently been a mid to top Big 12 team since it's existence. Never the best, but they have a winning season every year..

BIG 12 TEAMS (Losing Seasons in last 20 Years)

(1) Nebraska ......1
(2) Oklahoma......3
Texas Tech...3
(3) Texas..........5

Tech has consistently been "average to good"

2006- 7-5
2005- 9-3

Leach did not come till 99'.
So I doubt they completely fall off.

12/5/2006, 09:51 AM
Right. Try looking at Tech pre-Spike Dykes.

12/5/2006, 10:01 AM
heh Dykes!

12/5/2006, 10:11 AM
The rumor is that Shannon would stay to coach the defense. Not good at all.

12/5/2006, 10:18 AM
One of things that I think Leach would help Miami with is teaching their players to relax and have fun again. I can't imagine team meetings and practice being boring with Leach!

12/5/2006, 11:08 AM
Leach has had plenty of criminals at Tech and still played them. I'm sure that is attractive to Miami. Hopefully Tech will rescue Guy Morris from Baylor after this.

12/5/2006, 12:02 PM
I have heard a couple of noises about Leach heading to CG though.

Leach to the Coast Guard Academy???

12/5/2006, 02:05 PM
Well, I've confirmed the Leach to UM through my source. At least I think so. He was very drunk though so it was hard to decipher. I caught "UM", "in New York", "Knight can kiss my ***" and he kept talking about "scores" (games I guess?)


12/5/2006, 02:11 PM
Virgin post on here...So much pressure

But hey if Leach does indeed jump to Miami...Wonder if Tech will go after Kragthorpe?

12/5/2006, 02:14 PM
Virgin post on here...So much pressure

But hey if Leach does indeed jump to Miami...Wonder if Tech will go after Kragthorpe?

Is he a pirate ship captain?

12/5/2006, 04:30 PM
Tech might immediately get much worse because their athletes and system are designed for Leach's offense that not too many other coaches buy into. So unless they get a coach who is very familiar with the air raid and willing to pick up where Leach left off then it may take them a couple of seasons at least to retool.

12/5/2006, 04:42 PM
Tech might immediately get much worse because their athletes and system are designed for Leach's offense that not too many other coaches buy into. So unless they get a coach who is very familiar with the air raid and willing to pick up where Leach left off then it may take them a couple of seasons at least to retool.
Art Briles. He will keep Tech rolling.

12/5/2006, 05:21 PM
Texas Tech coach Mike Leach had an informal discussion later Monday with University of Miami athletic director Paul Dee in New York, where both are visiting for the National Football Foundation's College Football Hall of Fame Induction tonight at the Waldorf Astoria, according to a person close to Leach and his coaching situation, as well as another person involved with college coaching. Leach, 45, is in New York with his wife, Sharon. It is believed that Leach's agent, Gary O'Hagan, had previous contact with Dee, and that Leach is very enthusiastic about the job opportunity. ... It is not known if Leach is the top UM candidate because Texas Christian coach Gary Patterson also could be in the mix. Patterson was not in New York as of Monday, and according to TCU spokesman Mark Cohen, was out recruiting today.

12/5/2006, 05:31 PM
I couldn't see Leach keeping those convicts in line. I bet his offense would work fine, but getting those players Miami gets to do anything but smoke the herb and carry uzis is pretty tough to do

He can always ask Mack Brown for advice...you know on how the herb and gun thing. :texan:

12/5/2006, 05:34 PM
I don't want Kragthorpe to leave Tulsa, but Captain Kragthorpe has a great ring to it. I don't know if that would be good or bad for the sooners since we play the U the next to years. What do you guys think?

12/5/2006, 08:07 PM
Come on guys! Imagine how much fun college football would be with Leach at Miami. We will be right in the middle of it with the home & home.

12/5/2006, 08:21 PM
I don't wish anyone to stay in Lubbock. Miami is an awesome place that oddly has a lot of unfortunate sh*t happen to it. Kinda like OU with the so-called "cheating" reputation. Any time someone buys a soda in Norman, the press wants to know who gave you the dollar. I know about the shooting and the FIU fight, that is tarnishing to anyone's reputation. Coker is a fine example of what happens when a nice guy tries to coach teenage and early 20's college students. Mack Brown has a lot of people supporting him, Miami just blames it on the coach whenever something hapens, yet... you see several times players are caught with drugs and weapons and that kind of mess at both places. Just another reason why I like Stoops at OUr helm, we may get painfully close to winning it all, or we may have forgetful moments (pretty much all of 2005), but he cuts the rope before some criminal kid hangs his program.

12/5/2006, 08:44 PM
Miami is a hole to live in. Beautiful place with lots of money and things to do but helluva place to call home.
In the 1990 census Miami was 10% American Citizen. I am too lazy to check the 2000 census.
English is a second language all over Miami.
The U is in a ghetto, their facilities suck, and their Thug U rep is well earned. I don't see Leach happy there for very long.

12/5/2006, 09:00 PM
Tech might immediately get much worse because their athletes and system are designed for Leach's offense that not too many other coaches buy into. So unless they get a coach who is very familiar with the air raid and willing to pick up where Leach left off then it may take them a couple of seasons at least to retool.
There was a report that Sonny Dykes was just hired from Tech by Mike Stoops to be OC at Arizona. Think Tech would try to get him back as head coach?

Miami is a hole to live in. Beautiful place with lots of money and things to do but helluva place to call home.
In the 1990 census Miami was 10% American Citizen. I am too lazy to check the 2000 census.
English is a second language all over Miami.
The U is in a ghetto, their facilities suck, and their Thug U rep is well earned. I don't see Leach happy there for very long.
Isn't that about the same demographics as USC barring the language issue?

12/5/2006, 09:05 PM
Isn't that about the same demographics as USC barring the language issue?
Dunno. I never lived in California.

12/5/2006, 09:10 PM
Coral Gables is supposed to be very nice. That's where the University of Miami is anyways. It's not in Miami.

12/5/2006, 10:40 PM
Coral Gables is supposed to be very nice. That's where the University of Miami is anyways. It's not in Miami.

I went down to the UM IT data center, which is on campus. It was about a mile from the ghetto. And about a mile from a really nice neighborhood.

Which describes pretty much all of South Florida south of Boca. Pick anywhere at random, and you're within two miles of a nice neighborhood, and within two miles of a warzone.

The way you can really tell just how bad any area is is by looking at the schools. Most of the schools I saw when I lived down there were surrounded by chain link fence, with the gates chained and padlocked and razor wire all along the top of it.

12/5/2006, 10:44 PM
My sister was recruited hard by USC (journalism school, she went to OU) and that was about the time of the Rodney King riots in LA and there were stories of how there were shots near the USC campus that hit dorms and such.

I am not sure how close to South Central it is but I know it is close to downtown LA, maybe someone who knows the area can confirm.

Frozen Sooner
12/5/2006, 10:50 PM
USC is basically in Watts. It ain't a good neighborhood, like at all.

Michigan State's kind of in a slum as well.

The Ensuing Kickoff
12/6/2006, 12:04 AM
Here's the thing with Miami:

I hate going there. it's hard to get around in, nothing is close to anything, and it's full of New Yorkers acting like they are some sort of New Yorker/Non New Yorker genetic hybrid.

However, if you've got a lot of money, Miami can be a great place. In fact, if I was a go-zillionnaire and not merely a simple upper-tax bracket guy, I wouldn't mind having a house in Miami, on the water, with my boats parked out back and my Ferrari convertible in front.

12/6/2006, 12:09 AM
Don't forget the armed bodyguard.

The Ensuing Kickoff
12/6/2006, 12:14 AM
Or dual Uzis.


12/6/2006, 12:22 AM
I am so glad the worse thing in Norman is Griffin.

Crazy Sooner
12/6/2006, 01:49 AM
Yall think Leach would leave the dream job that is Tech, you sirs are morons


Winston Churchill
12/6/2006, 01:55 AM