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12/3/2006, 11:24 PM
Before a divorce is final how do you get a father that is court ordered to pay a certain amount pay it?

12/3/2006, 11:27 PM
Um, if they don't pay it report them to a collections agency and let Vito collect for you?

12/3/2006, 11:30 PM
I would like to find a shady character to take care of it

12/3/2006, 11:30 PM
steal his identity

12/3/2006, 11:38 PM
I would like to find a shady character to take care of it

My fee is 15% of what he owes, but since you are a friend, 10%. PEEM what you want.

12/3/2006, 11:48 PM
Heh. for some reason I just thought to myself "a dyslexic would call God the Bounty Hunter."

12/4/2006, 12:14 AM
Heh. for some reason I just thought to myself "a dyslexic would call God the Bounty Hunter."

12/4/2006, 12:22 AM
Before a divorce is final how do you get a father that is court ordered to pay a certain amount pay it?

maybe one of our resident ambulance chasers will chime in. i can tell you what my experience is with a deadbeat mom.

basically, i always found it to be the custodial parent's (my) duty to let the court know if support wasn't being paid. i had to file numerous contempts of court over the years.

income assignments work really well (provided that the non-custodial parent actually works).

to be honest, i've thrown a lot of good money after bad in the past 15 years trying to have child support enforced.

12/4/2006, 12:35 AM
Heh. Cut a deal. "You don't have to pay any child support, but you never get to see the kid, either."

12/4/2006, 12:54 AM
Heh. Cut a deal. "You don't have to pay any child support, but you never get to see the kid, either."

Naw, don't do that to the kid. Kids love and want to see both parents (at least when they are young and have not become bitter).

Bring a copy of the court order to the DHS child support office and fill out an application for services. It's free. They will send an income assignment and file a license revocation and contempt if necessary to enforce the support. The divorce does not need to be final. Spousal support can be enforced too.

12/4/2006, 12:58 AM
Meh. Better off that way than for the parents to wind up hating each other fighting over child support and drag the kid into it, IMO.

12/4/2006, 01:03 AM
Bring a copy of the court order to the DHS child support office and fill out an application for services. It's free. They will send an income assignment and file a license revocation and contempt if necessary to enforce the support. The divorce does not need to be final. Spousal support can be enforced too.

this is true. it is, however, worth noting that this is ~6-8 month process.

12/4/2006, 06:28 AM
Here's what I've learned about income assignments. They are pretty slick and when the judge signs off on one, it has force in all 50 states (thank-you Uniform Child Welfare Act). A properly executed income assignment, sent to a father's employer, can result in checks to the custodial parent pretty quickly. That income assignment can include the decreed amount daddy-o owes per month, any arrearage he owes, his share of the child's medical expenses &/or other necessary expenses and even his share of mom's work-related child care expenses. It's essentially just a form, the figures are filled-in from the order/decree, signed by the judge -- and you're in bidness.

Like someone else said, the trick is whether or not the guy works. Some guys are pretty shady and when they do engage in legitimate work, only work for cash and try to avoid being "employed."
If a dad ain't paying, mom should call her attorney and ask for help. I should think that the income assignment dealio may be the first logical step.

Also, people shouldn't withhold/block visitation on grounds the dad ain't paying. That's considered "taking the law into your own hands" and the court frowns on that sort of dealio.;)

12/4/2006, 05:39 PM
The state of texas collects it from said dads employer for a nominal fee of 25$ a year. and texas does not allow do it yourself payments to the ex so you can't opt out.

12/4/2006, 11:00 PM
The state of texas collects it from said dads employer for a nominal fee of 25$ a year. and texas does not allow do it yourself payments to the ex so you can't opt out.

people need to remember, its not the spouses' money. Legally, the money belongs to the kid. That's why child support is not negotiable between parties to a "marriage dissolution." It's calculated according to a schedule, kinda like taxes.

12/4/2006, 11:35 PM
I'd guess call DHS, Child Support Enforcement Divison.
