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View Full Version : Whoo Hoo! Martial law lifted, let’s PARTAY

Chuck Bao
11/30/2006, 10:15 AM
Heh! More than five people can now get together to discuss politics and form political parties in Bangkok with the lifting of martial law yesterday. It’s been almost two and a half months since the September 19 coup and about time.

Actually, we could legally do some protesting before. But, that was indoors only, not outside. I mean, come on, marching around with signs indoors isn’t as much fun. It’s not that I don’t love the air-con, though.

These martial law rules seem to be just made up as we go along. I really hadn’t picked up on that idea before. Whoever has the guns makes the rules.

The weird thing now is that martial law isn’t lifted for all of Thailand - only Bangkok and 40 other provinces. Martial law will remain for 35 provinces, mostly along border areas and provinces in the north, northeast and south and west.

Okay, what? Like we are in danger of being invaded by Cambodia, Laos, Burma or Malaysia? Really? And, these people in about half of the country are left wondering what they did, or what they’re accused of doing or what they could do.

It’s either that or the fact that all Thai TV reaches these provinces and imp so defacto, the media is still under censorship and martial law. Tricky peeps, they are.

So, I want to form a political party just to make a statement. Any ideas of a good name for a political party? If you were to form your own political party, what would the name be?

11/30/2006, 10:49 AM
party reply

11/30/2006, 11:00 AM

11/30/2006, 12:11 PM
the you-gotta-fight-for-your-right-to party?