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11/29/2006, 10:02 PM
Has anybody heard anymore about what possible fate we may face with the pending results of the NCAA investigation? Last I heard the NCAA ordered the investigation completed before November 1st or somewhere thereabouts. Anybody have any info? Heard anything? I'm ecstatic about what we've accomplished but this is admittedly lingering in the back of my mind.

11/29/2006, 10:04 PM
Who cares, Bob Stoops has coach of the year. They can't make us look bad now.

Common sense ref
11/29/2006, 10:05 PM
Good question! Also what about the USC?:texan:

11/29/2006, 10:05 PM
Dont sweat it
If usuck can get away with the reggie an swinhart deal
We be in good shape . cause Bob cleaned house

11/29/2006, 10:07 PM
What I'm concerned about is losing scholarships, and thus recruits, and ending up like Alabama. I'm definitely basking in the achievements of coach Stoops like everybody else.......but I'm sorta looking over my shoulder waiting for a big ugly hammer to fall. After what we went through in the 90's, you can understand my nervousness.

11/29/2006, 10:09 PM
That ugly hammer was Oregon.

11/29/2006, 10:10 PM
Dont sweat it
If usuck can get away with the reggie an swinhart deal
We be in good shape . cause Bob cleaned house

I'm hoping his swift actions will lessen the blow but the fact that our basketball program is under fire is the x-factor USC didn't have that's making me nervous. Not trying to wizz on everybody's parade......I'm just gun shy after the 90's. My heart can't take anymore mediocrity. Long decade......

11/29/2006, 10:13 PM
I'm hoping his swift actions will lessen the blow but the fact that our basketball program is under fire is the x-factor USC didn't have that's making me nervous. Not trying to wizz on everybody's parade......I'm just gun shy after the 90's. My heart can't take anymore mediocrity. Long decade......
Since I dont care about round ball
what does te BB program have to do with Football ?:confused:

11/29/2006, 10:16 PM
Since I dont care about round ball
what does te BB program have to do with Football ?:confused:

Basketball, like all other sports, falls under the University athletics program. Suffice it to say if you attract NCAA eyes in another sport like we have in basketball, and then something like the Bomar debacle happens, they tend to send an entire brigade of investigators down to your campus to see what's going on with the athletic program, and given our history, ugh. Our basketball program got in trouble at the end of last season and then our football program got in trouble at the start of it's season and well....you get the gist. I could just be paranoid......and I hope that's the case. It just seems eerily quiet from that whole NCAA front.

11/29/2006, 10:16 PM
Since I dont care about round ball
what does te BB program have to do with Football ?:confused:
Lack of Institutional Control

11/29/2006, 10:18 PM
Brett Rhomar. Some ol' chick announcer on T.V. called him that. Why? CUZ HES A LOZOR. Umm. Go OU AD(no, not Adrian).

11/29/2006, 10:18 PM
Olevet, I think the fear expressed is that the "lack of institutional control" argument is more solid since 2 programs are under the microscope.

I'm actually not worried. Kelvin left and took 1/2 the sanctions with him. Coach Stoops took swift and decisive action that may have been the ultimate CYA even though it could easily be argued that what would have been better for "the program" would have been to look the other way or take a less severe action.

And finally, the '90s mediocrity (and 'Bama's recent troubles) were based on far more serious and long-standing problems (rapin', dopin', shootin' stuff) and from the decadent '80s in our case. Don't get me wrong, I love Barry Switzer as much as the next Sooner Fan, but this is a different day and time and I think Coach Stoops handled the situation in the best way as far as the NCAA police types are concerned. That's just my $0.02

Frozen Sooner
11/29/2006, 10:18 PM
We'll be fine unless the NCAA uncovers something that we haven't self-reported.

You can't very well nail an institution for lack of institutional control when the institutional controls removed the problem.

11/29/2006, 10:20 PM
So how is the basketball issues and Stoops' decisive action NOT like suc again? Because it's more than one instance?

Kinda like Jarrett's thing and Reggie Bush's thing? As in more than one instance?

Bah. We're golden. Don't sweat it.

11/29/2006, 10:23 PM
Whatever you do, don't listen to Craig Humphries talk about it.

When it comes to the NCAA, he's about as far away from reality as you can get.

Frozen Sooner
11/29/2006, 10:24 PM
The USC deal is far from over. Jarrett's deal is over, and it was handled pretty appropriately for what it was. The problems over Bush aren't even starting yet.

11/29/2006, 10:25 PM
So how is the basketball issues and Stoops' decisive action NOT like suc again? Because it's more than one instance?

Kinda like Jarrett's thing and Reggie Bush's thing? As in more than one instance?

Bah. We're golden. Don't sweat it.
What Im sayin
Bob saw the problem
Bob fixed the problem .
nuff said
I wanta know whats happing at usuck !

11/29/2006, 10:26 PM
I didn't follow the Bama problems so I don't recall what they did to get in so much trouble. Anyone know?

I'm not thinking we'll get in TOO much trouble *crosses fingers* but I'm greedy and I don't want to lose scholarships or post season play either. I'm hoping they'll just make us go clean our rooms or something.

Frozen Sooner
11/29/2006, 10:27 PM
I didn't follow the Bama problems so I don't recall what they did to get in so much trouble. Anyone know?

I'm not thinking we'll get in TOO much trouble *crosses fingers* but I'm greedy and I don't want to lose scholarships or post season play either. I'm hoping they'll just make us go clean our rooms or something.

Alabama was paying players and high school coaches for recruits.

11/29/2006, 10:27 PM
Whatever you do, don't listen to Craig Humphries talk about it.

When it comes to the NCAA, he's about as far away from reality as you can get.

You know.....I can't get a gauge on what I really think about the Humpman to be honest.

11/29/2006, 10:59 PM
Alabama booster in Memphiswas paying players and high school coaches for recruits. as in 100K for one recruit

fixed (I think)
btw Froz, the bay was great today and fishing was fine. :)

Frozen Sooner
11/29/2006, 11:01 PM
fixed (I think)
btw Froz, the bay was great today and fishing was fine. :)

Glad to hear it.

Um, it's kind of cold outside and it might snow today.

11/29/2006, 11:04 PM
Half of OK is out for snow days bro.

Frozen Sooner
11/29/2006, 11:07 PM
Half of OK is out for snow days bro.

That's cool. I don't live in OK.

11/29/2006, 11:11 PM
It snowed here in 1977.
Most residents thought the world had ended.

11/29/2006, 11:12 PM
Just doing some favorable figuring. Sorry.

11/29/2006, 11:13 PM
I don' t know about Basketball investigation, but football team results is bomar and quin have to return the money to a charity of their choice.

Frozen Sooner
11/29/2006, 11:14 PM
It snowed here in 1977.
Most residents thought the world had ended.

My great aunt still talks about it. She's lived in Miami since the 50s. Same house, too. Dang thing is a concrete bunker. This last year was the first time she's taken ANY hurricane damage-she lost some shingles.

Jeff, don't worry about it. Forgot that my location wasn't listed anymore and I've been around long enough that most people know I live in Anchorage.

11/29/2006, 11:18 PM
Didnt the gymnastics team get in some trouble too. Just saying

11/29/2006, 11:22 PM
the swimming/diving team was permabanned.

Scott D
11/29/2006, 11:27 PM
I didn't follow the Bama problems so I don't recall what they did to get in so much trouble. Anyone know?

I'm not thinking we'll get in TOO much trouble *crosses fingers* but I'm greedy and I don't want to lose scholarships or post season play either. I'm hoping they'll just make us go clean our rooms or something.

Alabama's problems like Mike said were in the payment of coaches and players in regards to recruiting. The key word in all of that is 'recruiting'. Nothing is worse to the NCAA than recruiting violations. Perhaps the loss of a scholarship or two is the most the football program would be looking at. BRS&I is definitely out of the entire Booster picture now.

11/30/2006, 12:49 AM
the swimming/diving team was permabanned.
Hell I heard the cheerleaders were penetrated :eek:

11/30/2006, 08:00 AM
When looking at a school where the hoops team found trouble then an issue with the footbal team you can simply look at Ohhio State. Their Hoops team received a self imposed probation early this decade and they fired their coach. Then Troy Smith gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar and all the questions about Maurice Clarett. They received nothing. No lack of institutional control, nada, Smith was suspended for one game and paid back the money.

The athletic department uncovered the Troy Smith deal thus no lack of institutional control. Much like what happened in Norman.

11/30/2006, 08:39 AM
Has anybody heard anymore about what possible fate we may face with the pending results of the NCAA investigation? Last I heard the NCAA ordered the investigation completed before November 1st or somewhere thereabouts. Anybody have any info? Heard anything? I'm ecstatic about what we've accomplished but this is admittedly lingering in the back of my mind.
since it's way past November 1st and nothing has come out, obviously your source isn't reliable, as is all the other "sources" <cough>trolls<cough> for these rumors

11/30/2006, 08:51 AM
Well, I have been wondering about this all season long, and as an above poster said, the early-mid 90's sucked.
Hopefully, actions taken by Coach Stoops will be enough and they will leave us alone.

11/30/2006, 08:59 AM
The athletic department uncovered the Troy Smith deal thus no lack of institutional control. Much like what happened in Norman.

Actually, I think that the local media uncovered that OU found out through an unknown source that also emailed the NCAA at the same time. LOIC is still on the table unfortunatly.

Anyway, to those that have followed this closly, what do you think comes of this? Will they leave town and say OU did what it needed to do and no furthure consequences are necessary, or will they add a few on?


11/30/2006, 09:15 AM
Actually, I think that the local media uncovered that OU found out through an unknown source that also emailed the NCAA at the same time. LOIC is still on the table unfortunatly.

Anyway, to those that have followed this closly, what do you think comes of this? Will they leave town and say OU did what it needed to do and no furthure consequences are necessary, or will they add a few on?


Actually after a Q&A with Athletic Department officials it was later found that the compliance department was already looking into this before the e-mails to David Boren and the NCAA, as well as the NCAA had already been made aware by OU tha they were looking into this matter. They had questions concerning time cards and practice commitments by the two. The on campus investigation ended right around Nov. 1st. It appears tha tno smoking guns were found. Th einvestigation team meets with the infractions committee in early '07 to report their final summary.

Also some have questioned why the two athletes were able to practice in spring while this was taking place. First, everyone should know that compliance departments at every school are looking into situations like this every day. The two in questions gave false statements at first and said they could show they were in compliance and they had not made nearly that much money. As well as the manager at BRSI told the compliance people the same thing. This is really an issue were two young men should have been honest up front and they would probably still be at OU and simply suffered a little humilty, some bad press and a few games suspensions. Now they have received tons of bad press, no longer a part of th eSonner family and will spend what little is left of their football careers virtually unseen.

Second, it shopuld also be known that the NCAA received infractions that were self reported by every sinngle Div. 1 school but two over th elast 3 years. Obvioulsy the vast majority of those infractions were small but this is what the NCAA and compliance departments do every day and thus the reason things work so slow at the NCAA offices.

11/30/2006, 09:22 AM
Actually after a Q&A with Athletic Department officials it was later found that the compliance department was already looking into this before the e-mails to David Boren and the NCAA, as well as the NCAA had already been made aware by OU tha they were looking into this matter. They had questions concerning time cards and practice commitments by the two. The on campus investigation ended right around Nov. 1st. It appears tha tno smoking guns were found. Th einvestigation team meets with the infractions committee in early '07 to report their final summary.

Also some have questioned why the two athletes were able to practice in spring while this was taking place. First, everyone should know that compliance departments at every school are looking into situations like this every day. The two in questions gave false statements at first and said they could show they were in compliance and they had not made nearly that much money. As well as the manager at BRSI told the compliance people the same thing. This is really an issue were two young men should have been honest up front and they would probably still be at OU and simply suffered a little humilty, some bad press and a few games suspensions. Now they have received tons of bad press, no longer a part of th eSonner family and will spend what little is left of their football careers virtually unseen.

Second, it shopuld also be known that the NCAA received infractions that were self reported by every sinngle Div. 1 school but two over th elast 3 years. Obvioulsy the vast majority of those infractions were small but this is what the NCAA and compliance departments do every day and thus the reason things work so slow at the NCAA offices.

Good reply, thanks for the info.


11/30/2006, 10:02 AM
Actually after a Q&A with Athletic Department officials it was later found that the compliance department was already looking into this before the e-mails to David Boren and the NCAA, as well as the NCAA had already been made aware by OU tha they were looking into this matter. They had questions concerning time cards and practice commitments by the two. The on campus investigation ended right around Nov. 1st. It appears tha tno smoking guns were found. Th einvestigation team meets with the infractions committee in early '07 to report their final summary.

Also some have questioned why the two athletes were able to practice in spring while this was taking place. First, everyone should know that compliance departments at every school are looking into situations like this every day. The two in questions gave false statements at first and said they could show they were in compliance and they had not made nearly that much money. As well as the manager at BRSI told the compliance people the same thing. This is really an issue were two young men should have been honest up front and they would probably still be at OU and simply suffered a little humilty, some bad press and a few games suspensions. Now they have received tons of bad press, no longer a part of th eSonner family and will spend what little is left of their football careers virtually unseen.

Second, it shopuld also be known that the NCAA received infractions that were self reported by every sinngle Div. 1 school but two over th elast 3 years. Obvioulsy the vast majority of those infractions were small but this is what the NCAA and compliance departments do every day and thus the reason things work so slow at the NCAA offices.

Are you the same guy that's over on Insiders? It would be nice to have someone with those connections over here calming down the ya-hoos. :D

11/30/2006, 10:29 AM
Are you the same guy that's over on Insiders? It would be nice to have someone with those connections over here calming down the ya-hoos. :D

can I be part of the "ya-hoo" clique?

The old guys clique don't meet often enough, and olevet usually drinks all the beer before we get there.
I dont want out of it, but I could spread myself around a bit more.

thanks for the informed sounding info sportsproducer. NP is right, of course, we do have a bunch of rumor-mongering panic pansies on this board.
<I don't want to be in that clique>

11/30/2006, 10:31 AM
When looking at a school where the hoops team found trouble then an issue with the footbal team you can simply look at Ohhio State. Their Hoops team received a self imposed probation early this decade and they fired their coach. Then Troy Smith gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar and all the questions about Maurice Clarett. They received nothing. No lack of institutional control, nada, Smith was suspended for one game and paid back the money.

The athletic department uncovered the Troy Smith deal thus no lack of institutional control. Much like what happened in Norman.

Logically, what you're saying makes a lot of sense, but I also understand the other posters' paranoia about a perceived NCAA double standard. It seems like some schools never get more than a slap on the wrist, but there is the sense the NCAA is always looking to drop the hammer on us.

11/30/2006, 10:47 AM
can I be part of the "ya-hoo" clique?
No. Now hit the road n00b.

11/30/2006, 10:52 AM
can I be part of the "ya-hoo" clique?

The old guys clique don't meet often enough, and olevet usually drinks all the beer before we get there.
I dont want out of it, but I could spread myself around a bit more.

thanks for the informed sounding info sportsproducer. NP is right, of course, we do have a bunch of rumor-mongering panic pansies on this board.
<I don't want to be in that clique>

I drink all the beer cause the rest of you old farts keep forgetting to show up

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
11/30/2006, 10:57 AM
before sampson left, i expected our basketball program to get punked. when he left for a blue blood school i knew that brand would sweep it under the carpet. to this point, unless phil fulmer is the main witness against you, the punishments by the NCAA have been relatively light.

of course, if we are quietly suing the NCAA over something like in the 80's then i fully expect us to get the death penalty.

11/30/2006, 11:04 AM
I'm hoping his swift actions will lessen the blow but the fact that our basketball program is under fire is the x-factor USC didn't have that's making me nervous. Not trying to wizz on everybody's parade......I'm just gun shy after the 90's. My heart can't take anymore mediocrity. Long decade......

Whatever went on with Sampson obviously didn't scare Indiana. I don't understand how NCAA investigations weigh on the selection process of hiring a coach anyway. Jackie Sherryl left a wake of dead bodies everywhere he landed and people just kept right on hiring him.

When schools are weighing a clean program in the ballance against winning games somebody will always tilt the scale toward winning games. Especially if the school has a tradition of winning.

11/30/2006, 12:34 PM
The USC deal is far from over. Jarrett's deal is over, and it was handled pretty appropriately for what it was. The problems over Bush aren't even starting yet.

Would be nice if they would EVER start...

11/30/2006, 03:55 PM
I think it also helps we released all of our basketball recruits after KS left. It sucks right now because it killed a top rated class, and D. James ended up at Texas, but it showes the NCAA we are trying to do the right thing.

11/30/2006, 04:02 PM
I think things could get kinda rough come next year, but we shall see.

12/1/2006, 06:52 AM
... unless phil fulmer is the main witness against you, the punishments by the NCAA have been relatively light.
:D :D :D

12/1/2006, 08:56 AM
this was discussed during fox sports big 12 show, last saturday. the supposed expert being questioned about any ncaa sanctions, said the investigation is already over, and basically the sooners got off with "time served." its now a non-issue.