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View Full Version : Should AD play in the Bowl?

11/27/2006, 09:45 PM
Now don't go hatin' on me. Listen to me first. AD is a great running back. I've loved watching him play and will miss him next year. But if he's declared healthy enough to play, should he play in the bowl game rather than Patrick and Brown who (as far as I'm concerned) got us to where we are.

We all know he's NFL bound after this season. What kind of loyalty do we show Patrick and Brown if we pull them for a all AD show after all they've done to get us there?

11/27/2006, 09:52 PM

11/27/2006, 09:53 PM
i think Bob will play him for a couple plays and see how he does then depending upon how he does, it'll decide whether he stays in or not. just like he did to AP vs osu, let him make some runs, take him out see how he felt then so on... even if we do play AD i think Bob will use more variety of our RBs then he did previously in BC (Before Collarbone) :).

11/27/2006, 09:55 PM
Play them all...AD, Patrick and Brown.....

11/27/2006, 09:58 PM
This might be one of the most ungrateful threads that I have ever seen. What about what Adrian has done? What about the help that AD has given Allen and Chris? What about the sight of Adrian limping onto the field countless times last year. He has done nothing more than prove himself to be a team player. Way to say thanks to a player that put his body/career on the line for this program.


11/27/2006, 09:58 PM
AD didn't contribute to getting us to where we are??

11/27/2006, 10:01 PM
AD has been awesome playing and even his supporting the team from the sidelines...He is a great Sooner...

11/27/2006, 10:02 PM

We are in a Groove that does not need disturbing.
Thanks for all you have done Ad, but think the RB's have it. Go get healthy and make some NFL money, you deserve it.

Shoot...we are undefeated without AD in the last 2 years.

11/27/2006, 10:04 PM
AD would play for me anytime he was able...

11/27/2006, 10:04 PM

We are in a Groove that does not need disturbing.
Thanks for all you have done Ad, but think the RB's have it. Go get healthy and make some NFL money, you deserve it.

Shoot...we are undefeated without AD in the last 2 years.


11/27/2006, 10:04 PM
I think AD wants to play... oh, and as for what AD has done for us, don't you think he deserves the OU rushing record after all he's done for us?

money comes and goes, but look at how long those records have stood!

11/27/2006, 10:05 PM
AD didn't contribute to getting us to where we are??
Didn't you hear? It's his fault we had 6 losses over the last two years.

11/27/2006, 10:10 PM
Now c'mon. I'm not hating on AD at all. I recognize his contributions to this program and they've been many and great. And I'm in no way ungrateful for his contributions.

But why risk having him get hurt again when his NFL future is at stake. And why not use the tandem of running backs that have gotten us to this point.

I agree, if healthy, Bob would be doing the right thing if he uses all three. But to put AD in and use him exclusively (like he did the last few games AD played in) would be wrong. And that was the point in my post. An all AD show.

But that's just my opinion.

11/27/2006, 10:13 PM
Maybe he should have never set foot on the field in Oregon. He COULD have gotten hurt and hurt his pro career. A collarbone is not a debilitating injury. This staff is not going to send someone out there with a bone not mended.
You could be right, of course, let's not give AD the benefit of an OLine that is finally run blocking and hold him out.

11/27/2006, 10:15 PM
I hate this place.

Except for you Ron.

And that's only 'cause I have plenty of DDC left.

Otherwise, I'd hate you too.

11/27/2006, 10:17 PM
Maybe he should have never set foot on the field in Oregon. He COULD have gotten hurt and hurt his pro career. A collarbone is not a debilitating injury. This staff is not going to send someone out there with a bone not mended.
You could be right, of course, let's not give AD the benefit of an OLine that is finally run blocking and hold him out.

Fine, you want to play that card, let's play it. What about Patrick and Brown? When AD went down, it would have been very easy for them to not play the way they did. They manned up and played with all the heart and talent that they have. And they've done as well as AD has in the few games they've gotten to play in. Is it right to keep them off the field in a BCS Bowl Game on national tv just so we can play our two year ago Heisman runner-up?

11/27/2006, 10:25 PM
if the medical staff clears him to play..
fine.....give him some carries early in the game, then let the coaches decide if he is more or less effected then the others.

(i want the rushing record as much as anybody else. but this kid has given his all to this university...if it is his time to 'go', let him. he has earned those big NFL bucks)

11/27/2006, 10:26 PM
Fine, you want to play that card, let's play it. What about Patrick and Brown? When AD went down, it would have been very easy for them to not play the way they did. They manned up and played with all the heart and talent that they have. And they've done as well as AD has in the few games they've gotten to play in. Is it right to keep them off the field in a BCS Bowl Game on national tv just so we can play our two year ago Heisman runner-up?
Coming into this season they knew their role was that of back up. I'm sure that if AD was ready, they'd be fine with him getting the lion's share. That's what happens at a big program. It's not a feel good story, it's about the best players being on the field. That's the problem, us fans have more emotions about this than they probably do. "Two year ago heisman runner up" is classless and weak sauce. I guess the 140+ 4th Q yards in the oregon game shouldn't count. The td in the texas game, the 180 yds on his way to a painful injury doesn't count for anything? Wow, short memory span.

11/27/2006, 10:29 PM
players get scholarships to play football. If he can play football, let him play! Injuries are part of the game, but AD is tough and will be back, just like last season and this season.

washington's fave
11/27/2006, 10:31 PM
If AD is released to play - LET HIM PLAY - AD is an allstar!!! When AP is running his plays and getting long yardage (against a d-line that is not stacked up to stop him) - just think "what if AD was running that same play" - DONTCHA think AD may take alot of those runs to the house!!! When AP & Brown are getting stopped after 5 & 10 yrds a run -- WHAT do you think AD would be doing if he were playing - falling down behind the line of scrimmage!! WTF!!! IF AD IS READY HE WILL LEAD THE SOONERS TO VICTORY!!!

11/27/2006, 10:32 PM
I say if he wants to play let him if he is cleared. He has given everything he has for this team. If it was up to me he would be carring the ball 30+ times Saturday if he is up for it.

11/27/2006, 10:38 PM
Let's not kid OUrselves...........if AD is deemed "healthy" then he WILL want to play and Bob will give him what he wants.

I do like the idea of giving AD frequent breaks and rotating in AP, Mr. Brown and hell, throw some Gute at them once or twice a quarter. I think the different running styles would keep any D off balance.

For a gentle reminder, click here:

11/27/2006, 10:43 PM
Another question: with as much of a team player as AD has shown himself to be... do you think Patrick and Brown would want to take away his shot at the record? I think they would both want him to play.

Of course, there IS one solution to having three great RBs that need some playing time... ;)

11/27/2006, 10:58 PM
Stoops has always coached by the motto 'the best players will play'. AD is the best running back we have. If he is healthy, he will play and play alot. And he deserves it. AP has another year and CB has three more years. They'll get their chance.

11/27/2006, 11:03 PM
Play them all in a wishbone.:)

11/27/2006, 11:10 PM
Play them all in a wishbone.:):pop:

11/28/2006, 12:53 AM
I would Like to see AD and AP in the backfield both at the same time.....
I think AP would make a great FB --Blocking and running the Ball....JMHO..!!


11/28/2006, 12:59 AM
I think AD should play, but not every single down like he was doing earlier in the year. Lets spread it around a bit and give AP some carries

11/28/2006, 01:33 AM
When we rely solely on AD like we tend to do when he is healthy we are easier to beat. It's a fact whether you people wanna believe it or not. We are unpredicatable without AD..very obvious with him.

Texas Golfer
11/28/2006, 03:48 AM
Now c'mon. I'm not hating on AD at all. I recognize his contributions to this program and they've been many and great. And I'm in no way ungrateful for his contributions.

But why risk having him get hurt again when his NFL future is at stake. And why not use the tandem of running backs that have gotten us to this point.

I agree, if healthy, Bob would be doing the right thing if he uses all three. But to put AD in and use him exclusively (like he did the last few games AD played in) would be wrong. And that was the point in my post. An all AD show.

But that's just my opinion.

If AD is deemed healthy by the docs and he wants to play, then you play him. Period. It would be AD's call if he wanted to preserve himself for the NFL.

AD has given everything he has for this university and to not let him have a chance to be the all-time leading rusher in OU history because you're concerned about hurting AP or CB's feelings would be...well...stupid.

11/28/2006, 07:25 AM
AD won't be back next year and we will need a healthy Patrick, Brown and Gute at that time. I say sacrifice AD now and keep the one's we will have in the future healthy. Don't get all caught up in the emotion of who is better or who is more deserving.Screw what they did for the team, just use their bodies before they are gone.:rolleyes:

11/28/2006, 07:36 AM
When we rely solely on AD like we tend to do when he is healthy we are easier to beat. It's a fact whether you people wanna believe it or not. We are unpredicatable without AD..very obvious with him.
You sure about that? Or is it better execution as the season goes along?:rolleyes:

Game by game analysis-

Peterson, Adria..... 168-935/10 24-139/1 32-165/2 34-211/1 27-128/3 25-109/1 26-183/2 DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP
Patrick, Allen...... 143-665/3 - - 1-1/0 13-52/0 2-2/0 2-7/0 35-110/1 35-157/0 32-173/1 DNP DNP 23-163/1
Brown, Chris........ 63-339/6 DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP 4-12/1 DNP DNP 16-84/2 24-169/1 19-74/2
Gutierrez, Jaco..... 45-220/0 - - - 2-17/0 - - 5-18/0 11-46/0 7-52/0 8-28/0 12-59/0 DNP

Nothing really jumps out at me except that AD didn't get a lot of carries in the texas game. Other than that the offensive playcalling run/pass has barely changed at all.

11/28/2006, 08:00 AM
When we rely solely on AD like we tend to do when he is healthy we are easier to beat. It's a fact whether you people wanna believe it or not. We are unpredicatable without AD..very obvious with him.

Yeah nobody in the stadiums at ATM or OSU knew we were going to run the ball. :D

11/28/2006, 08:09 AM
I for one hope that AD comes back. Bob said that he might or might not. What I am worried about next season is or QB situation. I do not know if we have one who will be good. We know that we have three running backs and should be able to control the clock. We also have one team that always seems to have a good D and that is Miami, I think that we play them the second or third game next year.

I say let Ad play if healthy otherwise just stick with what we have. Go Sooners.

11/28/2006, 09:33 AM
Yeah nobody in the stadiums at ATM or OSU knew we were going to run the ball. :D
They knew we were gonna run it, but AP, Gute and CB all are totally different runners. Put it this way....I think if AP started all year he would have just as many yards as AD would have had...

I think the bottom line is our O-Line is better and no one wants to give them credit. When Ad went down the running game did not miss a beat. I think too many of you on here are obsessed with AD's physical dimensions and still salivating over runs he did his freshman year. He is one of the best backs OU has had, but he is no Billy Sims. Please stop acting like he is GOD or something. He has done no more for OU than Quentin Griffin did in my opinion.
What has OU achieved since we acquired AD?...1 Conference Title. 2 lost NC's, 2 lost RRS's, 3 TD's in 3 years vs. Whorns.

I'm sorry, I'd take QG's resume, you can keep AD's yards and carries. But thats just my opinion. I expect most of you to disagree. I just don't get wrapped up in individual player achievments. It would be nice to see AD break a record, but giving him 30-40 carries a game with the SOLE PURPOSE BEING TO PAD HIS STATS seems lame to me. And if he is healthy, yes I think he should play, but those other backs did just as much as him to get us here and should get considerable time in my opinion.

11/28/2006, 10:33 AM
They knew we were gonna run it, but AP, Gute and CB all are totally different runners. Put it this way....I think if AP started all year he would have just as many yards as AD would have had...

Wrong, look at ypc. MOST people here will disagree with you on this as most people here know that there have been many posts about AP's runs and the fact that AD had that extra gear for taking on the defender in space and getting the extra yardage. Are you saying the Oline was better back in Sep or something? Oh wait...

I think the bottom line is our O-Line is better and no one wants to give them credit.

I gave them credit a few posts ago, you're making my point.

When Ad went down the running game did not miss a beat. I think too many of you on here are obsessed with AD's physical dimensions and still salivating over runs he did his freshman year.
And this year, say, the isu game, texas td, oregon 4th Q, some UW runs...

He is one of the best backs OU has had, but he is no Billy Sims.
:rolleyes: So we should have only considered this if Billy was the RB??? please

Please stop acting like he is GOD or something.

I must have missed the deity comparisons.

He has done no more for OU than Quentin Griffin did in my opinion.

I'll bet you that if Q had similar numbers and we were faced with the same situation, I and many others here would be saying the same thing we're saying now.

What has OU achieved since we acquired AD?...1 Conference Title. 2 lost NC's, 2 lost RRS's, 3 TD's in 3 years vs. Whorns.

Last time I checked, this was a team sport. I guess we should have made AD a db/olineman as well.

I'm sorry, I'd take QG's resume, you can keep AD's yards and carries. But thats just my opinion. I expect most of you to disagree. I just don't get wrapped up in individual player achievments.

I am sure some people would agree with you. Of course, here comes your contradiction....

It would be nice to see AD break a record,

but giving him 30-40 carries a game with the SOLE PURPOSE BEING TO PAD HIS STATS seems lame to me.
I guess we were padding AP's stats when we gave him the ball over the course of three games - 35, 35, 32 respectively.:rolleyes:

And if he is healthy, yes I think he should play, but those other backs did just as much as him to get us here and should get considerable time in my opinion.
I'm sure they would get playing time. They also have bowl games ahead of them after this year.

11/28/2006, 11:08 AM
You sure about that? Or is it better execution as the season goes along?:rolleyes:

Game by game analysis-

Peterson, Adria..... 168-935/10 24-139/1 32-165/2 34-211/1 27-128/3 25-109/1 26-183/2 DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP
Patrick, Allen...... 143-665/3 - - 1-1/0 13-52/0 2-2/0 2-7/0 35-110/1 35-157/0 32-173/1 DNP DNP 23-163/1
Brown, Chris........ 63-339/6 DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP 4-12/1 DNP DNP 16-84/2 24-169/1 19-74/2
Gutierrez, Jaco..... 45-220/0 - - - 2-17/0 - - 5-18/0 11-46/0 7-52/0 8-28/0 12-59/0 DNP

Nothing really jumps out at me except that AD didn't get a lot of carries in the texas game. Other than that the offensive playcalling run/pass has barely changed at all.

He plays, Stoops will play him if healthy no question!
If not I will be totally dissapointed, he's more than earned it!

As far as stats go, they are decieving, they dont tell you how many defensive players were lined up within 10 yards of the ball in every direction because everyone in the country knew who was getting the stinkin ball!
Lets see against Nebraska how many line up "in the box" when AD is in the game vs. everyone else, that will tell you the story, and just how important it is to the defense to stop him!
Ever heard of spreading/stretching a defense?? With AD in the game, they wont spread, or stretch, simply because they KNOW where the ball is going, pretty simple actually, and numbers dont tell you that.

11/28/2006, 11:45 AM

We are in a Groove that does not need disturbing.
We're getting ready for a month-long layoff after Saturday night. That will take care of our groove, as well as give Peterson time to shake off the rust when he's cleared to practice.

I would be bitterly disappointed to not get a chance to see number 28 in crimson and creme one last time. I had accepted that it might not happen immediately after his injury, but with all the talk since then, it would break my heart if it didn't happen.

11/28/2006, 11:05 PM
He is one of the best backs OU has had, but he is no Billy Sims.
Actually, with the help of his team, he was most likely going to surpass Sims' total yardage against Colorado. In that regard, he is no Billy Sims...he is AD...and may just break a record come bowl time that has stood for nearly 30 years.

What has OU achieved since we acquired AD?...1 Conference Title. 2 lost NC's, 2 lost RRS's, 3 TD's in 3 years vs. Whorns.
This is just plain silly. Yep...it was AD's fault...not trying hard enough. In fact, he simply has everyone fooled. He's not that good.

It would be nice to see AD break a record, but giving him 30-40 carries a game with the SOLE PURPOSE BEING TO PAD HIS STATS seems lame to me.
Padding his stats? Did you not catch the fact that AP averaged 34 carries a game in his first 3 starts before getting injured? AD averaged 28 carries per game...not 30 to 40...it's not rocket science...and 28 carries a game is not some wild excessive number as some believe. Do you pay enough attention to the details of the game to notice? Or, are you one of "those fans" that yells at the OLine to pick up a block when the box is stacked against the run. We have run more without AD in the lineup than when he was in the lineup. It's just plain wrong to keep believing that we ran the ball more when AD was in the game. We didn't. We were more balanced with AD during the first 6 games than we have been in the past six.

AP, CB, and JG have all done a great job. They are GREAT athletes. I don't really think anyone would mindfully discount that fact. I'm not really big on too much individual attention either, but I believe AD is a football prodigy...and I think that the majority of football fans and people who follow the game across the country would agree.

11/28/2006, 11:25 PM
Now don't go hatin' on me. Listen to me first. AD is a great running back. I've loved watching him play and will miss him next year. But if he's declared healthy enough to play, should he play in the bowl game rather than Patrick and Brown who (as far as I'm concerned) got us to where we are.

We all know he's NFL bound after this season. What kind of loyalty do we show Patrick and Brown if we pull them for a all AD show after all they've done to get us there?

I think we should bench his arse for letting the team down the way he did. If he would have been taking his calcium supplements, he wouldn't have betrayed us all by breaking his collar bone like that.

In fact, I think we should just encourage him to move on to the NFL because with the way he let down the team this year, he should just ride the pine next year anyway.

11/28/2006, 11:35 PM
Play them all in a wishbone.:)

Boy, that would be a nightmare, huh? Here's the line-up:

QB - Manuel Johnson (no offense to ENA, but MJ has got the shakes to make the option really nasty.

FB - AD (he's got the best strength up the middle). But you could move him around, obviously.

RB - Patrick

RB - Brown

11/29/2006, 07:53 AM
You play AD. Patrick and Brown still know their role. They are the 2nd and 3rd string running backs.

If Bomar came back, Stoops would put him in!?!?

11/29/2006, 01:37 PM
Play them all...AD, Patrick and Brown.....
3 Back Quadruple Option!

11/29/2006, 01:42 PM
Taking away a starting spot due to injury is bush league, to say the least.

AD is the starting TB on this team, if he's healthy, ready and willing: he goes.

11/29/2006, 01:53 PM
if he wants to play in the bowl and the doctors okay it, why not? this is a non-issue imho

11/29/2006, 02:40 PM
I feel that because many of AD's yards came in after-contact bruising and unspectacular fashion, many so-called 'fans' don't realize how great and rare a RB he is. He made gaining all those yards look like no big deal. He gave up his body, which has caused himself and the team much anguish.

AD could learn to temper his running style and possibly get hurt less (or possibly be hurt more often)... but that does not mean he should not play if he is ready in the upcoming bowl game. Hell I wish he could play in the CCG this Saturday.

I also feel that holding himself out of the game for fear of getting hurt again would cost him more money than a good outing would gain him. The pros don't want a player who can't bounce back from injuries, it is bad enough that he appears to be prone to injury as is.

Oh and one other thing... give em hell sooneron

11/29/2006, 03:09 PM
Yes, Ja, Si, Da, Oui, Hai and...ahh...You Damn Right! If AD is healthy and wants to play.