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View Full Version : Statistics: Who's The Best Gambler?

11/27/2006, 07:53 PM
I'd say that BBQ, being the richest, is the best. After all, it's not just how much you win, but how far ahead you are.:D

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Top Paying Individual Bets
OUthunder won 8854191 on ttech over 307.5 yards passing for bye week bets
Veritas won 8854190 on ttech over 307.5 yards passing for bye week bets
JohnnyMack won 3214288 on ttech over 307.5 yards passing for bye week bets
Veritas won 2833013 on LOUISVILLE -21 for 11-3 games
OUthunder won 2833012 on LOUISVILLE -21 for 11-3 games

Top Winners (combined bets)
OUthunder has won a total of 18727340
Veritas has won a total of 17254975
JohnnyMack has won a total of 5278246
Blue has won a total of 4612317
jkm, the stolen pifwafwi has won a total of 4267762

Richest People
birddogbbq has a total of 12000
Penguin has a total of 4800
Blue has a total of 3690
slickdawg has a total of 2740
critical_phil has a total of 2628

11/28/2006, 01:35 AM
i'm one greedy bet from being a mere peasant like the rest of you lot.


actually, when football is over all i'll have is nba. i know how that's gonna turn out. i hate the nba and it's too damn hard to analyze the games.

oh well, it was a helluva ride.:(

btw rogue, how do you have 904? you couldn't round up your bet to an even number? wuss. :D

11/28/2006, 02:43 AM
So I'm curious who OUthunder is taking in the OU/Neb game..Gawd, I hope he says OU :D

11/28/2006, 09:22 AM
Heh. that's from back in the days of spek-gambling. and before he got banned for being a turbo-******.

11/28/2006, 01:26 PM
btw rogue, how do you have 904? you couldn't round up your bet to an even number? wuss.

I like to make random bets on games I have no clue about.
I'll bet 7 vcash, 11, 33, etc. In fact, I rarely bet in whole numbers.
No reason for it, just how I roll.

Also, I just learned about the auto-bump from bankruptcy to 200.
Now I'm bettin' large like 99vcash and such. High stakes I tell ya ;)

12/6/2006, 05:38 PM
I got a little better at it in the last few weeks.

I struggled at first.

12/8/2006, 10:21 PM
I won most of my fortune on a crazy sure bet from GHP.

Thank you for being so manly, Tommie. :D

12/10/2006, 09:18 PM
wait a sec...

12/10/2006, 09:19 PM
Geez, a measily few hundred vCash short of being on the top vCasher list. That makes me so vMad that I am betting all vCash on the next vOpportunity. (please make it a Sooner-loyalty bet, that's how I made my vCash this vSeason)

1/9/2007, 06:03 AM
First 2 categories are unchanged. Richest people has a few updates. Congratulations y'all.

Top Paying Individual Bets
OUthunder won 8854191 on ttech over 307.5 yards passing for bye week bets
Veritas won 8854190 on ttech over 307.5 yards passing for bye week bets
JohnnyMack won 3214288 on ttech over 307.5 yards passing for bye week bets
Veritas won 2833013 on LOUISVILLE -21 for 11-3 games
OUthunder won 2833012 on LOUISVILLE -21 for 11-3 games

Top Winners (combined bets)
OUthunder has won a total of 18727340
Veritas has won a total of 17254975
JohnnyMack has won a total of 5278246
Blue has won a total of 4615017
jkm, the stolen pifwafwi has won a total of 4267762

Richest People
afs has a total of 25040
Penguin has a total of 13600
birddogbbq has a total of 12000
slickdawg has a total of 11200
Beef has a total of 11156

1/9/2007, 02:19 PM
Yeah, the first two categories are unlikely to change without a total wipe and reset since you can't gamble ridiculously huge spek totals on stuff anymore.

The nice thing about that was that even if you lost it all, it only took one genius post to get you back into 7 figures. :D

1/9/2007, 02:35 PM
I"M RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3/17/2007, 06:56 PM
And gettin' richer man!

Most Popular Events
9-10 games had 221 bets placed
OU Football had 205 bets placed
10-1 football had 191 bets placed
Week Three - 9/18/04 had 149 bets placed
9-24 games had 148 bets placed

Top Paying Events in Total Payouts (combined outcomes) 40901088 was paid out for bye week bets
10065370 was paid out for OU Football
9237789 was paid out for 11-3 games
7770746 was paid out for 11-5 late games
5171445 was paid out for 10-20 college football

Top Paying Outcomes (combined bets)
36283394 was paid out on ttech over 307.5 yards passing for bye week bets
9237789 was paid out on LOUISVILLE -21 for 11-3 games
5160445 was paid out on vatech -10.5 for 10-20 college football
3828955 was paid out on oklahoma for OU Football
3748362 was paid out on OU over 17.5 pts for OU Football

Top Paying Individual Bets
OUthunder won 8854191 on ttech over 307.5 yards passing for bye week bets
Veritas won 8854190 on ttech over 307.5 yards passing for bye week bets
JohnnyMack won 3214288 on ttech over 307.5 yards passing for bye week bets
Veritas won 2833013 on LOUISVILLE -21 for 11-3 games
OUthunder won 2833012 on LOUISVILLE -21 for 11-3 games

Top Winners (combined bets)
OUthunder has won a total of 18727340
Veritas has won a total of 17254975
JohnnyMack has won a total of 5278246
Blue has won a total of 4615017
Beef has won a total of 4330762

Richest People
Beef has a total of 96724
afs has a total of 25040
birddogbbq has a total of 12000
Penguin has a total of 10000
Boomer..... has a total of 8800