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11/26/2006, 11:17 PM
This may be old news to you all, but I just had a friend send me this vid.

Casino Royale must have used this for the inspiration for the first chase scene.


proud gonzo
11/26/2006, 11:20 PM
the guy who played that character is one of the "inventors" of that, supposedly. in the opening credits it even says "free running stunts by Sebastien Foucan" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sebastien_Foucan)

11/26/2006, 11:22 PM
Yeah, I think I remember hearing that after that sort of thing caught on over there it bacame such a problem that France had to outlaw it.

11/26/2006, 11:24 PM
Oh, and you can tell the difference between that and the British version - hashing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_House_Harriers).

The British one involes a lot more beer. And wankers.

11/26/2006, 11:29 PM
French ninjas?


11/26/2006, 11:36 PM

11/26/2006, 11:38 PM
That dude looks pretty happy considering the circumstances. I'd give him a buck or two for the creativity though.

11/26/2006, 11:41 PM
the guy who played that character is one of the "inventors" of that, supposedly. in the opening credits it even says "free running stunts by Sebastien Foucan" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sebastien_Foucan)

ah. I wondered about that. After watching some parkour on youtube, I thought that maybe the stunt guy/character in the movie must have been a parkour stud in real life.

11/26/2006, 11:46 PM
I finally saw Casino Royale today, and all during that chase scene I kept chuckling at the thought of them trying that in a Roger Moore Bond.

hell, the gator stunt from Live And Let Die was only half as crazy as that ****, and I still laugh at the idea that we're supposed to believe Moore could do that. :D

11/26/2006, 11:50 PM
I finally saw Casino Royale today, and all during that chase scene I kept chuckling at the thought of them trying that in a Roger Moore Bond.

hell, the gator stunt from Live And Let Die was only half as crazy as that ****, and I still laugh at the idea that we're supposed to believe Moore could do that. :D

spoilers...kind of....

I like the new Bond. The old fashioned "Bond can do anything and never makes a mistake" was getting old. I like the new twist where he's a newb and screws up occasionally. And the break of the 4th wall with his first drink order was priceless.

Frozen Sooner
11/26/2006, 11:54 PM
I thought Casino Royale was massively entertaining.

The only real fault I could find with it was that the product placement from Sony was pretty ubiquitous. I mean, when you see a bunch of Blu-Ray players in a security office, that's getting a little out of hand. Plus, it tested suspension of disbelief that they'd have several of them and they all worked. The constant shots of "VAIO" and "Sony Ericsson" were just jarring.

That being said: the Bond girls were just unbelievably hot. Craig is convincing as Bond.

11/26/2006, 11:56 PM
I thought it was the best Bond movie I've seen, taken as a whole.

It made me sad in my pants to learn that they wrecked not one, but THREE Aston Martin's to get that shot...

proud gonzo
11/26/2006, 11:57 PM
honestly, i don't think the product placement is as bad as it could be. I mean, they probably would have had a close up of the phone anyway. probably not as frequently as they did, but they'd probably show it and just have a generic phone. But everybody'd know what kind it was, so they might as well have the actual brand visible on there.

it doesn't bother me when they do it with cars :D

11/26/2006, 11:57 PM
Plus, it tested suspension of disbelief that they'd have several of them and they all worked. The constant shots of "VAIO" and "Sony Ericsson" were just jarring.


I thought Craig did a great job....and hubba hubba....hello buff bond! :D

Frozen Sooner
11/26/2006, 11:59 PM
Yeah, the cars are part of the Bond deal. I dunno-maybe it was just my aversion to all things Sony.

Plus, was it just me, or did that penultimate scene where he was just chillin' on the yacht look like a freakin' Polo or Nautica ad?

Frozen Sooner
11/27/2006, 12:00 AM
Plus, it tested suspension of disbelief that they'd have several of them and they all worked. The constant shots of "VAIO" and "Sony Ericsson" were just jarring.


I thought Craig did a great job....and hubba hubba....hello buff bond! :D

:D Blu-ray players have some pretty notorious defect rates. In fact, Sony hasn't managed to build a standalone player that works yet.

11/27/2006, 12:00 AM
[QUOTE=GottaHavePride]I thought it was the best Bond movie I've seen, taken as a whole.

I thought so, too. And then I thought - I'm a total traitor, how can I think that? But, honestly it was the most "realistic" Bond movie yet. They've never really tried that before. And I liked that he was a "hands-on" combat man.

11/27/2006, 12:01 AM
Yeah, there was a bit of Jason Bourne to this new Bond.

11/27/2006, 12:02 AM
Yeah, there's a reason Casino Royale is my favorite of the Fleming novels. Raw, newly-promoted Bond is infinitely better than tired old duffers quipping their way through a generic action flick with more gadgets than the Sharper Image warehouse.

In fact, I think the lack of gadgetry is one of the things I loved most about this one. I hope they'll keep it going as they restart/continue the series, because this is the closest they've come to putting Fleming's Bond on screen since Timothy Dalton...

11/27/2006, 12:03 AM
Yeah, there was a bit of Jason Bourne to this new Bond.

No, my friend. Read Fleming's novels; there's a bit of Bond to Jason Bourne.

11/27/2006, 12:03 AM
Yeah, this was the Great Bond Reset, much like Batman Begins.

11/27/2006, 12:04 AM
No, my friend. Read Fleming's novels; there's a bit of Bond to Jason Bourne.

Heh. Haven't had a chance, but I've heard the novels make Bond a lot grittier character. Much more on the bashing heads and being tortutred parts.

11/27/2006, 12:08 AM
Yeah, no one's ever gonna mistake Fleming for a great author, but his Bond is 100% bad mother ****er. M's line calling 007 a "blunt instrument" is extremely apt. That's why I hated the gadget saturation; it detracts from the fact that all Bond really needs to get the job done is a gun...and sometimes not even that much. :pop:

Frozen Sooner
11/27/2006, 12:09 AM
I recall reading one Bond book that described in vivid detail what happens to you when you attempt to help your turn on a snowmobile with your leg in deep powder.

Freakin' awesome.

11/27/2006, 12:11 AM
Yeah, this was the Great Bond Reset, much like Batman Begins.

100% right on. Nice corollary.

11/27/2006, 12:13 AM
If you want some truly great, cringe-worthy torture, pick up Icebreaker by John Gardner. He's the guy they brought in to carry on the novels after Fleming died.

To this day, I wish they'd make a movie out of that one. Now that Sony/Eon Productions have the rights to Thunderball back (and with them, the right to use SPECTRE), maybe they can finally make it.

Frozen Sooner
11/27/2006, 12:15 AM
If you want some truly great, cringe-worthy torture, pick up Icebreaker by John Gibson. He's the guy they brought in to carry on the novels after Fleming died.

To this day, I wish they'd make a movie out of that one. Now that Sony/Eon Productions have the rights to Thunderball back (and with them, the right to use SPECTRE), maybe they can finally make it.

You know, I think that's the one I was talking about.

11/27/2006, 12:18 AM
You know, I think it is.

Gardner wrote some hella sweet stories. The only ones I remember reading are Icebreaker and License Revoked. (Which became License To Kill when they adapted the plot for the second Dalton film, because it was felt that Americans wouldn't know what "revoked" meant.)

Frozen Sooner
11/27/2006, 12:19 AM
On a side note, Family Guy is AWESOME tonight.

11/27/2006, 12:21 AM
On a side note, Family Guy is AWESOME tonight.

What the Deuce?

The Julia Roberts "Pretty Woman" bit was awesome.....are you on my time btw?

Frozen Sooner
11/27/2006, 12:29 AM
No, I'm an hour behind, but TV shows all come on simultaneously.

11/27/2006, 12:32 AM
You know, I think it is.

Gardner wrote some hella sweet stories. The only ones I remember reading are Icebreaker and License Revoked. (Which became License To Kill when they adapted the plot for the second Dalton film, because it was felt that Americans wouldn't know what "revoked" meant.)

okay so the Bond books are really good - but do you ever read true crime? I read a book once "Mind Hunter" that stayed with me...well, until today..... holy crap.

Frozen Sooner
11/27/2006, 12:35 AM
A little fiber will clear that right up.

11/27/2006, 12:47 AM
okay so the Bond books are really good - but do you ever read true crime? I read a book once "Mind Hunter" that stayed with me...well, until today..... holy crap.

Nope, can't say that I have.

The only reason I've read the Fleming Bonds (and the aforementioned Gardner ones) is because my Dad had them, and I spend one summer in the twilight of my "college career" being live-in daycare for my younger brother and sisters. So, since I was stuck there all day and night, I started reading them. Then I read Dune. And I learned that you REALLY need some sort of middle ground there. Ease your way up from Ian Fleming to Dune, 'cause if you don't...you brain will assplode.

11/27/2006, 12:47 AM
A little fiber will clear that right up.

are we that old now - that we have to take fiber? ;)

Frozen Sooner
11/27/2006, 12:49 AM
are we that old now - that we have to take fiber? ;)
Well, if something is staying with you THAT long until you take a holy crap...

11/27/2006, 12:52 AM
Nope, can't say that I have.

The only reason I've read the Fleming Bonds (and the aforementioned Gardner ones) is because my Dad had them, and I spend one summer in the twilight of my "college career" being live-in daycare for my younger brother and sisters. So, since I was stuck there all day and night, I started reading them. Then I read Dune. And I learned that you REALLY need some sort of middle ground there. Ease your way up from Ian Fleming to Dune, 'cause if you don't...you brain will assplode.

oh, I know we've had the Dune convo before. I couldn't get through it because I became totally frustrated over the whole historical explanation in the back...that if you didn't read, you wouldn't understand it a bit. They lost me at "homework".

side note: My hubby is Muad 'Dib on Halo. He kills silently like the desert mouse and he's not afraid of their gom jabar. (are you a benegeserit witch?)

Frozen Sooner
11/27/2006, 12:54 AM
bri is the Kwisatch Haderach. He has proven himself to be a man and not an animal against the high-handed enemy.

I've also heard that he tamed a sandworm, but I didn't want to know about it.

11/27/2006, 12:59 AM
We Fremen have a saying: God created the South Oval to train the faithful. One cannot go againt the word of God.

And can I just say that a thread about Bond that gets jacked into a Dune-fest equals giddy bri? :D

11/27/2006, 01:04 AM
We Fremen have a saying: God created the South Oval to train the faithful. One cannot go againt the word of God.

And can I just say that a thread about Bond that gets jacked into a Dune-fest equals giddy bri? :D

My hubby fears that Bri is a Tlielaxu clone impersonating Kwisatz Haedratch (sp?). Whatever that means.

Has a nerd war begun that I'm not aware of? Hubby won't tell.

11/27/2006, 01:05 AM
Begun, this nerd war has...

11/27/2006, 01:10 AM
Begun, this nerd war has...

Are there any harkonen spies amongst you? (I don't even know what I'm saying)

11/27/2006, 01:12 AM
Strangely, I just emerged from a steam bath wearing nothing but a black leather man-thong, preening and sneering as I put another couple handfulls of product in my spikey red hair...

11/27/2006, 01:24 AM
Sting - worst role ever for him? only role? not sure.

So on to other nerd topics.....

Joss Wheden or Hitchhikers Guide...you pick.:)

11/27/2006, 01:32 AM
Well, I never saw The Bride, but it was probably way worse than his reading for Feyd Rautha.


And Joss, all the way. In God I trust. :D

Frozen Sooner
11/27/2006, 01:35 AM
Sting - worst role ever for him? only role? not sure.

So on to other nerd topics.....

Joss Wheden or Hitchhikers Guide...you pick.:)

Film Hitchhikers' or prose? 'Cause Firefly kicks the tar out of film HHGTTG, but prose HHGTTG puts a beatdown on pretty much anything.

11/27/2006, 01:36 AM
Okay, Joss. Brown coats, Buffy, Angel fans unite.

Favorite episode for each....

11/27/2006, 01:59 AM
okay, I'll go first.

Buffy - toss up between Hush and the one where Willow casts a spell and they all lose their memory, the musical and the one where they all fall asleep and dream of the cheese guy. I can't pick between them - they're all that good.

Angel - Puppet ep. Hands down the strangest.

Serenity - Janes Town (or maybe it was called Janes Day)

Frozen Sooner
11/27/2006, 02:03 AM
All right.

Buffy-the one where Alyson Hannigan totally makes out with another chick.

Angel-Never watched it.

Firefly-The Message. And the ep is Jaynestown. :D

11/27/2006, 02:06 AM
All right.

Buffy-the one where Alyson Hannigan totally makes out with another chick.

Angel-Never watched it.

Firefly-The Message. And the ep is Jaynestown. :D

Willow made out lots with Tara...which one?

Angel - I forgive you

Firefly - which one is the message? and nice call on Jaynestown. :D :D

Frozen Sooner
11/27/2006, 02:09 AM
Pretty much any time Willow makes out with Tara is my favorite episode. I don't distinguish on this. Rank 'em by how much time was spent on the makeout.

The Message is the one where one of their group from the Serenity valley is returned to them.

11/27/2006, 02:15 AM
Pretty much any time Willow makes out with Tara is my favorite episode. I don't distinguish on this. Rank 'em by how much time was spent on the makeout.

The Message is the one where one of their group from the Serenity valley is returned to them.

Willow and Tara did more in the musical....:)

Oh yeah, the Message. That's the one where the guy in the coffin fully betrays them, right?

Frozen Sooner
11/27/2006, 02:16 AM
Yep. And my dear, you simply must watch Serenity in HD-DVD with Dolby 5.1 TruSurround. It will change what you expect out of a sci-fi movie.

11/27/2006, 02:18 AM
Yep. And my dear, you simply must watch Serenity in HD-DVD with Dolby 5.1 TruSurround. It will change what you expect out of a sci-fi movie.

okay, but I'm tech challanged. How do I get that? new TV?

11/27/2006, 02:20 AM
yeah, I'm hard-pressed to pick just one Buffy episode off the top of my head. As far as the others go, since you already took my answers...

Angel - "Dead End". Lindsey's "evil hand" rant at the end of the episode rules all. Plus, Christian Kane is from Oklahoma, as is the character of Lindsey McDonald.

Firefly - "Shindig". Kaylee gets to wear a frilly dress and Cap'n Tightpants learns to swordfight thanks to Inara and the retarded file clerk from L.A. Law. :D

Frozen Sooner
11/27/2006, 02:32 AM
okay, but I'm tech challanged. How do I get that? new TV?

New TV. New HD-DVD player. New receiver that supports HDMI switching. 5.1 speaker system.

Shouldn't cost you more than about $4500-$5000 to get it set up right.

Let's see:

New TV-you can get a good TV for roughly $1500 now.
HD-DVD player-you can get a gen2 model next week for around $500
Receiver-probably gonna run you about $1000
Speakers-call that another grand, grand and a half.

So about $4500 to get, you know, the full Joss.