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View Full Version : Michigan deserves the NC shot over USC

11/26/2006, 05:46 PM
Michigan's only loss is to a #1 ranked undefeated team on the road. USC lost to an unranked OSU on the road.

I don't like the Big 10 or the Pac 10 but this one to me is a no brainer.

11/26/2006, 05:50 PM

Frozen Sooner
11/26/2006, 05:51 PM
Both Michigan and USC have beaten Notre Dame handily. USC beat them in the Mausoleum, Michigan beat them in front of TD Jesus.

Michigan has beaten one-loss Wisconsin. I don't think Wisconsin is that great this year-they haven't beaten anyone particularly good, but still, they only have one loss.

USC has beaten Arkansas, which looks a lot less impressive after this weekend.

Discounting conference championships (which any of us who thought OU should be in the Sugar Bowl in '03 should do, and I know I'm one of them) and when the loss occurred (ditto) then yeah, I'd agree with you.

11/26/2006, 05:54 PM
Michigan's only loss is to a #1 ranked undefeated team on the road. USC lost to an unranked OSU on the road.

I don't like the Big 10 or the Pac 10 but this one to me is a no brainer.
I totally agree

11/26/2006, 05:57 PM
I don't think it's right either way... If Mich. goes then it's wrong for OSU because they already beat them.. so now if Mich. wins you mean to tell me they get to be the champs even though OSU beat them too... and to me USC is not as good as Mich. so why should they be there and not Mich??

11/26/2006, 05:58 PM
suc is the best 1 loss team in the nation, I think would be the best match-up for the championship game. I hate suc as much as the next person on this board, but you can't deny how friggin good thes mofos are. I think that suc is the only team that could beat tosu right now . . . and most likely will.


11/26/2006, 06:00 PM
Oregon State would have something to say about how good USC is

11/26/2006, 06:05 PM
This is why we need a frickin playoff...lets take a unbiased look,
Florida lost one game to a top 15 auburn team, and beat tenn, fsu, georgia, kentucky, Lsu, and scar, all bowl teams with atleast 7 wins

Michigan Pounded media darling Notre dame, 8 win central mich, 11 win wisconsin, 8 win penn state, and two other 6 win teams, only loss by 3pts to best team in country on the road

Usc lost to unranked but good oregon state on road, pounded media darling notre dame, top ten arkansas, beat two 6 win teams, a 7 win team, and neb and cal who are both good teams

Who is to say who is the best one loss team or that boise state doesnt deserve a shot...Why should it be left up to personal opinions and biases...Also, even though 99.9% of the time they would get pounded, why is it that D1 football is the only sport that doesnt allow every conf champ a fair shot at winning the natl title...Not allowing a playoff is the biggest hipocracy in all of sports hands down!!!

11/26/2006, 06:09 PM
Not fair to Ohio State -- Ok guy's we gotta go beat Michigan AGAIN...!!!

Doesn't sound real motivating to me........

11/26/2006, 06:11 PM
True it may not be fair to osu, but is it fair to mich that their only loss is to ohio state by 3 and they will get hosed just cus it was late in the season and not fair to the buckeyes. Usc lost to a far inferior team, why do they get a shot, cus they lost a month ago??

11/26/2006, 06:11 PM
I'd hate to see OSU vs. Michigan again....

11/26/2006, 06:15 PM
Oregon State would have something to say about how good USC is

Do you think that if they played again - that it would be the same outcome?


This is the same osu team that lost to Boise State - the same Boise State team that nearly everyone on this board says that we will demolish in the Fiesta Bowl (I don't hold that same opinion.)

That osu team did beat suc, but since that time, suc has pretty much manhandled EVERYONE they've played, and their s.o.s. is head and shoulders above meechigan. (I saw the arguments above, but I don't agree) DonkeyStomping Arky at home, Nebbish, and Notre Dame is a pretty solid argument.

Again, I'm not sure how many of you watch this suc team each week - I am forced to out here - but they are the closest thing to a pro team that I've ever seen - their speed is rediculious. Tosu has the closest team speed to suc, but in my opinion, suc's defense is still faster. Not to mention their speed at wr. Ginn is close, and Gonzalez is awesome, but Smith and Jarrett are better AND faster.

I hate defending this team, but I think these guys are the closest thing to a dynasty we've seen in quite some time, and for some time to come - they are only getting better. :(

11/26/2006, 06:17 PM
Oregon State would have something to say about how good USC is

so would nebraska, cal, arkansas,and notre dame.

11/26/2006, 06:20 PM
Do you think that if they played again - that it would be the same outcome?


This is the same osu team that lost to Boise State - the same Boise State team that nearly everyone on this board says that we will demolish in the Fiesta Bowl (I don't hold that same opinion.)

That osu team did beat suc, but since that time, suc has pretty much manhandled EVERYONE they've played, and their s.o.s. is head and shoulders above meechigan. :(

Except for losing to a average ucla team by 18 and nearly losing to an oregon team who is falling apart :rolleyes:

11/26/2006, 06:21 PM
Do you think that if they played again - that it would be the same outcome?

as Stoops said in response to a similar Barnett comment a few years ago, you don't get muligans in football.

USC had their shot at beating Oregon State and couldn't get the job done.

11/26/2006, 06:21 PM
Why are tOSU & Michigan already done? That seems like a scheduling screw up to me.

11/26/2006, 06:21 PM
Bowl Games are supposed to bring together Teams that NORMALLY would NOT ever meet each other --- Like Oklahoma vs Maryland
Oklahoma vs Michigan - Oklahoma vs Florida State - Oklahoma vs Tennessee -Oklahoma vs LSU - Oklahoma vs Nebraska (WHOOOPS ----- :)

Ohio State vs Michigan --- The only way it happens - UCLA must beat usc -- JMHO.....

11/26/2006, 07:47 PM
I understand the "if they can't win their conference they shouldn't play for BCS CH" but it currently isn't a rule stipulation, and until it is that logic can not be used. Obviously, at least two times before, that i can think of, teams that didn't win their conf ch played for the BCS CH. Having said that...although i think SC played a slightly tougher shcedule, i think Michigan is the 2nd best team.

11/26/2006, 07:50 PM
Bowl Games are supposed to bring together Teams that NORMALLY would NOT ever meet each other --- Like Oklahoma vs Maryland
Oklahoma vs Michigan - Oklahoma vs Florida State - Oklahoma vs Tennessee -Oklahoma vs LSU - Oklahoma vs Nebraska (WHOOOPS ----- :)

Ohio State vs Michigan --- The only way it happens - UCLA must beat usc -- JMHO.....

In the old day, yes, you could say that. But you can't say that is the reason for the BCS Championship game. It's stated purpose is to bring the 2 best teams together to play each other.

11/26/2006, 08:16 PM
I hope we get to play some disgruntled 1-loss (or undefeated) team that thinks they are too good for us (kind of like the #5 ranked team last year). Bitch-slapping them down would be great. Too bad it wont be Notre Dame.

11/26/2006, 08:20 PM
If Florida wins the SEC, they deserve the shot. F Michigan! They have not beat anyone this year. They had their shot. F the Big 10!

11/26/2006, 08:48 PM
This year totally makes the case for a playoff if you're a Sooner fan. I'd take this bunch against anyone - they find a way to win.

Michigan had their semi-final chance and lost. Give me a 1 loss UF vs. a 1 loss USC. Then again, UF's gotta beat the pigs.

And, mark it down, if we go to the Fiesta, it's Boise State. Not too sexy, but should pretty much guarantee a win, eh?

11/26/2006, 09:13 PM
I say Florida should go, if they win out. Now, I must admit that I hate USC and do not have an objective opinion. Michigan got their shot, plus there should be a rule that says 2 teams from the same conference cannot play for the championship.

11/26/2006, 09:17 PM
Why are tOSU & Michigan already done? That seems like a scheduling screw up to me.

We finished last week.

Anyway, I agree Michigan>USC.

11/26/2006, 11:21 PM
In the old day, yes, you could say that. But you can't say that is the reason for the BCS Championship game. It's stated purpose is to bring the 2 best teams together to play each other.

An argument could be made that OSU is the best team given their record and schedule. But Michigan being the second best team is purly speculation. Since teams from different conferences rarely play common opponents and never on the same weekend it's hard to make comparisons.

Arguments based on how they played bad teams or how close they won, who they lost to, etc... are not necessary valid for deciding who is the better team. Is it possible that at the time USC lost to Oregon State, O-State played the best game of their season and USC played flat? For that matter, maybe the OSU defense took a mental holiday the weekend they played Michigan?

The one thing that we do know for sure is that on the weekend that Michigan played OSU, they lost. No need for a rematch, we already know who won that match-up this year.

Time to give another one loss team their shot to dethrone OSU.

11/27/2006, 03:23 AM
as Stoops said in response to a similar Barnett comment a few years ago, you don't get muligans in football.

USC had their shot at beating Oregon State and couldn't get the job done.

and Michigan had their shot at Ohio State.....

Michigan beat ND and Wisconsin

USC beat ND, Nebraska, Arkansas, and Cal...UCLA isn't bad either and they have a shot to get a win there as well this weekend.

USC would beat Michigan, and sadly, they may beat tOSU

11/27/2006, 03:49 AM
I'd hate to see OSU vs. Michigan again....

Yep. Especially when the outcome will be the EXACT same. Tressel simply owns Lloyd Carr. Everyone wants to talk about how close the game was when they played. Was i the only who saw that the game was NEVER in question for ohio st.? They did lead the entire game didn't they? What is the series record since Tressel arrived? I'm pretty sure its 5-1!!! ENOUGH w/ the Ohio st. vs. Michigan crap! Its not a contest anymore. To have them play again only to get the same result would be not only a anti-climatic NC game but a smack in the face to a USC team that would beat Michigan any day of the week.

The best matchup is Ohio St. vs. USC. After this weekend of seeing USC's team speed i think its the only good matchup for st.

11/27/2006, 10:12 AM
If you can not win your conference, you should not be playing for an N.C.

...and yes, I felt the same way in 2003.

11/27/2006, 11:23 AM
Boise should have a shot, IMO.

11/27/2006, 11:39 AM
Pete Carrol is the anti-Christ and USC has the dirtiest progeram this side of Columbus, Ohio.

Will the NCAA do what's right? I doubt it.

11/27/2006, 11:47 AM
Meatchicken had their chance. Irrelevant whether the game is played at home, or on the road or on the moon. Meatchicken lost.

If things play out as they may this upcoming weekend, USC would have defeated...

The SEC champ and BCS bound, Arkansas.
The Big XII champ and BCS bound, Nebraska.
A THIRD BCS team, Neutered Dame.

Even without anything else, that is pretty damned impressive.

Florida.. they can't even decide which quarterback to use... their offense in the past month or so has been just barely good enough to win.

I can understand why you don't like USC and Pete Carroll, but you have to give the devil his due. He lost TWO Heisman winners, had 5 juniors declare for the NFL, played a quarterback coming off of back surgery and with no significant experience, and pieced together a team that will be playing in its 3rd straight BCS national championship team... and.. I like their chances because of their team speed on defense against Swing State Aggy in that game.

11/27/2006, 12:50 PM
Michigan is out. They've ridden the wave of the ND victory long enough. Other than that, Wisconsin is their only other significant win.

Other Michagan victories over teams with more than six wins and the opponents were nothing to speak of:

Cent. Michigan (8-4): They beat one team with more than 5 wins: West. Michigan
Penn State (8-4): They beat two teams with more than 6 wins: Purdue and Youngstown St. (D1AA)

SC will go with a win over UCLA. They simply have more style points after the win against ND. Whether or not Oregon St. was ranked when they lost won't be a factor.

SC victories over teams with more than six wins:

Arkansas (10-2): Playing for an SEC championship.
Nebraska (9-3): A dropped pass away from being 10-2. Playing for Big12 championship...which they will lose. BOOMER SOONER!
Arizona St. (7-5): No significant wins.
Oregon (7-5): No wait, they are 6-6.
Cal (8-3): QB performance overrated from the get-go. No significant victories.
Notre Dame (10-2): Media darlings. Nearly lost to a decent Georgia Tech. Barely beat a 4-8 Michigan St. team destined to crumble. Hung on for dear life against a 6-5 UCLA team. ND = Michigan in my 2006 yearbook.

Florida may have a chance. They have the #1 ranked toughest schedule based on cumulative win/loss records of opponents. Only loss has come from a 10-2 Auburn team.

Florida victories over teams with more than six wins:

Southern Miss (8-4): They beat one team with more than 5 wins: Houston
Tennessee (9-3): Took out Cal early on and have had a decent season.
Kentucky (7-5): No impressive victories, except maybe Georgia.
LSU (10-2): I can't stand Les, but he has a great team. Without the close loss to Auburn, they would be easily be in the conversation for NC contender.
Georgia (8-4): Nothing real impressive except for the Auburn win.
South Carolina (7-5): Don't let the record fool you. They are 25 points away from an 11-1 record.