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View Full Version : 2nd half playcalling ultra-conservative

11/25/2006, 06:12 PM
Does anybody think that OU played it too conservative? I thought we needed to open it up a bit more. I'm happy for the win but felt like after the goal-line stand, we shut it down too early. Your thoughts please...

Also is it Bob holding back Wilson or was Wilson playing it safe down the stretch? Hello Big 12 Champ game!

oh yeah...:texan: sux!

11/25/2006, 06:13 PM
Yeah, it's frustrating.

11/25/2006, 06:13 PM
yeah toward the end of the game, i thought wilson didnt reaize how much time there was on the clock.

11/25/2006, 06:14 PM
i just know that i was about to throw up because it was so close. i mean my god, look at the OSU fans on tv... its just loser after loser. how embarrasing it would be to lose to a laughing stock of college football.

it would have been nice to get a yard or two on our last couple of possesions..

Newbomb Turk
11/25/2006, 06:14 PM
It was frustrating. However, it's easy to say now, but I think it was smart. Keep the clock running.

Al Kasik Sooner
11/25/2006, 06:16 PM
I agree. I understand that we wanted to avoid the turnover, but you still have to make some first downs. It seems like we went into a shell too early. Big kudos to the defense for stepping up.

11/25/2006, 06:17 PM
Yeah, it ****es me off. I love the win - a win is a win. But we could have blown out the lead to 25-30 points instead of doing everything we could to let OSU stay in the game and dare them to beat us! I don't understand why we keep barely squeeking these ones out that we should be winning easily? You would think Stoops and Company would say "Jeez, lets stop being conservative and nearly loosing these games" after every one of these games! I just don't understand it! Even teams like Boise State get it, they blow out anyone they can whenever they can. RUN UP THE SCORE!!!!

11/25/2006, 06:18 PM
I agree. I understand that we wanted to avoid the turnover, but you still have to make some first downs. It seems like we went into a shell too early. Big kudos to the defense for stepping up.

speaking of that, it seemed to me that our recievers were catching the balls and then jumping out of bounds, where as they usually try to get a couple of extra yards. most notably was a catch by manual johnson and he was wide open, nobody near him and he trots out. anyone else think so?:confused:

11/25/2006, 06:18 PM
It was frustrating. However, it's easy to say now, but I think it was smart. Keep the clock running.

We didn't really run all that much time off the clock, and certainly not enough to prevent them from coming back to win if they'd made some plays. The whole 4th quarter Wilson played keepaway against a team we couldn't stop. Sometimes making first downs is more important than running clock for 3 plays. ENA will (almost) never run for 10+ yards, and they figured out the run game. Toss it to Finley, continue to run clock. 3 straitght runs won't always do it.

Texas Golfer
11/25/2006, 06:19 PM
With three consecutive three and outs and running eight consecutive plays netting minus yardage, it looked like we were not playing to win but playing not to lose.

I was getting concerned that our defense would get tired and get beat.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
11/25/2006, 06:20 PM
they were the same play calls, the difference was in the execution up front. their DL stepped it up a notch and was absolutely whipping our OL the last several series. its not like you can "open it up" when they are beating 7 blockers with 4 guys on nearly every play.

11/25/2006, 06:23 PM
Yup. It's all about execution.
Time to trot out my motto: Playcalling is overrated.

11/25/2006, 06:24 PM
they were the same play calls, the difference was in the execution up front. their DL stepped it up a notch and was absolutely whipping our OL the last several series. its not like you can "open it up" when they are beating 7 blockers with 4 guys on nearly every play.

True, but at some point one must adjust to the situation on the field. We're more than capable of throwing or running and you need to go with what works. I'm not saying go crazy and throw all over, but don't be afraid to throw to pick up a 1st down either.

11/25/2006, 06:27 PM
they were the same play calls, the difference was in the execution up front. their DL stepped it up a notch and was absolutely whipping our OL the last several series. its not like you can "open it up" when they are beating 7 blockers with 4 guys on nearly every play.

Yep. Messner was getting SMOKED every play the last three series. Yet, we ran left every time. Sometimes it's a combination of bad play and conservative stubbornness, i.e., we SHOULD be able to run over Messner, ergo we WILL run over Messner, despite several consectutive plays emperically proving that that isn't a good idea.

Yeah, I took logic in college, what of it? ;)

11/25/2006, 06:28 PM
I looked like Sean Sutton throwing himself on the floor during the 4th quarter. One pass, and you know if they aren't executing the run plays jkm, why not try something like a short pass? or that pass to Zaslaw that seems to work.

but hey we won, and we just got one more game to focus on.

11/25/2006, 06:29 PM
Only thing we could have done more to help OSU come back for the win is get in the Victory Formation and take the knee every down the 2nd half.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
11/25/2006, 06:30 PM
True, but at some point one must adjust to the situation on the field. We're more than capable of throwing or running and you need to go with what works. I'm not saying go crazy and throw all over, but don't be afraid to throw to pick up a 1st down either.

the problem was that we were in max protect (7 or 8 guys) which leaves very few people out in the routes vs a ton of DBs. they were ripping through our OL like a hot knife through butter. one of their DL was pushing brandon walker back so fast on a couple of plays it looked like they were doing the tango. its why our best passing plays were outlets to the fullback...

11/25/2006, 06:31 PM
A win is a win. Pokes knew the run was coming. It's easy to defend when you know what's coming. I don't think OU cared. They just wanted to burn clock.

When the game's on the line, do you go with PT slinging it around or running it and leaving it up to the D? Easy choice for me.

11/25/2006, 06:31 PM
I looked like Sean Sutton throwing himself on the floor during the 4th quarter. One pass, and you know if they aren't executing the run plays jkm, why not try something like a short pass? or that pass to Zaslaw that seems to work.

I agree, move those chains - and the short passes to our wide outs and tight ends were there all game. Dont know why we didnt do more of that

11/25/2006, 06:34 PM
I recall one play (I think in our 2nd to last possession) where PT was going to throw to the open FB, and the FB fell down.

Screen passes are good when the D is getting a good rush, but I guess that was too risky and would stop the clock if incomplete.

11/25/2006, 06:35 PM
We may be a bit gunshy after 9 turnovers the last two weeks. Thank goodness that osu fumbled on the 1/2 yard line into the endzone and we recovered.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
11/25/2006, 06:35 PM
I looked like Sean Sutton throwing himself on the floor during the 4th quarter. One pass, and you know if they aren't executing the run plays jkm, why not try something like a short pass? or that pass to Zaslaw that seems to work.

but hey we won, and we just got one more game to focus on.

they tried that in the next to last series and zaslaw fell down. its just one of the problems we've had on our OL this year. they just have no ability to step up their intensity when our opponent amps up a notch.

still, we went 4-2 (5-1) on the road this year which is pretty frickin extraordinary considering 5 out of 6 of them were bowl eligible. thompson once again managed the game and our new OL coach made his unit the most improved on the season. if the OL takes it up a level next year - watch out...

11/25/2006, 06:37 PM
they tried that in the next to last series and zaslaw fell down. its just one of the problems we've had on our OL this year. they just have no ability to step up their intensity when our opponent amps up a notch.

still, we went 4-2 (5-1) on the road this year which is pretty frickin extraordinary considering 5 out of 6 of them were bowl eligible. thompson once again managed the game and our new OL coach made his unit the most improved on the season. if the OL takes it up a level next year - watch out...

I agree,

I didn't see the FB slip, thanks for pointing that out.

11/25/2006, 06:37 PM
It was frustrating. However, it's easy to say now, but I think it was smart. Keep the clock running.
Getting at least one first down would have kept the clock running.

11/25/2006, 06:39 PM
The other problem was the theory we have in any game that is a tight fit: do not put Paul in a position to lose the game for us. And, we didn't.

11/25/2006, 06:42 PM
The other problem was the theory we have in any game that is a tight fit: do not put Paul in a position to lose the game for us. And, we didn't.

although I agree, somewhat I think in the right situation PT can win a game for us.

who the hell cares, we are going to the B12 Championship and if you would have told me that we lose Bomar and AD and two key offensive linemen, I would have thought you were crazy. Right now I'm as giddy as a school girl

Sooner magic or whatever

Boomer Freakin Sooner.

11/25/2006, 06:45 PM
usmc, if you thought this was conservative, against arguably the worst secondary in the country, wait 'till you see next week.

Of course, I am for whatever wins, and KW and BS think this is the way to get it done. That's good enough for me.

11/25/2006, 06:47 PM
Yup! It was a carbon copy of the A&M game. It's inexcusable given the quality of WR's we have that we stop throwing the ball completely and that's what Wilson did........AGAIN. I HATE that mentality......

11/25/2006, 06:49 PM
Yup! It was a carbon copy of the A&M game. It's inexcusable given the quality of WR's we have that we stop throwing the ball completely and that's what Wilson did........AGAIN. I HATE that mentality......

Yeah, and what makes you really mad is when we want to score points in a hurry and light up the score board we can - Look at the Texas Tech game this year. No reason why we shouldn't be running up the score and letting these games so darn close. Just my opinion....

11/25/2006, 06:50 PM
Prevent offense sucks ***.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
11/25/2006, 06:52 PM
Yeah, and what makes you really mad is when we want to score points in a hurry and light up the score board we can - Look at the Texas Tech game this year. No reason why we shouldn't be running up the score and letting these games so darn close. Just my opinion....

you mean the game where we turned the ball over 5 times? its called high risk, high reward for a reason...

11/25/2006, 07:00 PM
The conservative play calling comes out every time we get the lead, it's been that way this whole season. Any and every team we play knows what is going to happen if we get the lead, and it DOES happen. They KNEW exactly what we would run (run being the key word), and they KNEW it was unlikely that we would anything different. Those last 3 series on offense were pathetic, absolutely pathetic! And it came too close to costing us a trip to the Championship game. And you can bet Nebraska is well aware of it too!
We need to put our opponents on their heels and KEEP them on their heels, not hand the ball right back to them like that. Our defense isn't going to save out asses every time, and they shouldn't have to!
Sorry to ramble, I have not calmed down from that offensive fiasco yet! Carry on.

11/25/2006, 07:02 PM
I thought after the goal line stand we should have sent Malcolm deep. That would have crushed the Aggy from any kind of hope.

11/25/2006, 07:05 PM
I agree. I understand that we wanted to avoid the turnover, but you still have to make some first downs. It seems like we went into a shell too early. Big kudos to the defense for stepping up.

Yeah, run it outside a couple of times at least. All I want is a couple of first downs, I'm not saying we should go nuts and try to score 50. Just open it up a little to secure some first downs, then you can run 4-6 min of clock instead of 2.

11/25/2006, 07:06 PM
you mean the game where we turned the ball over 5 times? its called high risk, high reward for a reason...

Turnovers have nothing to do with play calling. Turnovers are just players not holding onto the ball in our case. Remember last week we were conservative and ran alot and Brown fumbled giving Baylor their only touchdown. Most of our turnovers if I remember right over the last couple of weeks are from Running Backs and Special Teams.

Lets play to win instead of playing not to loose. We are inviting the wolf to the door every game, and one of these times that wolf is going to take us out!!! We have forgot how to win games convincingly. We only do barely what it takes to win every game instead of coming out and making a statement and slapping them around like a red headed step child!

11/25/2006, 07:07 PM
With three consecutive three and outs and running eight consecutive plays netting minus yardage, it looked like we were not playing to win but playing not to lose.

I was getting concerned that our defense would get tired and get beat.

PHRASE OF THE DAY - Playing to win. We didn't do it in the 4th quarter but OSU was not good enough to make us pay.

11/25/2006, 07:09 PM
OU was last in the nation in fumbles lost going into this game.

Zero turnovers today.

11/25/2006, 07:10 PM
Only thing we could have done more to help OSU come back for the win is get in the Victory Formation and take the knee every down the 2nd half.

LOL, That's funny...the frightening part is its also true!

11/25/2006, 07:10 PM
I thought after the goal line stand we should have sent Malcolm deep. That would have crushed the Aggy from any kind of hope. I agree. We were up 13 and just crushed them with the stand on the goal line and had taken the crowd out of it. Would have been perfect to drive the ball down for another score and go up by 20. Instead we did our predictable 3 runs up the middle where they had 8 or 9 guys waiting in the box because we played not to loose, instead of to win and to demoralize OSU. We gave them a gift of getting their crowd back into it and got their team all hyped up again. We nearly got beat because of it.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
11/25/2006, 07:10 PM
Yeah, run it outside a couple of times at least. All I want is a couple of first downs, I'm not saying we should go nuts and try to score 50. Just open it up a little to secure some first downs, then you can run 4-6 min of clock instead of 2.

3 3 and outs = 9 plays

right after the fumble recovery we ran the ball outside w/ brown 2 out of 3 downs

thompson had at least 1 QB keeper outside.

i can go back and give you the exact plays but it didn't matter where we ran, our OL was getting destroyed

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
11/25/2006, 07:11 PM
it looks like i'm going to have to chart them, but i know at least 3 of the 9 plays netted positive yardage.

11/25/2006, 07:12 PM
PHRASE OF THE DAY - Playing to win. We didn't do it in the 4th quarter but OSU was not good enough to make us pay.
Yep, but if we don't learn from this in a hurry and start blowing them out, Nebraska or whoever we play in a Bowl Game could be good enough to make us pay. Thats what I am afraid of.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
11/25/2006, 07:13 PM
Turnovers have nothing to do with play calling. Turnovers are just players not holding onto the ball in our case. Remember last week we were conservative and ran alot and Brown fumbled giving Baylor their only touchdown. Most of our turnovers if I remember right over the last couple of weeks are from Running Backs and Special Teams.

Lets play to win instead of playing not to loose. We are inviting the wolf to the door every game, and one of these times that wolf is going to take us out!!! We have forgot how to win games convincingly. We only do barely what it takes to win every game instead of coming out and making a statement and slapping them around like a red headed step child!

2-3 receivers out in patterns vs a 7 man zone is a recipe for turnovers especially since there was less than 4 seconds to throw with us in max protect.

11/25/2006, 07:13 PM
although I agree, somewhat I think in the right situation PT can win a game for us.

who the hell cares, we are going to the B12 Championship and if you would have told me that we lose Bomar and AD and two key offensive linemen, I would have thought you were crazy. Right now I'm as giddy as a school girl

Sooner magic or whatever

Boomer Freakin Sooner.

Well said! No Bomar, No AD, No AP last week, = Big 12 South Champs?

Great coaching to make that happen.

11/25/2006, 07:15 PM
why is that jkm? I don't know, but it seems like we go from over powering to getting blown up on the line.

my guess is we should mix it up little more, when we are rolling, but then again we could also shoot ourselves in the foot with a few incompletions.

who knows

11/25/2006, 07:17 PM
i can go back and give you the exact plays but it didn't matter where we ran, our OL was getting destroyed
I agree, maybe a screen play, quick slant or something to mix it up would have been great to keep 8 or 9 guys from hitting our Offensive Line. Our line was great all game until the brought the house against them since they knew we were running every play, in my humble opinion.

Frozen Sooner
11/25/2006, 07:17 PM
jkm speaketh truth in this thread. Our OL isn't in the greatest condition and the lack of depth is hurting us. When it gets to the fourth quarter, the OL is gassed. A lot of the conditioning has to do with them being young-they're getting there.

11/25/2006, 07:17 PM
3 3 and outs = 9 plays

right after the fumble recovery we ran the ball outside w/ brown 2 out of 3 downs

thompson had at least 1 QB keeper outside.

i can go back and give you the exact plays but it didn't matter where we ran, our OL was getting destroyed

True, but I'm talking about sweeps not just handoff and run outside if the hole is not there inside. Not interested in your exact stats by the way.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
11/25/2006, 07:19 PM
if you want to complain about our playcalling, there is your area. why, when we are steamrolling with the running game, do we pass on 1st down when we reach our opponent's territory? we've had a plethora of drives killed because we go from running to 3 straight passes.

11/25/2006, 07:19 PM
2-3 receivers out in patterns vs a 7 man zone is a recipe for turnovers especially since there was less than 4 seconds to throw with us in max protect.
Lets get more recievers out there then. Obviously what we are doing in almost every game after a lead of only a couple scores of a lead is not working very well. Yes, we still win, but not convincingly, we are hanging on for dear life just praying not to loose. I don't want us to keep putting ourselves in that position nearly every game!

Frozen Sooner
11/25/2006, 07:21 PM
True, but I'm talking about sweeps not just handoff and run outside if the hole is not there inside. Not interested in your exact stats by the way.

If you can't run inside against a four-man line with zone behind it then you aren't going to run outside effectively.

Frozen Sooner
11/25/2006, 07:22 PM
Lets get more recievers out there then. Obviously what we are doing in almost every game after a lead of only a couple scores of a lead is not working very well. Yes, we still win, but not convincingly, we are hanging on for dear life just praying not to loose. I don't want us to keep putting ourselves in that position nearly every game!

You only get to play 11 at a time.

If the OL is getting whipped in max protect, what do you think is going to happen to the QB with five receivers in the pattern?

11/25/2006, 07:23 PM
if you want to complain about our playcalling, there is your area. why, when we are steamrolling with the running game, do we pass on 1st down when we reach our opponent's territory? we've had a plethora of drives killed because we go from running to 3 straight passes.
So why every game are we agressive and get up 2 scores, and then by the end of the game we are praying to hold out for a win? We do this every game. I don't want to let Nebraska or anyone else in a Bowl game to be in the same position, because someone is eventually going to take us out at the end of the game if we dont run the score up a little bit - after about 5 touchdowns then we can run 3 straight downs, nearly the same play if they want.

Frozen Sooner
11/25/2006, 07:24 PM
So why every game are we agressive and get up 2 scores, and then by the end of the game we are praying to hold out for a win? We do this every game. I don't want to let Nebraska or anyone else in a Bowl game to be in the same position, because someone is eventually going to take us out at the end of the game if we dont run the score up a little bit - after about 5 touchdowns then we can run 3 straight downs, nearly the same play if they want.

OL depth and conditioning. Our OL is very talented but they play just about every snap.

11/25/2006, 07:26 PM
You only get to play 11 at a time.

If the OL is getting whipped in max protect, what do you think is going to happen to the QB with five receivers in the pattern?

But no matter how good your offensive line is, if they know you are going to run and they send the house they are going to get penetration. They knew we were going to run every down. When you get almost an entire defense attacking your line because they know you are going to run, I dont care how good they are - they are going to penitrate the line.

11/25/2006, 07:28 PM
obviously our 4th qtr offense lacked something to be desired.

I think we better get geared up to kickin some Husker ***. I'm not going to pretend like I've got the answers.

However and this is just my opinion, I prefer to stay aggresive. When OSU went ahead of of NU they stayed aggresive and shut the door on them.

However I'm extremely happy with the win. We're 10-2 (11-1) and I think that is freakin awesome.

11/25/2006, 07:29 PM
OL depth and conditioning. Our OL is very talented but they play just about every snap.
Stupid question here - but doesn't every football team have the same guys on the line the entire game pretty much? I don't see to many substitutions on the line - except when there is an injury.

They are talented though - think how mean our OL will be next year!

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
11/25/2006, 07:29 PM
But no matter how good your offensive line is, if they know you are going to run and they send the house they are going to get penetration. They knew we were going to run every down. When you get almost an entire defense attacking your line because they know you are going to run, I dont care how good they are - they are going to penitrate the line.

dude, its WHO is getting penetration. they weren't sending any linebackers, they were doing this with their front 4. those guys should be able to be blocked with max protect...

11/25/2006, 07:31 PM
USMC, I agree, I am in awe of the job we did this year with all the problems! I am so proud of our Sooners. I just want to see us close the door on teams so the Corn Cobs dont have an opportunity to stay in the game - I would love to start the celebration in the 3rd quarter because of a 35 point lead!

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
11/25/2006, 07:31 PM
Stupid question here - but doesn't every football team have the same guys on the line the entire game pretty much? I don't see to many substitutions on the line - except when there is an injury.

They are talented though - think how mean our OL will be next year!

you'd think, but that isn't what you see in the fourth qtr. time was under stoops (meaning before the new clock rules), the other team was sucking wind and we destroyed them in the 4th qtr.

Frozen Sooner
11/25/2006, 07:31 PM
Stupid question here - but doesn't every football team have the same guys on the line the entire game pretty much? I don't see to many substitutions on the line - except when there is an injury.

They are talented though - think how mean our OL will be next year!

There's not a ton of substitution, but it's there. Our guys almost never take a break. You might be surprised how much a 1-2 play break helps out an OL's wind. Our OL also pulls a bunch, which is kind of tiring.

11/25/2006, 07:32 PM
dude, its WHO is getting penetration. they weren't sending any linebackers, they were doing this with their front 4. those guys should be able to be blocked with max protect...

Maybe the answer is to get our big boys up front in better shape. I don't think that is the only problem, but hey, I don't know all the answers - JUST ASK MY WIFE!

11/25/2006, 07:34 PM
There's not a ton of substitution, but it's there. Our guys almost never take a break. You might be surprised how much a 1-2 play break helps out an OL's wind. Our OL also pulls a bunch, which is kind of tiring.
Give me some pads and a helmit, I will give 'em a couple plays break! ;)

Frozen Sooner
11/25/2006, 07:34 PM
Maybe the answer is to get our big boys up front in better shape. I don't think that is the only problem, but hey, I don't know all the answers - JUST ASK MY WIFE!

Well, the problem with that is guys who grow up to be OL don't tend to be the ones who respond to conditioning particularly well. S&C coaches kind of have a thin line to walk with big OL.

11/25/2006, 07:53 PM
I know Stoops doesn't want to throw on the road- but I think we need a better ballance in the next couple of games... Thompson is streaky and needs to get involved early to get it going... A&M and OSU damn near snuck up on us and we were lucky or fortunate in both games to hold on! Credit to the defense but that is asking a lot... We have the best recievers in the country and we should throw the ball a bit more and get some more points on the board... I will take the Ws but nerve racking...

11/25/2006, 08:25 PM
I know Stoops doesn't want to throw on the road- but I think we need a better ballance in the next couple of games... Thompson is streaky and needs to get involved early to get it going... A&M and OSU damn near snuck up on us and we were lucky or fortunate in both games to hold on! Credit to the defense but that is asking a lot... We have the best recievers in the country and we should throw the ball a bit more and get some more points on the board... I will take the Ws but nerve racking...

Well said, open up the playbook and these games do not get close. I still love the Ws regardless.

11/25/2006, 09:22 PM
the endzone, the play calling on those 3 plays was awful, we should have went all out and scored to close the game, but being conservative sure kept osu in the game

11/25/2006, 09:38 PM
With three consecutive three and outs and running eight consecutive plays netting minus yardage, it looked like we were not playing to win but playing not to lose.

I was getting concerned that our defense would get tired and get beat.That kind of predictable,conservative playcalling could have gotten us beat in this game as well as the aTm game.Both were games I felt we acould AND SHOULD put the hammer down.I know aW is a W but you put a lot of pressure on a good but not great D like that.7-11 passing for 77 yards
and a TD will not keep the opposing D off-balance.I love Bob but like I have been saying for sometime,Bob needs to let his o-coordinator attack at will.Everyone complained about Chuck Third and Long nbut guess what?Wilson has done the EXACT same thing because THAT is what Bob wants. Bob ta gotta win comfortably when you can, these close games are hard on my heart.Boomer Sooner.

11/25/2006, 10:13 PM
Although it was a win a can definitely understand why Malcolm Kelly & Co. get fustrated. Talk about a player not being able to showcase his talents.... geez. Hopefully next week they will find a way to get the WR's more involved.

11/25/2006, 10:16 PM
That kind of predictable,conservative playcalling could have gotten us beat in this game as well as the aTm game.Both were games I felt we acould AND SHOULD put the hammer down.I know aW is a W but you put a lot of pressure on a good but not great D like that.7-11 passing for 77 yards
and a TD will not keep the opposing D off-balance.I love Bob but like I have been saying for sometime,Bob needs to let his o-coordinator attack at will.Everyone complained about Chuck Third and Long nbut guess what?Wilson has done the EXACT same thing because THAT is what Bob wants. Bob ta gotta win comfortably when you can, these close games are hard on my heart.Boomer Sooner.
Yep,I agree.

Frozen Sooner
11/26/2006, 12:44 AM
the endzone, the play calling on those 3 plays was awful, we should have went all out and scored to close the game, but being conservative sure kept osu in the game

Yeah, you're completely right. We totally should just score on every play. I wonder why Stoops and Wilson don't get that?

jkm has already pointed this out: we called the same game in the fourth quarter as in the first three. In the first three quarters, the OL was beating their man. In the fourth, they weren't.

11/26/2006, 01:44 AM
What, you have to execute, too?

That's just crazy talk, man.

Frozen Sooner
11/26/2006, 01:47 AM
It's like the coaches don't WANT to win, Grapevine. They're so completely incompetent that they fail at LOSING.

11/26/2006, 01:52 AM
I did notice PT was not getting time to throw unless he rolled out, and even then there was always someone right on his heels. This was the 1st OSU game i had seen all season so i don't know if they have a mean pass rush or not. If so, then maybe Wilson knew this going in and wanted to minimize it's effect, This is teh only reason i can think of as to why it was played so close to the vest.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
11/26/2006, 01:55 AM
I did notice PT was not getting time to throw unless he rolled out, and even then there was always someone right on his heels. This was the 1st OSU game i had seen all season so i don't know if they have a mean pass rush or not. If so, then maybe Wilson knew this going in and wanted to minimize it's effect, This is teh only reason i can think of as to why it was played so close to the vest.

they had 35 sacks on the season (#1 in the big 12).

11/26/2006, 01:57 AM
I thought after the goal line stand we should have sent Malcolm deep. That would have crushed the Aggy from any kind of hope.

If only it were that simple.

11/26/2006, 02:06 AM
This game was reminescent of the TAMU game. It really seemed that the osu DL were shooting the gaps and blowing up the timing of OU's running game. I also feel that PT doesn't see the field well when passing against a zone. He had a poor game against TAMU's zone also.

11/26/2006, 02:13 AM
I did notice PT was not getting time to throw unless he rolled out, and even then there was always someone right on his heels. This was the 1st OSU game i had seen all season so i don't know if they have a mean pass rush or not. If so, then maybe Wilson knew this going in and wanted to minimize it's effect, This is teh only reason i can think of as to why it was played so close to the vest.

It looked to me as though Aggie was sending at least one extra man on nearly every play, most likely aimed at stopping the run with the blitz, which in my opinion was why PT had little time to throw when he did throw.

11/26/2006, 02:19 AM
Although it was a win a can definitely understand why Malcolm Kelly & Co. get fustrated. Talk about a player not being able to showcase his talents.... geez. Hopefully next week they will find a way to get the WR's more involved.

Wait till next year when we have a qb who has never taken a D1 snap before. Think they are conservative now?

11/26/2006, 02:22 AM
they had 35 sacks on the season (#1 in the big 12).

There ya go.
I think they have let PT do hos thing more often than not this season. Some people say he has been handled by the coaches as if they don't want him to lose a game. Until today i hadn't deen that at all. Look at A&M & Oregon game. Maybe those sack stats by OSU have in fact something to do with what we saw today.

11/26/2006, 04:41 AM
Geez, I want to type fire Chuck Long errrr Kevin Wilson. He has a habit of making me have a heart attack with his play calling not to lose metality. Aggy was out to beat us and we should have been hustling to score again, or at least get a first down, rather than running up the middle when they were stuffing it. I don't think Wilson has the gumption to call gambling plays...We saw the option and the counter only a few times, hell it worked, you'd think that would be in the mix.

I am tired of waiting for an offensive wrinkle and not ever seeing anything...

We better get more adventurous in play calling against Nebbish or it will be a long night...I would hate to lose to Fat Blake!!!

11/26/2006, 04:53 AM
I have been relativly content with offensive system, especially considering injuries/expulsions. That was, until today. But hey, we put up 27 points and were given absolutely nothing in terms of TOs or field position.

11/26/2006, 10:42 AM
Geez, I want to type fire Chuck Long errrr Kevin Wilson. He has a habit of making me have a heart attack with his play calling not to lose metality. Aggy was out to beat us and we should have been hustling to score again, or at least get a first down, rather than running up the middle when they were stuffing it. I don't think Wilson has the gumption to call gambling plays...We saw the option and the counter only a few times, hell it worked, you'd think that would be in the mix.

I am tired of waiting for an offensive wrinkle and not ever seeing anything...

We better get more adventurous in play calling against Nebbish or it will be a long night...I would hate to lose to Fat Blake!!!

Story of the season..."waiting for an offensive wrinkle and not ever seeing anything" - and we thought it was Chuck Long's vanilla. Bob is proving he is the king of vanilla.

11/26/2006, 10:44 AM
Although it was a win a can definitely understand why Malcolm Kelly & Co. get fustrated. Talk about a player not being able to showcase his talents.... geez. Hopefully next week they will find a way to get the WR's more involved.

Good point, something Bob never considers.

11/26/2006, 10:46 AM
This game was reminescent of the TAMU game. It really seemed that the osu DL were shooting the gaps and blowing up the timing of OU's running game. I also feel that PT doesn't see the field well when passing against a zone. He had a poor game against TAMU's zone also.

That is a good point. PT is very robotic. He always throws to the first option even if it involves double or triple coverage.

11/26/2006, 10:57 AM
Bob doesn't like to throw on the road- We threw probably less than 12 times I could be wrong... Against Baylor we threw well over 30 times for over 300 yards...
One thing is for certain we did not really show anything for the huskers to get ready for! I know we can throw the ball.... Texas Tech- Baylor- were 2 recent games that come to mind that we moved it through the air as well.

11/26/2006, 11:33 AM
It sure is nice being able to Monday-QB. Or I guess this would be Sunday-QB. Anyway, I was bitching and moaning on those last 3 possessions. "Throw the ball.......let's see a trick play.....anything but a dive almost back to the line of scrimmage". My gut was twisted for way too long. I couln't stand it. But we won. And how ****in' sweet it is. Yes, I would have liked to have seen us open it up and ice the game with another score or even some time-consuming drives. But I would also have been bitching if we had thrown it and been intercepted or fumbled. Then I would have been saying we should just have ran it and let OUr defense hold. Funny how that all works.

Scott D
11/26/2006, 11:52 AM
Although it was a win a can definitely understand why Malcolm Kelly & Co. get fustrated. Talk about a player not being able to showcase his talents.... geez. Hopefully next week they will find a way to get the WR's more involved.

Kelly's corner had safety help more often than not yesterday. Bedford intentionally gameplanned to take him out of the game.

11/26/2006, 12:06 PM
I really think they were scared of turnovers. Even one would have lost the game.

11/26/2006, 12:34 PM
It's so simple---send MKelly deep, since the defenses don't ever scheme to defend him. Have PT throw into a seven-man zone in less than 3 seconds with a collapsing (tired) O-line, and just score every time we have the ball.

Seriously, Froz and jkm could not be more correct. And Rogue--playcalling IS overrated. We called the same stuff in the 4th quarter that was pwning osu in the first half. Our O-line was gassed/young/short-staffed and was simply unable to beat their men. They were generally not bringing extra pressure and were falling back into a 7-man zone. That IS a recipe for turnovers or at the very least incomplete passes. We can not overestimate how important it was the osu had to use their timeouts.

11/26/2006, 12:40 PM
It's so simple---send MKelly deep, since the defenses don't ever scheme to defend him. Have PT throw into a seven-man zone in less than 3 seconds with a collapsing (tired) O-line, and just score every time we have the ball.

Seriously, Froz and jkm could not be more correct. And Rogue--playcalling IS overrated. We called the same stuff in the 4th quarter that was pwning osu in the first half. Our O-line was gassed/young/short-staffed and was simply unable to beat their men. They were generally not bringing extra pressure and were falling back into a 7-man zone. That IS a recipe for turnovers or at the very least incomplete passes. We can not overestimate how important it was the osu had to use their timeouts.

I agree with what you say, and I usually side with the coaches in these discussions.

But there's more than one way to run the ball. It is sometimes frustrating as a fan to see "conservative play calling" taken to new level. But, your point is well taken, execution up front results in first downs on the calls and it's ball game.

Texas Golfer
11/26/2006, 12:40 PM
We may be a bit gunshy after 9 turnovers the last two weeks. Thank goodness that osu fumbled on the 1/2 yard line into the endzone and we recovered.

Watching that play and then watching the replay, it looked like Robinson, knowing he wasn't going to score, tossed the ball in the end zone in the hopes that one of his teammates would fall on it. It almost worked when it appeared that Savage had it.

Perhaps it's something the OSU QBs were taught because, on a play around the left side, when it appeared that Reid was going to get nailed, he appeared to have pitched the ball out of bounds.

11/26/2006, 12:42 PM
It looked to me as though Aggie was sending at least one extra man on nearly every play, most likely aimed at stopping the run with the blitz, which in my opinion was why PT had little time to throw when he did throw.

yep...can't remember one throw (granted there were only 11) where PT was given what is to be considered ample time to survey the D.

Texas Golfer
11/26/2006, 12:48 PM
Yup! It was a carbon copy of the A&M game. It's inexcusable given the quality of WR's we have that we stop throwing the ball completely and that's what Wilson did........AGAIN. I HATE that mentality......

I really thought Wilson was too conservative when, right after we had OSU inside our 1-yard line, we got the ball back on our 20 and we tried three consecutive running plays netting 0 yards.

We had them down. We should have thrown the bomb on the first play after the turnover. What's the worst that could happen? The Cowboys intercept and get the ball on their own 20 or so? They got the ball right back anyway. They were just on our 1 a play ago.

11/26/2006, 12:50 PM
I am tired of waiting for an offensive wrinkle and not ever seeing anything...
i know what you mean. that misdirection pitch was new, right? i can't recall seeing it before. but otherwise i don't remember seeing major new stuff this year.

Texas Golfer
11/26/2006, 12:56 PM
You only get to play 11 at a time.

If the OL is getting whipped in max protect, what do you think is going to happen to the QB with five receivers in the pattern?

But PT was throwing at a 63.5% clip and getting 11 yards a completion. When OSU knew we were going to run, they stacked the box. We should have opened it up after the turnover.

Texas Golfer
11/26/2006, 12:58 PM
OL depth and conditioning. Our OL is very talented but they play just about every snap.

They got plenty of rest by going three and out three consecutive times. It was our defense that spent most of the day on the field.

Texas Golfer
11/26/2006, 01:10 PM
Sorry for the multiple posts but, when I turned my computer off last night, we were on page one. I get back on today and we're on page 5.

Thoughts of the Oregon game flashed in my head. We're up by 13, let up 7 and they're driving for another 7 at the end. Only this time, we stopped them.

I know we were trying to use up the clock but there are other running plays that can do that for you. The OSU pursuit was awesome. As soon as Patrick or Brown or PT tried to go around the end, there were half of the Cowboys there, too. Why not do a reverse? It uses time on the clock and very few people on the other side to stop him.

I can't recall one trick play all year. Can someone refresh my memory to one?

Frozen Sooner
11/26/2006, 01:43 PM
Watching that play and then watching the replay, it looked like Robinson, knowing he wasn't going to score, tossed the ball in the end zone in the hopes that one of his teammates would fall on it. It almost worked when it appeared that Savage had it.

This would have turned the ball over on the one-inch line to OU.

The only offensive player who can advance a fumbled ball on fourth down is the fumbler. Any other offensive player recovers the ball past the spot of the fumble, the ball is returned to the spot of the fumble.

11/26/2006, 01:53 PM
2-3 receivers out in patterns vs a 7 man zone is a recipe for turnovers especially since there was less than 4 seconds to throw with us in max protect.
Ok then, if they are playing a 7 man zone, then why do we only send 2-3 receivers out? Why not spread the field, make them defend 4 receivers, then run the ball? Seems to me that would give them a little more room instead of going to the tight formation with only 1 receiver.

Frozen Sooner
11/26/2006, 02:10 PM
Ok then, if they are playing a 7 man zone, then why do we only send 2-3 receivers out? Why not spread the field, make them defend 4 receivers, then run the ball? Seems to me that would give them a little more room instead of going to the tight formation with only 1 receiver.

Because OSU was already getting penetration against a max-protect rushing only four. If the defense is getting penetration rushing four, there's not a whole lot the offense can do one way or another. Max-protect was keeping XLK from taking the handoff.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
11/26/2006, 07:57 PM
i know what you mean. that misdirection pitch was new, right? i can't recall seeing it before. but otherwise i don't remember seeing major new stuff this year.

we used it against texas a&m, they blew it up. the counter toss works pretty well when opposing DL are losing lane integrity strong side...

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
11/26/2006, 07:59 PM
Ok then, if they are playing a 7 man zone, then why do we only send 2-3 receivers out? Why not spread the field, make them defend 4 receivers, then run the ball? Seems to me that would give them a little more room instead of going to the tight formation with only 1 receiver.

during the game, i was begging and pleading with my tv to see a shovel pass or a middle screen. saddenly, i haven't seen one of those in 4 years...

11/26/2006, 08:14 PM
This "tired o-line" stuff is new to me....I thought AD was piling up most of his yards in the second half. His injury occurred on his longest run of the season at the end of the game. I realize he's "AD", but the o-line wasn't a detriment to his second half achievements.

11/26/2006, 08:50 PM
during the game, i was begging and pleading with my tv to see a shovel pass or a middle screen. saddenly, i haven't seen one of those in 4 years...
It took 100+ posts for somebody to mention a shovel pass or middle screen. I was doing the same thing you were. At least make an attempt and it'll force the DL to slow down a little. Not a lot, but at least enough to get off a quick slant.

Scott D
11/26/2006, 09:46 PM
This "tired o-line" stuff is new to me....I thought AD was piling up most of his yards in the second half. His injury occurred on his longest run of the season at the end of the game. I realize he's "AD", but the o-line wasn't a detriment to his second half achievements.

There are more variables involved than that. How Adrian's numbers would have faired at this point in the season, we won't know. You have to add in the factor of having few to no plays off over the course of 12 games, half of which they played without Adrian.

Frozen Sooner
11/26/2006, 10:02 PM
Not only the fact that we're getting to the end of the season, but we were deeper on the OL six games ago.

11/26/2006, 10:44 PM
during the game, i was begging and pleading with my tv to see a shovel pass or a middle screen. saddenly, i haven't seen one of those in 4 years...

yes! i love those plays! i dont really want to see them all the time, but there are deffinatly some times when they can be used for some huge, game saving, time eating gains. i think this play pretty much left when mangino did, didn't it? KU uses it pretty often.

11/27/2006, 11:13 AM
The question is, given the personnel at hand, whether we can execute a shovel pass or middle screen.

ETA: after more thought, it is clear that we can't run either of those plays with any degree of polish. First assume the line can block it. That's a HUGE assumption, but for this purpose, assume away. Next, PT isn't exactly famous for his great faking and selling ability, nor is he lauded for his exquisite touch on short passes (see: Cotton Bowl, 2006). Finally, the only back we have with any facility at this this type thing is Gute. Or Madu. Brown, AOC, and AD are downhill I-backs. If you put in Gute, the D won't respect the run and will anticipate the middle screen. Had Chuck Long been the OC, and substituted Gute, the howling would have been heard all the way to San Diego that everybody's senile Granny knew exactly what was coming. Even Aggy would have known what was coming. So, the decision is: run a play with personnel ill-suited for the task, or run the play with the right players but announce it on the big screen before you run it.

Running the ball was fine with me. I just wish they had run over Williams, not Messner.

11/27/2006, 05:23 PM
i think when you look at it, at that point in the game, we were not executing the run very well, but we did it anyway. so, i think it would have been worth a try.