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11/24/2006, 03:27 PM
Woot! Gig 'em!!!

11/24/2006, 03:33 PM
HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So does OU come out and play like gangbusters because they know whats at stake or does it matter all?

Man!!!.... C'mon boys its right there for the taking!!!!!!!!!!

11/24/2006, 03:33 PM
I bet OSU wished they had a better defense...bawhahahahahah...

11/24/2006, 04:38 PM
Okay... A gift from the Aggies. Now it's our's to lose. Kill the Pukes! :)

Man! I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight.

11/24/2006, 04:42 PM
Yay for aTm.
Now....pokie state MUST BE DESTROYED!

11/24/2006, 04:47 PM
i don't even have to go over to gopokes.com (or whatever) to know what they're saying, "i don't care about the win at all, but let's spoil their chance to go to KC."

that being said, the pressure is on us. just win!!!

washington's fave
11/24/2006, 04:49 PM
OMG...osh - Who would have guessed the longhorns would stink it up on their own field. LOOK OUT! cowpies the game has just assumed a greater level of importance for the SOONERS!!! It is now time for the SOONERS to get a lot more physical!!!

washington's fave
11/24/2006, 04:58 PM
It goes without saying....but....the cowpies already look at this game as their SUPER BOWL; now IF....and that is a big IF....they win this game they will be printing fake money and a whole lot of coinage commemorating this date in lOSUr history for eternity. The fake money...for them...will establishing their 17th victory in a ****** BATTLE they see as even!!! SOONERS!!! KILL THEM ON THE FOOTBALL FIELD!!! TEACH them cowpies a 78th lesson in humility!!!

Remember the series is....

11/24/2006, 05:00 PM
I feel better about tomorrow for some reason. This team is going to come out wanting to take on a brick wall. Heh, brick wall, pukes know all about brick walls.

11/24/2006, 05:15 PM
Bottom line is this.

If we win out, we go to a BCS bowl.

If we don't, we won't.

And if the latter happens, I'd better not see anybody using the Oregon fiasco as a crutch for why we belong in a BCS bowl. A&M beating Texas just made that a moot point as far as the BCS bowl impact goes.

It's on us, now.

11/24/2006, 05:17 PM
Bottom line is this.

If we win out, we go to a BCS bowl.

If we don't, we won't.

And if the latter happens, I'd better not see anybody using the Oregon fiasco as a crutch for why we belong in a BCS bowl. A&M beating Texas just made that a moot point as far as the BCS bowl impact goes.

It's on us, now.

Yup. Couldn't have said it better.

11/24/2006, 08:03 PM
Bottom line is this.

If we win out, we go to a BCS bowl.

If we don't, we won't.

And if the latter happens, I'd better not see anybody using the Oregon fiasco as a crutch for why we belong in a BCS bowl. A&M beating Texas just made that a moot point as far as the BCS bowl impact goes.

It's on us, now.

Agreed 100%. It's ours to lose. No excuses now.

11/24/2006, 08:19 PM
Is AD, or “All Day” the most appropriate nickname for Adrian Peterson? I mean as long as he’s over on the lame and lazy list, as he has been for the past 5 weeks and a large portion of last season, he’s not there “All Day.” Nor is he really there at all save for his motivational support. I was thinking it might be time for a change. For example, ADS (All Day, Sometimes) is a good one. Maybe HS (Half Season), or ADWINI (All Day When I’m Not Injured). Perhaps my personal favorite which is ADWMDIP (All Day While My Dad’s In Prison).

Anybody else have any suggestions?

11/24/2006, 08:19 PM
It's time for the Sooners to quit playing close games in Stillwater.

It's time for the Sooner defense to make Reid wonder which way is up.

It's time for the Sooners to physically dominate the aggots.

It's time for the Sooners to kick the damned door down and regain the Swagger that was lost at the end of the 2004 season.:mad:

11/24/2006, 08:21 PM
Is AD, or “All Day” the most appropriate nickname for Adrian Peterson? I mean as long as he’s over on the lame and lazy list, as he has been for the past 5 weeks and a large portion of last season, he’s not there “All Day.” Nor is he really there at all save for his motivational support. I was thinking it might be time for a change. For example, ADS (All Day, Sometimes) is a good one. Maybe HS (Half Season), or ADWINI (All Day When I’m Not Injured). Perhaps my personal favorite which is ADWMDIP (All Day While My Dad’s In Prison).

Anybody else have any suggestions?

yeah, stfu. how does that work?

11/24/2006, 08:23 PM
Anybody else have any suggestions?

I suggest you worry about our other two running backs. They are the ones who will make the aggies look foolish tomorrow.:stunned:

11/24/2006, 08:27 PM
Is AD, or “All Day” the most appropriate nickname for Adrian Peterson? I mean as long as he’s over on the lame and lazy list, as he has been for the past 5 weeks and a large portion of last season, he’s not there “All Day.” Nor is he really there at all save for his motivational support. I was thinking it might be time for a change. For example, ADS (All Day, Sometimes) is a good one. Maybe HS (Half Season), or ADWINI (All Day When I’m Not Injured). Perhaps my personal favorite which is ADWMDIP (All Day While My Dad’s In Prison).

Anybody else have any suggestions?

Boy, you might be legally retarded.

11/24/2006, 08:30 PM
Is AD, or “All Day” the most appropriate nickname for Adrian Peterson? I mean as long as he’s over on the lame and lazy list, as he has been for the past 5 weeks and a large portion of last season, he’s not there “All Day.” Nor is he really there at all save for his motivational support. I was thinking it might be time for a change. For example, ADS (All Day, Sometimes) is a good one. Maybe HS (Half Season), or ADWINI (All Day When I’m Not Injured). Perhaps my personal favorite which is ADWMDIP (All Day While My Dad’s In Prison).

Anybody else have any suggestions?
So the pokes want to talk about daddies? sutton family

11/24/2006, 08:31 PM
Boy, you might be legally retarded.

Legally Retarded? That is the most slack-jawed comment I've heard in a while.

11/24/2006, 08:31 PM
Is AD, or “All Day” the most appropriate nickname for Adrian Peterson? I mean as long as he’s over on the lame and lazy list, as he has been for the past 5 weeks and a large portion of last season, he’s not there “All Day.” Nor is he really there at all save for his motivational support. I was thinking it might be time for a change. For example, ADS (All Day, Sometimes) is a good one. Maybe HS (Half Season), or ADWINI (All Day When I’m Not Injured). Perhaps my personal favorite which is ADWMDIP (All Day While My Dad’s In Prison).

Anybody else have any suggestions?

Yeah. Since he's run for nearly 500 yards in two Saturdays against your sorry-*** team, I'd say AD stands for Asshat Domination. Good thing for you he's not playing tomorrow. I'd hate to think my defense gave up 750 yards rushing to one player in three games.

11/24/2006, 08:32 PM
Have another drink, dad!

Stoolwater cops will take care of ya!

11/24/2006, 08:35 PM
Suck it, Retard (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TevBI574vWU)

11/24/2006, 08:36 PM
I thought the ditch was the passing lane.

11/24/2006, 08:36 PM
who is gonna start tomorrow?

patrick or brown

11/24/2006, 08:37 PM

Speaking of prison, what's Prentice Elliott up to?

11/24/2006, 11:09 PM
I'm guessing that STATE! has been perma-banned at this point.

11/24/2006, 11:11 PM
I'm guessing that STATE! has been perma-banned at this point.

I'm sure he was a troll anyway. Phil should adverstise this site as the favorite site of Sooner trolls anywhere on the internet.