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View Full Version : Pokes. while dumb, can still serve a purpose.

11/22/2006, 11:04 PM
Let me start off by saying that if you are the type of person that hauls *** to cut in line at a construction zone, I hope you get anal warts that spread like a Cali wildfire.

I was coming up to the abortion that is the I-35 construction in Moore. People were moving over to conform to all road signs. Then a fargin' icehole is doing about 80 mph to cut. A poke fan behind me yanks his truck into the soon-to-be-ended lane, causing the fag in the tahoe to lock his breaks. Had to give the Poke a thumbs up on his effort to prevent *********gery.

I guess they offer a degree in "road blocking" and "how to replace road signs" in stoolwater.

11/22/2006, 11:10 PM
Happens all the time up here . . . it starts out in the hay field, then the sale barn and finally that there big 'ol road.

11/22/2006, 11:20 PM
Mongo- I know exactly where you are talking about.

About 2 months ago, a pick-up truck tried to race up to the front and cut in before the lane ended. He didn't make it, and got ran into the barrels.

On the back of his cab, on the window, in big letters, it said "GET R DONE"

Me and the guy I was running with had a good laugh over that.

I used to block the lane with my semi-truck until another trucker told me the cops could write me a citation for that..."impeding traffic" or some such bullsh**

Last time I did that in Sapulpa on I-44, you could actually see the results. Traffic began moving again!

11/22/2006, 11:30 PM
Mongo- I know exactly where you are talking about.

About 2 months ago, a pick-up truck tried to race up to the front and cut in before the lane ended. He didn't make it, and got ran into the barrels.

On the back of his cab, on the window, in big letters, it said "GET R DONE"

Me and the guy I was running with had a good laugh over that.

I used to block the lane with my semi-truck until another trucker told me the cops could write me a citation for that..."impeding traffic" or some such bullsh**

Last time I did that in Sapulpa on I-44, you could actually see the results. Traffic began moving again!

I have done it too. That is bull**** if cops will write a ticket for that. Go to court and ask for a trial by jury. Use the "going the speed of traffic defense" or "your time is more important than my time defense" and I'll bet the jury will side with you.

11/23/2006, 12:29 AM
redneck drivers are notorious for not letting anyone in the lane. be it merging from the on-ramp or moving over for construction.
it's personal I guess, kinda like Jeff Gordon and his fancy boy big words trying to pass ya.