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View Full Version : Ya'll don't do anything interesting today.

11/17/2006, 06:23 AM
I'm off to Woodward and Elkcity then back to Norman to close on the house and I don't want to miss any supa.great meltdowns.

So keep it under control.


Oh and sometimes my job succs.

11/17/2006, 07:39 AM
Good luck on the closing!!

We had planned our closing for a Friday, I won't tell you how that turned out. :D

11/17/2006, 08:25 AM
Is it OK if I drive up to San Marcos to see my old HS win it's first round playoff game...if I don't have lunch at Hooters, get a ticket, or see a naked lady on the side of the road? That way, I can't possibly contribute to anything here you'd hate to miss.

Let us pray...Dear Lord, allow the Mighty Brahmas of Douglas MacArthur (San Antonio) to smite and lay low the foe this evening, for they are Austin High of...gag...Austin Texiz, the lair of the Whated Whorns. If need be, Oh Lord, may we, with your blessing, deploy the Holy Hand Grenade? If that is not cool with thee, will you send Rufe and Paul, a combo hereafter referred to as Ru-Paul, to bolster our bulwarks? Surely, in thy infinite mercy, thou canst grant them 48 more minutes of high school eligibility.
Have a nice day, Lord.