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View Full Version : 60 Minutes' Ed Bradley dead

11/9/2006, 10:03 PM
I'll always remember him as the guy who asked Michael Jackson:

Michael, don't you see the problem with a 40 year- old man sharing a bed with 11 year-old's?

MJ: Not at all...etc., ad nauseum

Follow-up: Michael, would you let your son share a bed with a 40 year-old man who had been accused of child molestation?

MJ: ditto previous response

Like Chris Rock opined, you just know when Ed and the camera team got back to the studio and watched the tape there was some serious Can you believe that twisted mutha-<blank> actually thought we'd believe that shiite?

Anyhoo, RIP Ed. You were the classiest of the "60 Minutes" crewe.

11/9/2006, 10:40 PM
I had issues with his ear ring.

11/9/2006, 10:51 PM
Adios Ed, you were a cool cat in my book!

11/9/2006, 11:48 PM
Japs bomb Liverpool!