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11/5/2006, 11:46 AM
Peterson back by ******?
‘All Day': An early return?
‘I'm gonna try to. If I'm ready, I'm coming back,' he says

By George Schroeder
Staff Writer

COLLEGE STATION, Texas � As Oklahoma's offense huddled during a timeout in the waning moments Saturday night, the Sooners were joined by a familiar guy in a red sweat suit.
Adrian Peterson couldn't help himself. He bounced from teammate to teammate, yelling encouragement above the Kyle Field din.
"It's crunch time, it's time," he told teammate Allen Patrick. "That's what we came down here for."
Nursing that broken collarbone, that was all Peterson could do. But Saturday night, Peterson said he plans to do much more — and maybe, much sooner than expected.
Peterson said he would like to return for ****** on Nov. 25.
"God willing, man, I'm coming back then," Peterson said. "Depends on how the healing process goes."
A return by then would be six weeks after the injury, which medical personnel said has a recovery time of six to eight weeks. Previously, Peterson had said he would return for a bowl game.
"I'm gonna try to (return sooner than a bowl game)," he said. "If I'm ready, I'm coming back."
Two years earlier in another tight battle at Kyle Field, Peterson suffered a dislocated shoulder in the fourth quarter. After having it popped back in, he strapped on a harness, reentered the game and ran for a key third down in a victory.
Saturday night, all Peterson could do was watch. But he did plenty, according to Patrick, Peterson's roommate.
"He told me before the game, ‘Just go out and give it your all,' " Patrick said. " ‘When you run, I'm running with you. When I'm on the sideline, I'll tell you the things I see, try to help you out a little bit.'
"He just told me, "I'll be running beside you.' "
Patrick, who rushed for 173 yards on 32 carries, wouldn't be surprised to see Peterson running on the field soon. "He's a pretty big, strong guy," Patrick said. "He heals fast, like no other. Anything can happen. And I'm ready for him to come back. I love him."

11/5/2006, 12:04 PM
Peterson has always been a team guy. Never takes the easy way out of a play but rather attacks defenders for extra yards. Plays hurt. Inspires teammates.

I hope he makes tens of millions in the NFL. What a great ambassador for the university.

11/5/2006, 12:05 PM
"I'll be running beside you.' "That gives me goose bumps. What a guy.

11/5/2006, 12:15 PM
That gives me goose bumps. What a guy.
I was just happy to see holes big enough for one running back.

Landthief 1972
11/5/2006, 03:45 PM
I heard the collective sound of 50,000 stoolwaterians this morning sigh, "Oh ****," when they read about him coming back for the Poke game.

11/5/2006, 04:14 PM
All Day Adrian and All Night Allen in the backfield at the same time?


11/5/2006, 04:30 PM
If he can come back, I wonder what kind of conditioning he'll have. I realize that AD could probably take 4 weeks off and still be in better shape than most, but not having been through daily practices and workouts for several weeks would have to take its toll.

11/5/2006, 05:02 PM
http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/528/himagecopyhy2.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

11/5/2006, 05:07 PM
So will he get three long TD runs this season??? :D

Bold prediction: If AD's back, he takes it to the house at least twice. AP at least once.

If AD's on the sideline, Allen Patrick shuts the faggies up really quickly about being the "backup guy." As in, 30-45 yards on first carry.

11/5/2006, 05:45 PM
I was just happy to see holes big enough for one running back.

And I'm willing to bet that if AD comes back for the slaughtering of the sheep-humpers he will become the new record holder in that game alone. He probably won't even need the bowl game to reach the record. He seems to be doing a great job giving AP advice..I wonder how much AD has to do with the improvement AP has shown.
(man that's a whole lotta A's, P's, & D's)

11/5/2006, 06:02 PM
I think he's pushing it and risking unnecessary further injury. I don't believe 4 weeks is enough time for a broken collarbone to sufficiently heal especially when you play a game as physical as football.

11/5/2006, 06:03 PM
I think he's pushing it and risking unnecessary further injury. I don't believe 4 weeks is enough time for a broken collarbone to sufficiently heal especially when you play a game as physical as football.

It will have been 6 weeks not 4

11/5/2006, 06:04 PM
It will have been 6 weeks not 4

Even so, do you believe that's enough time considering the battering he takes?

11/5/2006, 06:14 PM
If it's healed completely then it doesn't matter. He is very competitive and there is nothing that is going to stop him from playing.

11/5/2006, 06:15 PM
Even so, do you believe that's enough time considering the battering he takes?

11/5/2006, 06:17 PM
I just don't see a broken collarbone healing "completely" in 6 weeks. I'm not a doctor, but I just can't see that. I hope I'm wrong.

11/5/2006, 06:19 PM
I'l trust the doctors' judgment. AD said he won't go if he's not 100%.

11/5/2006, 06:20 PM
I just don't see a broken collarbone healing "completely" in 6 weeks. I'm not a doctor, but I just can't see that. I hope I'm wrong.

You're not a doctor? Well, with that masterful prognosis, you could have fooled me. :D

11/5/2006, 06:22 PM
You're not a doctor? Well, with that masterful prognosis, you could have fooled me. :D

*snaps on rubber glove and lubes finger*

Now this won't hurt a bit.....

11/5/2006, 07:12 PM
Did I say two fingers? Better make it three...

11/5/2006, 07:37 PM
He will be back for Stool, as previously predicted by several posters on this board...search and you'll find them....

11/5/2006, 08:23 PM
I heard the collective sound of 50,000 stoolwaterians this morning sigh, "Oh ****," when they read about him coming back for the Poke game.


11/5/2006, 09:42 PM
Adrian could be like alot of superstars and forget about the college game and only look forward to the NFL. But he truly loves and cares about this team by trying to come back as early as possible. I love this kid!!

11/5/2006, 10:08 PM
Adrian could be like alot of superstars and forget about the college game and only look forward to the NFL. But he truly loves and cares about this team by trying to come back as early as possible. I love this kid!!

Yeah, wasn't it cool watching him get into the offensive huddles on the sideline? And when he pushed the Missouri player away from a teammate last week when the arm was in a sling.

11/5/2006, 10:40 PM
Am I the only one that read the subject and thought about AD goin' somewhere to pick up a poop sample he left?

Landthief 1972
11/6/2006, 12:11 PM

Was it worth screaming it at me in ALLCAPS and neggin' me for it? Get a grip, it's called humor.

11/6/2006, 01:31 PM
Am I the only one that read the subject and thought about AD goin' somewhere to pick up a poop sample he left?

The thread title is indeed very disturbing.

11/6/2006, 01:36 PM
Was it worth screaming it at me in ALLCAPS and neggin' me for it? Get a grip, it's called humor.

Guess Mixer really is cranky as he11

11/6/2006, 01:36 PM
If he can come back, I wonder what kind of conditioning he'll have. I realize that AD could probably take 4 weeks off and still be in better shape than most, but not having been through daily practices and workouts for several weeks would have to take its toll.

I think he'll be fine. I hear he's been riding a stationary bike 6 hours at a time with two 80 pound dumbells around his ankles.

11/6/2006, 01:41 PM
I just don't see a broken collarbone healing "completely" in 6 weeks. I'm not a doctor, but I just can't see that. I hope I'm wrong.
apparently you aren't. broken bones normally take 6 weeks to fully heal.
doesn't mean he's ready to play football though.

11/6/2006, 01:41 PM
I think he'll be fine. I hear he's been riding a stationary bike 6 hours at a time with two 80 pound dumbells around his ankles.

I heard he was riding a stationary bike 50 miles a day (on a flat, level course, though) with two 80 pound dumbbells around EACH ankle. In a recent interview, all Lance Armstrong had to say was, "Damn. I mean, damn."

And that's on his off day.

On heavy workout days, he kicks Chuck Norris AND Vin Diesel's *** in a cage match until they sing O.K. Oklahoma.

11/6/2006, 01:45 PM
As a mother, I would like to see him sit this year out to heal up extra well. As a Sooner, I would like to see him stay another year, but as just plain ole me, I want him to do what the doctor thinks is best where his health is concerned and what his heart tells him to do in regards to his future. :)

11/6/2006, 01:46 PM
every defensive player for osu will be trying to take him out too....not that we wouldnt be doing the same thing.

11/6/2006, 01:48 PM
As a mother, I would like to see him sit this year out to heal up extra well. As a Sooner, I would like to see him stay another year, but as just plain ole me, I want him to do what the doctor thinks is best where his health is concerned and what his heart tells him to do in regards to his future. :)I cant argue with that, G.M.

11/6/2006, 02:36 PM
"every defensive player for osu will be trying to take him out too....not that we wouldnt be doing the same thing."

They haven't laid a hand on him in two years.

11/6/2006, 03:20 PM
Has anyone ever seen anything describing the severity of the "fracture"
I was pretty surprised to see him throwing the ball around and without a sling on Sat. Even with the sling on last week he seemed to have decent mobility of that shoulder.

11/6/2006, 03:26 PM
I thought they classified it is a "green stick" fracture???

11/6/2006, 03:38 PM
Anybody know how the docs make the determination that he's ready? XRays? MRI? Chicken bones and eye of newt?

11/6/2006, 03:49 PM
I would think that a bone scan would be the best way to determine if it is completely healed or not. If there is a hot spot there on the scan it would tell you that it is still in the healing part of the process. They will probably just do an xray and ask him how he feels though.;)