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11/1/2006, 05:31 PM
here are some reviews


and they are greatness.

11/1/2006, 05:32 PM
Oh boy! It comes out tomorrow.

11/1/2006, 05:35 PM
"This album could suck-start a jet engine."


11/1/2006, 05:37 PM
Not curious enough to buy it! LOL He is a Joke!!!!

11/1/2006, 05:38 PM
Much like Kevin "king of the white trash" Federline and Britney "twinkie Blow out" Spears' children, this album should have been aborted.


11/1/2006, 05:39 PM
Been on the west coast all my life,
in love with her just like my wife,
and in love with the Hennessey every damn night,
hooked up with B--- it's about to get right.

It's going down like a fresh pair of panties,
Cab looked better than a couple pair of Grammy's.
You understand me, the city is mine,
so I do like the roll, I twist and wind.

Grab your purse, hop in the two seater,
I've got a stash spot big enough to fit two heaters,
One for me, and one for my girl,
Bonnie and Clyde ready to conquor the whole world.

I got Gucci on, she got Prada,
She calls me daddy, but she's not my daughter,
And I'm not her father, I'm just a mack,
I got tired of drugs so I switched to rap, like that.

i smell a Grammy

11/1/2006, 05:40 PM

11/1/2006, 05:40 PM
I've tried to think of something positive for 3 days, but all I can say is this, November 1, 2006
Reviewer: Craig P (Chicagoland) - See all my reviews
I've shat better, more interesting things than this amazingly dismal waste of non-renewable petrochemical resource. The amount of energy required to suck up countless gallons of OPEC gold to press tens of thousands of soon-to-be coasters which this CD is sure to become boggles the mind. My favorite part is the 3 seconds of blissful silence between each track, which does not lessen the fact that a dozen feces-throwing Rhesus monkeys could manage to create an epic far superior to what Mr. Federline invested so little time in producing.

11/1/2006, 05:47 PM
I'll be nice.

Relative to a pool of vomit, this album is pretty solid. I'd rather have this album thrown at me at high speeds than a chainsaw. If I was stranded on a desert island, I'd rather have this album than a tumor. If I had to lick something, I'd rather it be this album than, say, a ferret's balls. At my next birthday party, I'd much rather you sing than a man that could make Earth explode with his voice. If I needed a drinking buddy, I'd rather it be you than someone with an uncontrollable bladder that also happens to be a recovering alcoholic whose wife is only giving him one last chance before she kicks him out of the house and takes his kids, that being the final straw before he flips out and murder's my grandfather.

This album sound great.

11/1/2006, 05:54 PM
best part

If I needed a drinking buddy, I'd rather it be you than someone with an uncontrollable bladder that also happens to be a recovering alcoholic whose wife is only giving him one last chance before she kicks him out of the house and takes his kids, that being the final straw before he flips out and murder's my grandfather.

11/1/2006, 06:03 PM
I take back everything I ever said about Vanilla Ice.


11/1/2006, 06:14 PM
the customer image is greatness too


11/1/2006, 06:16 PM

I was in an 'alternative' bar in Rangoon minding my own business at the bar, sipping on Crystal Pepsi and kahlua cruising for a Clevland Steamer when a short asian boy came into the club. He was covered in babyoil and wearing a acrylic shower curtin and a fez. He brazenly ordered my favorite libation and announced he was he filling in as the house DJ. "I'm going to burn this house down" he announced as he produced a CD from his fanny pack.

At the time I am embarrassed to inform that I had no idea who Kevin Federline was. My world was about to be changed forever.

As soon as the mesmerizing sounds of "America's Most Hated' pulsed out of the PA system, the whole club just seemed to stop. Surrounded by what faintly sounded like booing, I was transported into utter bliss. After 'Dance with a Pimp' began, the club patrons were trying to break the door down to the DJ booth to anxiously inquire as to who was this genious of modern music. As I rushed to the dance floor, a few of the dancers became violently ill they were so overcome with emotion.

By the time 'Middle Finger' began, it seemed like I was the only one on the dance floor. As I whirled around and around, a mass of people had formed a crude battering ram out of a bust of Liza Minelli and had smashed the glass of the DJ booth to have this wonderous gift all for themselves, I believe. Then the tempo reached a fevered pitch when the sounds of 'World Is Mine' washed over me like elephant urine at a golden shower convention. My knees buckled, I passed gas and hit my head on the floor. I came to in the alley next to Shemp's Landfill and Croissants the next day with 'Playing with Fire' playing over and over in my aching head.

It's very good. I never saw the asian boy again.

proud gonzo
11/1/2006, 07:39 PM
He neither kills outright nor inflicts apparent physical harm, yet the extent of his destructive toll is already greater than that of any war, plague, famine, or natural calamity on record--and his potential damage to the quality of human life and the fabric of civilized society is beyond calculation. For that reason, he might well be called the "Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse." His more conventional name, of course, is K-Fed.heh

Viking Kitten
11/1/2006, 10:33 PM
"If I weren't deaf, I would defiantly listen to this CD."