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View Full Version : Those of you not going to the game

10/31/2006, 01:55 PM
Where are you sitting at?

I'll be sitting in a chair in my room at the Holiday Inn at Sweetwater, Texas.

10/31/2006, 01:59 PM
Ill be sitting here at my computer , with an ice chest full of beer and the game on tv :cool:

10/31/2006, 02:02 PM
I will be sitting in front of my wide screen HD tv not being able to actually see the game in HD because of cox and their blown deal with ABC:mad:

10/31/2006, 02:06 PM
Where'd you get the avatar from?

10/31/2006, 02:38 PM
I will be sitting in front of my wide screen HD tv watching the game in HD thanks to my $50 antenna while flipping the bird to Cox as they blow ABC.

10/31/2006, 02:42 PM
Sports bar because I'm in Pac10 country

10/31/2006, 02:49 PM
Probably at Fox and Hound in BA.

10/31/2006, 03:05 PM
Hopefully on my couch with my laptop and a couple Blue Moons.

and some egg nog perhaps. ;)

stoops the eternal pimp
10/31/2006, 05:47 PM
sitting at home eating hotlinks covered in pepperjack cheese and extra hot bbq sauce......

10/31/2006, 06:00 PM
at a Ranch in South Texas swigging JD and bar-b-queing the huge South Texas deer I will have killed and cleaned earlier that day. Joy.

stoops the eternal pimp
10/31/2006, 06:18 PM

10/31/2006, 06:41 PM

damn straight. backstrap. marinated. slow roasted.

10/31/2006, 08:03 PM
Prolly right here with the game or innerweb feed on, eating elk tenderloin.

BTW Stormchaser, a cool place to stay in Sweetwater is the Mulberry Manor or Mulberry Mansion. Crazy old lady that likes her booze runs the place and it is always a good time. Something to think about. Good place to take the lady in your life too, especially 'round the holidays when she has it decked out to the 9s.

10/31/2006, 08:23 PM
Sitting two blocks from the blue Pacific Ocean being so happy I invested in ESPN Gameplan this year.

10/31/2006, 08:28 PM
Probably at Fox and Hound in BA.

Maybe I'll se ya there! ;)

11/1/2006, 01:37 AM
either Smokey Bones or the Foundry...

11/1/2006, 02:12 AM
I will be sitting in front of my wide screen HD tv not being able to actually see the game in HD because of cox and their blown deal with ABC:mad:

11/1/2006, 02:40 AM
At my buddies house, hopefully doing keg stands by the 4th quarter. Fool has a keg of Shiner...not for long

King Crimson
11/1/2006, 02:46 AM
i wanna win this one bad. that's all. i think the ags will bring it and for all the bashing of Fran he's made us look dumb more than a few times on special teams at Bama and ATM.

i'll be right here. Sooner Bunker Mentality. Colorado.

11/1/2006, 03:07 AM
Wake up: breakfast bacon, eggs, biscuits & gravy (every saturday home or away) watch game day, nurse hangover from friday... 11:00 go to my buddies apt in the same complex & bring my tv. set up his 2 tvs and my tv in his living room along with two comps for gamecasting of games we dont get on tv. Drink, drink some more, keep drinking, eat deer roast (this week), drink, drnik drrrrrrrrrrrrinkkkkkkkkkk watch ou whil drinkinging, go hoarse yelling at all 3 tvs. make humping action as we beat the **** otu of aTm pounding their *** into the ground. win. go back to drinkkin, play tiger woods golf, go home wake up gf, get laid, pass out. Boomer.