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View Full Version : For the record: After your kids grow-up, their birthday loses its sparkle.

Preservation Parcels
10/30/2006, 01:06 PM
I miss that little kid runnin' around the house for days in advance, gigglin' in anticipation.

If your children are still that age, enjoy it people. It will be over in a flash.

Eldest son finished college and is working at his dream job at Pamplin Park, a great Civil War museum in Virginia. While I'm thrilled to see him grown into a fine man, I miss those birthday cake, sugary hugs and gleaming smiles today.

Happy Birthday, Son! You make us proud.

10/30/2006, 01:10 PM
I miss that little kid runnin' around the house for days in advance, gigglin' in anticipation.

If your children are still that age, enjoy it people. It will be over in a flash.

Eldest son finished college and is working at his dream job at Pamplin Park, a great Civil War museum in Virginia. While I'm thrilled to see him grown into a fine man, I miss those birthday cake, sugary hugs and gleaming smiles today.

Happy Birthday, Son! You make us proud.

awwww. Congrats Ma on raising a nice young man. Out here in Okieland we got a saying. The Osage apple* don't fall far from the tree. You done good.

*aka "Bois d'arc" in other parts of the country.

Preservation Parcels
10/30/2006, 01:27 PM
Thanks, Homey. That means a lot, coming from you. :) You and Mrs. Homey have every reason to be just as pleased with your sweet daughter. It's just a new kind of joy when they turn into grown-ups, isn't it?