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View Full Version : Tom DeLay's old seat (TX-22)

10/26/2006, 07:32 PM
This has to be one of the craziest races in America. First of all, people have to vote in a special election (to replace him right now) and the general election (for the next 2 year term).

The Republican running is Shelley Sekula Gibbs. Her name is on the special election ballot, but not the general election ballot. So she is running a write-in campaign for the GE ballot. First of all, who is going to take the time to use the spinny wheel electronic ballot to spell out her long *** name? Secondly, even if she wins, you just know that the Democrat Nick Lampson will challenge every vote that has her name misspelled.

So here's the deal. She is running a write-in "learn how to spell my name" campaign while throwing in a few negative attacks. Her favorite "if you don't want to vote for a liberal Democrat, vote for me."

Now, I'm the first one to admit that I don't know these people's platforms. Hell, I don't even live in the district. Here's the thing: the "liberal" Democrat Lampson has been endorsed by The Veterans of Foreign Wars, the National Association of Police Officers, the International Union of Police Associations, the Texas State Police Coalition, and the NRA. I can't imagine any of these organizations endorsing a "bleeding heart liberal."

This race is weird.

10/26/2006, 07:59 PM
Lots of Dems running this year are saying they aren't for gun control. Hmm....I should have kept my mouth shut. Thing is, Lampson may be a conservative, and he may be the better canidate, but will he vote for Nanci Pallosi as Speaker if Dems win the majority? The thought of Pallosi being Speaker makes my head spin like that girl in The Exorcist. "**CK ME!" I'm buying all the high cap magazines, ammo, and gun parts I can afford right now just in case she wins and they get another ban passed. I even ordered one of these:


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/26/2006, 08:18 PM
Those lefty judges down in TX will be beside themselves if the republican gets elected in a republican district, after all they've gone through to prevent it.

10/26/2006, 09:28 PM
Lots of Dems running this year are saying they aren't for gun control. Hmm....I should have kept my mouth shut. Thing is, Lampson may be a conservative, and he may be the better canidate, but will he vote for Nanci Pallosi as Speaker if Dems win the majority? The thought of Pallosi being Speaker makes my head spin like that girl in The Exorcist. "**CK ME!" I'm buying all the high cap magazines, ammo, and gun parts I can afford right now just in case she wins and they get another ban passed. I even ordered one of these:


What, is Speaker of the House now dictator of the U.S.?

Both houses of Congress, in addition to having to work with each other, can't sign their own bills in to law.....the President does.

10/26/2006, 09:29 PM
As far as Texas 22, yeah it is a weird situation. Even with the Write-In campaign, I have trouble seeing Nick Lampson win. You never know, though.

10/26/2006, 10:01 PM
What, is Speaker of the House now dictator of the U.S.?

Both houses of Congress, in addition to having to work with each other, can't sign their own bills in to law.....the President does.

No, she won't be dictator, but she will have a sh**-load of power. Maybe they'll wise-up and avoid putting a Berkely-San Fran liberal in that position. The smart thing for the Dems would be to make a moderate from a red state Speaker. Hastart is not known as an idealogue and he is from a blue state. He has been less of a pr disaster than Gingrich. Pallosi is VERY polarizing, but the good thing is that maybe they'll get nothing done at all. Gridlock, brother, is the best gift congress can give. I remember people complaining back in the 90's about congress "getting nothing done!" Fkn a, man, that is supposed to be a bad thing?

10/27/2006, 12:59 AM
You ordered a grundle? Why would anyone need an extra taint around the house?


Tear Down This Wall
10/27/2006, 11:03 AM
It doesn't matter what happens here in '06. In that part of Houston, without court interference, the seat will be in Republican hands in '08 and thereafter. Lampson may get to serve two years, but that's it.

King Crimson
10/27/2006, 11:17 AM
re-elect Tom Delay!

good man!

10/27/2006, 05:04 PM
Here's the thing: the "liberal" Democrat Lampson has been endorsed by The Veterans of Foreign Wars, the National Association of Police Officers, the International Union of Police Associations, the Texas State Police Coalition, and the NRA. I can't imagine any of these organizations endorsing a "bleeding heart liberal."

Lampson is supported by a "union"--how much more liberal can you get?


10/27/2006, 11:23 PM
Lampson is supported by a "union"--how much more liberal can you get?


You bleeding heart moderates make me sick! :D

10/28/2006, 05:52 AM
What's so funny as a D-22 voter?

I get at least 4 pieces of mail every day on this race...

Lamspon says S-G is against police and firemen, against the flag and for illegal immigration and she can't keep her name straight (all stemming from her city council career).

S-G says Lampson is going to tax us into oblivion, put lefty judges on the bench, open the borders to anyone and allow flag burning.

I don't like S-G and would not have voted for Delay. Would probably voted 3rd party this time around. But after the dims blocked my true choice by preventing Delay from being removed from the ballot, a tactic they thought assured them of a victory and the fact they went to court IN AUSTIN to prevent a true republican (and democratic) voice, and added to the fact how they screwed Foley's FL. district - (I'll SHOUT IT!)

NO WAY, NO HOW will I vote for Lampson. I'll even hold my nose and vote S-G twice as I need to screw him and the dims. I think S-G has no brain and no real platform, but I HATE the dims even more...

Oh, BTW, if you live in Houston, vote AGAINST all the propositions, esp. G!!!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/28/2006, 09:33 AM
I most certainly will LMAO if the repubs win in both DeLay's and Foley's districts, after all the dirty politics the leftists judges have pulled off in both cases-especially DeLay's.

10/28/2006, 06:14 PM
I think S-G has no brain and no real platform,

Sorta like Mary Fallin here in Oklahoma's 5th District.

Sounds like TX 22 and OK 5 will both have brainless idiots as representatives in DC.

10/28/2006, 06:36 PM
that little nancy boy from baylor who knows a lot about texass politicks will be along soon to 'splain all this.;)

10/30/2006, 12:18 PM
Latest update From Channel 11/Chronicle poll...

Lampson at 36%
Sekula-Gibbs 35%

Bush coming to Houston tonight for Sekula-Gibbs.

Only 6 write-in candidates have ever won a House race. She might be the 7th...