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View Full Version : HEY! MO and A&M????

Katy's Most Wanted
10/24/2006, 06:01 AM
Ok - You pundits - give me the take on MO and then A&M.
I like our chances of winning them both setting the stage for a win-out and ending up in a very decent bowl.
Please - intellectual dialogue only.

10/24/2006, 06:21 AM
We WIN...

Plain and Simple!

10/24/2006, 08:05 AM
Okay, here is my take on the rest of the season and what needs to be done.

We know that we are not going to play for the MNC so that means that we do not have to go out there with the pressure of beating the crap out of people to impress the pollsters so as we end up in the top two.

But on the other hand we need to go out there with an attitude of we need to kick some butt, do these guys know who they are playing today (we are OU) kind of attitude.

Lets take a game at a time, win that one and in the end we will be at 10-2, maybe 11-2 if the short horns screw up. BCS here we come and I think that will be real satisfying considering what we have been through.

10/24/2006, 08:05 AM
OU can win both but neither are "gimmees." The key against Missouri will be the Sooner's defense creating stops and turnovers while the offense will need to get physical and pound the ball "north - south" against the Tigers. They can be run against but it needs to be right at 'em and not side to side, they are to fast.

As for my Ags, if we hold form, you all will need to exploit the half of the game we decide not to show up for. In every conference game our offense has started very slow and our defense seems (outside of the Kansas game) to play great for on half and then be no shows for the other. We are masters of the close fought "heart attack" type game ... and considering how our games have gone this year in conference ... and the last three OU games in College Station, it should be another close one.

10/24/2006, 08:13 AM
I wish that I had paid more attention to the ag/misery game. From the little that I've seen, both games are going to be tough, but they are winnable. Williams filling in for Braxton will be a big area to watch. Can someone get Duke a hearing aid?

10/24/2006, 08:28 AM
I think the A&M game is a very winnable game for the Sooners. The Sooner D seems to get better each game. I will say that A&M fans have had this game circled on the calendar for a long time. It is going to be loud and rowdy and a sell-out. The Aggies want this game more than any other besides t.u.

10/24/2006, 08:28 AM
sooneron -

If you've got an hour and IE6 you can still watch the game over the comuter.

10/24/2006, 08:38 AM
Okay, here is my take on the rest of the season and what needs to be done.

We know that we are not going to play for the MNC so that means that we do not have to go out there with the pressure of beating the crap out of people to impress the pollsters so as we end up in the top two.

But on the other hand we need to go out there with an attitude of we need to kick some butt, do these guys know who they are playing today (we are OU) kind of attitude.

Lets take a game at a time, win that one and in the end we will be at 10-2, maybe 11-2 if the short horns screw up. BCS here we come and I think that will be real satisfying considering what we have been through.

I think the "WE ARE OU" attitude hurt us in the beginning of the season. I think the "LETS SHOW THEM WHO OU IS" mentality would be better. We don't win simply because we are OU and people fear us anymore. We need to validate that old mentality by kicking some tail.

sooner n houston
10/24/2006, 11:59 AM
Please - intellectual dialogue only.

n00b, you sure came to the wrong place! :D

King Crimson
10/24/2006, 12:05 PM
sooneron -

If you've got an hour and IE6 you can still watch the game over the comuter.

i watched a pretty good part of the game after the ISU game at a buddy of my Dad's waiting for the gameday traffic to clear. to me, it was a typical home team does what it takes to win and Mizzou shoots themselves in the foot just enough. early fumble on the goaline and that kind of stuff.

both will be tough games for the Sooners.

10/24/2006, 12:24 PM
I wish that I had paid more attention to the ag/misery game. From the little that I've seen, both games are going to be tough, but they are winnable.0

I think you've got a good shot at both, especially A&M, but neither will be easy. Missouri came out determined to stop A&M's running game, which it did quite well for 2.5 quarters. But Mizzou's offense could not stay on the field with three straight fumbles, and the defense finally wore down and started giving up big rush yardage. However, A&M was able to pass well enough in the first half to just barely keep moving the sticks and managed a FG. Their two TDs came off a turnover at about the 20, so it was a short field, and a broken coverage resulting in a 67 yard pass inside the 5 yard line. In the second half, ironically we got run on a lot more but gave up only 1 TD.

After torching A&M in the first half, moving the ball at will (when it could hold onto it) A&M shut Missouri down for most of the second half, though we did have one long drive that sputtered at the 4 yard line. I think as the second half wore on, Missouri got more comfortable against what A&M was doing, and as such I am hopeful that other teams won't be able to repeat their success.

10/24/2006, 02:14 PM
Pfffffft. I like our chances of getting our butts handed to us in both.

Not sayin' we can't win 'em, but the boys ain't been performing outside the confines of Memorial Stadium so well. And we are back-to-back in places we traditionally struggle.

We've got a true freshman at right tackle now. That really hurts. Especially when it is in replacement of the guy who's probably been our best performer on the O-line this year (IMO).

Our secondary still plays the part of bread to other teams' Sunbeams.

I think both games hinge on the DL. If they can apply pressure and/or contain both Daniel and McGee then we stand a chance to win both.

I'm not holding my breath.

But I'll be exctatic it they pull it out. If they do, you can chalk this up as a pretty darn good year.

10/24/2006, 02:19 PM
Hey MAC94, good to see you back here.

I agree, both are tough, MU has a very scary offense with all everything tight ends that are tough matchups. Their running game is a east-west first step, I like how we play those.

A&M is tough, we need to score earlty or they can run the clock out on us like they did MU.

1-1, maybe 2-0 if we value the ball.

10/24/2006, 10:51 PM
Missouri will be a tough place to play. I believe OU has what it takes to win this game in Columbia, but procedure penalties and poor discipline (2nd half bust against TExas) unless remedied, will kill OU.

The Aggies are not as good as Missouri this season. However, if OU doesn't play well in College Station they will very likely lose. This is still a tough place to win on the road, and if OU doesn't prepare accordingly they could be in for a long day.

I think the Sooners' problems center around a lack of discipline and focus.

10/25/2006, 10:14 AM
Nebraska was in that same position against k-state and Isu, having to play back to back away games. The only thing we did was run the ball and control the clock and in both games we had 200+ yds rushing which led to victories. I can definately see OU winning if you just RUN the ball and control the clock.

10/25/2006, 11:43 AM
I can definately see OU winning if you just RUN the ball and control the clock.

Hey, that's our gig this year. ;)