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10/21/2006, 10:06 PM
Does he drink? ;)

Guy was pretty worked up.

10/21/2006, 10:07 PM
If he does, I wanna party with him. He seems like a blast.

10/21/2006, 10:07 PM
just suckin' back a bottle of robitussin or 3.

he put on a pretty good show.

The Maestro
10/21/2006, 10:09 PM
He ain't drunk on teeth whitening cream.

Doods chicklets were coffee stained!

10/21/2006, 10:10 PM
maybe doesnt drink......

but there is little doubt he smokes!


10/21/2006, 10:10 PM
Well, they are only 71 years old!

10/21/2006, 10:17 PM
quit makin fun of one of OU's greatest.

10/21/2006, 10:18 PM
Tommy rules! I love his enthusiasm

ya'll should be ashamed

10/21/2006, 10:27 PM
quit makin fun of one of OU's greatest.And he is younger than you.;)

10/21/2006, 10:28 PM
Seriously, I loved the guy. I thought he was hilarious, but great.

Scott D
10/21/2006, 10:28 PM
If only more people his age showed that love of being alive.....OUinFLA might not be such a bore when he tells stories ;)

10/21/2006, 10:29 PM
not poking fun. just never see old(er) fellas that enthusiastic. it's great he loves his sooners so much.

10/21/2006, 10:49 PM
And he is younger than you.;)

I was 9 and 10 when he played.

If only more people his age showed that love of being alive.....OUinFLA might not be such a bore when he tells stories ;)

I love being alive, I'll work on the stories. :)

I remember listening to that radio broadcast when he threw the pass to Thomas.

10/21/2006, 11:23 PM
His interview made me smile.

Or maybe it was just gas.

10/22/2006, 01:56 AM
That part of the game was awesome.

10/22/2006, 01:58 AM
My flabber was gasted to find out that we have people on the sidelines besides Toby Keith...

10/22/2006, 03:52 AM
I'm not a scientist or anything, but I'm pretty sure that he had a little bit of "spirit" to him. Maybe a glass of wine with his bottle of gasoline? Regardless, I noticed two things... 1) People seem to love the guy. 2) He had some seriously yellow teeth.


OU Adonis
10/22/2006, 06:24 AM
Yeah, lets make fun of one of OU's greatest because he doesn't have white teeth.

Great fans.

OU James
10/22/2006, 11:05 AM
Can we not kid him because he appeared to be absolutely insane on national tv? He had to be on something, I hope he was for his sake.

10/22/2006, 11:41 AM
That was a man full of enthusiasm to be back and be honored by his Alma Mater. I admit his enthusiasm was abit over the top, but he was excited to be back, be reunited with old teammates and it was understandable. Get off the yellow teeth thing.....he is a good man who loves OU and who was knocking guys butts in the dirt before most of you were even a thought in your parents minds, and his appearance shouldn't matter. Show a little respect. Everyone should be so enthusiastic.

10/22/2006, 12:29 PM
For the record, I didn't start this thread for people to make fun of a great Sooner.

Just sayin'.........

10/22/2006, 12:52 PM

I was at the game so I didn't see the interview - Ck out this Phillyflash back link about McDonald.
Looks like it's enthusiasm.

10/22/2006, 12:58 PM
Can we not kid him because he appeared to be absolutely insane on national tv? He had to be on something, I hope he was for his sake.
That post is TEH SUCCCCC !!!!11!

If you have to be "insane" to have such an obviously good time when you are a Sooner LEGEND and your team from a perfect season is honored on Owen Field in front of a huge crowd on a chilly October night, then YOU should be so insane.
Why does everybody assume he had to "on something"? Is it because people these days can't stoke up any sort of emotional fire without chemical assistance? Sheesh. Anybody who'd slight Tommy for being "too happy" and "too enthusiastic" abourt being a SOONER ought to have his nads kicked out his nostrils. And that's putting it nicely.

Sorry, but you cynical weeny-a$$es are killin me with knocking one of the greatest Sooners EVAR because he's old, too happy, and has bad teeth. That's just SAD. :mad:

OU James
10/22/2006, 02:16 PM
That post is TEH SUCCCCC !!!!11!

If you have to be "insane" to have such an obviously good time when you are a Sooner LEGEND and your team from a perfect season is honored on Owen Field in front of a huge crowd on a chilly October night, then YOU should be so insane.
Why does everybody assume he had to "on something"? Is it because people these days can't stoke up any sort of emotional fire without chemical assistance? Sheesh. Anybody who'd slight Tommy for being "too happy" and "too enthusiastic" abourt being a SOONER ought to have his nads kicked out his nostrils. And that's putting it nicely.

Sorry, but you cynical weeny-a$$es are killin me with knocking one of the greatest Sooners EVAR because he's old, too happy, and has bad teeth. That's just SAD. :mad:
seriously, get ahold of yourself, you have to admit he looked a little crazy...if i need to turn in my sooner card for saying that, then please let me know...I'm sure you wouldn't admit to The Boz being a litte off either would you?

10/22/2006, 02:29 PM
oh, he just looked like he was having a good time. i think alot of people were just surprised by it. he wasn't slurring his words or anything. let's not make a big deal out of it.
i know he put a smile on my face.

King Crimson
10/22/2006, 02:32 PM
Tommy also busted out rhymes at his HOF induction. he's just a different kind of cat.

10/22/2006, 02:59 PM
More people should be as enthusiastic about stuff as Tommy McDonald. Too many people do things and don't give a **** either way. That's the reason he never lost a game at Oklahoma.

10/22/2006, 03:28 PM
I don't know whether to blame the disrespectful treatment of such a beloved Sooner legend on incredible immaturity, a severe blow to the skull...or a deep lack of good breeding.

Regardless of its origin, I'm appalled. :mad:

Every free human being has the right to state his/her/its opinion. But by their sheer audacity, some people diminish the chance that the rest of us take their future opinions seriously.

Tommy McDonald's enthusiasm and joy is yet another wonderful gift to the Sooner Nation. I'm thrilled our University embraces this fine athlete - and the fact that we are committed to honoring our past, only enriches our future.

How are we supposed to view cracks about "yellow teeth" and high enthusiasm being caused by chemical overdose? You don't really expect us to see any humor in it, do ya? What kind of fan base are we developing?

Good Gawd...

10/22/2006, 03:30 PM
Well it sucks that he turned out to be an Eagle... but a Sooner in the NFL HOF is alright by me, even if it is through Philly.

Does anybody have a clip of the interviews last night? I had to watch the game at a Sports Bar and the Georgia Tech game had the audio. I could tell he was going nuts, but couldn't hear a word of it.

10/22/2006, 03:48 PM
I loved his enthusiasm. It was awesome - and sometimes I wish our players had that much enthusiasm on the field.

That being said, did anybody else think that Tommy McDonald's speech pattern and tempo sounded a lot like that guy (I can't remember his name - Matthew?) in the commercial that wants you to buy his book about how to get free money? He usualy wears a suit with a bunch of question marks on it.

King Crimson
10/22/2006, 03:50 PM
I loved his enthusiasm. It was awesome - and sometimes I wish our players had that much enthusiasm on the field.

That being said, did anybody else think that Tommy McDonald's speech pattern and tempo sounded a lot like that guy (I can't remember his name - Matthew?) in the commercial that wants you to buy his book about how to get free money? He usualy wears a suit with a bunch of question marks on it.

Matthew Lesko....that came up as well in the game thread.

10/22/2006, 03:51 PM
Ah....thank you......it was driving me crazy that I couldn't think of his name!

10/22/2006, 03:52 PM
Matthew Lesko... and yes, that is EXACTLY what I was thinking when I saw him on TV yesterday. Wow. Good call. Also, to everybody else, stating an opinion (that he may have had a few...) and a fact is not bashing somebody. Do you think I'm not immensely proud to have someone like him representing the team I've cheered for for over 3 decades? He was a great player, at all levels, and he's a guy with a zest for life that I'd like to see more of our current players have. He's absolutely CRAZY about being a Sooner, and our guys, Hell, ALL of us, could use some of that as well. Don't be so freaking sensitive.


Big Red Ron
10/22/2006, 04:04 PM
Dude only missed three games in his first eleven seasons with the Eagles. 66 TD's, more than 5k yards rec. and a Super Bowl ring.

He could probably still kick every one on this thread's ***.

Show Tom some ****ing respect.

10/22/2006, 06:20 PM
The sad part is that if he was born 30 years later, they would have put him on Ritalin and he would be a zombie!

10/22/2006, 06:36 PM
Considering that display of immaturity, maybe it's not to late for the ritalin.

10/22/2006, 06:39 PM
I love Tommy

10/22/2006, 06:39 PM
Considering that display of immaturity, maybe it's not to late for the ritalin.

For f*ck's sake, he was at A F*CKIN' FOOTBALL GAME!

You're probably one of those f*ckin' *********s that yells at people around you in the stands because they're - *gasp* - standing and cheering.

10/22/2006, 06:45 PM
I am going to tell you guys a little secret...over excited people can be annoying a little, but you eeyore mutha ****as are the most annoying people in the history of the world. Some people are negative, some people are positive, i find positive people are the most successful in life

Harris County Sooner
10/22/2006, 08:42 PM
Tommy McDonald was my first football "hero" when I was a kid. He was always a joy to watch. My dad used to call him a "rubber ball" because of the way he usually bounced back up after a tackle. You can see some of that in the video that jdog posted.

10/22/2006, 09:15 PM
...should have a statue in Heisman Park.

10/22/2006, 10:45 PM
For f*ck's sake, he was at A F*CKIN' FOOTBALL GAME!

You're probably one of those f*ckin' *********s that yells at people around you in the stands because they're - *gasp* - standing and cheering.

"And then they would *gasp* start banging their hands together violently when they saw a great play!" ;)

Tommie is THE man, and I'm happy they put him in the broadcast. If he was my Grandpa, I'd be Damn Proud! I'd get that clip and show all my friends.

What a legacy! I've read books about the amazing team, but to hear it from one of the sources was priceless.

proud gonzo
10/22/2006, 10:52 PM
Considering that display of immaturity, maybe it's not to late for the ritalin.
oh lookie! your spek is red now.

10/22/2006, 11:24 PM
The best thing about that interview was when he said he never lost a game in 4 years of college.

10/22/2006, 11:40 PM
I was also at the game freezing to death, and did not record it. Can any techno wiz put the interview up? My curiosity is getting me.

10/23/2006, 12:05 AM
Tommy also busted out rhymes at his HOF induction. he's just a different kind of cat.
yep. you guys need a history lesson. Touchdwon Tommy isn't too full of himself like some of those knobs who make self gratifying 3 hour speeches at their pro football HOF inductions.
Tommy walked out with a boombox and wrapped his speech. it was sweet and refreshing. he might be crazy because he's a New Mexico boy but he gives all credit for his success to God.:)

10/23/2006, 08:58 AM
seriously, get ahold of yourself, you have to admit he looked a little crazy...if i need to turn in my sooner card for saying that, then please let me know...I'm sure you wouldn't admit to The Boz being a litte off either would you?

OK, it's possible I might have overreacted just a bit. You may retain your Sooner Card... for now. Just watch what you say about Sooner Legends in front of Old Farts. :P

And Tommy >>>> Boz
Tommy= undefeated at OU, NFL Hall of Fame, free spirit
Boz= Great Sooner, but . . .

10/23/2006, 10:33 AM
In his playing days at OU he was the first in the huddle. Bud then went to the fast no huddle offense - all due to Tom running back to the huddle. What a team he played on - part of the 47 win streak. He still carries that energy. Did you catch him when inducted in the the pro hall of fame? What an act that day.

10/23/2006, 10:57 AM
My wife and I both thought he was drunk, until the end of the interview when he thanked God. Don't remember exactly what he said because I had had a few to drink myself!:D But after that, my wife said, "Of course he's drunk. He's drunk on Jesus!" It was funny, but I guess you had to be there!:D

10/23/2006, 11:23 AM
Dont any of you watch the awards show every year? I forget which award he gives out... anyway, he always chest bumps the guy (and all of them are bigger than him) and he usually knocks them back or at least moves them a little. And he always pumps up that his TEAM was undefeated throughout his career. He's always been crazy, he just gets pumped up. Gotta love him for it.

10/23/2006, 11:52 AM

I was at the game so I didn't see the interview - Ck out this Phillyflash back link about McDonald.
Looks like it's enthusiasm.
Cool. He really does just bounce back up.

10/23/2006, 12:28 PM
Christ people its not like he was pulling Joe Namath or *************** on the sideline...

EDIT: heh. Schnelly is a dirty word.

10/23/2006, 01:41 PM
He was great to watch... So pumped up.

"God made me small, but gave me a 8 foot heart!!"

He had a great time.. Good for him.

10/23/2006, 01:43 PM
I was also at the game freezing to death, and did not record it. Can any techno wiz put the interview up? My curiosity is getting me.

heh, techno wiz

TMac (http://okwoodfamily.com/tmac.avi)

10/23/2006, 03:45 PM
I loved that interview. I didn't think he was tipsy or anything. I got chills watching footage of OU winning the '56 championship and listening to him talk about the program. We could use a lot more of that. And man, was that guy full of love for his alma mater. He deserves every honor we can give him. He never lost a game in his years at OU. Truly, how many people can say that? Wow. Just wow.

10/24/2006, 12:36 AM
My father had the priviledge of playing with Tommy MacDonald and on the 47 strait. In fact, he was standing next to him on the field. (They announced the players by alphabetical order). My father is Benton O'Neal, younger brother of Pat and Jay O'Neal. He didn't play much. But back then, players went both ways, and OU scored a ton of points, so backup players got to play more than they do nowadays. He said the crowd went crazy when they said Tommy's name. So loud, they were still cheering when his name was called. Kind of felt good.

Jason White's Third Knee
10/24/2006, 09:27 AM
EVERY TIME I see Tommy Mac he's like that. The dude is just full thottle and happy to have lived the kick *** life that he has lived.

I love that crazy ****er.

10/24/2006, 10:56 AM
Billy Vessels was my first OU Hero - Tommy McDonald & Clendon Thomas are my 2nd ALL Time HEREOS - We should be SO Lucky to have two Half Backs Like those TWO Again.....


10/24/2006, 12:01 PM
Tommy Mac... is just full thottle and happy to have lived the kick *** life that he has lived.

I love that crazy ****er.
THAT's what I wanted to say. :D

10/24/2006, 03:38 PM
Tommy should have won the Heisman instead on Hornung (gay domer) that can't keep his pants up. Tommy was on a great team and Hornung had a losing record!

BOOMER SOONER!!!!!!!!!!!!!