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View Full Version : CNN showing terrorist propaganda...

10/19/2006, 01:12 PM
Disgusting. How does an American Network do this???

They know it’s “for propaganda purposes,” and they gleefully put it on their front page anyway. CNN is openly doing the work of the enemy.

(CNN) — Chilling scenes from a videotape made by insurgents show the work of snipers in Iraq, targeting and killing American troops, taking them down with a single bullet from a high-powered rifle.

The graphic video of 10 sniper attacks was obtained by CNN — through intermediaries — from the Islamic Army of Iraq, one of the most active insurgent organizations in Iraq.

In one scene, U.S. soldiers mingle among Iraqi civilians on a city street as a U.S. Humvee with a gunner in its turret stands guard nearby.

From a distance, possibly hundreds of yards away, a sniper watches for his opportunity to strike as a fellow insurgent operates a camera to capture the video for propaganda purposes.


10/19/2006, 01:13 PM
Fox news to show U.S. Snipers in action at 10..... :D

10/19/2006, 01:17 PM
Well they got it from "intermediaries" so that makes it OK.

10/19/2006, 01:19 PM
Disgusting. How does an American Network do this???

Why are you even watching "MSM"?

10/19/2006, 01:20 PM
It's all about ratings.

10/19/2006, 01:21 PM
It's all about ratings.

It's working, too. Even Tuba's watching.

10/19/2006, 01:21 PM
Why are you even watching "MSM"?

I checked out the website.

Maybe I shouldn't anymore if they are going to be shilling for the terrorists killing our troops "for the ratings".

No wonder Fox is kicking their ***.

10/19/2006, 01:24 PM
I guess we shouldn't be surprised by this.

Ted Turner couldn't even pick a side after 9-11. (http://the-post-postmodernist.blogspot.com/2006/10/ted-turner-cant-pick-sides-in-war-on.html)

10/19/2006, 01:36 PM
No wonder Fox is kicking their ***.

This is the first thing that comes up when you Google "fox ratings":

The Ratings Mirage: Why Fox has higher ratings--when CNN has more viewers

On any given day, more people typically tune to CNN than to Fox.

So what are the media reports talking about? With few exceptions, stories about the media business report a single number for ratings (often expressed two different ways--as "points" or "share"). This number is often presented as if it were the result of a popularity contest or a democratic vote. But it is actually the average number of viewers watching a station or a show in a typical minute, based on Nielsen Media Research's monitoring of thousands of households.

How can CNN have more total viewers when Fox has such a commanding lead in average viewers? Conventional industry wisdom is that CNN viewers tune in briefly to catch up on news and headlines, while Fox viewers watch longer for the opinion and personality-driven programming. Because the smaller total number of Fox viewers are watching more hours, they show up in the ratings as a higher average number of viewers.

The O'Reilly Factor is the best-rated show on Fox , with about 2 million viewers a night (Daily Variety , 12/5/03). CBS Evening News , the least-watched broadcast network evening news show, routinely gets four or five times as big an audience, and that's seen as a ratings disaster.

Fox likes to position itself as the alternative to all the other news that's on TV. As Fox News president Roger Ailes likes to claim (New York Times , 6/24/01), "If we look conservative, it's because the other guys are so far to the left." If it's true that news can be put into two categories--Fox and everything else--then when Special Report [Fox's flagship news show] airs, everything else beats Fox by at least 30 to one.

10/19/2006, 01:46 PM
never let facts get in the way of a good story

10/19/2006, 01:50 PM
i am curious.....cnn seems to be reporting on a story of a video where jackhole cowards are sniping our dudes and part of that story is how our dudes are going after the bad dudes.

and somehow since "propoganda" is highlighted by tuba it means cnn hates freedom.

what am I missing

10/19/2006, 01:58 PM
never let facts get in the way of a good story

The "Fox has better ratings" chestnut gets repeated so often I figured it must be wrong, so I looked it up. :D

10/19/2006, 02:04 PM
what am I missing

You're missing the part where you're printing up voting instruction in Spanish to give to illegal immigrants because you hate America.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/19/2006, 02:05 PM
It's all about ratings.Respectful disagreement. It is about advancing the agenda of convincing America the war is unwinnable, hence vote democrat.

10/19/2006, 02:07 PM
Respectful disagreement. It is about advancing the agenda of convincing America the war is unwinnable, hence vote democrat.

That's what Fox news is all about?

I rest my case!

10/19/2006, 02:22 PM
Respectful disagreement. It is about advancing the agenda of convincing America the war is unwinnable, hence vote democrat.

Versus Fox News advancing the White House agenda that Iraq is not, in fact, turning into a giant cluster**** and Bush doesn't have a plan other than to "stay the course".

10/19/2006, 02:24 PM
This is the first thing that comes up when you Google "fox ratings":

The Ratings Mirage: Why Fox has higher ratings--when CNN has more viewers

Well, I guess since some no-body liberal blog said it, it must be true.

Oh, wait...

On a typical day this year, Fox's audience is 845,000 while CNN's is 466,000.


Let me know if you need help with the math.

10/19/2006, 02:26 PM
Bush doesn't have a plan other than to "stay the course".

Which is a hell of a lot more of a plan than the dims have.

Well, except for "redeploying to victory".

10/19/2006, 02:27 PM
"We'll stand down as they stand up" == Vietnamization.

We all know how well that worked. It's just a plan for withdrawl. Or, put the Bushie way, a plan to "cut and run."

10/19/2006, 02:27 PM
i am curious.....cnn seems to be reporting on a story of a video where jackhole cowards are sniping our dudes and part of that story is how our dudes are going after the bad dudes.

and somehow since "propoganda" is highlighted by tuba it means cnn hates freedom.

what am I missing

Actually, propoganda was in the article they posted, yet decided to show it anyways.

Again, not surprising coming from a network founded by a guy who on 9-11, couldn't make up his mind which side he would be rooting for.

10/19/2006, 02:28 PM
"We'll stand down as they stand up" == Vietnamization.

We all know how well that worked.

Cutting and running worked really well too.

Just ask Cambodia.

Scott D
10/19/2006, 02:29 PM
I've waded through all this crap and I have the following questions.

Why is Tuba promoting the idea of terrorist snipers?

Why is william favor not taping Rush's show?

10/19/2006, 02:30 PM
Vietnamization is cutting and running. It's just a really slow way of cutting and running that trades lives for looking better.

10/19/2006, 02:31 PM
Why is Tuba promoting the idea of terrorist snipers?

Terrorist snipers are an idea???

I think some of our troops killed by them would disagree with you.

10/19/2006, 02:32 PM
Vietnamization is cutting and running. It's just a really slow way of cutting and running that trades lives for looking better.

So stabilizing a country so we don't have to be there anymore = cutting a running?

Wow, you really do live in a land of make-believe.

10/19/2006, 02:38 PM
So stabilizing a country so we don't have to be there anymore = cutting a running?

Yeah, well, that's what the White House says is gonna happen.

Nixon said the South Vietnamese would be able to carry the fight on their own too, once they stood up and we stood down. It didn't work so well, did it?

Obviously, we'll see what really happens, but like I said, "we'll stand up as they stand down" is essentially the Vietnamization plan.

I doubt it will work any better this time around than the last.

10/19/2006, 02:50 PM
Well, I guess since some no-body liberal blog said it, it must be true.
Half the **** you link is from blogs.

jk the sooner fan
10/19/2006, 02:51 PM
fwiw tuba, about a year ago, i got hold of a video passed around of soldiers being hit by snipers....it was to show how the body armor was working....it came from a soldier - i wouldnt consider him a propagandizer of terrorist info

our soldiers are being shot over there....its called news

10/19/2006, 02:52 PM
Yeah, well, that's what the White House says is gonna happen.

Nixon said the South Vietnamese would be able to carry the fight on their own too, once they stood up and we stood down. It didn't work so well, did it?

Obviously, we'll see what really happens, but like I said, "we'll stand up as they stand down" is essentially the Vietnamization plan.

I doubt it will work any better this time around than the last.

Amazing how giddy some are to see Iraq turned into vietnam. They just cannot wait to bring defeat to the evil USA from making war on those sweet innocent freedom fighters in Iraq.

No wonder Ted Turner had such a hard time choosing sides. We are just that bad.

10/19/2006, 02:53 PM
Half the **** you link is from blogs.

Half? Really????

Heh, i'd like to see all those blog links sometime.

10/19/2006, 02:54 PM
are you saying Bush is giddy to make Iraq into vietnam? You see what he had to say today as it relates to comparisons?

10/19/2006, 02:55 PM
our soldiers are being shot over there....its called news

Thats more than news IMO. It was filmed for one purpose and one purpose only.

10/19/2006, 02:56 PM
are you saying Bush is giddy to make Iraq into vietnam?

You might try that reading thing again.

I know, its hard, so have your mommy read it to you if you need it, then you can post back. I'll be waiting.

10/19/2006, 02:59 PM
Yeah, well, that's what the White House says is gonna happen.

Nixon said the South Vietnamese would be able to carry the fight on their own too, once they stood up and we stood down. It didn't work so well, did it?

Obviously, we'll see what really happens, but like I said, "we'll stand up as they stand down" is essentially the Vietnamization plan.

I doubt it will work any better this time around than the last.

And I doubt it too. Most Americans don't have a clue or the intestinal fortitude to do what it takes to win a war. The average Al-Queda recruit has more resolve in his taint than the average American.

10/19/2006, 03:00 PM
Hat's mom,

when you read this to hat, tell him I can't wait any longer, I have an important meeting to go to.



10/19/2006, 03:01 PM
Half? Really????

Heh, i'd like to see all those blog links sometime.
Does "the-post-postmodernist.blogspot.com" count? It's in this thread.

10/19/2006, 03:02 PM
Does "the-post-postmodernist.blogspot.com" count? It's in this thread.

Actually, the content is from CSPAN. I just googled it and linked it.

10/19/2006, 03:10 PM
Well, I guess since some no-body liberal blog said it, it must be true.

Awesome. You've set the bar even higher (or lower, depending on your point of view).

That "no-body liberal blog" is FAIR, Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting: "FAIR, the national media watch group, has been offering well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship since 1986." Did they have blogs in 1986? It's interesting that you assume that anything with the words "Fairness" and "Accuracy" in the title is a liberal organization.


Let me know if you need help with the math.

1) You didn't know anything more than I did about Fox's actual ratings until I questioned it and forced you to Google. You just assumed it was true and kept repeating it.

2) Is "typical audience" based on the average daily ratings or the cume? Because as you know if you read my link, the average daily ratings do not tell the whole story.

What you left out is certainly interesting:

But the years of explosive growth have ended at Fox. Viewership over the first eight months of the year was down 5 percent compared with 2005, with a steeper 13 percent decline in prime-time, according to Nielsen Media Research. For 12 straight months, Fox's prime-time audience has been smaller than the year before. CNN viewership inched up 5 percent this year through August. On a typical day this year, Fox's audience is 845,000 while CNN's is 466,000.

What is Fox's audience compared to the evil "MSM" as a whole? If Fox is the only responsible news outlet, you'd think that the 50.1% of Americans that were smart enough to vote for Bush would also be smart enough to watch Fox instead of all that liberal claptrap.

10/19/2006, 03:15 PM
And I doubt it too. Most Americans don't have a clue or the intestinal fortitude to do what it takes to win a war. The average Al-Queda recruit has more resolve in his taint than the average American.

This is pretty much my reasoning on the matter.

When a democracy voluntarily starts a war -- as is the case in Iraq -- it almost always happens sooner or later. You must win the war quickly, because support will eventually sag and you'll have to withdraw. Blaming it on the "liberals" (or anyone, for that matter) is myopic. It's pretty much a fundamental trait of our system of government. Democracies everywhere have this problem.

And it's why "Stay the Course" is a losing strategy. And why "We'll stand down as they stand up" is, essentially, Vietnamization and will likely end the same.

We need a strategy that either wraps this stuff up fast, or allows us to continue pursuing our end game without having troops on the ground getting shot at year after year.

And if we can't find one, or won't find one, we can't win this war. It's realy that simple.

10/19/2006, 03:16 PM
And I doubt it too. Most Americans don't have a clue or the intestinal fortitude to do what it takes to win a war. The average Al-Queda recruit has more resolve in his taint than the average American.

Kabookie - what is it going to take to win the war? Does our goverment even know? This isn't an enemy like Germany or Japan....this is a cancer spreading throughout the whole world. How do you combat that?

10/19/2006, 03:17 PM
Which is a hell of a lot more of a plan than the dims have.

I believe Bush is still waiting for James Baker to finish writing his plan for him.

10/19/2006, 03:22 PM
Amazing how giddy some are to see Iraq turned into vietnam. They just cannot wait to bring defeat to the evil USA from making war on those sweet innocent freedom fighters in Iraq.

I'm not giddy to see that at all. Some of my more liberal friends were saying this would turn into Vietnam while Powell was at the UN doing his dog and pony.

At the time, I said, "Naw, surely we won't be stupid enough to make the same mistakes this time around. No way we let that happen."

It's looking more and more like I was wrong.

10/19/2006, 03:25 PM
We need a strategy that either wraps this stuff up fast, or allows us to continue pursuing our end game without having troops on the ground getting shot at year after year.

What we need is at least tangible progress. Are living conditions in Iraq getting better or getting worse? Is sectarian violence getting better or getting worse? Are US casualty rates getting better or getting worse? Are we getting things under control or getting our asses kicked by a bunch of durka durkas who have been fasting all month? If they're getting worse, it's time to throw out the old plan and come up with something else.

These trends shouldn't be hard to quantify given accurate casualty figures and such, but heaven knows all the number we get from the majority of the media and the White House spin machine are dubious at best.

10/19/2006, 03:31 PM
Tangible progress starting about say, 18 months ago would have been sufficient.

The real problem isn't that the public has lost confidence in the troops or anything like that. They've lost confidence in the credibility of this administration. You can see it in the polls regarding whether people think the administration was honest in the run up to war.

Unless the administration gets back its credibility, it's would take a virtually miraculous amount of "tangible progress" before the public gets back on board.

10/19/2006, 03:43 PM
Tangible progress starting about say, 18 months ago would have been sufficient.

The real problem isn't that the public has lost confidence in the troops or anything like that. They've lost confidence in the credibility of this administration. You can see it in the polls regarding whether people think the administration was honest in the run up to war.

Unless the administration gets back its credibility, it's would take a virtually miraculous amount of "tangible progress" before the public gets back on board.

Ding ding ding!

It's imperative that we don't lose Iraq--we broke it, we bought it--but I don't think the Bush adminsitration is capable of coming up with a winning plan. "Stay the course" makes a convenient sound bite, but you don't stay the course when there's a curve in the highway.

10/19/2006, 04:03 PM
What we need is at least tangible progress. Are living conditions in Iraq getting better or getting worse? Is sectarian violence getting better or getting worse? Are US casualty rates getting better or getting worse? Are we getting things under control or getting our asses kicked by a bunch of durka durkas who have been fasting all month? If they're getting worse, it's time to throw out the old plan and come up with something else.

These trends shouldn't be hard to quantify given accurate casualty figures and such, but heaven knows all the number we get from the majority of the media and the White House spin machine are dubious at best.

How would we know any of these things that you are asking about? None of that information is ratings worth. Success isn't newsworthy but failure is.

When someone gets on the news and says that Iraq is a cluster ****, everyone says that must be true. If another equally or more credible source gets on the news and says that things are looking up in Iraq, then everyone says that is nuts, it can't possibly be true.

For those comparing this war to the WWII, the only difference is that in WWII, we willing bombed the civilian populating back to the stone age. If we were to bomb mosque and civilian population centers (places where our enemy are hiding), the rest of the world would go absolutely ape ****. Same with the population here. Yet when our enemy bombs schools and hospitals, everyone just shrugs their shoulders and says "what a shame". Where is the outrage over their actions? Why haven't all the other countries shocked into action by their actions?

It's because they, in their heart of hearts, want the US to look bad and lose. There really isn't any other conclusion.

I loved how Rosie O'Donnel wouldn't answer Bill O'Reilly's question yesterday about did she want the US to lose in Iraq. She wouldn't answer because she knows that, in her heart of hearts, she wants the US to lose.

10/19/2006, 04:58 PM
i am on the phone with my mom, according to Tuba she has the answer.

proud gonzo
10/19/2006, 05:08 PM
I haven't read this whole thread, and I'm not going to. But what exactly is the problem here? What do you find so outrageous about this?? If the terrorists or whoever are making these videos and releasing them, i can see how that is news. And what's the problem with the word propaganda? why would that mean we shouldn't show it on tv?
It's not propaganda for us--i would assume that means it's propaganda to show their own people how well they're doing killing our soldiers. Maybe I'm wrong. But seriously, the point of propaganda is to deliberately spread information or rumors that you presumably know are skewed or showing only a point of view that you specifically want to spread. And if they show that on the news saying specifically that it is propaganda, how is that a bad thing? Do you really think Americans are going to be brainwashed by it? Is the propaganda effect not sufficiently countered by the information that it is in fact propaganda?

10/19/2006, 05:18 PM
PG, you are trying to apply logic to a Tuba thread. Easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. Forget it.

10/19/2006, 05:20 PM
Easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.

Pat gets baned again in 5...4...3...

10/19/2006, 05:26 PM
Yet when our enemy bombs schools and hospitals, everyone just shrugs their shoulders and says "what a shame". Where is the outrage over their actions?

Is it a big deal when a two-year-old craps his pants? It's unfortunate, but expected. Apparently we're held to a higher standard than terrorists. Consider it a compliment.

It's because they, in their heart of hearts, want the US to look bad and lose. There really isn't any other conclusion.

Who is "they"?

10/19/2006, 05:39 PM
For those comparing this war to the WWII, the only difference is that in WWII, we willing bombed the civilian populating back to the stone age. If we were to bomb mosque and civilian population centers (places where our enemy are hiding), the rest of the world would go absolutely ape ****. Same with the population here. Yet when our enemy bombs schools and hospitals, everyone just shrugs their shoulders and says "what a shame". Where is the outrage over their actions? Why haven't all the other countries shocked into action by their actions?

We didn't start World War II; the civilian populations we bombed were supporting their countries through a total war output and that STILL didn't free us from the correct judgment of history on disasters like Dresden; and we didn't bomb them because we were trying to make them free, as we say we're trying in Iraq, we bombed them because their countries declared total war on us and they were part of the country. (Then we rebuilt them anyway.)

What we didn't do was lay waste to Hiroshima because there were two or three sects of Japanese fighting each other. The civilian bombings you refer to are Iraqis against Iraqis. And when it comes to the frightful increase in attacks on US soldiers, flattening neighborhoods won't lower the number, it will increase them just by ****ing more people off. Yes, it's incredibly frustrating, yes, it would be nice to have a simple response to sniper deaths like bomb 'em all, but it isn't ethically responsible, and if the alternatives to end the attacks are between obliterating a country which didn't start a war with us and withdrawing, the latter is the regrettably preferable action. A conceivable military option is to put more people on the ground to root out insurgents at ground level, but I don't think you'll find much support for that, and frankly, I don't think the Iraqis deserve it.

It's because they, in their heart of hearts, want the US to look bad and lose. There really isn't any other conclusion.

I would love to have your powers of empathy and telepathy, but the black-and-white-only vision would suck.

10/19/2006, 07:49 PM
What do you find so outrageous about this??
I think it says a lot about you when you have to even ask this.

Very ironic from someone who claims to have a "knowledge of history".

10/19/2006, 07:54 PM
I loved how Rosie O'Donnel wouldn't answer Bill O'Reilly's question yesterday about did she want the US to lose in Iraq. She wouldn't answer because she knows that, in her heart of hearts, she wants the US to lose.

The pure hatred for Bush has caused blindness among many. Mostly the less intelligent it seems.

This is the only way to explain how the founder of CNN can't figure out exactly whose right and wrong while the planes are hitting the towers killing thousands of Americans. Or how those types can some how blame Bush for orchestrating 9-11.

Hell, there plan is no secret, you can see it here:


10/19/2006, 08:13 PM
I see more finger pointing at each other in this thread than I do at the enemy.

10/19/2006, 08:18 PM
I see more finger pointing at each other in this thread than I do at the enemy.


Scott D
10/19/2006, 08:22 PM
I still want to know why Tuba supports terrorists sending out recruiting videos over the internet.

10/19/2006, 08:26 PM
and did tuba really resort to momma smack? :)

jesus what a toolbox

10/19/2006, 08:27 PM
I still want to know why Tuba supports terrorists sending out recruiting videos over the internet.

Whenever Cindy Sheehan or Hugo Chavez says something I can always count on Tuba to be the first one to spread the word. I think he's got connections in the American hater community.

10/19/2006, 08:29 PM
tuba you realize cnn didn't shoot the terrorist video for propoganda purposes right?

you also realize they only showed parts of the video as they were discussing it with their expert right?

you realize what they were doing was discussing news right?

so these are the issues with why people wonder "what you are so incensed about"...because cnn isn't spreading terrorist propaganda in a treasonous manner

10/19/2006, 08:30 PM
Whenever Cindy Sheehan or Hugo Chavez says something I can always count on Tuba to be the first one to spread the word. I think he's got connections in the American hater community.

similar to how batman had the batphone dialed in with commish gordon


10/19/2006, 08:42 PM
Some of my more liberal friends were saying this would turn into Vietnam while Powell was at the UN doing his dog and pony.

<raises hand in disappointment>

proud gonzo
10/19/2006, 09:50 PM
I think it says a lot about you when you have to even ask this.

Very ironic from someone who claims to have a "knowledge of history". I don't think you're talking about me because I frickin' hate history.

On the other hand, I AM rather familiar with logic, a concept completely foreign to you, I'm sure.

proud gonzo
10/19/2006, 09:56 PM
oh, and kudos on pointing the finger back at me instead of posting rationally or addressing anything I said with more than sniping.

10/19/2006, 09:57 PM
it's easier to just change the subject than answer a question directly.

10/19/2006, 10:15 PM
I agree with what JK said. That is all.

10/19/2006, 10:17 PM
oh, and kudos on pointing the finger back at me instead of posting rationally or addressing anything I said with more than sniping.


proud gonzo
10/19/2006, 10:29 PM

10/19/2006, 11:18 PM
Oh nos! The Republican Party is airing terrorist propogandas!


The ad displays an array of quotes from bin Laden and his top lieutenant, Ayman al-Zawahiri, that include bin Laden's Dec. 26, 2001 vow that "what is yet to come will be even greater."

('cause, you know, those quotes come from their propoganda and stuff)

10/20/2006, 07:51 AM
Vae you ought to see the video...disgusting.

but yes according to Tuba the GOP should now be condemned as traitors and supporters of terrorists and aiding in the dissemination of their propoganda.

I am sure his outrage on this issue will be consistent with his stance on cnn's transgression...and his outrage will be equally loud.

10/20/2006, 12:17 PM
tuba...are you preparing your hatred for the GOP and their traitorous conduct? Can't wait to hear you weigh in on this....

10/20/2006, 12:28 PM
Which traitorous conduct is that hat?

I don't see any video showing an American Soldier getting shot in the head, like what CNN showed for ratings.

10/20/2006, 12:31 PM
Oh nos! The Republican Party is airing terrorist propogandas!


('cause, you know, those quotes come from their propoganda and stuff)

No, that's what you call fear mongering.

Again, that's a quote, not a video of an enemy sniper taking out one of our soldiers.

Amazing that you can't figure out the difference, but not surprising I suppose.

10/20/2006, 12:54 PM
#1 cnn didn't show the portion of the video which showed an american soldier getting killed.

#2 for ratings (votes) the gop shows portions of videos created by al queda for propaganda purposes...but this is somehow acceptable and wholly different from cnn discussing a video for a legitimate news story for ratings?

explain please....no smart alec response needed just an explanation....how are they so different.

cnn shows portions of a terrorist created video for ratings
gop shows portions of a terrorist created video for ratings(votes)

neither video aired shows americans being killed

10/20/2006, 01:12 PM
#1 cnn didn't show the portion of the video which showed an american soldier getting killed.

Wrong as usual.

They faded it out right before he falls forward dead. They show everything else of course.

In one instance, the tape shows a uniformed member of the U.S. military milling in a public area with Iraqis. A shot rings out. CNN fades the screen to black before the result — described as a victim falling forward — is visible.http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061020/ap_en_tv/tv_cnn_snipers_2

Again, show me a GOP video that does this?

10/20/2006, 01:13 PM
#1 cnn didn't show the portion of the video which showed an american soldier getting killed.

#2 for ratings (votes) the gop shows portions of videos created by al queda for propaganda purposes...but this is somehow acceptable and wholly different from cnn discussing a video for a legitimate news story for ratings?

explain please....no smart alec response needed just an explanation....how are they so different.

cnn shows portions of a terrorist created video for ratings
gop shows portions of a terrorist created video for ratings(votes)

neither video aired shows americans being killed

BTW, I'd answer the rest of your questions if the your main point wasn't so flawed due to a lack of factual information.

10/20/2006, 01:20 PM
i'm sure Fox has never showed terrorists killing Americans

Scott D
10/20/2006, 01:52 PM
quit ignoring the obvious people


10/20/2006, 01:56 PM
so i say they don't show it. and you show me where they don't show it. and then your case is rested enough to not have to respond to the positions that make you look like an even bigger hypocrit than you have previously shown yourself to be....that about it?

seriously, please to explain how it is ok for the gop to use terrorist created propoganda but not ok for cnn

10/20/2006, 03:35 PM
seriously, please to explain how it is ok for the gop to use terrorist created propoganda but not ok for cnn
Duh, because Ted Turner can't decide what side he's on!

10/20/2006, 03:42 PM
In Tuba's dualistic world, if it's not propaganda for Bush, it's propaganda against America. And no amount of your so-called "logic" is going to change that.

10/20/2006, 03:49 PM
Tuba, I can tell the difference. One is CNN showing propaganda because it's news. Another is the GOP showing propaganda to try to scare people into voting for them. Both are very possibly in poor taste, depending on how far they go with it.

However, I don't find either one particularly offensive, but I can tell you that the second is the more cynical of the two. ;)

Really, I don't see the harm in airing it. The people who are inclined to act favorably will find this stuff on the internet whether CNN airs it or not. The people who are disinclined to act favorably won't be affected by it. There's no harm either way.

10/20/2006, 04:29 PM
I think that it just goes to the point that CNN is airing reports that only give an account of what is going wrong for us in Iraq and not balancing this news with reports of the things that are going right for us.

Collectively, this leads viewers to surmise that there must not be anything going right in Iraq.

By airing a report about how the insurgents are making videos of snipping our soldiers, its leaves the viewers with a bad taste in thier mouth about the Operations in Iraq.

Just guessing what his thoughts were.:confused:

Scott D
10/20/2006, 04:33 PM
quit ignoring the fact that Tuba supports Terrorist snipers.

10/20/2006, 04:38 PM

TUBA talking about terrorist propaganda...

Disgusting. How does an American do this???

10/20/2006, 04:44 PM
it's a war. guess what? it ain't all milk and cookies.

mmmm. milk and cookies. i hope there is video.

10/20/2006, 04:45 PM
Look, there just isn't much good news coming out of Iraq right now.

The floor on monthly civilian killings for the past three years has been about 400 per month. If that was happening over here, does anyone really think that we would be calling that "progress?"

Until we get that number under control, Iraq will not stabilize. It's that simple. And so far, we've shown no signs of getting it under control; the numbers never dip below 400 per month.

I'm not saying that we need to get out of Iraq right now. What I'm saying is, the current strategy isn't producing results. Instead of this "stay the course stay the course stay the course" mantra we're getting right now, we need to ask "Why isn't the current strategy producing results, and what can we do about it?" -- which is something this administration and it's Congressional pack of lackeys seems totally unwilling to do.

10/20/2006, 05:08 PM
Again, show me a GOP video that does this?

i can show you the member of the grand ole party who pointed this out to me.


if someone else reports it, and you report the reporting then this is supporting the reporting, right?

why do you hate America? :D

Scott D
10/20/2006, 05:45 PM
