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10/14/2006, 11:23 PM
I know this was briefly discussed in another thread, but I think it deserves it's own. Please please don't start the wave when we are on offense, especially when faced with a 3rd and 10. Screw the wave. That is all.

10/14/2006, 11:30 PM
Tell the cheerleaders. YWIA.

10/14/2006, 11:33 PM
The cheerleaders did have a nice Brokeback jumping thingy on TV. I have never felt that gay as a sooner fan until I saw that, except for that time in college but i needed the money.

10/14/2006, 11:36 PM
Though I didn't have the best angle, it looked like the students were starting it, not the cheerleaders...

10/14/2006, 11:40 PM
Hmmm. I was right on the 50 in the student section and never even noticed them trying to start it. It must have been farther over.

10/14/2006, 11:41 PM
The stduents on the front row around the 30 (the supermen guys I think) held up a huge sign that I think said WAVE. I say that because every time the held it up, they tried to start the wave.

10/14/2006, 11:43 PM
Oh, those guys. Yeah.

Although I did find the one guy's "DANG!" sign hilarious after Allen Patrick laid that ISU guy out on a kickoff.

Norm In Norman
10/14/2006, 11:44 PM
Also, let's kill OSU Succs guy.

10/14/2006, 11:47 PM
wow, I've had a lot of problems with the student section in the past:

10/14/2006, 11:49 PM
i did like the BOOMER tape thingies they had :D

damn refs :mad:

10/14/2006, 11:52 PM
i did like the BOOMER tape thingies they had :D

damn refs :mad:

You could spell a lot of things with those. With just one you got Boomer, Sooner, Boom, Boo, and Woo (upside-down OOM). With two you could get boob and boner. I'm pretty sure it would take 5 of them to spell bewbs...

10/14/2006, 11:53 PM
Oh, those guys. Yeah.

Although I did find the one guy's "DANG!" sign hilarious after Allen Patrick laid that ISU guy out on a kickoff.

Yeah, it said "Unleash the Fury" on the other side. Both were signs they showed in the INHD show "Fields of Glory" on Memorial Stadium.

10/14/2006, 11:57 PM
i did like the BOOMER tape thingies they had :D

damn refs :mad:

That was pretty cool! Hey, did that guy sitting behind you and dole get mad at you guys for standing? He looked ****ed....

10/14/2006, 11:59 PM
which one? ;)

10/15/2006, 12:00 AM
The one with headphones...

10/15/2006, 12:13 AM
Other stuff that needs to stop:

Ending the "Star Spangled Banner" with the "...and the home of the SOONERS".

Booing every visiting team when they come onto the field. Seriously, who boos Iowa State? Save that for the sheep shaggers or something.

Chanting "OoooooooooooooU!" for the other team's kickoff after they score. Or during our kickoff after a safety. Not really something to cheer about, y'know?

10/15/2006, 12:17 AM
Other stuff that needs to stop:

Ending the "Star Spangled Banner" with the "...and the home of the SOONERS".

Booing every visiting team when they come onto the field. Seriously, who boos Iowa State? Save that for the sheep shaggers or something.

Chanting "OoooooooooooooU!" for the other team's kickoff after they score. Or during our kickoff after a safety. Not really something to cheer about, y'know?

Heh. I don't join in on the "sooners" thing, but I think it sounds pretty dang cool.

I boo the opposing teams for the sole reason that Joe C. asked us not to do it. I probably wouldn't bother if they hadn't said anything, but I hate The Man telling me how to be a good fan. some rivalries are based on hatred, dammit!

Oh, and on those kickoffs I'll hold a finger in the air, but I feel kind of weird cheering, so I usually don't in those situations.

10/15/2006, 12:20 AM
"real fans don't make waves"

10/15/2006, 12:21 AM
The "sooners" thing is cool. Gottahavepride has a point about booing because we're told not to, that gives us all the reason in the world to boo.
I've got mixed feelings about the kickoff thing: I see your point about not cheering safeties and other teams scoring, but there is the tradition thing and cheering your own team on to overcome those scores...

and screw the wave

10/15/2006, 12:21 AM
some rivalries are based on hatred, dammit!

But, dude, Iowa State? They never hurt anybody. :D

10/15/2006, 12:24 AM
except AD :mad:

10/15/2006, 12:25 AM
The fat one with headphones...

he was ****ed, but i don't think it was about that ;)

10/15/2006, 12:26 AM
The "sooners" thing is cool.

How do you feel about the SSB being sung in Spanish?

I've got mixed feelings about the kickoff thing: I see your point about not cheering safeties and other teams scoring, but there is the tradition thing and cheering your own team on to overcome those scores...

As far as "tradition" goes, I don't think that started happening on every kickoff until the mid-90's. When I was a freshman, anybody in my section who did that was yelled at: "Sit down you idiot, the other team is kicking." But then more and more people started doing it and that was the end of that.

10/15/2006, 12:28 AM
How do you feel about the SSB being sung in Spanish?

I don't like it, but I don't see your point

10/15/2006, 12:28 AM
he was ****ed, but i don't think it was about that ;)
What was it about then....?

10/15/2006, 12:30 AM
As long as the tradition we have of cheering and overcoming opposing team scores goes no farther than harmless cheering while they are kicking...mainly we dont line up the "super-fans" on the sidleine and make them grab their balls...i am happy with the tradition that we have

10/15/2006, 12:31 AM
What was it about then....?

refs, someone not getting yards against good teams, someone talking **** about the dumb **** he was saying... take your pick ;)

10/15/2006, 12:33 AM
As long as the tradition we have of cheering and overcoming opposing team scores goes no farther than harmless cheering while they are kicking...mainly we dont line up the "super-fans" on the sidleine and make them grab their balls...i am happy with the tradition that we have

:rcmad: WHOOP! :rcmad:

10/15/2006, 12:35 AM
I don't like it, but I don't see your point

If you tried singing the SSB in Spanish--respectfully, mind you--at the stadium you'd get drinks thrown at you or worse. But bastardize it to glorify a football team and you're golden. My point is that people are a bunch of hypocrites.

10/15/2006, 12:37 AM
Interesting point, but I don't see how saying "sooners" at the end of the song is bastardizing it. You are probably right about the drinks thrown at someone respectfully trying to sing it in spanish...

10/15/2006, 12:47 AM
We are at a football game, i'm sure the ssb in spanish would go over ok in el paso

10/15/2006, 08:09 AM
I agree with mdklatt..it's about respect...Respect the national anthem for what it is..respect of the opponent, whoever they are...

I do hold up a finger when the other team is kicking though.

9/8/2007, 11:18 PM
the wave still sucks. especially when we're on offense and the score is 28-13.

also, can someone please tell the cheer squads not to start the boomer-sooner chant when we're on offense?

also, the SEC stinger thing just sounds pathetic. I hate that we're playing it, but it sounds like the band isn't into playing it at all.

also, no OSU sucks chants unless we're playing OSU.

hang it up guys.

9/8/2007, 11:33 PM

oh and...


It's gonna take us playing LSU in the Superdome for someone high enough up to go: Hey, don't we play that too....ah, crap.

9/8/2007, 11:39 PM
So is the Home of the Sooners bit sung as a question just as home of the brave is supposed to be?

9/9/2007, 12:12 AM
At the last major sports events I've been to (the newly never-happened Holiday Bowl, Padres and Chargers games) everyone always tries to start the wave. It makes me cringe. I'm all alone on this but I still stand up and yell "The eighties are OVER, people!"

Crap, we might as well just all do the friggin' Macarena.

In other words, I HATE the wave.

Oh and also, although apparently at least among San Diego Sooner fans I'm alone on this too, but I was taught you only do the "O......U!" thing on kickoff when WE are kicking off.

And don't get even get me started on those who answer BOOMER!



Okay, rant over. :O Gonna have another beer now.

9/9/2007, 12:26 AM
the wave still sucks. especially when we're on offense and the score is 28-13.

also, can someone please tell the cheer squads not to start the boomer-sooner chant when we're on offense?

also, the SEC stinger thing just sounds pathetic. I hate that we're playing it, but it sounds like the band isn't into playing it at all.

The wave was actually started during a TV time-out. And, not to call you 'strange' or anything, but I coulda sworn there were about 85,000 people there who liked it.

The SEC stinger is something the university is getting a lot of money to play. Hundreds of thousands of dollars just to crank out that song a few times a game. Works the same way that donor seating does: You pay the money, the stadium gives you the seats. Likewise, you pay the money, the band gives you the song.


oh and...


It's gonna take us playing LSU in the Superdome for someone high enough up to go: Hey, don't we play that too....ah, crap.

What the student section does really isn't all that similar to the waving wheat thing from Okie State. I'd point out the differences, but I've got this saying about pearls and swine that's been nagging me all night long.

And, again, money talks. You don't want the band playing that song? Then put up or shut up.


9/9/2007, 12:30 AM
I SO need to win the lottery.

Goodbye SEC stinger, and for the love of god, goodbye "Crazy Train".

And do we have proof that the SEC stinger is the result of a major donation? Cause i think it's just Britt stealing stuff. ;)

9/9/2007, 12:31 AM
I SO need to win the lottery.

Goodbye SEC stinger, and for the love of god, goodbye "Crazy Train".

Haha, actually, not a bad idea.

9/9/2007, 12:39 AM
Interesting point, but I don't see how saying "sooners" at the end of the song is bastardizing it. You are probably right about the drinks thrown at someone respectfully trying to sing it in spanish...

The SSB is a national tradition and should transcend any single team. By replacing "brave" with "Sooners", it cheapens the meaning of the song and attempts to make it only ours.

Of course, that is only my opinion. Feel free to disagree. ;)

9/9/2007, 12:41 AM
here we go...

9/9/2007, 12:45 AM
It's a little more interesting topic than should we do the wave.

Everyone knows the wave should have been made illegal years ago.

9/9/2007, 12:53 AM
I SO need to win the lottery.

Goodbye SEC stinger, and for the love of god, goodbye "Crazy Train".

And do we have proof that the SEC stinger is the result of a major donation? Cause i think it's just Britt stealing stuff. ;)

I'd do it just so the band would play "Eyes of Texas" after OU does anything good.

Only for one game though.

9/9/2007, 01:10 AM
why are we playing I've Been Working on the Railroad?

we just need to get more people to yell GO GATORS! :D

9/9/2007, 02:14 AM
Anyone who starts or trys to start the wave shall be banned for life from all sporting events.

Crucifax Autumn
9/9/2007, 03:03 AM
The only wave I wanna see is the crimson one rolling over everyone who stands in our path.

9/9/2007, 10:12 AM
The wave was actually started during a TV time-out. And, not to call you 'strange' or anything, but I coulda sworn there were about 85,000 people there who liked it.
Yeah i was sitting in the student section, and I think the people starting the wave were probably around the 30 or 35 (I was on the 45), but anyway 95% of the sooner fans at the game were doing it and it died right when the teams took the field. It was harmless I think. Personally, I think yelling (BOOMER SOONER, OU kickoff yelling, etc...) should be kept to a minimum so people can save their voices for the game when the other team is on defense. There was a noticebale decrease in noise between the beginning of the 1st quarter and the 3rd quarter.

9/9/2007, 10:33 AM
Hey, we just play what we're told to play. I'd play almost anything if it means I get to go to the games for free (sue me, I'm a poor college student). And yes, we're playing the song because of a donor.

And if it makes you feel any better, half the band already yells "Go Gators!", if we yell anything at all. lol

9/9/2007, 10:57 AM
So when will the band start playing Tusk or It's Alright Now? I like our band but the music selection has sucked for well over 30 years.

9/9/2007, 01:32 PM
About the home of the Sooners thing. BOOMER SOONER!

9/9/2007, 01:56 PM
I want to see a YouTube of the "Gomer Migration" when the aTm fans moved from one end of upper deck to the other when aTm and Fresno changed ends at the end of the OTs. Funniest damn thing I've seen this year, so far. It was like "Oh, S*&t, you mean we haven't won this thing yet and have to move again"

9/9/2007, 02:41 PM
Hey, we just play what we're told to play. I'd play almost anything if it means I get to go to the games for free (sue me, I'm a poor college student). And yes, we're playing the song because of a donor.

And if it makes you feel any better, half the band already yells "Go Gators!", if we yell anything at all. lol
So it's really true that someone paid to haave the band play that? Seriously?

That's a freaking disgrace. I want to vomit.

I'd quit the band in a heartbeat if that happened. I can guarantee that.

No, it doesn't make me feel any better. And no, I'm not a poor college student. I'm no Bruce, but I do have money to donate. What a slap in the face to us who (apparantly) waste our money on a program that would do something like that.

Pride my butt. That's no pride. That's the farthest thing from pride you can get. Yesterday after the first time they played it it as quiet and I yelled, "THAT'S THE FLORIDA SONG, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!". A bunch in the section looked back and grinned like, "Duh, oh yeah!"

This may just push me over the edge.

Pride. Pfft.

9/9/2007, 03:50 PM
good point, Boarder. it seems like pride and selling out are kind of opposite ends of the spectrum.

9/9/2007, 05:43 PM
The season is now in full swing.

9/9/2007, 07:25 PM
I know this was briefly discussed in another thread, but I think it deserves it's own. Please please don't start the wave when we are on offense, especially when faced with a 3rd and 10. Screw the wave. That is all.

You cant express this enough. Thanks for bringin that up, i thought the exact same thing, that sucked.

9/9/2007, 07:32 PM
So it's really true that someone paid to haave the band play that? Seriously?

That's a freaking disgrace. I want to vomit.

I'd quit the band in a heartbeat if that happened. I can guarantee that.

No, it doesn't make me feel any better. And no, I'm not a poor college student. I'm no Bruce, but I do have money to donate. What a slap in the face to us who (apparantly) waste our money on a program that would do something like that.

Pride my butt. That's no pride. That's the farthest thing from pride you can get. Yesterday after the first time they played it it as quiet and I yelled, "THAT'S THE FLORIDA SONG, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!". A bunch in the section looked back and grinned like, "Duh, oh yeah!"

This may just push me over the edge.

Pride. Pfft.


Out of curiosity, over the edge of what?

9/9/2007, 07:58 PM
Uh oh. "Waving wheat," the SEC tune, and "home of the sooners" all in the same thread!?!?!


I don't have a problem with the "waving wheat" thing. It's not anything like what Aggy does after they score ... it stems from the band bouncing their arms back and forth keeping up with the beat to a specific song they play. It's fun to kinda bounce back and forth from time to time, especially in the student section.

As for "home of the sooners" ... it's probably my very favorite part of the pre-game festivities, because it sounds amazing. Do other programs do the same thing and substitute their mascot in? If not, I like it even more because it's decidedly unique.