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View Full Version : "runaway bride" wilbanks suing ex fiance

10/10/2006, 06:07 PM

Jennifer Wilbanks is seeking $250,000 as her share of a home she says John C. Mason purchased through the partnership with proceeds from $500,000 received for selling their story to Regan Media in New York.

she redefines "crazy" every day.

(sorry if this was already posted... i missed it if it was)

10/10/2006, 06:10 PM
while i'm not sure mason deserves all the money... she don't deserve a dime. i say sell the 500K house, give mason 250K and give the police the other 250K. (for the time and money spent on HER LIES!)

wilbanks? give her a room in the nuthouse.

10/10/2006, 06:16 PM
That freekin' Psycho B!tch From Hell is in my avie!


10/10/2006, 06:16 PM
I saw that earlier today. If I was him I would've held out for more than $500,000.

10/10/2006, 06:18 PM


Maybe she needs the money for a makeover.

10/10/2006, 06:21 PM
VeeJay, I like this one better:


10/10/2006, 06:27 PM

Maybe she needs the money for a makeover.

if THAT'S the reason... i could understand. BUT, she needs at least the full 500K for that... 250K is only a starter.

10/10/2006, 07:57 PM
Extreme Makeover - Runaway Edition

jk the sooner fan
10/10/2006, 08:17 PM
if she hadnt run away, there would be no story to sell

i say she deserves half of it, crazy as she is

10/10/2006, 08:28 PM
yeah, but she should split her half between punitive to the dude and expenses to the police.

jk the sooner fan
10/10/2006, 08:54 PM
i read that she paid her fines and completed her sentence

any profit outside of that should be split between the two of them

10/10/2006, 08:55 PM
Isn't there still that matter of the "crazy" tax?

10/10/2006, 09:36 PM
sorry guys...but i saw her in the NBC interview and she was hot. Crazy....but hot.

10/10/2006, 09:45 PM
I'm thinking about suing her for the emotional distress I suffered looking at her bug-eyed countenance on all the news reports.

10/10/2006, 09:47 PM
But, should she be allowed to profit by selling the story of a crime she committed?

I know some states do have laws that prevent convited criminals from selling their stories for a profit.

jk the sooner fan
10/10/2006, 09:48 PM
dude, she didnt commit a heinous felony...seriously

10/10/2006, 09:57 PM
Jeebus. This just gets more hi-freaking-larious every time she pops up into the news spotlight. Let's see what happnens next... :pop:

Glad she came from the shady side of the Wilbanks family tree and not my side. :rolleyes:

Williesan (a.k.a. R. Wilbanks)

10/10/2006, 10:07 PM
dude, she didnt commit a heinous felony...seriously

I know, and I don't know what the laws are, if it's any crimes or just felony crimes, of if Georgia has one. That's why I asked.

jk the sooner fan
10/10/2006, 10:13 PM
i think those laws prohibit you from profiting from a crime when there is a direct victim, such as in an assault or something

not sure though

Frozen Sooner
10/10/2006, 10:32 PM
I was reading somewhere that one of the District Courts or SCOTUS struck down the Son of Sam laws as violating the First Amendment. But I don't recall the source and they could have been wrong.

10/11/2006, 04:53 PM
Isn't there some obscure law that would allow the authorities (or some concerned-average-citizen-who-happens-to-own-a-guillotine-or-an-axe, or is that "a nax"?) to off the beyotch "In the public interest"?
Well, there oughta be.

Henry T. Eighth
Alimony free and loving it.

(Psssssst....Anne gave great head.)

10/11/2006, 05:01 PM
When is she going to pose for Playboy? Or did she already and I missed it? She's all bug-eyed, but from the news stories that I have seen, she appears to have a reasonable sized rack. I'm sure once they get through "trimming and grooming", she'll look down right hittable.