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View Full Version : screw them they still suck

10/10/2006, 05:45 AM
We lost. Who gives a shiit. Texas is still the gayest thing since Richard Simmons.

F' the mentally challenged.

10/10/2006, 06:36 AM
C'mon people:
Texas, its like San Francisco and France all gayballed into one. Its overun with illegals and it smells like my fat cousins shiit. El Texaco can eat it. Home to things like "Spanglish, Tex-Mex, Enron, Waco, Howdy, buckaroo, matthew mcgawdimgay, metrosexuals, asstin, aggies, shorthorns, zorro, bordertowns, donkey shows, Amarillo (f u amarillo), low riders, green white and red el caminos, gothic windshield lettering, salsa, Laredo, the dirtiest coastal waters this side of bangladesh, shiity movies involving chainsaws, night-time speed limits,.....

Texas keep on sucking.

10/10/2006, 06:44 AM
you had me until you dissed el caminos.

10/10/2006, 07:07 AM
Don't be fooled by their tempting faux pick-up physique. Be strong, such beauty is a biitch.

10/10/2006, 07:10 AM
William Brasky+Tejas=BFF

10/10/2006, 07:58 AM
C'mon people:
Texas, its like San Francisco and France all gayballed into one. Its overun with illegals and it smells like my fat cousins shiit. El Texaco can eat it. Home to things like "Spanglish, Tex-Mex, Enron, Waco, Howdy, buckaroo, matthew mcgawdimgay, metrosexuals, asstin, aggies, shorthorns, zorro, bordertowns, donkey shows, Amarillo (f u amarillo), low riders, green white and red el caminos, gothic windshield lettering, salsa, Laredo, the dirtiest coastal waters this side of bangladesh, shiity movies involving chainsaws, night-time speed limits,.....

Texas keep on sucking.

Well, that about covers it. You left out Cheerleader mom death squads.

10/10/2006, 09:12 AM
y'all left out big hair, McMansions and transplanted californians.


10/10/2006, 09:23 AM
How are you going to hate on salsa?