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10/7/2006, 11:04 PM
...to the 12 a lateral.....let the guys decide it on the field that was total bull****.....replay officials are the joke of the season....

10/7/2006, 11:05 PM
to be fair to the replay official, the ball was actually thrown from the 11 and a half yard line to the 12.....

oh wait ;)

10/7/2006, 11:07 PM
OK, let's decide the game on the field not by some ******* in the sanctity of a replay booth,,,,

10/7/2006, 11:09 PM
The replays I saw would'nt have overturned the call either way. On the field it was ruled a backward pass and the replay didn't seem to conclusively refute that.

10/7/2006, 11:10 PM
It was only backwards after AD touched it...PT threw it behind him...

10/7/2006, 11:12 PM
The replays I saw would'nt have overturned the call either way. On the field it was ruled a backward pass and the replay didn't seem to conclusively refute that.

Thank you.

Some people just want something tangible to lay blame on for this loss...this seems to give it to them. I'm not sure why...the replay did it's job this time.

It wasn't 100% conclusive. So they left it to the judges on the field. Which renders the "leave it to the judges on the field and not the a-holes in the booth" remarks kind of silly.

10/7/2006, 11:13 PM
sideways = backwards

10/7/2006, 11:14 PM
sideways = backwards

That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard...

10/7/2006, 11:19 PM
But apparently it's the rule.

If you know it to be different and the refs made that rule up...which I doubt...I'd like to see it.

But otherwise it's not a "forward" pass. And that's the criteria, apparently.

10/7/2006, 11:26 PM
A lateral is a lateral but a even pass is not a back pitch...plus give me a frickin break, if you are the nerd in the replay booth don't you let the players decide the game on the field,,,not some bull**** gimmick touchdown...

10/7/2006, 11:27 PM
That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard...

Being as you say, the refs and the replay officials also say that the pass went from the 12 to the 12 it wasn't a forward pass. If it is a lateral or backwards pass it is a live ball and not an incompletion.

At least that call won't anger you anymore.

10/7/2006, 11:30 PM
A lateral is a lateral but a even pass is not a back pitch...plus give me a frickin break, if you are the nerd in the replay booth don't you let the players decide the game on the field,,,not some bull**** gimmick touchdown...

I'm not sure what your beef is. The rules for as long as I've been around have been this way. I'm only 27 but during the leather helmet era they could have been diffrent.

10/7/2006, 11:31 PM
Gonna have to disagree with those who say the replay wasn't conclusive.

To me, it was. PT was at the 11 1/2 when he threw the pass. It hit AD at the 12.

Not that hard for a replay official to figure out I would think.

Granted, there are 9,999 other things that affected the outcome of this game more than this call.

10/7/2006, 11:34 PM
Which makes perfect sense. 12 to the 12 is about as unlikely in reality as onsides kick at Oregon...are telling me there was not an inch either way,,,get frickin serious...

10/7/2006, 11:42 PM
Gonna have to disagree with those who say the replay wasn't conclusive.

To me, it was. PT was at the 11 1/2 when he threw the pass. It hit AD at the 12.

Not that hard for a replay official to figure out I would think.

Granted, there are 9,999 other things that affected the outcome of this game more than this call.
thank you.

watch the flight of the ball and its pretty obvious. he lets go at 11 and a half. it hits AD at the 12. well i and everyone sitting with me thought it was obvious. apparently the replay official felt differently.

that said, i in no way am saying that we lost ebcasue of this or we deserved to win this game. but its just another instance of replay officials flat -out making the wrong calls

10/7/2006, 11:45 PM
I just saw the replay on Sports-center, it was not a lateral or backwards pass ...assine...

10/7/2006, 11:49 PM
ISU got screwed by a non instant replay againt nebbish. The ISU receiver had BOTH feed in bounds & the official called him out. They never took it upstairs.

10/7/2006, 11:54 PM
plus give me a frickin break, if you are the nerd in the replay booth don't you let the players decide the game on the field,,,not some bull**** gimmick touchdown...

This is where I really don't understand you...

The guy in the booth let the players decide the game... he backed out of it... he left it to the discretion of the ref... you seem to think he made the call.

He didn't decide crap. The refs did.

10/7/2006, 11:58 PM
Excuse me, the play was reviewed and the dunce reposes at the game was the pass was made from the 12 to the 12...he made the call...

10/7/2006, 11:59 PM
All I know is that after it hit AD, it went backwards. To the 12. If PT threw it from the 12, there's no way it can possibly bounce backwards off of AD and land on the 12.

10/8/2006, 12:03 AM
Excuse me, the play was reviewed and the dunce reposes at the game was the pass was made from the 12 to the 12...he made the call...

Your wrong. The ref made the call. He upheld it. If you're arguing that he called it a true lateral - neither forward or backward - he still can't overturn it because the rules apparently say it must be a "forward" pass. If anything he went against the ref's call...just not to the point you'd like. The ref said it went backwards...he said it didn't go backwards, it just didn't go forwards.

10/8/2006, 12:05 AM
Were you at the game...That was the ****ty explaination we got in the stands.....

10/8/2006, 12:07 AM
I couldn't care less what explanation you got at the game.

The bottom line is...you want the replay guy out of the game and for it to be decided on the field...he didn't overturn the call...hence, he's out of the game and it was decided on the field.

10/8/2006, 10:36 AM
Fine Soonerus, you're right. Now we just go 3 and out punt and still lose because Texas was better. That play while indicative of the entire sooner effort in the second half did not decide the game.

10/8/2006, 10:38 AM
It was a lateral.

10/8/2006, 10:46 AM
It was a stupid play to call.
Consider how many bad things can happen at that part of the field compaired to how many good things can happen.

10/8/2006, 10:56 AM
Fine Soonerus, you're right. Now we just go 3 and out punt and still lose because Texas was better. That play while indicative of the entire sooner effort in the second half did not decide the game.

I don't think anyone is dare suggesting this play had an affect on the outcome of the game.

My beef is if you're going to have a replay system put in place, make sure it works the way it's supposed to. In the last calendar year, there's been one instance in Lubbock, two in Oregon, and one yesterday involving just our games alone where it did not work and did not overturn incorrect to blown calls on the field.

And if it isn't doing what it's supposed to do, get rid of it.

I happen to think that the refs on the field allowed the play to run it's course in part because they figured if they got it wrong, replay would correct their call. Obviously it did not.

So if it's not doing what it's supposed to do on plays where it takes me one minute with my DVR to discover the refs on the field got the call wrong, then what purpose is replay serving?

10/8/2006, 02:43 PM
zeke is right. It was a stupid @$$ call. We were down by 11 with under 10 to play and we throw a little swing pass to a player that was being keyed on by only about half of the opposing defense.:rolleyes:

10/8/2006, 07:32 PM
A pass from the 12 to the 12 is by definition a FORWARD PASS. It says so in the rule book. When in question, the pass is defined as FORWARD PASS, not a fumble.
The rules are very clear about it. The referees did not know the rules.

10/8/2006, 10:20 PM
you are the nerd in the replay booth don't you let the players decide the game on the field,

The players already had.

10/8/2006, 10:49 PM
That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard...

I saw the actual rule posted somewhere. It does say that a pass is any throwing of the ball and in order to be a forward pass it must go forward. Sideways or backwards is not a forward pass and is a live ball. I watched the play several times after I got home and I can't tell if it is a foot forward or a foot backward. The big thing is you are taught from grade school that you play until you hear a whistle and let the refs sort things out. There was no whistle. Aaron Ross kept playing. Peterson did not. Greatest player in the country but he stopped short that time.

10/8/2006, 10:55 PM
horninokc, you are incorrect.
Read Section 19, Article 2c.

10/8/2006, 11:25 PM
horninokc, you are incorrect.
Read Section 19, Article 2c.

I want to. Section 19 of which rule? I'm also looking for the other post I referred to.

At this point I am just curious. Unlike Oregon, this didn't decide the game either way but I would really like to know for my own benefit.

10/8/2006, 11:45 PM
True, it just made the score look more lopsided than we OU fans would have liked. Someone else posted this, but here it is again.
Forward and Backward Pass
ARTICLE 2. a. A forward pass is determined by the point where the ball
first strikes the ground, a player, an official or anything beyond the spot
of the pass. All other passes are backward passes. When in question, it is
a forward pass rather than a backward pass when thrown in or behind the
neutral zone.b. When a Team A player is holding the ball to pass it forward toward the
neutral zone, any intentional forward movement of his arm starts the
forward pass. If a Team B player contacts the passer or ball after forward
movement begins and the ball leaves the passer’s hand, a forward pass
is ruled regardless of where the ball strikes the ground or a player (A.R.
c. When in question, the ball is passed and not fumbled during an attempted
forward pass.

10/9/2006, 12:15 AM
True, it just made the score look more lopsided than we OU fans would have liked. Someone else posted this, but here it is again.
Forward and Backward Pass
ARTICLE 2. a. A forward pass is determined by the point where the ball
first strikes the ground, a player, an official or anything beyond the spot
of the pass. All other passes are backward passes. When in question, it is
a forward pass rather than a backward pass when thrown in or behind the
neutral zone.b. When a Team A player is holding the ball to pass it forward toward the
neutral zone, any intentional forward movement of his arm starts the
forward pass. If a Team B player contacts the passer or ball after forward
movement begins and the ball leaves the passer’s hand, a forward pass
is ruled regardless of where the ball strikes the ground or a player (A.R.
c. When in question, the ball is passed and not fumbled during an attempted
forward pass.

The part about "when in question" is important. I would have hated to be the official on the field but I can see it going either way. The ball was thrown behind Peterson and he reached back with his right hand. At the point of contact with his hand I cannot tell if it is forward or not. If it is not forward, it is a lateral as I read it. Either way, it was close and the biggest thing was the margin of victory. The most important lesson for players is to keep playing. You never know how the rulings will come down. Thanks for doing the leg work on the rules.

10/9/2006, 08:22 AM
I can't find a Section 19.

I have found a Rule 7, for forward passes and cannot find your quote.

I cannot find a Section 19 Article 2.

Please help.

10/9/2006, 09:23 AM
TiVo is a wonderful thing: PT's arm was at the 11.5 yard line and it hit AD at the 12.5, then bounced backwards. It doesn't matter where it landed, just where it was first touched. It was very obvious that it was a forward pass. I agree we would not have won even if they got this call right but it's just another example that this game is played in Texass with texass people running it. The TD pass to Sweed was obvious Off. pass interferance with a ref. right on top of the play. After just calling off. pass interferance on us, they then decided to swallow the whistle on the texass player. Again, this game is played in texass....
With all that said I think the real reason we lost is our coordinators. Why would Coach V. blitz 10 guys and leave Wolfe (who has been burned seveal times this year already) to single cover the only good receiver they have? Wilson's play calling was horrible. Very vanilla and predictable. We showed no moxie from a coaching stand point and that was the real reason we lost.

The Maestro
10/9/2006, 09:33 AM
First of all...THE PLAY HAD NO BEARING ON THE OUTCOME OF THE GAME!! If OU has only scored ten points at that point it's hard to assume had that been called incomplete that we were gonna score twice and pull off a miracle.

That said...

I prefer the calls on the field to be correct. And for all of you who post some quick response of "it was a lateral" could you please go back and watch it and tell us that disagree where you think PT's arm was when he released the ball and where Adrian was when the ball touched him? I'll be about the fourth person to say I see it like this in FRAME by FRAME replay.

PT's arm was about at the 11.75 yard line. That's being specific.

It hit AD at the 12.5 yard line. That's about 2 and a half feet forward. It's pretty obvious, too. Now, as far as leaving the replay official out of the call, WHAT THE HELL IS HE THERE FOR IF NOT TO CORRECT CALLS?

Again, more than likely, without the call, OU loses 21-10. It's just another replay opportunity that seems apparent to most, including the unbiased ABC announcing crew, that the ball was not thrown too far forward, but forward enough. And, to me, the ref on the field should NEVER consider that a lateral unless he knows for sure. Close calls should side with the offense on that one. And since replay PROVES it was forward by just a few feet, the dude should have blown the whistle.

texas won fair and square, but we've now had another replay moment in the last two years where the correct call was not made by the guys on the field and then by the moron in the replay booth. When will they get it right?

10/9/2006, 09:59 AM
Here's a replay of the play in question. Now you whorn fans can STFU and accept your gift with appropriate gratitude.


10/9/2006, 10:03 AM
Thank you.

Some people just want something tangible to lay blame on for this loss...this seems to give it to them. I'm not sure why...the replay did it's job this time.

It wasn't 100% conclusive. So they left it to the judges on the field. Which renders the "leave it to the judges on the field and not the a-holes in the booth" remarks kind of silly.

Exactly. This call was not obviously a bad call and did not decide the game. If you need to blame the loss on something like this so you can get up in the morning, go ahead, but no way can this be compared to the Oregon botch. The replay angle is hardly conclusive.

And, by the way-
From the 12 to the 12 = sideways = lateral = NOT a forward pass = fumble.

However much we love AD, we must admit he should have played to the whistle and played the ball like a fumble "just in case".

Anyway, that play just capped off a second half collapse that did not look like it would end well anyway. I mean how many times can you convert 3rd and long when you hav set uorsefl back with penalties a lost-yardage playes?

The Maestro
10/9/2006, 10:03 AM
BEAUTIFUL! Again, no bearing on the outcome, but just get the freaking call right! And how does this not get overturned? Boones is right...when do we catch a break? When can a bad call go our way?

10/9/2006, 10:06 AM
Here's a replay of the play in question. Now you whorn fans can STFU and accept your gift with appropriate gratitude.

Wow, that gives me a headache. But assuming they got it wrong, as it seems, I still say it's silly to blame the outcome on that bad call.
This was NOT Oregon, folks,. It just wasn't. So blaming the refs for this loss is just pitiful whining.

10/9/2006, 10:08 AM
We are not good enough to overcome bad calls right now. That's not laying all the blame on the refs or the team.

10/9/2006, 10:14 AM
We are not good enough to overcome bad calls right now....


10/9/2006, 10:24 AM
Wow, that gives me a headache. But assuming they got it wrong, as it seems, I still say it's silly to blame the outcome on that bad call.
This was NOT Oregon, folks,. It just wasn't. So blaming the refs for this loss is just pitiful whining.

TU, by itself I don't think anybody would disagree with you but add in the TT game, the Oregon game and some other calls along the way that make you go "WTF?" and you can see why this is so damned irritating. And if we simpletons on the board can see the calls are wrong why can't the supposedly trained review officials in the booth?

The PI call was a much more game changing call IMO.

I think the thing that's going on is that the referee business at the is level is a good old boys' club. To get to this level it's not what you know but who you know and apperently the head of that good ol' boys' club , the head of the officiating office in Dallas, was forced out after the TT game and this is his buddies' way of showing Stoops and Boren that they aren't happy with him.

To me, and I know this suggestion will draw fire, it's time to take a page out of the Arkansas playbook and go somewhere where Texas isn't. I'd love to see OU and Nebraska head to the Big East ans somehow convince Notre Dame to join up.

The Maestro
10/9/2006, 10:29 AM
The PI call was a much more game changing call IMO.

Agreed! And I am not going to pretend to know the exact rules or have the desire to look them up, but you video guys would be doing me a favor to go and copy how far Joe Jon was from the line of scrimmage. Doesn't he have five yards where he can block? Dude looked like he was virtually on the line of scrimmage the whole time. If the defenders can chuck, can't we block? Again, admitting I don't know all the rules, but it just seems that it would be that way. That play had much more of a bearing on the outcome as we were driving deep in texas territory. Our chances to put the horns on their heels was in the first half, not down 11 late in the game.

I just mention this play cause this game was about making big plays. The play to Joe Jon was one of our big plays and it was taken away from us.

10/9/2006, 10:29 AM
I was waiting for the Zapruder film breakdown ;) The yellow line kills me in that version. Not only is it right of the release point, but it also moves backwards from 11.5 to about 11.3.

10/9/2006, 10:32 AM
At the end of the day, the officiating is out of our hands. Sure, I'd like to see this issue with replay addressed because it's not doing what it's supposed to do, IMHO.

But during the game, you've got to block that out and overcome it. We're not good enough to do that.

10/9/2006, 11:11 AM
Maybe AD just catches the ball and all this controversy never happens.

10/9/2006, 11:19 AM
To me, and I know this suggestion will draw fire, it's time to take a page out of the Arkansas playbook and go somewhere where Texas isn't. I'd love to see OU and Nebraska head to the Big East ans somehow convince Notre Dame to join up.

Good Lord. I can only imagine the unbelievable volume of deriding and derogatory posts that would probably shut down this website if a long time poster on a Texas board posted tripe like this.

Doc.. you're better than posting "We'll just take our ball and go somewhere where we're appreciated more" stuff.

MI Sooner
10/9/2006, 11:33 AM
Many people don't seem to understand what the word "conclusive" means.

"Close call" does not equal "inconclusive."

11 1/2" is close to a foot. However, it can be determined (conclusively), using a ruler, that it is less than a foot. If you bet someone $100 that something is shorter than a foot, and you measure it, and it turns out to be 11 1/2", would you say that the winner of the bet is "inconclusive."

When I look at the replay, I think it conclusively shows that the pass went (slightly) forward after it left PT's hand. Just because it only went forward a little, doens't mean it wasn't conclusive. Maybe I'm just blind.

I do have one question...

After reading the rule governing forward passes. It seem to say the pass starts when the passer starts his arm in a forward direction. Everyone seems to be focusing on where PT's hand was when he released the ball. Isn't this wrong, or am I missing something?

10/9/2006, 01:01 PM
TU, by itself I don't think anybody would disagree with you but add in the TT game, the Oregon game and some other calls along the way that make you go "WTF?" and you can see why this is so damned irritating. And if we simpletons on the board can see the calls are wrong why can't the supposedly trained review officials in the booth?

The PI call was a much more game changing call IMO.

I think the thing that's going on is that the referee business at the is level is a good old boys' club. To get to this level it's not what you know but who you know and apperently the head of that good ol' boys' club , the head of the officiating office in Dallas, was forced out after the TT game and this is his buddies' way of showing Stoops and Boren that they aren't happy with him.

To me, and I know this suggestion will draw fire, it's time to take a page out of the Arkansas playbook and go somewhere where Texas isn't. I'd love to see OU and Nebraska head to the Big East ans somehow convince Notre Dame to join up.

I'm not disagreeing that there were bad calls against us and that they hurt, individually and even cumulatively.
I AM saying:

*Bad calls are a part of the game that must be overcome on the field -- with maybe an exception for dramatically wrong and decisive calls like the Oregon botch, which was egregious, obvious, and if got right would have decided that game on the spot.
*Nothing is EVER done to correct bad calls after the fact, and we posters can't change that; the apology for the Oregon botch was remarkable and rare.
*There is a limit as to how much legitimate complaining after the game is warranted before it becomes childish whining. I think some of us have passed that point and just need to face the fact that we did not make enough good plays, and made too many mistakes, to deserve a victory.

For the record, I still think there were at least 2 uncalled clipping penalties in Johnny Rogers's crucial punt retun TD in the OU-NU Game of Century in 1971, but at some point I'll stop bringing it up. :D

10/9/2006, 02:15 PM
I was waiting for the Zapruder film breakdown ;) The yellow line kills me in that version. Not only is it right of the release point, but it also moves backwards from 11.5 to about 11.3.

So you're sure the line moved about 6 to 7 inches by watching the image?
0.2 yards is about 7 inches(or about 3 times the length of your penis if that's easier for you to understand.)Which makes your statement so stupid that it comes off as hillarious.

It's obvious AD is in front of the PT's release point of the ball when he(AD) touches it. I guarantee you that 95% or more of the time this play gets called an incomplete pass. The difference in this game? OU v UT in Dallas. I'll let you figure out the rest.

10/9/2006, 02:20 PM
We KNOW it didnt change the outcome of the game, but for goodness sake, if youre gonna have replay, get the call right! Thats all we ask. its not that hard!

10/9/2006, 02:22 PM
Good Lord. I can only imagine the unbelievable volume of deriding and derogatory posts that would probably shut down this website if a long time poster on a Texas board posted tripe like this.

Doc.. you're better than posting "We'll just take our ball and go somewhere where we're appreciated more" stuff.

Counselor, no I'm not. Call it bad sportsmanship or whatever you want. I'm old enough to have seen OU come up on the short end of several calls in this game. How many calls can you point to that Texas has really gotten shafted on?

I know you see this in your line of work a lot. The ffirst 4 or 5 or 6 insults or trangressions are overlooked but safter a period of time one of the partie's patience starts to wear out and that party pretty much just throws in the towel That's how most civil cases end up in litigation....a series of mishandled events.....whether it's a failed marriage or even a mediacl malpractice case where the doctor had multiple chances to avert the patient becoming angry enough to sue.

You seem like a decent guy and everything that happened in the game is magnified by what the Sooners have had to put up with from the TT game, the Oregon game and a few other incidents along the way.

It's called the cummulative effect.

Tear Down This Wall
10/9/2006, 02:27 PM
Maybe AD just catches the ball and all this controversy never happens.

Pfft. Come on, wishbone. You're ruining the fantasies of the conspiracy theorists. West of the Rockies....

Pepper Brooks
10/9/2006, 02:59 PM
you guys do realize a lateral does not have to go backwards to be considered a fumble right hence the term "lateral". If the replay guys see it it thrown from the 12 and ends up at the 12 it is a live ball. OU players should have covered the ball and played until the whistle. Period.

10/9/2006, 03:07 PM
So you're sure the line moved about 6 to 7 inches by watching the image?
0.2 yards is about 7 inches(or about 3 times the length of your penis if that's easier for you to understand.)Which makes your statement so stupid that it comes off as hillarious.

It's obvious AD is in front of the PT's release point of the ball when he(AD) touches it. I guarantee you that 95% or more of the time this play gets called an incomplete pass. The difference in this game? OU v UT in Dallas. I'll let you figure out the rest.

What does it say then that you suffer from a very obvious case of penis envy? (for the record, Fannin has never seen nor measured the dimensions of my penis)

The "yellow line" (which I'm guessing is put there by someone trying to make a point because it wasn't there in the broadcast) actually moves from the 11.5 yard line (wrong measurement point based on the release point being obviously to the left of that line) in picture 1 to the 11.3 line in Frame 2. If you can't see that, you need glasses.

10/9/2006, 03:10 PM
let the guys decise(sic) it on the field .
oh the irony

10/9/2006, 03:14 PM
The "yellow line" (which I'm guessing is put there by someone trying to make a point because it wasn't there in the broadcast) actually moves from the 11.5 yard line (wrong measurement point based on the release point being obviously to the left of that line) in picture 1 to the 11.3 line in Frame 2. If you can't see that, you need glasses.
The line does move slightly, but not enough to dispute the point of it IMO.

Texas Golfer
10/9/2006, 03:24 PM
I don't think anyone is dare suggesting this play had an affect on the outcome of the game.

My beef is if you're going to have a replay system put in place, make sure it works the way it's supposed to. In the last calendar year, there's been one instance in Lubbock, two in Oregon, and one yesterday involving just our games alone where it did not work and did not overturn incorrect to blown calls on the field.

And if it isn't doing what it's supposed to do, get rid of it.

I happen to think that the refs on the field allowed the play to run it's course in part because they figured if they got it wrong, replay would correct their call. Obviously it did not.

So if it's not doing what it's supposed to do on plays where it takes me one minute with my DVR to discover the refs on the field got the call wrong, then what purpose is replay serving?

I agree with this 100%! The ONLY reason for the replay system is to get it right. When they refuse to get it right, the system only causes delays in the game. Either make it work or get rid of it.

Texas Golfer
10/9/2006, 03:28 PM
First of all...THE PLAY HAD NO BEARING ON THE OUTCOME OF THE GAME!! If OU has only scored ten points at that point it's hard to assume had that been called incomplete that we were gonna score twice and pull off a miracle.

That said...

I prefer the calls on the field to be correct. And for all of you who post some quick response of "it was a lateral" could you please go back and watch it and tell us that disagree where you think PT's arm was when he released the ball and where Adrian was when the ball touched him? I'll be about the fourth person to say I see it like this in FRAME by FRAME replay.

PT's arm was about at the 11.75 yard line. That's being specific.

It hit AD at the 12.5 yard line. That's about 2 and a half feet forward. It's pretty obvious, too. Now, as far as leaving the replay official out of the call, WHAT THE HELL IS HE THERE FOR IF NOT TO CORRECT CALLS?

Again, more than likely, without the call, OU loses 21-10. It's just another replay opportunity that seems apparent to most, including the unbiased ABC announcing crew, that the ball was not thrown too far forward, but forward enough. And, to me, the ref on the field should NEVER consider that a lateral unless he knows for sure. Close calls should side with the offense on that one. And since replay PROVES it was forward by just a few feet, the dude should have blown the whistle.

texas won fair and square, but we've now had another replay moment in the last two years where the correct call was not made by the guys on the field and then by the moron in the replay booth. When will they get it right?

I agree. Although the lateral that wasn't a lateral didn't cost us the game, it cost us a few spots in the polls which will end up very important when deciding bowl participants. Had we lost 21-10, we might still be in the Top 20.

10/9/2006, 03:33 PM
Maybe sas. It's just kind of funny that this is being used as the "obvious" evidence when the line starts right of the release point and moves - you can see the movement just looking at the near hash mark. Was this camera exactly at the 12 yard line? Probably not. Looking at the hashes, it was awefully close. PT's plant foot is on the hash. He's squared perpendicular and AD is almost exactly aligned to the hash mark at the 12 yard line. I do not see the release as being very far at all from the 12 yard line hash mark if it is at all. Very similar to the music city miracle situation. Tough to overrule because of the camera is obviously not right on it (and may be moving in fact).

10/9/2006, 03:36 PM
geez........this is about getting it right or not.

A few spots in the polls is a silly thing to worry about with all the problems on the table.

10/9/2006, 03:48 PM
The replays I saw would'nt have overturned the call either way. On the field it was ruled a backward pass and the replay didn't seem to conclusively refute that.

Technically it wasn't ruled a backward pass on the field. Either the Referee and/or the linesman on that side would have punched their fist backward if they believed it to be a backward pass. It's the proper mechanic and they are both reading each other in this situation. Since neither punched it back then they should have ruled an incomplete pass instead of standing there staring at each other. I suppose they would have reviewed and perhaps over turned it but not as likely.

The other problem I had was that the referee said the ball was thrown from the 12 and struck the ground at the 12, but didn't AD touch it? In that case it doesn't matter where the ball hit the ground it matters where AD touched it.

10/9/2006, 06:55 PM
This whole replay thing is a sham...

It makes the officials on the field tentative, and even when it goes to the booth - they seldom get it right!

What are we paying these people for again???

I need a job like that with no accountability!

10/9/2006, 07:14 PM
geez........this is about getting it right or not.

A few spots in the polls is a silly thing to worry about with all the problems on the table.
Agreed; so far in the 4 games that count(not counting MTSU), we have not played a complete game yet; lucky for us the rest of the Big 12 other than Mizzou is pretty bad this year, but the way we are CURRENTLY playing, there may be more close games the rest of the season.