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View Full Version : Whiskey Inhalers

10/6/2006, 01:27 PM
Anybody ever seen anything like this? And if you did, would you still be able to stand up at the end of the night?

Kentuckians sip their bourbon, and have also been known to cook with it. But inhale it? The very idea of bypassing the taste buds seems sacrilegious in a state that claims to produce the world's best bourbon, which generates more than $1 billion a year in sales.

State officials in the land of Old Grand-Dad, Jim Beam and Wild Turkey are pushing to ban a device that vaporizes liquor and allows people to inhale the intoxicating fumes for a quick high without the burn of hard liquor.

Teresa Barton, head of the Kentucky Office of Drug Control Policy, said banning alcohol vaporizers is a matter of public safety, not preserving the state's sipping whiskey industry. She said such devices could become "a real deadly trap" because they have "no purpose other than to get you drunk."

So far, 17 states have banned them, including California, New York, Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Ohio, and several others are considering doing so, said Sherry Green, executive director of the National Alliance for Model State Drug Laws. Tennessee, the home of Jack Daniels, already prohibits the vaporizers.

"When you inhale alcohol right into the lung tissue, that gets drawn right into the blood supply immediately, so it's a very rapid onset of the intoxicating effect, and so has obviously very high abuse potential," said Robert Walker, an assistant professor at the University of Kentucky Center on Drug and Alcohol Research.

Walker said alcohol vaporizers bypass altogether the tactile pleasures of drinking wine with a fine meal or a cold beer with a pizza: "You're going strictly to the intoxicating effect of alcohol."

http://fullcoverage.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061005/ap_on_re_us/inhaling_whiskey;_ylt=AvEFEWCiyr97Dj0CpdXm5KlG2ocA ;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--

Jimminy Crimson
10/6/2006, 01:30 PM
allsome! :D

10/6/2006, 01:31 PM
I've seen this done with Tequila but there was no vaporizing first.


10/6/2006, 01:32 PM
Are some people just too good for a beer bong?

10/6/2006, 01:33 PM
allsome! :D
You have got to be kidding. Talk about alcohol abuse. Whiskey tastes to good to be treated like that.

10/6/2006, 01:33 PM
We used to snort Grey Goose vodka in college....

Jimminy Crimson
10/6/2006, 01:35 PM
You have got to be kidding. Talk about alcohol abuse. Whiskey tastes to good to be treated like that.

I'll do both at the same time, beyonce! :texan:

Sip and inhale...

10/6/2006, 01:39 PM
I've been huffing raw formaldehyde since 2:20 a.m. Please nudge me when these amateurs get a clue.

10/6/2006, 01:43 PM
Back at either the '85 or '87 Texxas Jam at the Cotton Bowl, some kid came up and begged us for a capful of Jim Beam. We were like, "huh? a capful?" And he proceeded to tell us how he and his buddy were going to INJECT IT WITH A SYRINGE!!

King Crimson
10/6/2006, 02:03 PM
who played at TExxas Jam in 85/87? i'm gonna go out on a limb and say: ZZ Top, Scorpians, and van Halen?

10/6/2006, 02:13 PM
Aerosmith? Boston? Whitesnake? Poison?

King Crimson
10/6/2006, 02:14 PM
UFO? RObin Trower Band? .38 Special?

10/6/2006, 02:19 PM
I'm thinking that was around the time Boston headlined with openers Aerosmith, Whitesnake, Tesla and some other crappy bands. Of course, I've been huffing, so who knows?

10/6/2006, 02:25 PM
Here are the lineups (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texxas_Jam) of all Texxas Jams. I went to the '85 and the '87 shows. I was between my junior and senior (HS) year for '85, and my cousin and I got to drive down there in his dad's -- get ready -- El Camino.

We drove down with craploads of beer on ice. After the show, we went stopped at several hotels, who naturally didn't want to rent to two seventeen-year-olds. We finally talked a clerk at a HoJo into getting us a room.

The next morning some guys from south OKC, who had been at the show, approached us in the parking lot and asked for a ride. They were already ripped. We told them they could ride in the back. They asked us where we were from. My cousin was from Edmond, I was from Kansas but staying in Edmond for the summer, so the easy answer was "Edmond." They exchanged knowing, sinister glances and said "oh... ...rich boys, huh?" My cousin and I all but looked at each other with wide eyes and made audible gulping sounds.

The guys told us they had hitchhiked down with $20 bucks between them (4 guys), had scaled a fence to get in the show, stolen concert T-shirts and begged for food. They spent the night on a concrete slab outside of the Cotton Bowl. They also had been to a recent Heart show at the Zoo Ampitheater, and had run through animal cages at the zoo (the wild dog exhibit, I think) to sneak into that one.

They found out we had beer left, and kept asking for more. At this point, we were a little frightened of them and definitely outnumbered, so we just gave them all of it. They would drink and then throw the empties at cars behind us on the interstate. They kept demanding to pull over at exits to pee. When we went into convenience stores, they openly shoplifted just about everything offered. Food, beer, sunglasses, whatever. We were totally freaked out. They always left one guy with the car to make sure we didn't take off without them.

They got so drunk that the last hour or so they were mostly passed out. My cousin and I joked about slamming on the brakes at highway speed and then peeling out, hoping it would throw them out of the back. Eventually, we got back to OKC, where they beat on the top of the car had us drop them off around SW 89th and I-35.

Good times.

10/6/2006, 02:27 PM
Why anyone would want to inhale alcohol rather than drink it is beyond me.

10/6/2006, 02:31 PM
El Caminos RULE!!

I'd love to have one now.

Of course, I've been huffing.

10/6/2006, 02:32 PM
BTW, Scorpions at the '85 show was, by far, the loudest show I have ever seen, bar none. I've seen all but about a half-dozen of those various bands that are listed on that link, plus The Who, U2, and other bands purported to be "the loudest" bands.

That Scorpions show was so loud that you couldn't even yell into the ear of the person next to you. During that set I was sitting upper deck, opposite end from the stage, and literally COULD NOT BE HEARD WHILE YELLING INTO THE EAR OF THE PERSON SITTING NEXT TO ME.

That's loud, bitches.

10/6/2006, 02:32 PM
Man, tell me 1983 wouldn't have rocked.

10/6/2006, 02:33 PM

They should have stopped there. Never going to top that year.

King Crimson
10/6/2006, 02:42 PM
"run through animal cages".....oh man.

i bet they were from Moore.

10/6/2006, 02:44 PM
Freakin' Keel...
