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View Full Version : Sooner Fans: Don"t Be Lame

10/5/2006, 12:54 PM
Last year was pathetic. It was the first time I have personally been to a game where the fans acted like they knew OU would get their asses kicked.

It was also the first time I've seen so many "fans" sell their tickets to the opposing team's fans.

Again, if I have to sit next to a sorry, ghey-assed, lisping whorn fan because of you I will not sleep until I hunt you down and make you turn in your Sooner card. :mad: :mad:

And if you're sitting in the first 6 rows, for the love of everything that's Sooner sacred, don't let that stupid looking bovine mascot walk around the OU section holding up a sign that says "Poop on Stoops" like he did last year. Slap him upside the head or something!!

Again, Sooner fans....don't be lame!!

BTW, enjoy the game and


10/5/2006, 01:15 PM
100% AGREED...........If you are not going inside that stadium to disrupt and destroy something..........don't go..............

And DO NOT tell anyone to "be quiet" or "sit down"......ITS A FOOTBALL GAME......No turning around to see who is yelling............If you yell and get wild you won't have time to worry about who is making so much noise...............

10/5/2006, 01:18 PM
A-holes always want everyone else to be an a-hole too.;)

10/5/2006, 01:20 PM
A-holes always want everyone else to be an a-hole too.;)

How, by chance, would you know that....

10/5/2006, 01:22 PM
How, by chance, would you know that....
Life experience.

Sooner Smack
10/5/2006, 01:25 PM
:) TUCK FEXAS:) From a sooner in Alabama!

This is my first post on here but more will come! I tried to start a new post but it wouldnt let me....


Will Mathew Machaaaanaheeey and his "Buddy" mr. Armstrong make out during halftime??? Its seems to me that Texas football turns you gay!

10/5/2006, 01:27 PM
Its seems to me that Texas football turns you gay!
Nice try.

That wouldn't accout for their other faggy athletes.

10/5/2006, 01:27 PM
So what you're saying is you didn't think Texass would win last year? On what grounds could Bob Stoops win that game last year??? I went, I cheered, but I didn't stick my foot in my mouth... This year... much different...

10/5/2006, 01:28 PM
A-holes always want everyone else to be an a-hole too.;)

That's why you and I get along so well. :cool:

10/5/2006, 01:29 PM
That's why you and I get along so well. :cool:
being a fan doesn't mean being an a-hole, but sometimes the line is blurry:D

10/5/2006, 01:29 PM
So what you're saying is you didn't think Texass would win last year? On what grounds could Bob Stoops win that game last year??? I went, I cheered, but I didn't stick my foot in my mouth... This year... much different...

The same friggin' grounds that made me believe John Blake's first team would beat UTerus.

10/5/2006, 01:41 PM
A-holes always want everyone else to be an a-hole too.;)

Being an a-hole alone would be......well.........pathetic........and who wants to be that............Huh?:pop:

10/5/2006, 01:49 PM
I will give the OU crowd a little credit last year. At least we didn't leave in droves at halftime the way the candyasses from UT have been known to do when the Horns are getting kicked.

In fact, I congratulated a few whorn fans after the game and told them how glad I was that they could actually stay for the whole game for once.

10/5/2006, 01:59 PM
100% AGREED. Last year was f’ing pathetic to be a Sooner fans seeing so many other “fans” sitting on their hands early in the 2nd qtr. F’ing game wasn’t close to being over. Yet, everyone was acting like there was no way we could win. All those horn fans in our side was especially shocking. Go to the game and cheer loud. Last year I had a guy sitting next to me that left late in the 3rd qtr and said sarcastically, “We need more fans like you!”

10/5/2006, 05:27 PM
Last year was my first OU-Texass game and I had 3 Texass fans behind me and two beside and I was in OU section 24 on the 7th row. I was disappointed to say the least to have to sit with whorn fans but I did stay until the final gun. I would have rather been sitting with OU fans. I know there are enough OU fans to fill up OUr half of the stadium. I would rather stay at home and eat my tickets than sell'em to a whorn. BOOMER SOONER

10/5/2006, 05:51 PM
Speaking of selling tickets to the opposing team....

I have tickets on the saxet side. :( Should I be scared of them?

10/5/2006, 05:53 PM
I will give the OU crowd a little credit last year. At least we didn't leave in droves at halftime the way the candyasses from UT have been known to do when the Horns are getting kicked.

In fact, I congratulated a few whorn fans after the game and told them how glad I was that they could actually stay for the whole game for once.

So YOU were the one who was left. Nice pics of last year's CB.


10/5/2006, 05:53 PM
If I ended up with an extra ticket I would burn it before selling it to a UT fan....

10/5/2006, 05:57 PM
You know, there are other options than wasting tickets.

I'm sure there are plenty of Sooners that would be interested.

10/5/2006, 06:03 PM
So YOU were the one who was left. Nice pics of last year's CB.


ooh, you mean OU fans didn't want to hang around for the post-game wh0rn circle jerk? imagine that

10/5/2006, 06:41 PM
Speaking of selling tickets to the opposing team....

I have tickets on the saxet side. :( Should I be scared of them?

I sat on the orange side in 2001, 2002, and 2003. (We did pretty well those years...) :)

In 2001, I was the only OU fan in the midst of a Texas fraternity section near the end zone (the BF is a horn fan). Needless to say, they were NOT happy about me being there, and the BF almost got into a fight with one of the frat guys. They shut up after TRRW laid the smack down in the texas endzone. Ah....that was sweet....I was the ONLY person within probably 100 people that was jumping up and down and screaming. Makes me laugh just thinking about it.

In 2002, there were more OU fans in my section, and no frat guys. It was nice to have someone to slap hands with and converse about the game. I don't remember anything particular (good or bad) about my seats around orange that year.

In 2003, we sat on the upper deck on the east side. The horns up there were generally okay, and after the beat down started I had a nice conversation with one of the guys. It was also really nice that game because I had plenty of room to stretch my legs in the 2nd quarter. :D

10/5/2006, 06:46 PM
Oh, and Fan, don't worry - I wore RED and yelled and screamed all three years I sat on the horns side.

In fact, I might be sitting on that side again this year. If so, I hope my winning streak continues. :)

10/5/2006, 07:55 PM
Oh, and Fan, don't worry - I wore RED and yelled and screamed all three years I sat on the horns side.

In fact, I might be sitting on that side again this year. If so, I hope my winning streak continues. :)

Glad you had no bad experience....but....you're a girl! Jeeze.

10/5/2006, 08:10 PM
I sat in in the North endzone in friggin 89. I didn't catch much guff, cuz we had been kicking the crap out of them for four years. Then, they won. I don't think many expected it, so we slipped out to a few up your's or whatever, but it wasn't a big deal.

10/5/2006, 08:35 PM
So what you're saying is you didn't think Texass would win last year? On what grounds could Bob Stoops win that game last year??? I went, I cheered, but I didn't stick my foot in my mouth... This year... much different...

I NEVER think Texas is going to win. Heck, I never think ANY of our opponents are going to win. Opponents winning games is not a viable scenario in my world.

10/5/2006, 10:50 PM
Oh, and Fan, don't worry - I wore RED and yelled and screamed all three years I sat on the horns side.

In fact, I might be sitting on that side again this year. If so, I hope my winning streak continues. :)

And I'm proud of you. You're a good fan.

I am not proud of the fans who sold their tickets to Horn fans who by doing so, lowered themselves to the level of the puke-orange clad vermin from Austin.

If you are a Sooner fan who sold your ticket to a whorn last year you are unclean and not worthy of Sooner brotherhood.

10/5/2006, 11:03 PM
Speaking of selling tickets to the opposing team....

I have tickets on the saxet side. :( Should I be scared of them?

The trick is to kick someone's *** as soon as you get to your seats, or become someones bitch.

10/5/2006, 11:11 PM
look right at those short horns and say "f**k off ya liberal pansy, go back to supercuts to have your mullet trimmed, and next time brush your stones. your breath smells like cow sheeeit"

May work, may not either way should make a good post Sun.