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View Full Version : I have come to the realization that...

10/5/2006, 09:57 AM
I hate God. I never knew I did, but I must not care too much for Him. I mean, I always get those emails and MySpace bulletins telling me to "repost this" or "forward this to ___ people" or you are denying God. I never repost them, I never forward the emails (in fact, I usually tell people to quit sending me this crap), so I guess I must really hate God or something.

let the religion debate begin :D

10/5/2006, 10:02 AM
You do not hate God.

You hate spam.

You are to be commended.

10/5/2006, 10:15 AM
Oh yeah, and I never forwarded that email that was supposed to save that kid's life too...Something about everytime you forward it someone will donate more money to help save the kid's life or something like that. I think he was faking that anyway, everytime I got that email he had a different problem.

10/5/2006, 10:17 AM
You get credit in Heaven for not forwarding spam. They had to add an eighth level to hell for those who send it. :D

10/5/2006, 10:28 AM
So basically you're telling me I don't actually hate God, and that by not sending these I have a better chance of not going to hell...