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View Full Version : Silly Silly whorns.......

10/5/2006, 09:05 AM
Below is a little conversation a whorn fan and I have been having online after he saw the video of "The Mack and Vince Love Story". Thought you guys and gals might find it funny. Gosh I hate these bastards.

His original message:

hey man that video is pretty funny BUT given that im a huge texas fan , i dont like it and think it needs to be burned ! just like taxas is gonna burn ou this weekend !!! HAHA i do think yall are very underprepared for this game though !

My first response:

Haha..sorry it stays on my page at least til after Saturdays game! I don't think we're underprepared..I'm thinking it will be a good game. Hell we better not be underprepared after having last weekend off. Maybe OU 21 Texas 17. I am worried about how solid your O-Line seems compared to how under potential our D-Line has been playing. We gotta get pressure on Colt Little Boy McCoy. Anyways, good luck!

His response:

yeah i agree that it will be a close game . but you have to understand that we have outstandin lines on both sides of the ball , and yall havent really had any challenge this year . yall have barley beat 2 or three unranked teams . the only challenge yall did have was 18th ranked oregan when yall were ranked 15 . and yes i know yall got screwed on that game .
as far as texas goes , atleast our only loss was to the no. 1 ranked team , and all the other games have been unranked teams like yall but the difference is we ran the score up on every one of them unranked teams . yall barely squeaked by them .
that is why i think yall might be a lil underprepared even with the week off.
i do have to say that i think it will be alot higher score than your prediction though .
anyway man im sure ill hear from ya when its all over or youll hear from me .

My response:

Ha, you Texas fans always know what to say to **** us off. First of all, yes we struggled against UAB in the opener, but then we beat Washington (whose only loss is OU), and we didn't "barely squeek by" them. The final score of the Washington game was us winning by 17pts. We all know we beat Oregon (who, other than Ohio State is better than any other team you've played). I'd say beating MTSU 59-0 was "running the score up", and hell we could've beat them by A LOT more than that but we played it smart and benched AD and most of the starters early so we've got them healthy for you guys. By the way, you guys don't even have a shutout against the lousy teams you've played and we do. As far as both of your lines being outstanding..I guess we'll see soon how good they are. Needless to say, can't wait for Saturday.

His response:

ok now no need to get all rowled up ! lol . i aint tryin to get ya goin . but i do have to say that it is funny that you brought up AD cause he IS OU ! u even said it yourself when you said yall could have ran the score up BUT yall pulled him out ! i just think thats funny that yall depend on 1 player to score . and as far as the lines go . check out the ratings . we are way up there on def. and off. lines ! so AD prob needs to just stay on the bench cause he will have a hard time gettin anywher against us !

My response:

Haha..first let me say this argument is all in fun. Now getting back to the rivalry argument..I hate to question your football smarts, but if you think AD is our team you haven't seen us play. Paul has been performing well at QB and his performance has opened up our running game, they compliment eachother very well. Paul has a 162.78 effic. rating completing 62% of his passes and averaging 233 pass yds/game I'd say that's pretty solid play. And I actually said we pulled AD and many other starters out early in the MTSU game. Furthermore we've got Reggie Smith who is liable to play a huge role in our special teams against you (if he's healthy, last I heard he had some kind of infection.) Furthermore if you remember correctly in our 2004 matchup, this AD guy you joke about ran for 225 yds against your 5th ranked horns, so the kid can play in Dallas when healthy. And healthy he is, so I'm thinking he'll have a great game against you, not cause he's a one man team, but because the rest of our team will allow him to play well.

10/5/2006, 10:32 AM
As usual this sounds like a conversation between a fan that can view this game and rivalry rationally and tells it how it is and a fan "greenlighted for magic 8 ball posts." From what I can tell you pretty much shut the terd down.

10/5/2006, 10:54 AM
As usual this sounds like a conversation between a fan that can view this game and rivalry rationally and tells it how it is and a fan "greenlighted for magic 8 ball posts." From what I can tell you pretty much shut the terd down.
Thanks...yeah I haven't heard from him since my last response, guess he realized I made valid points.

10/5/2006, 01:29 PM
is this your BFF online?

just kidding, homo.

no i'm not.

10/5/2006, 01:37 PM
Why does everyone say OU is useless without AD??? He changes the focus, obviously, but Paul has what, 600+ yards more offense than AD??? OU is a good offense with a sucky D (for now). Like Tech, if you will, but not lucky bastard cheaters. I think Bob himself has a trick or two up his sleeve to shock the orange side of the game... he usually does...

10/5/2006, 06:33 PM
is this your BFF online?

just kidding, homo.

no i'm not.
moron :rolleyes:

10/5/2006, 06:34 PM
Why does everyone say OU is useless without AD??? He changes the focus, obviously, but Paul has what, 600+ yards more offense than AD??? OU is a good offense with a sucky D (for now). Like Tech, if you will, but not lucky bastard cheaters. I think Bob himself has a trick or two up his sleeve to shock the orange side of the game... he usually does...
Well done

10/5/2006, 07:05 PM
Thats the common thinking down here in Houston is that AD is OUs only player which is ridiculous. Its not like they have much room to talk. I'd say UTERUS would have lost easily against tOSU (2005), Michigan, USC, and maybe a couple of other games making them, well, OVERATED AS USUAL!!! HA HA!!!



10/5/2006, 07:18 PM
The time is now 7:18 PM CDT and UT still sucks.

10/5/2006, 07:46 PM
correction 7:46 and UT still sucks.

10/5/2006, 07:55 PM
If they don't know about Malcom kelly they will soon...

10/5/2006, 08:00 PM
I think Kelley could play in the NFL now....

10/5/2006, 11:37 PM
Texass fans are the most ridiculous people. There are a few who attend the college i'm at, who, to put it lightly, make my stomach nautious. I think it's ridiculous to be a TExass fan while living in Oklahoma. Benedict Arnolds??

10/6/2006, 12:05 AM
he says we have a one man team? did he watch texass play last year?

10/6/2006, 01:29 AM
now 130am and yes texas still sux

10/6/2006, 02:02 AM
2:02am and Texas still sucks.

10/6/2006, 02:06 AM
2:05 AM and ...... let me check...

yup. they still suck.

10/6/2006, 06:07 AM
Logic vs "sumthin like this ! "

10/6/2006, 06:23 AM
In another 35 years, when texass is scheduled to win their next MNC, it will be October, 2041 and I assure you texass will still suck.

10/6/2006, 07:00 AM
" i just think thats funny that yall depend on 1 player to score"


10/6/2006, 07:16 AM
" i just think thats funny that yall depend on 1 player to score"

Yeah..I think this guy forgot about Fumbles McScrambles from last year.

oh..and it's 7:15 about to head to work and the UT still sucks

10/6/2006, 08:04 AM
i just think thats funny that yall depend on 1 player to score

I think it's funny that Texans type with a Texas accent.


10/6/2006, 08:20 AM
Thanks...yeah I haven't heard from him since my last response, guess he realized I made valid points.

He is probably on some puke-orange board posting a "Silly-silly-Sooner" thread.